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Trump is raising the deficit faster than ANY other president....I agree though its not going to be any different under a Dem the point is though that is is suppose to be different under a Rep president and that has not been the case in a long while....
They don't really even try all that hard to pretend to be different anymore. We've all gotten so used to the word Trillions that we've lost all sense of the importance of fiscal responsibility. It's like that concept is magically worthless now. Let's just spend as much as we can as long as we can as fast as we can, since there appear to be no consequences for it.
Then surely you were against Trumps tax breaks? I mean they added tons to the debt because he cut taxes while extended the debt ceiling so we were already expanding debt at a faster rate than under Obama.
Trump and Obama we’re gonna have about the same amount of debt coming out of a term if Covid wouldn’t have happened. Trump would’ve had about 4 trillion and Obama had about 4 trillion so even with the tax cuts it didn’t change how much debt we were adding each year.
Hordes of child slaves- check
Starving fathers murdering their neighbors over food- check
WWIII- check
Realeased prisoners rioting-check

Yet we are the ones living in fear. Sigh
All these are possible. Actually in some countries some of these are already. Children being kidnapped and sold into slavery was already on the uptick across the world before this virus. Do you really think it has not increased in places like South America and Mexico to European nations? In Italy and Mexico and South America the mafia and cartels are running the show. You act like America is invincible. Shaggy we are just now starting this economic impact. Did you see this much unemployment when this started? The way world economies are hemorrhaging money and govts spending money. It won’t take much to descend into chaos.
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Trump is raising the deficit faster than ANY other president....I agree though its not going to be any different under a Dem the point is though that is is suppose to be different under a Rep president and that has not been the case in a long while....
It’s both parties but it’s 3 dems wanting time give everyone $2k a month this time.
All these are possible. Actually in some countries some of these are already. Children being kidnapped and sold into slavery was already on the uptick across the world before this virus. Do you really think it has not increased in places like South America and Mexico to European nations? In Italy and Mexico and South America the mafia and cartels are running the show. You act like America is invincible. Shaggy we are just now starting this economic impact. Did you see this much unemployment when this started? The way world economies are hemorrhaging money and govts spending money. It won’t take much to descend into chaos.

I thought it could have been worse actually. @Rain Cold and i were on ampol in January warning people not to listen to what was being said but what those nations ahead of us were doing. Full lockdowns began across Asia with full economies shutting down. People literally welded into their homes. Dirt piled up across interstates to keep people from leaving their towns.

If that had happened here then these half ass shutdowns would look great when judging unemployment.
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Anyone that thinks world war drums are not starting to beat and getting louder are not paying attention. China threatening Australia and not allowing investigators is only fueling the tensions. Plus you have Russia helping Venezuela. Oil wars. Economies under great stress. More outbreaks in Europe and SK. Longer this virus goes on the more anger and hostility towards China it will become.
So I have been diagnosed as mentally sick. Obsessed with death. Trumpster. Dumb. Now I have TDS. Thank you for showing me I’m not a sheeple of the liberals!

Nobody said you're dumb. Nobody has said you're mentally sick. Obsessed with death is inaccurate I would say cavalier or nonchalant about other peoples risk of death......trumpeter and TDS are good!!!! :cool:
Anyone that thinks world war drums are not starting to beat and getting louder are not paying attention. China threatening Australia and not allowing investigators is only fueling the tensions. Plus you have Russia helping Venezuela. Oil wars. Economies under great stress. More outbreaks in Europe and SK. Longer this virus goes on the more anger and hostility towards China it will become.
Kinda feels that way doesn't it
This is the kind of stuff the PROVES beyond a doubt that everyone knew what was coming and the Trump admin just blew it, anyone still think they did a good job preparing and handling this......oh thats right the entire month of Feb Trump told us over and over it no big deal everything is fine its going away, in the mean time people were sending emails in LATE JAN that we were in deep ----......heck this guy told the government he could make millions of N95 mask for them and they told him no thanks.....my wife's doctor office still to this day cant get them in any decent numbers bad reuses mask....

“We still have four like-new N95 manufacturing lines,” Bowen wrote that day in an email to top administrators in the Department of Health and Human Services. “Reactivating these machines would be very difficult and very expensive but could be achieved in a dire situation.”

But communications over several days with senior agency officials — including Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and emergency response — left Bowen with the clear impression that there was little immediate interest in his offer.

“I don’t believe we as an government are anywhere near answering those questions for you yet,” Laura Wolf, director of the agency’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection, responded that same day.

Bowen persisted.

“We are the last major domestic mask company,” he wrote on Jan. 23. “My phones are ringing now, so I don’t ‘need’ government business. I’m just letting you know that I can help you preserve our infrastructure if things ever get really bad. I’m a patriot first, businessman second.”

In the end, the government did not take Bowen up on his offer. Even today, production lines that could be making more than 7 million masks a month sit dormant.

Emails show Bright pressed Kadlec and other agency leaders on the issue of mask shortages — and Bowen’s proposal specifically — to no avail. On Jan. 26, Bright wrote to a deputy that Bowen’s warnings “seem to be falling on deaf ears.”

That day, Bowen sent Bright a more direct warning.

“U.S. mask supply is at imminent risk,” he wrote. “Rick, I think we’re in deep s---,” he wrote a day later.
This is the kind of stuff the PROVES beyond a doubt that everyone knew what was coming and the Trump admin just blew it, anyone still think they did a good job preparing and handling this......oh thats right the entire month of Feb Trump told us over and over it no big deal everything is fine its going away, in the mean time people were sending emails in LATE JAN that we were in deep poop......heck this guy told the government he could make millions of N95 mask for them and they told him no thanks.....my wife's doctor office still to this day cant get them in any decent numbers bad reuses mask....

“We still have four like-new N95 manufacturing lines,” Bowen wrote that day in an email to top administrators in the Department of Health and Human Services. “Reactivating these machines would be very difficult and very expensive but could be achieved in a dire situation.”

But communications over several days with senior agency officials — including Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and emergency response — left Bowen with the clear impression that there was little immediate interest in his offer.

“I don’t believe we as an government are anywhere near answering those questions for you yet,” Laura Wolf, director of the agency’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection, responded that same day.

Bowen persisted.

“We are the last major domestic mask company,” he wrote on Jan. 23. “My phones are ringing now, so I don’t ‘need’ government business. I’m just letting you know that I can help you preserve our infrastructure if things ever get really bad. I’m a patriot first, businessman second.”

In the end, the government did not take Bowen up on his offer. Even today, production lines that could be making more than 7 million masks a month sit dormant.

Emails show Bright pressed Kadlec and other agency leaders on the issue of mask shortages — and Bowen’s proposal specifically — to no avail. On Jan. 26, Bright wrote to a deputy that Bowen’s warnings “seem to be falling on deaf ears.”

That day, Bowen sent Bright a more direct warning.

“U.S. mask supply is at imminent risk,” he wrote. “Rick, I think we’re in deep s---,” he wrote a day later.
Well it really is not that bad. Yes 76k have lost there lives but not nearly what was predicted. Now was it the shut down that helped. I say it did some but also I say it was an overreaction. Looking at the amount of people that have been exposed and the death rate seems it’s not anything like predicted. Is it the warmer wx? Is it herd immunity? Who knows. I know several that had it and others that know others that had it. ALL recovered fine. We should have shut down the hotspots instead of the whole country. Now we are facing a bigger issue with the economy. So yes Trump made some mistakes. He should have shut down just the hotspots.
Well it really is not that bad. Yes 76k have lost there lives but not nearly what was predicted. Now was it the shut down that helped. I say it did some but also I say it was an overreaction. Looking at the amount of people that have been exposed and the death rate seems it’s not anything like predicted. Is it the warmer wx? Is it herd immunity? Who knows. I know several that had it and others that know others that had it. ALL recovered fine. We should have shut down the hotspots instead of the whole country. Now we are facing a bigger issue with the economy. So yes Trump made some mistakes. He should have shut down just the hotspots.

Lord Jesus......are you trolling now or what?
.President Trump torched Democrat Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and other top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that Democrats and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that Democrats had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff [lie to the American people on TV]. Nine inches around the neck.”

Report AdvertisementTrump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He knows it was [a hoax]. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”(Source: Fox 10 Phoenix)The president said the Democrats arrogantly tried to stage their failed coup because “they’ve gotten away with it for so long prior to us, during Obama’s eight years.”However, in typical Trumpian fashion, the President said he’s going to keep charging forward. “A lot of bad things went on, but all we can do is keep winning,” he said.

At one point during the round table discussion, President Trump slammed the “fake news” for their collective gaslighting of the American people with their nonstop lies.Trump then praised Congressman Devin Nunes, who called out the Left’s malicious lies from the beginning. Despite being relentlessly attacked by Democrats and their media minions, Nunes continued to speak out.

Trump said to Congressman Nunes: “You deserve a medal. You deserve the equivalent of Pulitzer Prizes. They ought to take the Pulitzer Prizes from all these phony fake news ‘journalists’ that got a Pulitzer Prize [for their fake news reporting].
They were wrong and now they’ve been proven wrong.”
At that point, Congressman Dan Crenshaw cracked up laughing (see video starting at 35 seconds in) at the president’s brutal smackdown of the fake-news media.
In 2018, the New York Times and the Washington Post were awarded joint Pulitzer Prizes for their coverage of the Russia collusion hoax. President Trump said now that the Russia collusion narrative has totally imploded, the fake news media should return
No I’m not trolling. What makes you say that because my opinions don’t go along with yours?
The shutdown did at least 90% of the mitigation of the death toll. Herd immunity is clearly not responsible for that much, the weather isn't either as it's spread in nations that have much warmer temps than the US has been in lately. Also for the record, the whole nation didn't ever shut down. Parts were shut down accordingly and governors made their decisions accordingly, some poorer ones than others.
Oh, This Keeps Getting Better: Former Obama Official Admits She Lied About Having Evidence of Russian Collusion
Matt Vespa | May 08, 2020 2:35 PM

Oh, This Keeps Getting Better: Former Obama Official Admits She Lied About Having Evidence of Russian Collusion

Source: U.S. Department of Defense

You all know this. It doesn’t even have to apply to a political situation. When someone tells a lie, and that lie is exposed, it all falls apart. Whether it be the Ponzi scheme Bernie Madoff or the Trump-Russia collusion myth, things are quickly and rapidly falling apart for this manufactured lie that engulfed the country since the 2016 election. Everyone who isn’t Trump deranged knew this was a pile of crap. How many “bombshells” have there been? How many have turned out to be nothing burgers, not even lasting 36 hours in the news cycle because there was never solid evidence to prove such a conspiracy? This is what happens when the entire myth was based on a political opposition research document—the Trump dossier—which was compiled by an ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele, whose anti-Trump efforts were funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was probably never vetted by the FBI, given the glaring errors in it, and it was used as credible evidence to secure a spy warrant against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. It was biased political propaganda. This collusion delusion was already debunked in the original Mueller report, which said there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and shredded what was left of the unverified Trump dossier. The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on the FISA abuses during the Obama administration also took a tomahawk to the dossier. The core of this collusion myth was already dead, but with the exoneration of Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, more pieces are falling off this dead collusion carcass.

Flynn has been vindicated; the victim of an FBI run amok. The motion to dismiss is fraught with details about how disgraced former FBI officials, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, were out to get Flynn by any means necessary—department policy be damned. They were going to scalp him no matter what, despite that the FBI found no evidence of collusion or anything that would warrant Flynn being roped into a counterintelligence probe. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn also said they didn’t think he lied to them, but the perjury entrapment plot was still executed against him.

Now, we have a former Obama official who admits, under oath, that she lied about having evidence of Trump-Russia collusion on an appearance for MSNBC. This was part of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) releasing the transcripts from their investigation into this circus act. Sean Davis at The Federalist has more:
Former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows. Farkas testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on June 26, 2017, as part of the committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Lawmakers keyed in on an appearance Farkas made on MSNBC on March 2, 2017, in which she urged intelligence community bureaucrats to disseminate within the government and potentially even leak to media any incriminating information they had about Trump or his aides.

“I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama administration] people who left…[that] it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy,” Farkas said.


“Why don’t we go back to that sentence that I just asked you about. It says ‘the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their staff dealing with Russians,” [Rep. Trey] Gowdy said. “Well, how would you know what the U.S. government knew at that point? You didn’t work for it, did you?”

“I didn’t,” said Farkas, a former mid-level Russia analyst who left the federal government in 2015.

“Then how did you know?” Gowdy responded.

“I didn’t know anything,” Farkas said.
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation
Susan Rice's bizarre Inauguration Day email about that meeting helps explain the campaign of leaks, lies, and obstruction that followed.
By Mollie Hemingway

Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.
“President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote in an unusual email to herself about the meeting that was also attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, and Vice President Joe Biden.

A clearer picture is emerging of the drastic steps that were taken to accomplish Obama’s goal in the following weeks and months. Shortly thereafter, high-level operatives began intensely leaking selective information supporting a supposed Russia-Trump conspiracy theory, the incoming National Security Advisor was ambushed, and the incoming Attorney General was forced to recuse himself from oversight of investigations of President Trump. At each major point in the operation, explosive media leaks were a key strategy in the operation to take down Trump.
Not only was information on Russia not fully shared with the incoming Trump team, as Obama directs, the leaks and ambushes made the transition chaotic, scared quality individuals away from working in the administration, made effective governance almost impossible, and materially damaged national security. When Comey was finally fired on May 9, in part for his duplicitousness regarding his handling of the Russia collusion theory, he orchestrated the launch of a Special Counsel probe that continued his efforts for another two years. That probe ended with Mueller finding no evidence of any American colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, much less Trump or anyone connected to him.
An analysis of the timeline from early 2017 shows a clear pattern of behavior from the federal officials running the collusion operation against the Trump campaign. It also shows how essential media leaks were to their strategy to sideline key law enforcement and intelligence officials and cripple the ability of the incoming Trump administration to run the country.
Here’s a timeline of the key moments and news articles of the efforts, per Obama’s direction, to prevent the Trump administration from learning about the FBI’s operation against it.

January 4: Following the closure of a pretextually dubious and politically motivated FBI investigation of Flynn at the beginning of January, the leadership of the FBI scrambled to reopen a case against Flynn, the man who in his role as National Security Advisor would have to review their Russia collusion investigation. FBI officials openly discussed their concern about briefing the veteran intelligence official on what they had done to the Trump campaign and transition team and what they were planning to do to the incoming Trump administration. Flynn had to be dealt with. The FBI’s top counterintelligence official would later memorialize discussions about the FBI’s attempts to “get [Flynn] fired.” No reopening was needed, they determined, when they discovered they had failed to close the previous investigation. They found this mistake “amazing” and “serendipitously good” and said “our utter incompetence actually helps us.” Even more noteworthy were texts from FBI’s #2 counterintelligence official Peter Strzok to FBI lawyer Lisa Page noting that the “7th floor,” a reference to Comey and his deputy director Andrew McCabe, was running the show.
January 5: Yates, Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed Obama on Russia-related matters in the Oval Office. Biden and Rice also attended. After the Obama briefing, the intelligence chiefs who would be leaving at the end of the term were dismissed and Yates and Comey, who would continue in the Trump administration, were asked to stay. Not only did Obama give his guidance about how to perpetuate the Russia collusion theory investigations, he also talked about Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to both Comey and Yates. Interestingly, Clapper, Comey, and Yates all said that they did not brief Obama about these phone calls. Clapper testified he did not brief Obama on the calls, Yates learned about the calls from Obama himself during that meeting, and Comey also testified he didn’t brief Obama about the calls, even though the intelligence was an FBI product. Rice, who publicly lied but later admitted under oath to her widespread use of unmasked intelligence at the end of the Obama administration, likely briefed Obama on the calls and would have had access to the intelligence. Comey mentions the Logan Act at this meeting.
It was this meeting that Rice memorialized in a bizarre inauguration-day email to herself that claimed Obama told the gathered to do everything “by the book.” But Rice also noted in her email that the key point of discussion in that meeting was whether and how to withhold national security information, likely including details of the investigation into Trump himself, from the incoming Trump national security team.
January 6: An ostensibly similar briefing about Russian interference efforts during the 2016 campaign was given to President-elect Trump. After that briefing, Comey privately briefed Trump on the most salacious and absurd “pee tape” allegation in the Christopher Steele dossier, a document the FBI had already used to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page. Comey told Trump he was telling him because CNN was looking for any reason it could find to publish a story about Russia having compromising information on him, and he wanted to warn Trump about it. He did not mention the dossier was completely unverified or that it was the product of a secretly funded operation by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.

January 10: In an amazing coincidence, CNN found the excuse to publish the Russia claims after a high-level Obama intelligence operative leaked that Comey had briefed Trump about the dossier. This selective leak, which was credulously accepted by CNN reporters Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper and Carl Bernstein, may have been the most important step in the operation to harm the incoming Trump administration. The leak of the briefing of Trump was used to legitimize a ridiculous dossier full of allegations the FBI knew to be false that multiple news organizations had previously refused to report on for lack of substantiation, and created a cloud of suspicion over Trump’s campaign and administration by insinuating he was being blackmailed by Russia.
January 12: The next part of the strategy was the explosive leak to David Ignatius of the Washington Post to legitimize the use against Flynn of the Logan Act, a likely unconstitutional 1799 law prohibiting private individuals, not public incoming national security advisors, from discussing foreign policy with foreign governments. Ignatius accepted the leak from the Obama official. He wrote that Flynn had called Kislyak. “What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about ‘disputes’ with the United States. Was its spirit violated?” Flynn’s routine and appropriate phone call became fodder for a developing grand conspiracy theory of Russia collusion. In discussions with investigators, both DOJ’s Mary McCord and Comey conspicuously cite this Ignatius column as somehow meaningful in the approach they would take with Flynn. “Nothing, to my mind, happens until the 13th of January, when David Ignatius publishes a column that contains a reference to communication Michael Flynn had with the Russians. That was on the 13th of January,” Comey said of the column that ran online on January 12. In fact, quite a bit had happened at the FBI prior to that leak, with much conversation about how to utilize the Logan Act against Flynn. And the leak-fueled Ignatius column would later be used by FBI officials to justify an illegal ambush interview of Flynn in the White House.
January 23: Another important criminal leak was given to Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller of the Washington Post, also based on criminal leaks. Their article, headlined “FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit,” was intended to make Flynn feel safe and put him at ease about the FBI stance on those calls the day before they planned to ambush him in an interview. The article was used to publicize false information when it said, “Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.” In fact, emails prior to this date confirm Flynn was their prime target. This article was later cited by McCabe as the reason why they were justified in concealing from Flynn the real purpose of their interview. Flynn later asked McCabe if he knew how all the information about his phone calls had been made public and whether it had been leaked. Any potential response from McCabe to Flynn has been redacted from his own notes about the conversation.
January 24: Comey later admitted he broke every protocol to send agents to interview Flynn and try to catch him in a lie. FBI officials strategized how to keep Flynn from knowing he was a target of the investigation or asking for an attorney to represent him in the interview. The January 23 Washington Post article, which falsely stated that Flynn was not an FBI target, was key to that strategy. Though the interviewing agents said they could detect no “tells” indicating he lied, and he carefully phrased everything in the interview, he later was induced to plead guilty to lying in this interview. Ostensibly because White House officials downplayed the Kislyak phone calls, presumably in light of what Flynn had told them about the calls, Yates would go to the White House the next day and insinuate Flynn should probably be fired.

February 9: The strategy to get Flynn fired didn’t immediately work so another leak was deployed to Greg Miller, Adam Entous and Ellen Nakashima of the Washington Post. That article, headline “National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say,” was sourced to people who happened to share senior FBI leadership’s views on the Logan Act. This article was also based on criminal leaks of top secret information of phone call intercepts and laid out the FBI’s case for why Flynn’s contacts with a foreign adversary were a problem. The fact that such phone calls are routine, not to mention Flynn’s case that improved relations with Russia in a world where China, North Korea, and Iran were posing increasing threats, never made it into these articles for context.
February 13: The operation finally succeeded in getting Flynn fired and rendering him unable to review the operations against the Trump campaign, Trump transition team, and Trump administration.
March 1: Flynn was the first obstacle who had to be overcome. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the next. The Trump loyalist with a strong Department of Justice background would also need to be briefed on the anti-Trump efforts unless he could be sidelined. Comey admitted that early in Sessions’ tenure, he deliberately hid Russia-related information from Sessions because, “it made little sense to report it to Attorney General Sessions, who we expected would likely recuse himself from involvement in Russia-related investigations.” To secure that recusal, yet another leak was deployed to the Washington Post’s Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller. The leak was intended to tar Sessions as a secret Russian agent and was dramatically spun as “Sessions Spoke Twice To Russian Envoy: Revelation contradicts his testimony at confirmation hearing.” One meeting was in passing and the other was in his function as a United States Senator, but the hysteria was such that the Post authors could get away with suggesting Sessions was too compromised to oversee the Department of Justice’s counterintelligence operations involving Russia. It is perhaps worth noting that the Special Counsel idea was pushed in this article.
March 2: Sessions recused himself from oversight of the FBI’s anti-Trump operation, providing no meaningful oversight to an operation that would be spun into a Special Counsel by mid-May. With the removal of Trump’s National Security Advisor and his Attorney General, there was no longer any chance of Trump loyalists discovering what Obama holdovers at the FBI were actually doing to get Trump thrown out of office. After Trump fired Comey for managerial incompetence on May 9, deceptively edited and misleading leaks to the New York Times ordered by Comey himself were used to gin up a Special Counsel run exclusively by left-wing anti-Trump partisans who continued the operation without any meaningful oversight for another two years.
This stunning operation was not just a typical battle between political foes, nor merely an example of media bias against political enemies. Instead, this entire operation was a deliberate and direct attack on the foundation of American governance. In light of the newly declassified documents released in recent days, it is clear that understanding what happened in that January 5 Oval Office meeting is essential to understanding the full scope and breadth of the corrupt operation against the Trump administration. It is long past time for lawmakers in Congress who are actually interested in oversight of the federal government and the media to demand answers about what really happened in that meeting from every single participant, including Obama and Biden.
No I’m not trolling. What makes you say that because my opinions don’t go along with yours?

Clear evidence of complete ineptitude on the part of govt and all.you can do is misquote the death toll(it crossed 80k) as if it's some inconsequential number. The one chance you have to say "wow that was a really big mistake" has passed.

If you're a true conservative you should be livid the govt passed up such cheap mask and then ended up having to buy masks at a surprisingly high price.
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation
Susan Rice's bizarre Inauguration Day email about that meeting helps explain the campaign of leaks, lies, and obstruction that followed.
By Mollie Hemingway

Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.
“President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote in an unusual email to herself about the meeting that was also attended by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, FBI Director James Comey, and Vice President Joe Biden.

A clearer picture is emerging of the drastic steps that were taken to accomplish Obama’s goal in the following weeks and months. Shortly thereafter, high-level operatives began intensely leaking selective information supporting a supposed Russia-Trump conspiracy theory, the incoming National Security Advisor was ambushed, and the incoming Attorney General was forced to recuse himself from oversight of investigations of President Trump. At each major point in the operation, explosive media leaks were a key strategy in the operation to take down Trump.
Not only was information on Russia not fully shared with the incoming Trump team, as Obama directs, the leaks and ambushes made the transition chaotic, scared quality individuals away from working in the administration, made effective governance almost impossible, and materially damaged national security. When Comey was finally fired on May 9, in part for his duplicitousness regarding his handling of the Russia collusion theory, he orchestrated the launch of a Special Counsel probe that continued his efforts for another two years. That probe ended with Mueller finding no evidence of any American colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, much less Trump or anyone connected to him.
An analysis of the timeline from early 2017 shows a clear pattern of behavior from the federal officials running the collusion operation against the Trump campaign. It also shows how essential media leaks were to their strategy to sideline key law enforcement and intelligence officials and cripple the ability of the incoming Trump administration to run the country.
Here’s a timeline of the key moments and news articles of the efforts, per Obama’s direction, to prevent the Trump administration from learning about the FBI’s operation against it.

January 4: Following the closure of a pretextually dubious and politically motivated FBI investigation of Flynn at the beginning of January, the leadership of the FBI scrambled to reopen a case against Flynn, the man who in his role as National Security Advisor would have to review their Russia collusion investigation. FBI officials openly discussed their concern about briefing the veteran intelligence official on what they had done to the Trump campaign and transition team and what they were planning to do to the incoming Trump administration. Flynn had to be dealt with. The FBI’s top counterintelligence official would later memorialize discussions about the FBI’s attempts to “get [Flynn] fired.” No reopening was needed, they determined, when they discovered they had failed to close the previous investigation. They found this mistake “amazing” and “serendipitously good” and said “our utter incompetence actually helps us.” Even more noteworthy were texts from FBI’s #2 counterintelligence official Peter Strzok to FBI lawyer Lisa Page noting that the “7th floor,” a reference to Comey and his deputy director Andrew McCabe, was running the show.
January 5: Yates, Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed Obama on Russia-related matters in the Oval Office. Biden and Rice also attended. After the Obama briefing, the intelligence chiefs who would be leaving at the end of the term were dismissed and Yates and Comey, who would continue in the Trump administration, were asked to stay. Not only did Obama give his guidance about how to perpetuate the Russia collusion theory investigations, he also talked about Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to both Comey and Yates. Interestingly, Clapper, Comey, and Yates all said that they did not brief Obama about these phone calls. Clapper testified he did not brief Obama on the calls, Yates learned about the calls from Obama himself during that meeting, and Comey also testified he didn’t brief Obama about the calls, even though the intelligence was an FBI product. Rice, who publicly lied but later admitted under oath to her widespread use of unmasked intelligence at the end of the Obama administration, likely briefed Obama on the calls and would have had access to the intelligence. Comey mentions the Logan Act at this meeting.
It was this meeting that Rice memorialized in a bizarre inauguration-day email to herself that claimed Obama told the gathered to do everything “by the book.” But Rice also noted in her email that the key point of discussion in that meeting was whether and how to withhold national security information, likely including details of the investigation into Trump himself, from the incoming Trump national security team.
January 6: An ostensibly similar briefing about Russian interference efforts during the 2016 campaign was given to President-elect Trump. After that briefing, Comey privately briefed Trump on the most salacious and absurd “pee tape” allegation in the Christopher Steele dossier, a document the FBI had already used to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page. Comey told Trump he was telling him because CNN was looking for any reason it could find to publish a story about Russia having compromising information on him, and he wanted to warn Trump about it. He did not mention the dossier was completely unverified or that it was the product of a secretly funded operation by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.

January 10: In an amazing coincidence, CNN found the excuse to publish the Russia claims after a high-level Obama intelligence operative leaked that Comey had briefed Trump about the dossier. This selective leak, which was credulously accepted by CNN reporters Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper and Carl Bernstein, may have been the most important step in the operation to harm the incoming Trump administration. The leak of the briefing of Trump was used to legitimize a ridiculous dossier full of allegations the FBI knew to be false that multiple news organizations had previously refused to report on for lack of substantiation, and created a cloud of suspicion over Trump’s campaign and administration by insinuating he was being blackmailed by Russia.
January 12: The next part of the strategy was the explosive leak to David Ignatius of the Washington Post to legitimize the use against Flynn of the Logan Act, a likely unconstitutional 1799 law prohibiting private individuals, not public incoming national security advisors, from discussing foreign policy with foreign governments. Ignatius accepted the leak from the Obama official. He wrote that Flynn had called Kislyak. “What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about ‘disputes’ with the United States. Was its spirit violated?” Flynn’s routine and appropriate phone call became fodder for a developing grand conspiracy theory of Russia collusion. In discussions with investigators, both DOJ’s Mary McCord and Comey conspicuously cite this Ignatius column as somehow meaningful in the approach they would take with Flynn. “Nothing, to my mind, happens until the 13th of January, when David Ignatius publishes a column that contains a reference to communication Michael Flynn had with the Russians. That was on the 13th of January,” Comey said of the column that ran online on January 12. In fact, quite a bit had happened at the FBI prior to that leak, with much conversation about how to utilize the Logan Act against Flynn. And the leak-fueled Ignatius column would later be used by FBI officials to justify an illegal ambush interview of Flynn in the White House.
January 23: Another important criminal leak was given to Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller of the Washington Post, also based on criminal leaks. Their article, headlined “FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit,” was intended to make Flynn feel safe and put him at ease about the FBI stance on those calls the day before they planned to ambush him in an interview. The article was used to publicize false information when it said, “Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.” In fact, emails prior to this date confirm Flynn was their prime target. This article was later cited by McCabe as the reason why they were justified in concealing from Flynn the real purpose of their interview. Flynn later asked McCabe if he knew how all the information about his phone calls had been made public and whether it had been leaked. Any potential response from McCabe to Flynn has been redacted from his own notes about the conversation.
January 24: Comey later admitted he broke every protocol to send agents to interview Flynn and try to catch him in a lie. FBI officials strategized how to keep Flynn from knowing he was a target of the investigation or asking for an attorney to represent him in the interview. The January 23 Washington Post article, which falsely stated that Flynn was not an FBI target, was key to that strategy. Though the interviewing agents said they could detect no “tells” indicating he lied, and he carefully phrased everything in the interview, he later was induced to plead guilty to lying in this interview. Ostensibly because White House officials downplayed the Kislyak phone calls, presumably in light of what Flynn had told them about the calls, Yates would go to the White House the next day and insinuate Flynn should probably be fired.

February 9: The strategy to get Flynn fired didn’t immediately work so another leak was deployed to Greg Miller, Adam Entous and Ellen Nakashima of the Washington Post. That article, headline “National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say,” was sourced to people who happened to share senior FBI leadership’s views on the Logan Act. This article was also based on criminal leaks of top secret information of phone call intercepts and laid out the FBI’s case for why Flynn’s contacts with a foreign adversary were a problem. The fact that such phone calls are routine, not to mention Flynn’s case that improved relations with Russia in a world where China, North Korea, and Iran were posing increasing threats, never made it into these articles for context.
February 13: The operation finally succeeded in getting Flynn fired and rendering him unable to review the operations against the Trump campaign, Trump transition team, and Trump administration.
March 1: Flynn was the first obstacle who had to be overcome. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the next. The Trump loyalist with a strong Department of Justice background would also need to be briefed on the anti-Trump efforts unless he could be sidelined. Comey admitted that early in Sessions’ tenure, he deliberately hid Russia-related information from Sessions because, “it made little sense to report it to Attorney General Sessions, who we expected would likely recuse himself from involvement in Russia-related investigations.” To secure that recusal, yet another leak was deployed to the Washington Post’s Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller. The leak was intended to tar Sessions as a secret Russian agent and was dramatically spun as “Sessions Spoke Twice To Russian Envoy: Revelation contradicts his testimony at confirmation hearing.” One meeting was in passing and the other was in his function as a United States Senator, but the hysteria was such that the Post authors could get away with suggesting Sessions was too compromised to oversee the Department of Justice’s counterintelligence operations involving Russia. It is perhaps worth noting that the Special Counsel idea was pushed in this article.
March 2: Sessions recused himself from oversight of the FBI’s anti-Trump operation, providing no meaningful oversight to an operation that would be spun into a Special Counsel by mid-May. With the removal of Trump’s National Security Advisor and his Attorney General, there was no longer any chance of Trump loyalists discovering what Obama holdovers at the FBI were actually doing to get Trump thrown out of office. After Trump fired Comey for managerial incompetence on May 9, deceptively edited and misleading leaks to the New York Times ordered by Comey himself were used to gin up a Special Counsel run exclusively by left-wing anti-Trump partisans who continued the operation without any meaningful oversight for another two years.
This stunning operation was not just a typical battle between political foes, nor merely an example of media bias against political enemies. Instead, this entire operation was a deliberate and direct attack on the foundation of American governance. In light of the newly declassified documents released in recent days, it is clear that understanding what happened in that January 5 Oval Office meeting is essential to understanding the full scope and breadth of the corrupt operation against the Trump administration. It is long past time for lawmakers in Congress who are actually interested in oversight of the federal government and the media to demand answers about what really happened in that meeting from every single participant, including Obama and Biden.
@NCSNOW, would you please provide links to your sources so we can see how credible and objective the sources are? TIA

source is an OPINION writer for the federalist. She has been known as a political hack for Trump and has several incidents of journalistic improprieties.
It’s a garbage source.
The shutdown did at least 90% of the mitigation of the death toll. Herd immunity is clearly not responsible for that much, the weather isn't either as it's spread in nations that have much warmer temps than the US has been in lately. Also for the record, the whole nation didn't ever shut down. Parts were shut down accordingly and governors made their decisions accordingly, some poorer ones than others.
Do you have proof that shutdown did 90% of mitigation? I am not meaning to sound like an arse. I’m asking because I have not heard that yet nor seen any articles saying that.
Oh, This Keeps Getting Better: Former Obama Official Admits She Lied About Having Evidence of Russian Collusion
Matt Vespa | May 08, 2020 2:35 PM

Oh, This Keeps Getting Better: Former Obama Official Admits She Lied About Having Evidence of Russian Collusion

Source: U.S. Department of Defense

You all know this. It doesn’t even have to apply to a political situation. When someone tells a lie, and that lie is exposed, it all falls apart. Whether it be the Ponzi scheme Bernie Madoff or the Trump-Russia collusion myth, things are quickly and rapidly falling apart for this manufactured lie that engulfed the country since the 2016 election. Everyone who isn’t Trump deranged knew this was a pile of crap. How many “bombshells” have there been? How many have turned out to be nothing burgers, not even lasting 36 hours in the news cycle because there was never solid evidence to prove such a conspiracy? This is what happens when the entire myth was based on a political opposition research document—the Trump dossier—which was compiled by an ex-MI6 spook Christopher Steele, whose anti-Trump efforts were funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was probably never vetted by the FBI, given the glaring errors in it, and it was used as credible evidence to secure a spy warrant against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. It was biased political propaganda. This collusion delusion was already debunked in the original Mueller report, which said there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and shredded what was left of the unverified Trump dossier. The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on the FISA abuses during the Obama administration also took a tomahawk to the dossier. The core of this collusion myth was already dead, but with the exoneration of Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, more pieces are falling off this dead collusion carcass.

Flynn has been vindicated; the victim of an FBI run amok. The motion to dismiss is fraught with details about how disgraced former FBI officials, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, were out to get Flynn by any means necessary—department policy be damned. They were going to scalp him no matter what, despite that the FBI found no evidence of collusion or anything that would warrant Flynn being roped into a counterintelligence probe. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn also said they didn’t think he lied to them, but the perjury entrapment plot was still executed against him.

Now, we have a former Obama official who admits, under oath, that she lied about having evidence of Trump-Russia collusion on an appearance for MSNBC. This was part of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) releasing the transcripts from their investigation into this circus act. Sean Davis at The Federalist has more:
I said yesterday it was just starting. I was laughed at. Just wait much more is to come out!
We've had the ability to see certain aspects of this virus ahead of time because other nations were ahead of us in the curve. We missed some opportunities. Iran has opened back up and Tehran is reporting nearly a doubling in new cases.

I'm not saying we don't need to reopen but we can see whats happening in front of us before we get there and we should be taking notes. I wonder if Mathew and others will read this full article and acknowledge what the possible ramifications could be.

Do you have proof that shutdown did 90% of mitigation? I am not meaning to sound like an arse. I’m asking because I have not heard that yet nor seen any articles saying that.

You can see it in infections......prisons, nursing homes, large factories where social distancing wasnt possible.
Clear evidence of complete ineptitude on the part of govt and all.you can do is misquote the death toll(it crossed 80k) as if it's some inconsequential number. The one chance you have to say "wow that was a really big mistake" has passed.

If you're a true conservative you should be livid the govt passed up such cheap mask and then ended up having to buy masks at a surprisingly high price.
Well govt. is just like most manufacturers. They buy the cheapest. Guaranteed that the company you work for buys the cheapest to help you make the items you do. Say I made a mistake because I did not know how many deaths America was up to? Well I don’t sit around and watch the news that all they can talk about is how many cases and how many deaths from day one. Never hardly a mention of 98-99% survive or how many cases are asymptomatic or even that average age of deaths is 80-82 or that almost all have pre existing conditions or that possibly 75k might die from depression or drug overdoses or suicides. Those type of headlines don’t cause fear. I am well aware your feelings of Trump just totally was an idiot towards this virus. Cuomo on the other hand was brilliant I’m sure you would say. I’m not trying to change your mind nor you change mind.
source is an OPINION writer for the federalist. She has been known as a political hack for Trump and has several incidents of journalistic improprieties.
It’s a garbage source.
Lol. Oops not part of the approved liberals network of MSN, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. Come on @NCSNOW you are disappointing them! ???
You can see it in infections......prisons, nursing homes, large factories where social distancing wasnt possible.
Don’t you find it a bit surprising that a lot of the state’s who did not social distancing really had no bad not surge in deaths or hospitalizations. Like Lowe’s has done just fine. Most grocery stores have had no major problems. UPS or shipping companies. List goes on and on. I remember many on here saying how no one was social distancing. All those beach goers never had a major hospitalizations. Disney is fixing to open up. As far as prisons that is incredible that almost no deaths within them.
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