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Political Thread

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Even if it’s not California wouldn’t it be something if Trump won a state. In which he wasn’t expected to or supposed to win

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He already did that in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The only other states conceivably within striking distance IMO are Maine (outright), New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia. Those were all relatively close losses for him in 2016. However, at this point I would expect him to lose all of those along with the PA/MI/WI (and quite possibly FL/IA, etc.) this time around. Of course, November is still a long ways away, so we'll see. How the pandemic unfolds, including both the lives lost and economic toll, will be key. As of now, it's not looking good. However, at this point in 2016 I also thought Trump was going to go down in a pretty substantial defeat, so it's just too early to say.
Doesnt do much good if the leagues stay closed. It's all back slapping koolaid dishing chest thumping nonsense.
You never know the players of a league may decide to get together and make like a celebrity type game to make some money. I’m betting that more states will open up their states to pro sports and other leagues. I think America is waking up and finally tired of the virus BS.
He already did that in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The only other states conceivably within striking distance IMO are Maine (outright), New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia. Those were all relatively close losses for him in 2016. However, at this point I would expect him to lose all of those along with the PA/MI/WI (and quite possibly FL/IA, etc.) this time around. Of course, November is still a long ways away, so we'll see. How the pandemic unfolds, including both the lives lost and economic toll, will be key. As of now, it's not looking good.

This election is going to be very tough to call. Sure trumps base will be fired up but so will all the newly eligible democrats who came out strong in 2018. The middle independents will again play a crucial role here.

Arethey tired of trumps antics? Were they happy before the corona economic crash? Trumps not an unknown anymore and his record is basically the economy which has now tanked and his judicial appts.
He already did that in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The only other states conceivably within striking distance IMO are Maine (outright), New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia. Those were all relatively close losses for him in 2016. However, at this point I would expect him to lose all of those along with the PA/MI/WI (and quite possibly FL/IA, etc.) this time around. Of course, November is still a long ways away, so we'll see. How the pandemic unfolds, including both the lives lost and economic toll, will be key. As of now, it's not looking good. However, at this point in 2016 I also thought Trump was going to go down in a pretty substantial defeat, so it's just too early to say.
I agree but it also depends on Which poll you’re looking at and which media you’re watching. I feel the opposite I feel that a red wave is starting to build. People are seeing what these liberal blue states are like.

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You never know the players of a league may decide to get together and make like a celebrity type game to make some money. I’m betting that more states will open up their states to pro sports and other leagues. I think America is waking up and finally tired of the virus BS.

I think you want America to be tired of the virus so you can feel better about your own feelings of not caring about dead Americans.
He already did that in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The only other states conceivably within striking distance IMO are Maine (outright), New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia. Those were all relatively close losses for him in 2016. However, at this point I would expect him to lose all of those along with the PA/MI/WI (and quite possibly FL/IA, etc.) this time around. Of course, November is still a long ways away, so we'll see. How the pandemic unfolds, including both the lives lost and economic toll, will be key. As of now, it's not looking good. However, at this point in 2016 I also thought Trump was going to go down in a pretty substantial defeat, so it's just too early to say.
I say Minnesota will flip before any others.
This election is going to be very tough to call. Sure trumps base will be fired up but so will all the newly eligible democrats who came out strong in 2018. The middle independents will again play a crucial role here.

Arethey tired of trumps antics? Were they happy before the corona economic crash? Trumps not an unknown anymore and his record is basically the economy which has now tanked and his judicial appts.
I think anyone with common sense realize economy tanked from the virus. The Democrats have been hiding Biden and they definitely the majority do not want him to be running for president. I still believe there’s a strong chance they will replace him on the ticket.
I think you want America to be tired of the virus so you can feel better about your own feelings of not caring about dead Americans.
Well alrighty. So I guess you don’t care for all the people losing everything. The 30 million without jobs. The 100k that lost their small businesses. The suicides, homelessness, hungry, those that died from the elective surgeries that were canceled. The hip or knee replacement surgeries that were canceled to help someone get back on their feet to help support their family. So those selfish 130 million you say over the 85k that have died. They should be happy and rejoice because their suffering saved lives. Oh that’s right it’s all Trumps fault. The not having 40k ventilators, the over run hospitals, the hospitals cutting staff and salaries, the increase in drugs and alcohols, the increase in suicides, the increase in depression. All Trumps fault. I am just a heartless person even though I think of the other side of this virus not focusing just on the deaths.
Question. Would you be willing to lose your job to not catch this virus?
This election is going to be very tough to call. Sure trumps base will be fired up but so will all the newly eligible democrats who came out strong in 2018. The middle independents will again play a crucial role here.

Arethey tired of trumps antics? Were they happy before the corona economic crash? Trumps not an unknown anymore and his record is basically the economy which has now tanked and his judicial appts.
Yep, we’ll see. As in leading up to the 2018 midterms, there could be some predictive value in looking at some of these special elections, which is why the CA 25th special election result is interesting.

The polling for Trump certainly doesn’t look good, nor do many other indicators (the economy was going to be his calling card, but that’s basically out the window now). There is value in the power of incumbency, though. I’m just thinking Trump has turned off too many moderates with his antics and while they may have been willing to hold their nose and vote for him when unemployment rates were at 50-year lows and their 401ks were skyrocketing, neither of those will work in his favor now.

The economic disaster that is happening isn’t really Trump’s fault, but Presidents always get the credit and/or the blame, rightly or wrongly (and, to be honest, Trump inherited a pretty good economic situation, anyways). It just is what it is.

There’s certainly time for things to change, though, and I don’t think Biden is a particularly strong candidate.
They did. They left a pandemic playbook.

So not only is McConnell implying Trump needed Obama to tell him what to do he is lying when he says Obama left them nothing.

To be sure you googled this to verify for yourself what the truth is correct?
Yes I had googled this. Most presidents get help from past presidents or look at what they did in the past administrations to fight whatever is going on in this scenario. So the idea that Trump is weak because he could’ve needed Obama’s help is false just like McConnell saying that nothing was left is false. I haven’t actually read the entire 69 pages and I assume you haven’t either so I can’t specifically say what wasn’t followed and was followed by this administration.
He already did that in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The only other states conceivably within striking distance IMO are Maine (outright), New Hampshire, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, and Virginia. Those were all relatively close losses for him in 2016. However, at this point I would expect him to lose all of those along with the PA/MI/WI (and quite possibly FL/IA, etc.) this time around. Of course, November is still a long ways away, so we'll see. How the pandemic unfolds, including both the lives lost and economic toll, will be key. As of now, it's not looking good. However, at this point in 2016 I also thought Trump was going to go down in a pretty substantial defeat, so it's just too early to say.

Well depends on if people want to vote for Trump=Tough on China will make China pay a heavy price or Biden= weak on China actually believe the Chinese are not bad folks and will continue to sell us out to china. And make China stronger then America as a world power! I don’t know about anyone else but I want CHINA to pay a heavy price and be held responsible!

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Yes. People will begin rioting because they cant go swimming.
These states keep doing lockdowns and canceling everything. Yes eventually people are going to get fed up. You really think riots will not eventually start happening? In LA 3 more months. Parents wo jobs. Not going anywhere. No schools or colleges. It does not take much common sense to see what happens. They had sports during the Spanish flu! Have you thought about with people not able to buy or people not having surgeries. Hospitals not having much patients that eventually those medical supplies are not going to be so needed. Meaning orders to your company you work for could eventually lose money and have to lay people off. No money into the economy means much more problems in the future. It will not be the 85k or 300k deaths that you will have to worry about. Wether you want to believe it or not. Money is the backbone of survival for a lot of Americans. That’s truth and reality.
Also what is next. People can’t swim in their pools or neighbors pools or neighborhoods pools? Hotels lose money if pools not open. Wake up.
I think many states are turning Red. Messing with jobs, living, recreational such as sports. Like in MI. That’s only fueling the fire. Unless people start dying in streets from the virus. Or we reach 2 million deaths. Then Blue wins.
The only reason I mentioned Minnesota is because Trump lost Minnesota Last time by 1.5 or 2% I can't remember. Yes all these restrictions will have an effect but is yet to be seen how big or what will be effected.
I think many states are turning Red. Messing with jobs, living, recreational such as sports. Like in MI. That’s only fueling the fire. Unless people start dying in streets from the virus. Or we reach 2 million deaths. Then Blue wins.

It’s mostly blue states that want to stay on lockdown. My hope is these people get sick of it and vote red in November

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Trumps approval on corona continues to slide downward among all voting groups even Republicans.



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These states keep doing lockdowns and canceling everything. Yes eventually people are going to get fed up. You really think riots will not eventually start happening? In LA 3 more months. Parents wo jobs. Not going anywhere. No schools or colleges. It does not take much common sense to see what happens. They had sports during the Spanish flu! Have you thought about with people not able to buy or people not having surgeries. Hospitals not having much patients that eventually those medical supplies are not going to be so needed. Meaning orders to your company you work for could eventually lose money and have to lay people off. No money into the economy means much more problems in the future. It will not be the 85k or 300k deaths that you will have to worry about. Wether you want to believe it or not. Money is the backbone of survival for a lot of Americans. That’s truth and reality.
Also what is next. People can’t swim in their pools or neighbors pools or neighborhoods pools? Hotels lose money if pools not open. Wake up.

Wait, people go to hotels just so they can swim in their pool? LOL
Wait, people go to hotels just so they can swim in their pool? LOL
Should have known have to spell it out for clueless blinded liberals. Well let’s see if you have kids like I do. When we go on vacations or to visit family or friends or to the mountains. My kids want to stay at a hotel they can swim at. Also lots of kids have birthday sleep overs at hotels so they can swim!
Might need to change your light bulb in your brain. It seems to be out.

Well glad I found the crisis news network! Lockdowns and fear of dying forever. Oh wait we are already dying.
He has been friends with and interviewed trump for decades. He has probably interviewed trump more than anyone else.
He probably got a call from Hillary or Biden knowing that Obamagate is just starting.
I'm so tired of inconsistencies in politics based on whether someone is a D or is an R. Would someone, preferably a non-con since I know cons will agree with me here, please tell me how Schumer is justified in saying Biden's denial is sufficient whereas he insisted Kavanaugh withdraw due to Ford's accusations??


Now that being said, Reade has had some major inconsistencies in things she's said. So, I have a lot of doubt about her crediblity. But that's beside the point! Schumer looks ridiculous here.
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