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Political Thread

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They won’t let Bernie win. Everybody knows this. Hell Bernie probably knows it.

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It is more than that imo. Most folks, especially older than Millenials, are not socialist and will take anyone other than a socialist or however you want to classify him.
No matter what flavor people label these candidates (even Trump), be it liberal, socialist, centrist, far right....This comes down to whether or not you friggin hate rich people or not. At least in my eyes it does. Everyone that goes in that booth had better think long and hard about how you feel this country is going to look if people with money are attacked. I can assure you if Bernie Sanders by some miracle wins they aren't going to pay for his policies even if whomever controls congress is stupid enough to allow it through. The stock market may be overinflated but the money coming back into the country is real and it can head back out just as easy (and it will) if that bum is elected

I wouldn't say it's hate for rich people, rather disdain for a system that operates like it's socialist for the rich. Many Sanders supporters aren't voting for him so they can make this country completely socialist. They understand that like every other major country in the world with sensible healthcare, it's ok to put some socialist policies (like social security for example) in addition to the standard capitalistic economy. That's truly what democratic socialism is.
The Dow ended up nearly 800 down, a bad day especially with the announced 50 bp rate cut. However, it is still 1,200 points above the Friday intraday low. Also, maybe much of this fall today was fueled by folks taking profits from the 2,000 point bounce.
I wouldn't say it's hate for rich people, rather disdain for a system that operates like it's socialist for the rich. Many Sanders supporters aren't voting for him so they can make this country completely socialist. They understand that like every other major country in the world with sensible healthcare, it's ok to put some socialist policies (like social security for example) in addition to the standard capitalistic economy. That's truly what democratic socialism is.

Understood but having traveled pretty much the entire world during my military service i have found that many people in these small socoalist countries have many issues with it that dont get talked about. We arent a nation of 5 million people with strict immigration policies. We have 300 + million with a very lax immigration problem. Middle class taxes WILL skyrocket and thats going to be unacceptable to the majority of people in America. Its just that simple. I wish healthcare was not the issue it is, among other things but what he is proposing kust isnt going to fly
One other very important thing to point out. When government enters and takes control of any aspect of your life, it doesnt leave! People talk all the time about oppression? Well there you go. They will enslave you from birth til death. Thats the land of the free? Not if i have anything to do about it
The Dow ended up nearly 800 down, a bad day especially with the announced 50 bp rate cut. However, it is still 1,200 points above the Friday intraday low. Also, maybe much of this fall today was fueled by folks taking profits from the 2,000 point bounce.

bingo, day traders manipulating the market. The big boys find ways to make money in any market condition. I expect more losses over the next month or two.
The Dow ended up nearly 800 down, a bad day especially with the announced 50 bp rate cut. However, it is still 1,200 points above the Friday intraday low. Also, maybe much of this fall today was fueled by folks taking profits from the 2,000 point bounce.

Yeah a partial dead cat bounce I guess, the real test will be tomorrow have we bottomed out or not.....
The problem with the government giving things away is that there are always strings attached and it inevitably leads to a loss of some freedoms. Also remember they don't have any money except for what they confiscate from us. In general I have found that people on the left (although there are exceptions as there is for any label) are very very generous..... with other peoples money, not their own.
Big win for Biden in NC Sanders way outspent him there

He may be coming back for real

This one was easy. Bernie will come in later where you have overwhelming numbers of people who live in cardboard boxes. Its interesting to see the date on how many people made up their minds since the weekend
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