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Political Thread

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Glad to see the support she’s getting. Shameful judge asking her to apologize and admit she’s selfish for her beliefs of wanting to provide for her family. That judge is a disgrace to the courts and should be removed from the courts.

Wonder when her gofundme page gets started and she gets rich off the backs of gullible trumpers high fiving each other over this as they throw money at her?
Wonder when her gofundme page gets started and she gets rich off the backs of gullible trumpers high fiving each other over this as they throw money at her?
Oh shaggy you are just mad and jealous you did not think of this! ?
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Oh shaggy you are just mad and jealous you did not think of this! ?

Yeah no kidding. Like i said she is getting rich off the suckers. Hey man shes making 21k a day in jail. Not too shabby. She has a couple of pages up so it could be more.

If the states don’t open up and keep doing this tyranny. One of these protest or raids is not going to end well. Americans are getting to the point of over it. When they are losing all they have then desperation will take over. I don’t agree with protest with guns. I think those are last resort. I do believe more and more people need to keep protesting and standing up to the dictator mayors and governors. Make sure to vote them out. The politicians tell us to not make a living but they live off the Americans backs. Yet politicians are more and more being found out to have been having surgeries and going places. Even wo mask. The govt. has played the American people once again.
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It sure looks like some of these mayors and governors want to see social unrest. Like they are wanting chaos. Washington state is thinking of releasing 2/3 of inmates. CA releasing 7 top sex offenders. To make room for protesters and quarantine breakers. This virus is not killing many in prisons nor in regular public. The average age is 80-82. They should focus on helping and isolating the older population.
Glad to see the support she’s getting. Shameful judge asking her to apologize and admit she’s selfish for her beliefs of wanting to provide for her family. That judge is a disgrace to the courts and should be removed from the courts.

It sure looks like some of these mayors and governors want to see social unrest. Like they are wanting chaos. Washington state is thinking of releasing 2/3 of inmates. CA releasing 7 top sex offenders. To make room for protesters and quarantine breakers. This virus is not killing many in prisons nor in regular public. The average age is 80-82. They should focus on helping and isolating the older population.

Look in the mirror. You talk about it so much. Do you want it, yourself?
More about that the attorney general has also called for immediate release

“I find it outrageous and out of touch that during this national pandemic, a judge, in a county that actually released hardened criminals for fear of contracting COVID-19, would jail a mother for operating her hair salon in an attempt to put food on her family’s table,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The trial judge did not need to lock up Shelley Luther. His order is a shameful abuse of judicial discretion, which seems like another political stunt in Dallas. He should release Ms. Luther immediately.”
Health workers that volunteered to come to NY during pandemic have to pay state income tax: Cuomo


A field hospital with 68 beds under construction in Central Park.

By: Corey Crockett , James Ford
Posted at 9:11 PM, May 05, 2020

and last updated 7:15 AM, May 06, 2020
Most Think America Will Be Great Again
Most Think America Will Be Great Again
The coronavirus has done little to dent voters’ optimism about America’s future, and most believe the country will be great again.

Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s statement that “we’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 62% disagree. This compares to 17% and 67% respectively when Cuomo made the comment in an August 2018 speech. Seventeen percent (17%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Thirty-two percent (32%) of his fellow Democrats share Cuomo’s view that “we’re not going to make America great again.” Only 11% of Republicans and 17% of voters not affiliated with either major party agree.

Forty-six percent (46%) of all voters think America’s best days are still in the future, down from 50% in January and an all-time high of 54% in April of last year. Thirty-four percent (34%) say it’s best days are in the past. Nineteen percent (19%) are not sure.

But prior to the last couple years, the number of voters who felt America’s best days were in the future ran in only the mid- to upper 30s in most regular surveys since November 2006. As recently as May 2017, 52% thought America’s best days were in the past.
Health workers that volunteered to come to NY during pandemic have to pay state income tax: Cuomo


A field hospital with 68 beds under construction in Central Park.

By: Corey Crockett , James Ford
Posted at 9:11 PM, May 05, 2020

and last updated 7:15 AM, May 06, 2020
It’s still under construction? I thought they were overrun and was using 40k ventilators already . Oh that’s right. Cuomo personal computer was wrong. Thankfully.
Tommorow will be a beatiful day. Finally accountability.

Intel chief tells Schiff transcripts of Russia probe interviews cleared for release

Rep. Adam Schiff refuses to release transcripts from House Intel Committee investigation of foreign meddlingVideo
Rep. Adam Schiff refuses to release transcripts from House Intel Committee investigation of foreign meddling
Outgoing Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell says the interview transcripts are ready for release; congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports
Word is lots of info on Biden’s affairs to Ukraine are fixing to be released. Should be interesting times till election.
These states like NY NJ MI CA. They need to vote out those liberal pos mayors, governors and politicians. They treat people in their states like they are slaves. Keep poking the bear in the cage with this use of force. One day it’s not going to end well.
All those non essential workers drawing unemployment that are gonna starve and riot and cause mayhem are making more money being out of work than a large portion of the essential working crowd.

All those non essential workers drawing unemployment that are gonna starve and riot and cause mayhem are making more money being out of work than a large portion of the essential working crowd.

Plenty of people are lining up at food banks. So should everyone just get fired and sit at home? What is the solution? Either way the taxes and hyperinflation are going to be downright ugly. If you are not paying attention unfortunately things are getting worse with tensions in America. I don’t want to even post some of these videos because they are disturbing. I am hoping with things opening up it will calm. I mean police beating people. Men shooting an unarmed man in street. People shooting McDonald’s workers over dine in. People shooting over a mask that a child was not wearing. Like I said the pot is starting to boil. I have also said an Economic collapse COULD lead to Riots and starvation. You can mock me if like but it’s starting to happen Shaggy. I know neither of us want that. 1 in 4 kids are hungry. It want happen overnight but if America is not careful it will descend into chaos. Hopefully this is over yesterday and we can try and get back to somewhat normal.
There is not enough money to keep paying these unemployment benefits. Unemployment at 33 million estimated.
Plenty of people are lining up at food banks. So should everyone just get fired and sit at home? What is the solution? Either way the taxes and hyperinflation are going to be downright ugly. If you are not paying attention unfortunately things are getting worse with tensions in America. I don’t want to even post some of these videos because they are disturbing. I am hoping with things opening up it will calm. I mean police beating people. Men shooting an unarmed man in street. People shooting McDonald’s workers over dine in. People shooting over a mask that a child was not wearing. Like I said the pot is starting to boil. I have also said an Economic collapse COULD lead to Riots and starvation. You can mock me if like but it’s starting to happen Shaggy. I know neither of us want that. 1 in 4 kids are hungry. It want happen overnight but if America is not careful it will descend into chaos. Hopefully this is over yesterday and we can try and get back to somewhat normal.

You've been blind. These crazy shootings and attacks over NOTHING have always happened. YEARS ago a man was stabbed to death at our local mall over a parking spot. These kinds of things have been happening for years and they make easy stories now for people trying to stoke fear into people waiting to sop it up and declare the USA is on the verge of a meltdown.

I know what I see when I am out and its 99% random acts of kindness.
You've been blind. These crazy shootings and attacks over NOTHING have always happened. YEARS ago a man was stabbed to death at our local mall over a parking spot. These kinds of things have been happening for years and they make easy stories now for people trying to stoke fear into people waiting to sop it up and declare the USA is on the verge of a meltdown.

I know what I see when I am out and its 99% random acts of kindness.
Whatever Shaggy. I’m not blinded. Yes some of these have been going on for years but now you are adding people hurting and needing money and tired of being not able to get out. Yes kindness is out there. It is here but we also don’t live in the big cities like NY & Chicago & Detroit and others. You think America could never meltdown. Which is fine and I hope you are right. Just remember we are just now getting started on the Economic impacts. It’s going to get much worse on the economic side. As always we can agree to disagree.
Whatever Shaggy. I’m not blinded. Yes some of these have been going on for years but now you are adding people hurting and needing money and tired of being not able to get out. Yes kindness is out there. It is here but we also don’t live in the big cities like NY & Chicago & Detroit and others. You think America could never meltdown. Which is fine and I hope you are right. Just remember we are just now getting started on the Economic impacts. It’s going to get much worse on the economic side. As always we can agree to disagree.
Do you truly believe that opening the economy is going to make things better?
Do you truly believe that opening the economy is going to make things better?
Yes I do. I think if hotspots happen then that state addresses that area. So you want to stay shut down? When does it end? What is your solution?
@Matthew70 keeps saying we are at a boiling point and all hells about to break loose.

I said its starting to boil. Difference between starting to boil and at boiling point. Forget science class and the frog? You would be that frog Shaggy. Put you in a pot and let is start getting warm to hot to boiling. By time you realized the water was boiling you would be dead. So crime is down which is good but it’s also still early in the economic impacts. In the last week I’d say the numbers have gone up slightly. Either way longer jobless, unemployment go on the more crime will continue to increase. You say it’s all kindness and utopia in the world. No hunger or poverty and everyone wo a job should be happy they are saving a life. You are making bank. Anything that goes wrong is Trumps fault and his blinded Trumpsters. We’ve beat this horse enough. Moving along.
I said its starting to boil. Difference between starting to boil and at boiling point. Forget science class and the frog? You would be that frog Shaggy. Put you in a pot and let is start getting warm to hot to boiling. By time you realized the water was boiling you would be dead. So crime is down which is good but it’s also still early in the economic impacts. In the last week I’d say the numbers have gone up slightly. Either way longer jobless, unemployment go on the more crime will continue to increase. You say it’s all kindness and utopia in the world. No hunger or poverty and everyone wo a job should be happy they are saving a life. You are making bank. Anything that goes wrong is Trumps fault and his blinded Trumpsters. We’ve beat this horse enough. Moving along.

Yes there will be some crime. Yes there will be some people who wont have the money to buy like they were before. If they are getting unemployment they arent broke and have no reason to commit crimes. If they are committing crimes its NOT because of covid it's because they are criminals exploiting a current crisis. You act like the father of 3 who is out of work is gonna go on an armed robbery spree or go kill their neighbors for their food. You come across as someone who believes this powderkeg is about to blow. Nothing I see personally and outside of lines at food banks leads me to believe we are even in the ballpark of that kind of societal breakdown yet.
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