I mainly troll the other board, but I agree with much of what you said. Where I diverge most strongly is about Trump being the worst thing to happen to the GOP and being either directly or indirectly related to the rise of the socialistic platform. That stuff has been bubbling beneath the surface for a while. You can only paper over real issues and force views onto the public for so long before you start to see entities like Trump or Sanders show up as mainstream icons in politics. The government is corrupt, top to bottom. It is now rapidly destroying the trust of the people, and they are having to go to greater lengths to fool us. This is becoming more visible by the day, and it won't be long until even the ones whose heads are buried the deepest will even start to wake up and see. The law of diminishing returns is clearly at work here, and it's all going to come to a head in the not-to-distant future. There is no putting the genie back into the bottle now. Just watch what happens from here....
The people of both sides want a king, and they will eventually get one.