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Political Thread

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Taxing the rich and middle class isn’t the answer. The lower class depends on the government too much and have gotten lazy. How about working hard? Bettering yourself and family? If you don’t get paid enough at your work go find a job that pays better? What am I missing here?

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How much of a conservative did you used to be? Just curious what finally changed your mind about everything?

Voted for Bush in ‘00 and ‘04 McCain in ‘08, then Obama in ‘12 and Clinton in ‘16. The racism of the tea party and religious right hijackong the party swayed me. The way Obama was treated turned me off bigly. I’ve always been socially liberal so when the party went far right I had enough.
No education should not be free it would cheapen the degrees that I have.. I paid for school myself and I have student loans that would not be fair.

you still have to earn the degree. I’mnot suggesting we hand them out on demand . I’m saying public colleges should be free so even the poor can access without going into debt.
Voted for Bush in ‘00 and ‘04 McCain in ‘08, then Obama in ‘12 and Clinton in ‘16. The racism of the tea party and religious right hijackong the party swayed me. The way Obama was treated turned me off bigly. I’ve always been socially liberal so when the party went far right I had enough.
Well when you did not vote for Mitt Romney that says it all right there he was the farthest from an extremist. I think you're just using excuses.
Taxing the rich and middle class isn’t the answer. The lower class depends on the government too much and have gotten lazy. How about working hard? Bettering yourself and family? If you don’t get paid enough at your work go find a job that pays better? What am I missing here?

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A lot. nobody is saying hand out free money. It’s about being able to access affordable healthcare, childcare, and education. I don’t get why some of you go there with the lazy stuff.
you still have to earn the degree. I’mnot suggesting we hand them out on demand . I’m saying public colleges should be free so even the poor can access without going into debt.

Public college shouldn’t be free. How about working hard in school and getting a scholarship or financial aid? The Hope has helped put thousands of lower income students.

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excuses? I don’t get what you’re saying here.
I was just saying your reasoning does not follow thru. The first Republican you didn't vote for was Mitt Romney.. everybody knows he's not a conservative ,most definitely not a tea partier.
Anyone can walk into a hospital if you are hurt right? Education shouldn’t be free, childcare is pricey but should be regulated. Climate change reform is a waste of money because it will always change and I do agree with you marijuana should be legal.

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a college degree shouldn’t cost 100k over 4 or 8 years. It’s awful.

On a science board most of you should understand the correlation between CO2 concentrations going through the roof and how that causes a greenhouse effect. Humans are responsible for pimping most of that garbage out.
A lot. nobody is saying hand out free money. It’s about being able to access affordable healthcare, childcare, and education. I don’t get why some of you go there with the lazy stuff.

Because you want everything for free or help. Some things you need to work for. I don’t think that’s too harsh.

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I was just saying your reasoning does not follow thru. The first Republican you didn't vote for was Mitt Romney.. everybody knows he's not a conservative ,most definitely not a tea partier.

It was because he was running as a Republican. The way republicans treated Obama was disgusting. From racism to bigotry. It was disgusting and I told myself I would associate with the party anymore. That’s why I didn’t vote for Romney.
It was because he was running as a Republican. The way republicans treated Obama was disgusting. From racism to bigotry. It was disgusting and I told myself I would associate with the party anymore. That’s why I didn’t vote for Romney.
Ok that's fair. I've changed the type of Republican than I am over the past 10 years so I can kind of understand changing.
Because you want everything for free or help. Some things you need to work for. I don’t think that’s too harsh.

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that’s not a fair interpretation of what I’ve posted. What sanders is pushing for and I support has nothing to do with work or income outside of a 15 per hour min wage. Thewe want everything for free is dishonest and insulting.
Bernie's supporters have fooled themselves into believing that the rich are actually going to pay for his BS. They won't. The middle class will take the brunt. That means your paid for insurance by your employer goes away and you now pay for it with higher taxes. Bernie's minions dont understand the first rule of plumbing. That poo runs downhill at 1/4" = 1'-0" until it hits the drainfield (the middle class). Fortunately for the middle class, the majority of them are smarter than Bernie's minions and fully understand real math.......
that’s not a fair interpretation of what I’ve posted. What sanders is pushing for and I support has nothing to do with work or income outside of a 15 per hour min wage. Thewe want everything for free is dishonest and insulting.

Ok. 15 per hr wage? I don’t think flipping burgers is worth $15. ( just using it as a example) If you want a higher salary you work for it. Study, learn and over time if you are good at your job you get raises. Minimum wage jobs should be starting points.

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A lot. nobody is saying hand out free money. It’s about being able to access affordable healthcare, childcare, and education. I don’t get why some of you go there with the lazy stuff.

I guess you’re aware of the failures in other countries who have tried the free healthcare model? This happened around this time last year.

“The government of Finland collapsed Friday due to the rising cost of universal health care and the prime minister’s failure to enact reforms to the system.

Reuters reports that soaring treatment costs and longer life spans have particularly affected Nordic countries.

“Nordic countries, where comprehensive welfare is the cornerstone of the social model, have been among the most affected,” according to Reuters. “But reform has been controversial and, in Finland, plans to cut costs and boost efficiency have stalled for years.”

Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care. Finland’s crisis in particular comes as calls for universal health care have grown louder among Democrats in the United States.”

Ironically Bernie posted this a few days before the collapse happened.

Ok. 15 per hr wage? I don’t think flipping burgers is worth $15. ( just using it as a example) If you want a higher salary you work for it. Study, learn and over time if you are good at your job you get raises. Minimum wage jobs should be starting points.

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15 per hour isn’t even a livable wage. If someone works 40 hours a week they should be able to support themselves. And if you’re wondering I’m financially stable and would likely take a huge tax increase under sanders.
15 per hour isn’t even a livable wage. If someone works 40 hours a week they should be able to support themselves. And if you’re wondering I’m financially stable and would likely take a huge tax increase under sanders.
No flipping hamburgers is meant for teenage workers back when adults had more ambition to try everything possible to move up the ladder.
15 per hour isn’t even a livable wage. If someone works 40 hours a week they should be able to support themselves. And if you’re wondering I’m financially stable and would likely take a huge tax increase under sanders.

Well if it’s not enough money work somewhere else right?

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