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Political Thread

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After over 3 years in office y'all still fear this man? I get what you are saying about the economy, but he's not an idiot when it comes to business.... sure a bankrupt business here or there (but any billionaire has been through that). He didn't get where he is because he's stupid....yeah yeah he makes dumb remarks, yeah he probably should tweet less, yeah he's not the most eloquent speaker, I get it. But to say we can't decide if a Communist like Bernie scares us more than Trump..... come on.

I fear Trump about as much as I fear my dog....
Gabbard is good. But she has no chance. I’d like Bernie to take her as VP.

She might have zero chance, but I refuse to vote for someone I don’t believe in politically. That means Warren, Sanders, Bloomberg, and time a point, Biden. I’d take Biden over the others if he’d calm his tits on gun control and reinstating the AWB.
After over 3 years in office y'all still fear this man? I get what you are saying about the economy, but he's not an idiot when it comes to business.... sure a bankrupt business here or there (but any billionaire has been through that). He didn't get where he is because he's stupid....yeah yeah he makes dumb remarks, yeah he probably should tweet less, yeah he's not the most eloquent speaker, I get it. But to say we can't decide if a Communist like Bernie scares us more than Trump..... come on.

Bernie isn’t a communist. He’s a democratic socialist. Do you understand the difference? It is huge.
Bernie Sanders is a slob. A bum. Michael Moore with gray hair. A Democrat Socialist....LOLOL. Oh he is a socialist for sure! One thing about old Bernie's movement. He at least got his minions moving. Thats a step in the right direction!
Bernie isn’t a communist. He’s a democratic socialist. Do you understand the difference? It is huge.
I don't know, any guy that props up class warfare, aligns himself with Castro, wants to take my guns and place government in control of all aspects of the economy.... seems pretty comrade'ish to me.
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Bernie isn’t a communist. He’s a democratic socialist. Do you understand the difference? It is huge.
I respect your choice and opinion. Bottom line he will bankrupt this country and he think homelessness is bad now he has no idea. There is no way to give free what all he wants to give. Companies will leave. Businesses will close. People will lose their jobs. Health care will become shambles. You will wait forever to have a simple surgery that is a guaranteed. Last if he even thinks about taking guns then it will be an all out war here.
Now someone like him scares me much more than any other.
Looks like the US-Taliban deal is already coming apart....apparently the US told the Taliban they would get all 5,000 Taliban POW released in exchange for the 1,000 Afghan government force POW all by March 10th....apparently no one checked with the Afghani's however since they were not at the talks.....they came out today with a big ole hell no on releasing the POW's and the Taliban has resumed attacks breaking the ceasefire.

Remember when Obama released 5 Taliban POW's and everyone freaked out ( rightfully so it was a terrible move) but now Trump and the same people that freaked out over releasing those 5 guys want to turn 5,000 of them loose.
my replies to posts are direct. Not some wild tangent like when i post stop the endless wars and the response is no military anymore.

and are you suggesting my posts are inappropriate? You’re a moderator and you seem to be saying my posts are not appropriate? I get this is a right leaning forum but are you seriously about to tell me I can’t post left wing opinions?
If they were inappropriate I would've deleted them and advised you. I never once stated that... you accused someone else of basically putting words in your mouth about getting rid of the military and now you do the same to me. This forum is fairly balanced actually.... my post was basically some of your comments can be viewed as more incendiary, whether intentional or not. And for the record "right wing trumpers" as you and others like to refer to them, have been called out for the same type of post, so it's not biased, but to be fair.
Pete may also endorse Biden. Even if he doesn't, together with the impressive SC results vs expectations Biden has decent mo and cannot at all be counted out of the race.
Looks like obama has had enough of Bernie lol.
Looks like obama has had enough of Bernie lol.

establishment is trying to destroy Bernie. Don’t underestimate the hate for the establishment. We will see where this ends up.
I voted for him in 2016 but this is just a bunch of bs. Dead "serious", there's no such thing as "common fact" this is 1000% an opinion which is actually the total opposite of one. For as much as people complained about Obama's golfing habits, those same individuals turned a blind eye to it w/ Trump. Without any actual information let alone real data to back this claim up, we'll assume it's complete garbage.

To each his own.
Bernie isn’t a communist. He’s a democratic socialist. Do you understand the difference? It is huge.
We understand Antifa. Thats the denocrat party or democratic socialist we understand.
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