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Political Thread

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“I have no way to refute the information so that site is unreliable and fake news.”

Thanks for the weak attempt at responding! Try actually looking up their demands, the views of their co-founders, etc. This is all information you can easily verify as I have and see the truth. Also look at what many of their own protestors have publicly said at rallies, in interviews, their demands, etc. There are tons of articles out there from sites you would consider “reliable” that document the same exact quotes and statements.

Hopefully, you know there's this thing called "spin" where an non-credible, very biased source of news information cherry-picks and interprets only certain pieces of initially legitimate information into something that's complete nonsense and littered w/ conspiracy theories, which said news source has a history of doing. Said "tons" of other articles don't spin their quotes and fabricate it into something it's not intended to be, like claiming BLMs is part of some hostile anticapitalist marxist takeover of American society to ensure more reasonable folk don't lend it much credence, all of which is pure nonsensical right wing conspiracy theory garbage that has little-no basis in reality.
Someone look up the political party affiliation of the media members in the US and come back and explain how it’s not bias left.
The media in general has sold it's integrity to the advertising dollars. The race to appease which ever base they pander to has compromised most journalist and "news" organizations. Actual, factual and unbiased news is a rare commodity in our world today as are politicians that are in it for anything other than their own gain.
The media in general has sold it's integrity to the advertising dollars. The race to appease which ever base they pander to has compromised most journalist and "news" organizations. Actual, factual and unbiased news is a rare commodity in our world today as are politicians that are in it for anything other than their own gain.
Yep. Got to produce what sells and that’s fear. Sad times.
I support it if it comes to it just like Trump. But only if it comes to that.. the point of my post was saying that it was not yet occurred. Just like Esper and everyone else, it should be a last resort. Just because Trump talks about it as an option doesn't mean that it's taken effect immediately.

So you're saying not to take the President seriously then? Lol
Hopefully, you know there's this thing called "spin" where an non-credible, very biased source of news information cherry-picks and interprets only certain pieces of initially legitimate information into something that's complete nonsense and littered w/ conspiracy theories, which said news source has a history of doing. Said "tons" of other articles don't spin their quotes and fabricate it into something it's not intended to be, like claiming BLMs is part of some hostile anticapitalist marxist takeover of American society to ensure more reasonable folk don't lend it much credence, all of which is pure nonsensical right wing conspiracy theory garbage that has little-no basis in reality.

Until you actually deal with the claims in the article and prove with other sources that they’re misleading or wrong, then all I’m reading from your comments is that “I have no argument so I’ll just call this fake news and conspiracy theory.”

You’ve failed to deal with any of the content from the articles or show how the demands of BLM, linked above, are not Marxist in ideology as well. Compare the publicly documented demands of BLM with Marxist ideology, look up the public views and statements of the 3 co-founders, etc. See what you find.
Someone look up the political party affiliation of the media members in the US and come back and explain how it’s not bias left.

Here I’ll do it for you. I know research is hard.

The mainstream media is biased left but that doesn't mean that DiscoverTheNetworks isn't biased far right:


And before you may suggest it, Mediabiasfactcheck itself is NOT biased left. How do I know this? 1. They have many more that they categorize left than right and 2. They have almost all of the the non-Fox news major mainstream media outlets as left biased. In other words, they themselves say that the MSM is liberally biased. That tells me that Mediabiasfactcheck is credible/objective.
Until you actually deal with the claims in the article and prove with other sources that they’re misleading or wrong, then all I’m reading from your comments is that “I have no argument so I’ll just call this fake news and conspiracy theory.”

You’ve failed to deal with any of the content from the articles or show how the demands of BLM, linked above, are not Marxist in ideology as well. Compare the publicly documented demands of BLM with Marxist ideology, look up the public views and statements of the 3 co-founders, etc. See what you find.

I guess none of these are Marxist in nature.

  1. Reparations for the systemic denial of access to high quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education including: free access and open admissions to public community colleges and universities, technical education (technology, trade and agricultural), educational support programs, retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.
  2. Reparations for the continued divestment from, discrimination toward and exploitation of our communities in the form of a guaranteed minimum livable income for all Black people, with clearly articulated corporate regulations.
  3. Reparations for the wealth extracted from our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racialized capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations focused on healing ongoing physical and mental trauma, and ensuring our access and control of food sources, housing and land
A progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal levels to ensure a radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.
[*]Federal and state job programs that specifically target the most economically marginalized Black people, and compensation for those involved in the care economy. Job programs must provide a living wage and encourage support for local workers centers, unions, and Black-owned businesses which are accountable to the community.
[*]A right to restored land, clean air, clean water and housing and an end to the exploitative privatization of natural resources — including land and water. We seek democratic control over how resources are preserved, used and distributed and do so while honoring and respecting the rights of our Indigenous family.
The mainstream media is biased left but that doesn't mean that DiscoverTheNetworks isn't biased far right:


And before you may suggest it, Mediabiasfactcheck itself is NOT biased left. How do I know this? 1. They have many more that they categorize left than right and 2. They have almost all of the the non-Fox news major mainstream media outlets as left biased. In other words, they themselves say that the MSM is liberally biased. That tells me that Mediabiasfactcheck is credible/objective.
That’s my point. The mainstream media is where the majority of folks get their news. Which is why so many people were shocked that Trump beat Hillary and beat her in an electoral college landslide because the media can’t look beyond their liberal bubble of DC, NYC, and LA.
Until you actually deal with the claims in the article and prove with other sources that they’re misleading or wrong, then all I’m reading from your comments is that “I have no argument so I’ll just call this fake news and conspiracy theory.”

You’ve failed to deal with any of the content from the articles or show how the demands of BLM, linked above, are not Marxist in ideology as well. Compare the publicly documented demands of BLM with Marxist ideology, look up the public views and statements of the 3 co-founders, etc. See what you find.

Up to this point, your arguments have solely consisted of regurgitating copy and pasting quotes from cherry-picked far-right wing media outlets who put their spin on every piece of information thrown at them and your incessant whining to me about calling out your sources of information as complete bullcrap when they're clearly not credible whatsoever to begin with. How is it possible to have a legitimate debate with someone who refuses to acknowledge any other viewpoint other than those that reinforce their own?

BLMs strives for racial equality in all forms of American & western society, many of their platforms are "marxist", but the current system is clearly extremely flawed, is heavily biased against African Americans, and the left is far more apt to help than the right, the recent events and protests have exacerbated this issue and the movement is gaining more traction in the US.
Up to this point, your arguments have solely consisted of regurgitating copy and pasting quotes from cherry-picked far-right wing media outlets who put their spin on every piece of information thrown at them and your incessant whining to me about calling out your sources of information as complete bullcrap when they're clearly not credible whatsoever to begin with. How is it possible to have a legitimate debate with someone who refuses to acknowledge any other viewpoint other than those that reinforce their own?

BLMs strives for racial equality in all forms of American & western society, many of their platforms are "marxist", but the current system is clearly extremely flawed, is heavily biased against African Americans, and the left is far more apt to help than the right.

Prove they’re not Marxist in ideology and that their public demands are not Marxist and that the 3 co-founders are not Marxist in their views and agendas either. Go.
That’s my point. The mainstream media is where the majority of folks get their news. Which is why so many people were shocked that Trump beat Hillary and beat her in an electoral college landslide because the media can’t look beyond their liberal bubble of DC, NYC, and LA.

But I think you're missing my main point. Just because most MSM outlets are left biased does NOT at all mean that there aren't also a good number of far right biased sources, which there are per the mediabias website. Just because they aren't mainstream doesn't mean they're not sources of right biased fake news, themselves.
Don’t have a dog in this fight but their demands look pretty Marxist to me.

They want an end to jails? WTF. Basically, it sounds like they want to be left to do whatever they want, to whoever they want, whenever they want, without consequences, because, you know, slavery happened in the U.S. Some of it sounds a bit Marxist but really, most of it just sounds childish. I do agree with them on demilitarization of the police, though.
Not holier than thou but I understand the meaning of setting an example.
When a person looks at another person and says "I am better than that" he is setting himself up for a fall. No one ever intends to fall into the snares of life. It can happen to you too my friend regardless of how strong you think you are..
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Big differences between media bias and fake news. Even if they report the truth with some bias doesnt means it's not the truth.
Big differences between media bias and fake news. Even if they report the truth with some bias doesnt means it's not the truth.
Yeah, usually the bias shows through in what stories are highlighted and which ones are mostly ignored, not that the stories themselves are outright fabrications.
So you're saying not to take the President seriously then? Lol
I'm saying a leader does whatever it takes to try to calm the population and to discourage any illegal actions going on. Leadership 101. People will ----- if he didn't talk about it and just did it ,and people ----- if he talks about and doesn't do it . It is a no-win situation.
Do you agree or disagree that the co-founders are using racial inequality and black lives as the vehicle to move forward with Marxist ideology undercover? Why or why not?

Well, no ? sherlock , because Capitalism basically does nothing to quickly absolve racial inequalities in this country that still fester to this very day. Resolving racism would on one front require a dissolution of capitalism because in the US, racism was born out of capitalistic society hundreds of years ago and they've been extremely intertwined and interdependent on one another ever since.

Do I agree w/ the entire platform? Absolutely not, but I definitely agree that African Americans are still severely oppressed and disenfranchised in this country and what we have been doing lately is not helping whatsoever.
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but he's not trying to calm, hes's threatening and inflaming. He is the walking representation of the opposite of leadership.
It's not a time to be calm dealing with these thugs (looters). Besides some people are calmed by the actions of a leader taking control or trying to take control of a deadly situation.
Prove they’re not Marxist in ideology and that their public demands are not Marxist and that the 3 co-founders are not Marxist in their views and agendas either. Go.
So you are in the school of throwing outlandish statements out there and then trying to ask others to prove it wrong? That's not how anything works.
I'm saying a leader does whatever it takes to try to calm the population and to discourage any illegal actions going on. Leadership 101.

Trump's "leadership" 101: No matter how stupid, make up anything and everything that comes to your head, even if it's complete bullcrap and will never happen, hope & pray your gullible base buys into it and provide them a false sense of security all while not being taken seriously whatsoever by the masses, and do everything in your power to not take responsibility for your actions and repercussions that emanate from them.

Discourage illegal action? By definition Trump's public proposal to mobilize the military for states that don't even request it is in fact illegal and unconstitutional. How ironic!
It's not a time to be calm dealing with these thugs (looters). Besides some people are calmed by the actions of a leader taking control or trying to take control of a deadly situation.
How does he take control?
"I'm don't take responsibility at all."
-President Donald Trump
Trump's "leadership" 101: No matter how stupid, make up anything and everything that comes to your head, even if it's complete bullcrap and will never happen, hope & pray your gullible base buys into it and provide them a false sense of security all while not being taken seriously whatsoever by the masses, and do everything in your power to not take responsibility for your actions and repercussions that emanate from them.

Discourage illegal action? By definition Trump's public proposal to mobilize the military for states that don't even request it is in fact illegal and unconstitutional. How ironic!
I'm just leaving the gym I don't have time to respond.. all I can say is I wish I was as educated as you guys
Trump's "leadership" 101: No matter how stupid, make up anything and everything that comes to your head, even if it's complete bullcrap and will never happen, hope & pray your gullible base buys into it and provide them a false sense of security all while not being taken seriously whatsoever by the masses, and do everything in your power to not take responsibility for your actions and repercussions that emanate from them.

Discourage illegal action? By definition Trump's public proposal to mobilize the military for states that don't even request it is in fact illegal and unconstitutional. How ironic!

Preach...I mean this is literally what happens....the irony is the right like to cal those on the left sheep etc etc etc but right now the biggest flock of sheep are Trumps followers....


Well, no ? sherlock , because Capitalism basically does nothing to quickly absolve racial inequalities in this country that still fester to this very day. Resolving racism would on one front require a dissolution of capitalism because in the US, racism was born out of capitalistic society hundreds of years ago and they've been extremely intertwined and interdependent on one another ever since.

Do I agree w/ the entire platform? Absolutely not, but I definitely agree that African Americans are still severely oppressed and disenfranchised in this country and what we have been doing lately is not helping whatsoever.

Ah I see... that response explains a lot...
So you are in the school of throwing outlandish statements out there and then trying to ask others to prove it wrong? That's not how anything works.

It’s not an outlandish statement. Articles have been written showing the history, goals, agendas, etc. on the movement. Just because some people believe the articles are biased doesn’t make the information in them false. Look up the views of the 3 co-founders, the demands of the movement, statements by numerous protestors and crowds, interviews, on their website of what they believe, etc and you’ll see.
Explains what? That capitalism breeds and reinforces racism? That's pretty obvious...

Your view on this seems to be anti-capitalistic (are you?) and your statements align exactly with the “ally” category detailed in the research report I linked. If you are anti-capitalism then we will just have to agree to disagree here because I have a much different view on capitalism.
So capitalism is a bad thing? Ok. Money is good but lots of money is great!

Capitalism depends exclusively on have nots at the bottom providing for the rich & middle class, regardless of color. Trying to ameliorate the distribution of have nots and squelch racism that was bred out of capitalism in the US and imported from European society however, disturbs the system of free market capitalism, upsets those that benefit from the system, those in power (which are mostly white men) and causes major sociopolitical and economic upheaval that lends itself to movements like BLM that favor of marxism. Eradicating capitalism in its current form is only part of the equation to solving racism in the immediate term but eliminating it isn't necessarily a more favorable long-term solution for western society as a whole either. Capitalism in its current form reinforces preexisting racism in this country, does little if anything to amend it, and is evident even on subsets of this very forum unfortunately. "White box Wednesday" should ring a bell :rolleyes:
Your view on this seems to be anti-capitalistic (are you?) and your statements align exactly with the “ally” category detailed in the research report I linked. If you are anti-capitalism then we will just have to agree to disagree here because I have a much different view on capitalism.

It's fine to have differing views on a subject, but next time when you debate someone, make sure to check your sources ;)
Capitalism depends exclusively on have nots at the bottom providing for the rich & middle class, regardless of color. Trying to ameliorate the distribution of have nots and squelch racism that was bred out of capitalism in the US and imported from European society however, disturbs the system of free market capitalism, upsets those that benefit from the system, those in power (which are mostly white men) and causes major sociopolitical and economic upheaval that lends itself to movements like BLM that favor of marxism. Eradicating capitalism in its current form is only part of the equation to solving racism in the immediate term but eliminating it isn't necessarily a more favorable long-term solution for western society as a whole either. Capitalism in its current form reinforces preexisting racism in this country, does little if anything to amend it, and is evident even on subsets of this very forum unfortunately. "White box Wednesday" should ring a bell :rolleyes:
Yea that was today, happy white box Wednesday. Capitalism is good for me so I guess we disagree on everything really but that’s ok.
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