The following is spot on imo with regard to Trump’s inability to properly handle his duty of head of state. This person is clearly too liberal for my liking, which can be seen in his critique of GWB policies. However, in this, he compliments GWB for his ability to bring the US together during his presidency and his recent call for unity for the current crisis, which Trump unfortunately criticized:
Trump cannot perform one of the vital functions of his office
“It's a quality I've come to appreciate, admire, and miss terribly through the civic desert of the Trump administration: the capacity of a president to rise above partisanship to speak from and to the nation as a whole.”
I’m proud to say I voted for GWB twice. This is what he released recently in his call for unity:
If you after listening to this can’t feel the huge difference between him and Trump on the issue of trying to unify the country, then I don’t know what else anyone can say to ever convince you.