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I’ll be praying for you and your family.Yeah my grandmother has it right now, and it's in the latter stages
I’ll be praying for you and your family.Yeah my grandmother has it right now, and it's in the latter stages
Thank ya. I appreciate it. My other grandmother had it, I know it's not a pleasant experience.I’ll be praying for you and your family.
As much as I know people need the money right now we can’t keep blowing through money that we don’t actually have. I’m one of the few lucky people to have parents considered essential so I don’t understand what people who have been laid off are going through but we can’t just keep increasing the debt like we’re not gonna have to deal with it in the future. I’d hate to be anybody in government right now in this situation no matter what u do you really don’t “win.”The White House says it’s onboard for another round of “Trump Checks.” Man, what luck to have this pandemic strike during an election year. Free money for everyone!
Thank ya. I appreciate it. My other grandmother had it, I know it's not a pleasant experience.
Where is all the bio hazard bags & bins. Why are all the bodies not being burned.
Yes most def. It definitely affects different people differently with different severity levels.My mom has dementia setting in and its weird how it affects people so differently. Her dad had it and he was just forgetful and talked nonstop and would sort of be a broken record same stories over and over.
My mom does that too but she also has a lot more delusions. She can daydream something into existence and then theres no convincing her otherwise.
I am not wanting it to be anything other than what it is. There is not definite proof these are linked yet. Yes good possibility but then again cancer linked to preservatives is a good possibility. If we are not careful and not be so gullible. Before you know it every single death will be linked to this virus. Look at how many different things have been said about this virus. Mask to no mask to mask. Passing gas can spread it. Eyes can catch the virus in air. It’s in stools. It’s in semen. Sexually transmitted. On certain surfaces. In air for certain length of times. Can test positive then test negative. Fruits and goats tested positive for virus. Heat and sun help destroy it. Now heat and sun don’t. No swimming because it’s in water and chlorine does not kill it. It’s on beaches and sand. On and on and on the merry go round we go. Yet still not sure where it came from or want animal or lab. See all these are actual articles been written about it. What I see is a virus that will not stop or be contained. It will run its course.You so badly want this to be anything other than what it really is. Why not just accept the data and the facts and work on a solid plan to work through it? Why this need to downplay and provide misleading information to try and change reality?
Doctors in Italy have found a link between the coronavirus and the rare inflammatory disease seen in more than 100 children
Eight out of 10 children with a rare 'Kawasaki-like' disease had also been exposed to the coronavirus, according to a Lancet study in
Excuse me? Please explain how I am?Man you're --------
Well, it's false. We have to call these out, can't just let these conspiracy theories and outright lies and projections stand.No bias in your article from the WaPo.
"In recent days, Trump has sought to amplify an “Obamagate” conspiracy theory that has taken root on the right that falsely suggests Obama and former vice president Joe Biden oversaw an effort to spy on Trump’s campaign to delegitimize his presidency."
Never the less, they'll be doing it in phases. They wouldn't start at the top and work the way down.
Statement From Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate Committee on the
Pathetic from the judicial to the state to the federal they’re all a joke running this country.
if were talking about talking then trump has no business being President of the United States of America.This is just not even funny. The man has no business running for President.![]()
Biden struggles badly during "virtual roundtable" as gaffes continue to pile up
Presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden held a "virtual roundtable" Thursday afternoon where he again struggled badly to communicate as his verbal gaffes continue to pile
This is the one where he said we've "lost over 85,000 jobs and millions of lives ". Kinda sadThis is just not even funny. The man has no business running for President.![]()
Biden struggles badly during "virtual roundtable" as gaffes continue to pile up
Presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden held a "virtual roundtable" Thursday afternoon where he again struggled badly to communicate as his verbal gaffes continue to pile
The man has dementia. If you’re good with him not being able to communicate then keep him.if were talking about talking then trump has no business being President of the United States of America.
It’s very sad. He will not be able to make it thru any debate or speech. Makes it easier for Trump.This is the one where he said we've "lost over 85,000 jobs and millions of lives ". Kinda sad
I'm a trumper but I agree with that. The gaffes are equally shared.if were talking about talking then trump has no business being President of the United States of America.
Perfect example. Liberals can’t see because they are blinded by hate.
The man has dementia. If you’re good with him not being able to communicate then keep him.
Okay, so this is where politics plays sorta a mind game on people. I'm also aware of this and choose a different course of action. That is, where i don't affiliate with either party. So, i therefore objectively analyze all sources politically leaning both ways; & sources in the middle obviously. I make my opinions based off everything while remaining the least biased i can possibly be. So, no i don't side with Joe Biden or Trump that you assume so. This must be some sort of game to you; like republicans must win. You're not alone. That's the problem with politics right there, hahaThe man has dementia. If you’re good with him not being able to communicate then keep him.
2020 in America. I just have no words anymore
Again less than 1% of Americans have had Coronavirus
Government has intervened in store hours for ever. These stay at home orders arent much different than curfews during natural disasters. Nobodies right to religion has been touched for one second.
Are you saying the govt has zero right to dictate to a business when it can open or close? What about bars having closing hours? What about decades of blue laws driven by religious agendas?
As with all things in life, balance is usually key. Listening to Laura Ingram is not going to keep anyone in the right balance. But at the same time, endless lockdowns and restrictions are not in balance either.
We have flattened the curve and that is a good thing. But we must learn now how to live side-by-side with this virus, just as many generations have done before. Many of the restrictions are unbalanced and unreasonable in themselves.
Beaches closed? Surfers ticketed for surfing in the ocean alone? Hundreds of people allowed to gather in Hobby Lobby but not in church? What started out as a balanced approach at flattening the curve has devolved into a chaotic attempt to further mitigate a virus that’s not going away anytime soon.
We were told that the initial lockdown was to prevent our healthcare system from being overrun. We achieved that and now our healthcare system is nowhere close to being overwhelmed.
Perfect example. Liberals can’t see because they are blinded by hate.
This comment is extraordinarily DISGUSTING !! I wouldn't expect anything less from a "Tolerant" Leftist. Plain UGLY !!
It's to preserve the mom and pop businesses, the people that risk their lively hoods to make themselves better, the businesses that you shop at.The current GOP is willing to sacrifice workers on the altar of capitalism to preserve the billionaire ruling class. I think that is morally reprehensible as well.
You obviously don't own a small business which is where the vast majority of people work. Quit trying to out socialist Bernie and understand socialistic policies will make us like other countries, unless this is what you want and think is best for the USA. Just for the record, most rich billionaires are DemocratsThe current GOP is willing to sacrifice workers on the altar of capitalism to preserve the billionaire ruling class. I think that is morally reprehensible as well.
There is a strong argument that the government does not have the right to control a person’s private property without due process. I would say none of the laws restricting operating hours are constitutional. I don’t agree with you on the infringement of religious freedom. Banning the gathering of Christians is a clear violation of their constitutional right to practice their religion. The state should not be allowed to forbid it. They are welcome to make recommendations and then let the parishioners decide what’s best for themselves.Government has intervened in store hours for ever. These stay at home orders arent much different than curfews during natural disasters. Nobodies right to religion has been touched for one second.
Are you saying the govt has zero right to dictate to a business when it can open or close? What about bars having closing hours? What about decades of blue laws driven by religious agendas?
Of course you do, you’re a Marxist. Marxism is a form of cruel collectivism. I bet you would love to be one of those billionaires, wouldn’t you? Socialism thrives among the envious and jealousy fuels the collective cause. Make everyone share everything equally! Yeah, that never, ever works.The current GOP is willing to sacrifice workers on the altar of capitalism to preserve the billionaire ruling class. I think that is morally reprehensible as well.
So you are upset about state orders to keep Christians from gathering during the pandemic, but do you have a problem with Christianity-based laws regarding alcohol and entertainment being forced on non-christians?There is a strong argument that the government does not have the right to control a person’s private property without due process. I would say none of the laws restricting operating hours are constitutional. I don’t agree with you on the infringement of religious freedom. Banning the gathering of Christians is a clear violation of their constitutional right to practice their religion. The state should not be allowed to forbid it. They are welcome to make recommendations and then let the parishioners decide what’s best for themselves.
Sharing is caring man! And you weren't speaking to me, but I don't want to be a billionaire. I would have to screw over too many other people to get there.Of course you do, you’re a Marxist. Marxism is a form of cruel collectivism. I bet you would love to be one of those billionaires, wouldn’t you? Socialism thrives among the envious and jealousy fuels the collective cause. Make everyone share everything equally! Yeah, that never, ever works.
It does no good to try and have conversations with some in here. As many others have already found out and don’t even post in here anymore. All they can do is call the conservatives names. Yesterday I’m called a ------. All they can do is give thumbs down and say the articles I vomit are trying to validate my point of view. Yet they have no articles to show the opposite. They are ok with watching America go into a black hole. Thinking utopia and nothing can go wrong. All in the name of saving one life they will sacrifice millions of jobs and lives and future of America. Not even thinking of the suffering and pain and hungry this is causing and will cause for years to come. Not thinking that allowing people to die alone itself is causing mental anguish and depression on people not being able to see their loved ones if sick from any illness. They surrender all their rights all in the name of saving one life. The division in America is beyond anything I thought I would see in my lifetime. Yes Trump has caused some of it but so has the liberals. The day will come when America will reset along with rest of world. Will it be in my lifetime or kids. I sure hope not but the storm clouds are on the horizon. Yes of course I am a doom and gloom some say. Which is the total opposite. I live each day to its fullest not fearing death but am a realist. Let’s hope the liberals are right and utopia is not a fairytale.Of course you do, you’re a Marxist. Marxism is a form of cruel collectivism. I bet you would love to be one of those billionaires, wouldn’t you? Socialism thrives among the envious and jealousy fuels the collective cause. Make everyone share everything equally! Yeah, that never, ever works.
Please quote said “Christian laws.”So you are upset about state orders to keep Christians from gathering during the pandemic, but do you have a problem with Christianity-based laws regarding alcohol and entertainment being forced on non-christians?