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Political Thread

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I'm so tired of inconsistencies in politics based on whether someone is a D or is an R. Would someone, preferably a non-con since I know cons will agree with me here, please tell me how Schumer is justified in saying Biden's denial is sufficient whereas he insisted Kavanaugh withdraw due to Ford's accusations??


The double standard is crazy isn't it

Huh, 2/3 in the northeast around New York. I wonder if it has anything to do with all that asbestos released into the atmosphere when the twin towers fell? Could we chalk half of those deaths up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Funny but It's more because in NYC everyone lives on top of or next to each other

I saw pictures of crowded subways even well into the lockdown

NY alone has 21k deaths a 4th of the national total
I'm so tired of inconsistencies in politics based on whether someone is a D or is an R. Would someone, preferably a non-con since I know cons will agree with me here, please tell me how Schumer is justified in saying Biden's denial is sufficient whereas he insisted Kavanaugh withdraw due to Ford's accusations??


Now that being said, Reade has had some major inconsistencies in things she's said. So, I have a lot of doubt about her crediblity. But that's beside the point! Schumer looks ridiculous here.

I said a while ago when this story was breaking that both sides will have to eat heaping portions of hypocrisy. Theres just not enough true integrity left when it comes to politics. I try to be level and go by the standards that if I would be mad at one politician for an action i will be mad at any of them that take that action. Even then biases still creep in.

Both sides have put themselves on the record with trump and kavanaugh and both sides will immediately change positions now the accusation has switched teams.
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I'm shocked ! On GMA, Biden denied any involvement in Flynn probe. Then Stephanopoulos reminded him he was in a meeting discussing Flynn. Now he is shown to be one that asked to unmask Flynn. Seriously Joe, get your story straight.
Bring on the lefty thumbs down.
Yeah I saw that tonight and that was pretty bad
Yeah I saw that tonight and that was pretty bad
Told you boys this coupe was getting ready to expossed wide open. Id be saying the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. We can not have garbage like this and have a democracy. I fault the MSM for pedaling it instead of holding these clowns accountable. They knew the medua would go right along with it, enable them.
Democrats ruining the economy by fighting to keep lockdowns, Republicans say

By David M. Drucker
May 12, 2020 - 7:07 PM


Republicans say Democrats who are fighting to keep tight pandemic lockdowns are cratering the economy. The GOP strategy is to prevent President Trump from shouldering the blame if there is no turnaround before Election Day.
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Concern has soared within the previously confident Republican establishment about Trump’s prospects against Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. Fears are tracking unemployment, which has skyrocketed from 3.5% to 14.7% in just six weeks. It is likely to go higher this month. Democrats, trying to frame the debate in the run-up to voting, talk of a “Trump depression” and blame the free fall on the president’s mishandling of the pandemic.
Ironically, it is most commonly Democratic officials who oppose Trump's efforts to reopen the economy and revive the jobs market. The Left is prioritizing preventing the spread of the coronavirus instead. Democrats are thus caught in a 180-degree contradiction, holding Trump responsible for a recession but refusing to open the economy.

Republicans say this opens Democrats to the wrath of voters who are increasingly worried about their finances.
“It’s a disconnect,” said Brad Todd, a veteran Republican strategist. “Democrats are arguing that the economy is bad and that we should keep it shut down. That’s not going to be lost on voters.”
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Trump spy chief declassifying documents showing CIA Director John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia intelligence: Report

A fresh poll of Wisconsin voters from Marquette University Law School suggests political trends could favor Republicans as the election draws near. In this closely divided Midwest battleground, critical to Trump’s reelection, only 49% of Republicans say business and schools should stay closed, down from 83% in March. Among independents, there is 69% support in Wisconsin, down from 79% last month.
Trump on China: ’100 Trade Deals’ wouldn’t make up for coronavirus


  • Trump tweeted that any benefits from the U.S.-China trade deal pale in comparison to the damage caused by “the plague from China.”
  • The tweet comes as the Trump administration is ratcheting up the blame game with Beijing over the coronavirus.
  • Thus far, the increased tensions have not visibly impacted the nuts and bolts of the January phase one trade deal.
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Surprise blowout victories cheer Trump, no impact from virus, 2018 hangover

By Paul Bedard
May 13, 2020 - 12:09 PM


The sizable victory gaps in two key House special elections Tuesday buoyed the GOP and President Trump, who have been looking for signals of how the coronavirus will impact the elections.
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The 14-point win by Tom Tiffany in Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District and 12-point lead by Republican Mike Garcia in the Los Angeles area’s 25th Congressional District also suggest that the 2018 GOP hangover that made Rep. Nancy Pelosi speaker might be over.
“Big Congressional win in California for Mike Garcia, taking back a seat from the Democrats. This is the first time in many years that a California Dem seat has flipped back to a Republican. Also, Tom Tiffany beat his Democrat rival BIG in Wisconsin. Two great Congressional WINS!” tweeted Trump.
Well wonder if Pelosi and Schumer will say Joe said he had nothing to do with the unmasking of Flynn just like the Tara Reid accusations. Ole Joe has that character of being always truthful. ???
Impeachment Boomerang: Contacts exposed between US embassy, Hunter Biden-connected Ukraine firm
Ambassador’s impeachment testimony omitted mention of Burisma meetings, letters.

Former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch testifies during impeachment.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
By John Solomon
Last Updated:
May 13, 2020 - 7:49am
Told you boys this coupe was getting ready to expossed wide open. Id be saying the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. We can not have garbage like this and have a democracy. I fault the MSM for pedaling it instead of holding these clowns accountable. They knew the medua would go right along with it, enable them.
Coup? What the what man? Do you even read what you are writing?
Flynn is/was compromised. Obama tried to warn Trump, who of course ignored it because that was part of his plan to solicit foreign assistance. How much clearer can it be?
Lol. Well seems people don’t believe in your lies anymore.

Where have you gone so far now that Tennessee has opened back up. How many restaruants, bowling allys, movie theaters?
Where have you gone so far now that Tennessee has opened back up. How many restaruants, bowling allys, movie theaters?
I have been to 2 dine in restaurants. Have been at several soccer practices and training. Of course Lowe’s regularly. No movies yet. They are not open yet. Some restaurants are not open yet. Golf courses are opening now I believe.
@NCSNOW Do you think instead of copy pasting the article titles or entire articles you could just copy the links instead? Some of them are just gigantic text walls that nobody wants to see. Unless this is just you trying to cover up for the poor sources you're using.
Only approved sources @NCSNOW. @Shaggy posted a source earlier had no idea who it was.
??Actually hard to find any true news sources anymore. Media has turned into a dumpster fire.
Poor Joe isn't having a good week... Or month

A new Rasmussen survey reveals only 54 percent of likely Democratic voters “are satisfied with (Joe) Biden as the Democrats’ 2020 nominee,” while 28 percent think the party should find someone else.
This election is going to be very tough to call. Sure trumps base will be fired up but so will all the newly eligible democrats who came out strong in 2018. The middle independents will again play a crucial role here.

Arethey tired of trumps antics? Were they happy before the corona economic crash? Trumps not an unknown anymore and his record is basically the economy which has now tanked and his judicial appts.
Going to come down to who they put up when Biden gets knocked out of the way.
Going to come down to who they put up when Biden gets knocked out of the way.

I don't think they will do that, they will just put someone they really want as VP, they likely end up POTUS anyways if Biden wins.....hell so does Pence as Trump gonna stroke out one of these days from to many hambergers……..the dems can run a actual donkey right now and probably still beat Trump, Trump has to have at least 4 out of 6 of NC/OH/FL/WI/MI/PA with every other state staying the same to win and right now the rust belt states look bad for him.
I don't think they will do that, they will just put someone they really want as VP, they likely end up POTUS anyways if Biden wins.....hell so does Pence as Trump gonna stroke out one of these days from to many hambergers……..the dems can run a actual donkey right now and probably still beat Trump, Trump has to have at least 4 out of 6 of NC/OH/FL/WI/MI/PA with every other state staying the same to win and right now the rust belt states look bad for him.
I expect they will pick a solid VP for the Dem base, but it's going to be a tight race.
Well we all will have to wash our mouths out at every place we go next. Wait. Maybe they mean drink it instead of bleach! At least will taste better than bleach going down.
He will make at least 25% of 7 million which is still over a million and it’s not worth the risk. I will take the risk and pitch for that amount of money. My family would be set if something happened to me. What a spoiled douche. These athletes are spoiled idiots. If MLB ends up with teams bankruptcy. Then he may not get any money. What he deserves the POS.
Well we all will have to wash our mouths out at every place we go next. Wait. Maybe they mean drink it instead of bleach! At least will taste better than bleach going down.
Yeah, I bet whiskey would serve the same purpose, hhhhhmmmm...
He will make at least 25% of 7 million which is still over a million and it’s not worth the risk. I will take the risk and pitch for that amount of money. My family would be set if something happened to me. What a spoiled douche. These athletes are spoiled idiots. If MLB ends up with teams bankruptcy. Then he may not get any money. What he deserves the POS.
I kind of see both sides.. but he is going to be playing less games than normal therefore he should get paid less.
He will make at least 25% of 7 million which is still over a million and it’s not worth the risk. I will take the risk and pitch for that amount of money. My family would be set if something happened to me. What a spoiled douche. These athletes are spoiled idiots. If MLB ends up with teams bankruptcy. Then he may not get any money. What he deserves the POS.

I'm all about a Smart Reopening. In my opinion it's not fair to judge another persons decision based on his perceived repercussions. Calling him a POS? unnecessary IMHO.
I'm all about a Smart Reopening. In my opinion it's not fair to judge another persons decision based on his perceived repercussions. Calling him a POS? unnecessary IMHO.
Appreciate your opinion. I base it off he makes millions and will still make millions even playing less games. He should think of the 36 million wo jobs. Maybe he might donate some of his millions to those wo jobs. To me he is greedy and selfish. He’s also 27 which means chances of him dying are slim to none. To me he wants to make millions sitting on his arse.
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