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Political Thread

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From PredictIt, Joe continues upward with his big mo. Just 2 days ago, it was Sanders 0.57 to Biden's 0.31. Here's today's:

2020 Democratic nominee?

53¢ +8¢
38¢ -7¢
7¢ NC
6¢ +1¢

Two of the keys:
1. Texas
Biden 0.53 (+0.05)
Sanders 0.49 (-0.09)

2. NY
Biden 0.55 (+0.08)
Sanders 0.39 (-0.11)

As a result of the big Biden VA and N.C. wins, PredictIt’s margin for Biden winning the nomination has jumped even further:

Before these, it was Biden 0.53 and Sanders 0.38. Now it is Biden 0.66 and Sanders 0.28! Just two days ago, it was Sanders with a 25 point lead.

Edit: It is now Biden 0.70 to Sanders 0.26 nationally. The sudden and huge momentum shift toward Biden since the SC primary has been nothing short of amazing, the likes of which I can’t recall in many years. It was 0.57 Sanders and 0.31 Biden just a few days ago!!
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Bloomberg won American Samoa, leading in OK, running in virtually a 3 way tie in TN.

EDIT: Bernie leading 13pts in TX; Bloomberg second, Biden third. Only 1% reported so far.
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Looks great for Biden but the Bernie states are out west and will come in later. We will see but I agree looks fantastic so far for Biden.

It's early, but not looking too great for Biden in TN/OK, it's a tight three way race with him, Sanders, and Bloomberg. Only about 7-8pt spread among them in both states.
It's early, but not looking too great for Biden in TN/OK, it's a tight three way race with him, Sanders, and Bloomberg. Only about 7-8pt spread among them in both states.

biden was strong in VA and NC. Guess we will see how the rest plays out. I think Bernie is going to win CA big! Then we have CO, MN etc... come morning the narrative is going to be a lot different I think.
Let the record show that Mike Bloomberg did in fact not get it done.
Hi I'm Mike Bloomberg and I want to show you how much money I put into my political campaign saying all the things I won't be able to get done as president but vote pander to people because people want stuff.

Only thing he's got done is shove his name in every inch of ad space he can.
yep it’s going to cost money. Everyone will pay more taxes. The top will take the brunt but the middle class will too. But when you have free healthcare and education I’m good with it.
So are you for everyone having the same income? Is that what you want? Bring down the ones that help economy go? You do realize top will cut jobs and move their assets to other countries? I live in TN. Do you know why it is doing so well? No state income tax. The 6 most successful states in America that are growing. Can you guess which ones they are? The ones with no state income tax! More taxes will shut economy down and will drive unemployment. Oh but wait you would say just take more from the top 1% and middle class. When did it become wrong to make money and be rich or middle class?
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