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Political Thread

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Yeah that probably had a role in things as well, pretty hard to quantify what effect that had. Who do you think Biden picks as VP if he's the nominee?

I think he wants Michelle Obama....that's his first choice, will really help get out the vote, and she checks all the boxes, women, minority, very high approval rating, sets her up for 8 yrs on her own etc.....However if Biden picks someone more moderate middle of the road he will do better with moderates and Republicans since there is a better than normal chance due to his age that the VP could become president, not sure who that would be though.
Michelle Obama would be a YUGE mistake. Trump wins going away with a Biden/MObama ticket.

I really hope Burny doesn't drop out before the convention. I know he will, but I hope he doesn't give in this time.
Corn Pop made his move last night...Let's just hope he gets on some different dementia medication...The "establishment" is not ready for the Democratic / Socialist Sanders yet
I think he wants Michelle Obama....that's his first choice, will really help get out the vote, and she checks all the boxes, women, minority, very high approval rating, sets her up for 8 yrs on her own etc.....However if Biden picks someone more moderate middle of the road he will do better with moderates and Republicans since there is a better than normal chance due to his age that the VP could become president, not sure who that would be though.

It’ll be interesting to see how it goes, with his apparent health/memory issues and age who he picks as VP could be pretty important. Hopefully he gets a more moderate VP in, in the event Trump doesn’t win again I’d rather have a moderate candidate like Biden and moderate VP even though I’d disagree with many of their positions.
Michelle Obama would be a YUGE mistake. Trump wins going away with a Biden/MObama ticket.

I really hope Burny doesn't drop out before the convention. I know he will, but I hope he doesn't give in this time.

Bernie wont make a fuss, if Biden is running away with it Bernie will get out of the way and endorse Biden then campaign for him. The GOP is underestimating the desire the Dems have to remove Trump....they will unify behind whoever wins and push hard to get out the vote.
This isn’t political, but anyway... I bit the bullet this morning and formed/printed out my LLC paperwork. Now to go file and pay NC $127 and the FED $69 for a tax ID #.

Now to see my dream of BEKKS Tactical Solutions become a reality.

EDIT: The EIN for the FED is free. Winning!!
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Alabama Senate seat becomes very interesting with runoff on the horizon.

Laying into Sessions, who had recused himself due to conflict of interest, is an example of why Trump is part of the swamp, himself.
But most Trump supporters don’t care as long as their 401K is doing well.
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This isn’t political, but anyway... I bit the bullet this morning and formed/printed out my LLC paperwork. Now to go file and pay NC $127 and the FED $69 for a tax ID #.

Now to see my dream of BEKKS Tactical Solutions become a reality.

EDIT: The EIN for the FED is free. Winning!!

Congrats and hoping you have great success! Good time to do it.....
Laying into Sessions, who had recused himself due to conflict of interest, is an example of why Trump is part of the swamp, himself.
But most Trump supporters don’t care as long as their 401K is doing well.
You concerned with swamp politics. Go check out Peter Schweizer book Profiles in Corruption. All backed up with mointains of hard evidence. Quick Pro Quo Joe, not only made his son a millionaire while vp,but 4 other family members as well on 4 seperate occasions. Course mainstream media isnt gonna report on this stuff.
You Biden supporters think his biggest obstacle is the daily memory ghaffes hes having, it pales in comparison to this stuff that the RNC is sitting on waiting to unleash once he officially gets the nomination.
Laying into Sessions, who had recused himself due to conflict of interest, is an example of why Trump is part of the swamp, himself.
But most Trump supporters don’t care as long as their 401K is doing well.

Nah that's a broadbrush statement and simply isn't true. We care about who is put on the Supreme Court, federal judiciary, freedom of religion, unborn babies rights, protecting our borders, a strong economy, etc.
You concerned with swamp politics. Go check out Peter Schweizer book Profiles in Corruption. All backed up with mointains of hard evidence. Quick Pro Quo Joe, not only made his son a millionaire while vp,but 4 other family members as well on 4 seperate occasions. Course mainstream media isnt gonna report on this stuff.
You Biden supporters think his biggest obstacle is the daily memory ghaffes hes having, it pales in comparison to this stuff that the RNC is sitting on waiting to unleash once he officially gets the nomination.
Absolutely. Republicans definitely want Biden to keep talking but what the RNC is about to unleash about Biden will overshadow any gaff on the trail.
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