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Political Thread

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Those votes in primaries are split between many candidates. Normally I would agree that those folks would support whomever the nominee ends up on the platform. I dont think that will be the case this year for 2 reasons. If Bernie is the guy the democrat party is in big trouble. If Bernie isnt the guy its not as bad but still wont be what you are predicting regarding the popular vote. The dems have never been more split andin disarray than they are now

I dont think so, one thing unites them more than all the internal issues they have and that is Trump.....if Bernie does not get the nominee he will be right there beside the nominee campaigning for them...the Bernie people acted like this in 2016 too and in the end Hillary had more votes than Trump and she only lost by 80k votes spread over 3 states...the Dems are easily going to make up that 80K deficit and Trump will be very lucky to get as many votes in 2020 as he had in 2016. Trump has to win NC/FL/OH and keep at least WI from the WI/PA/MI block.....thats a tough thing for Trump to do.
To vote for who? The man with dementia or the socialists bum who has accomplished little to nothing in his life? You must have very little faith in the intelligence of your fellow citizens. Ill admit i dont either when it comes to politics and voting, I just cant see millions of people flocking to the polls to vote for any of the Democrat hopefuls. You are gonna fail on this prediction just like you did on that impeachment hammer falling.
Three million more voted for a democrat in the last election and Trump won, why can't it happen again?
Trump was acquitted; not saved. Get over it. Read what Jonathan Turley has said about the latest court ruling and what he's been saying all along.

There were no impeachable offenses'; it was a political witch hunt that started even before the last election when it looked like Trump actually had a chance.

Meh I am not going to rehash this, Trump is the single most corrupt president we have ever had time will prove that to everyone but the Trumpers who will never believe any of it anyways. Trump was most certainly "saved" he did it and everyone knew he did, the GOP just decided it was not impeachable even though it was....call it whatever you need to to legitimize it.
Meh I am not going to rehash this, Trump is the single most corrupt president we have ever had time will prove that to everyone but the Trumpers who will never believe any of it anyways. Trump was most certainly "saved" he did it and everyone knew he did, the GOP just decided it was not impeachable even though it was....call it whatever you need to to legitimize it.

lol, denial is the 1st stage of grief; I do keep forgetting there are still a lot of people living in grief from 2016.

What's really funny is I'm not a Trumper; my biggest fear about him came true; he can't shut his mouth. Would've taken his phone and computer and any other electronic device just about away the moment he became President. Do believe he's done a lot of good things for the country and unless proven otherwise think his heart is in the right place.

I will take him a million times over dead-bodies Clinton; Communist/Socialist whatever you want to call him Sanders; and crooked as the Dragon and basically demented Biden.
I dont think so, one thing unites them more than all the internal issues they have and that is Trump.....if Bernie does not get the nominee he will be right there beside the nominee campaigning for them...the Bernie people acted like this in 2016 too and in the end Hillary had more votes than Trump and she only lost by 80k votes spread over 3 states...the Dems are easily going to make up that 80K deficit and Trump will be very lucky to get as many votes in 2020 as he had in 2016. Trump has to win NC/FL/OH and keep at least WI from the WI/PA/MI block.....thats a tough thing for Trump to do.

Flash back to 2016 when Trump was an unknown. No chance of winning. 4 years later, the economy is booming, record low unemployment across the board. Far more positives than negatives. The other choice will be a socialist or a man with dimentia. Im sorry but to think Trump wont flip more votes than he loses is shortsided in my opinion. The electoral college is the only thing that matters of course but I just dont see how you can think he loses more in the popular vote. Not with his base sitting at 95% approval.
Flash back to 2016 when Trump was an unknown. No chance of winning. 4 years later, the economy is booming, record low unemployment across the board. Far more positives than negatives. The other choice will be a socialist or a man with dimentia. Im sorry but to think Trump wont flip more votes than he loses is shortsided in my opinion. The electoral college is the only thing that matters of course but I just dont see how you can think he loses more in the popular vote. Not with his base sitting at 95% approval.

His base is not at 95% its closer to 85-90%. Trump is not gaining ground anywhere with any voter group, I suspect he loses 500k-1 million votes off his 2016 numbers...the Dems will gain 1-2 million, even then Trump could still win.

The fact is Trump needs NC/FL/OH and at least 1 out of the 3 MI/WI/PA....plus every other state has to break the same way that it did in 2016....Trump cant afford to lose NC or FL or OH, if he loses any of those states then he needs all 3 of PA/MI/WI and if Trump is losing states like NC he damn sure is not winning in PA/MI etc.....

Trump is behind or tied with Biden and Sanders in every single one of those states I list above......
Three million more voted for a democrat in the last election and Trump won, why can't it happen again?

I gave my reasons why its unlikely. Trumps approval is incredibly high with his base. The democrat party is in disarray (sorry that just a fact) and not a good sign for the party. The economy and unemployment numbers are in Trumps favor by a long shot and I believe the Democrat party has turned many independents and moderates off. I can be wrong about the popular vote and still win so its no biggie but i think I am correct on this one
His base is not at 95% its closer to 85-90%. Trump is not gaining ground anywhere with any voter group, I suspect he loses 500k-1 million votes off his 2016 numbers...the Dems will gain 1-2 million, even then Trump could still win.

The fact is Trump needs NC/FL/OH and at least 1 out of the 3 MI/WI/PA....plus every other state has to break the same way that it did in 2016....Trump cant afford to lose NC or FL or OH, if he loses any of those states then he needs all 3 of PA/MI/WI and if Trump is losing states like NC he damn sure is not winning in PA/MI etc.....

Trump is behind or tied with Biden and Sanders in every single one of those states I list above......

Trump in a LANDSLIDE!! Just my opinion of course
His base is not at 95% its closer to 85-90%. Trump is not gaining ground anywhere with any voter group, I suspect he loses 500k-1 million votes off his 2016 numbers...the Dems will gain 1-2 million, even then Trump could still win.

The fact is Trump needs NC/FL/OH and at least 1 out of the 3 MI/WI/PA....plus every other state has to break the same way that it did in 2016....Trump cant afford to lose NC or FL or OH, if he loses any of those states then he needs all 3 of PA/MI/WI and if Trump is losing states like NC he damn sure is not winning in PA/MI etc.....

Trump is behind or tied with Biden and Sanders in every single one of those states I list above......

Well I gave my reasons why I think Trump wins in a landslide. What I see with my eyes, people I talk too. I am a realist not a number cruncher. I see far more people who are better off now than 4 years ago so im gonna put my stock in that not polls and media pundits opinions.
Polls are pretty much useless at this point when it involves Trump because his support base hangs the phone up. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

Dont get me wrong. I want Sanders to be your nominee because this country was built from the ground up on capitalism and America will not accept socialism of any flavor. If he is the nominee it will serve 2 purposes. His socialist agenda gets rejected front and center on the big stage and the Democrats will lose the only chamber they hold to boot.

Precisely why I’m not voting for Bernie on Tuesday. I’m fed up with what has become of my party. Being a Blue Dog Democrat in this day and age is damn near impossible. Why can’t we have fiscally conservative, Pro-2A, socially liberal Democrats like Jim Hunt anymore?
Precisely why I’m not voting for Bernie on Tuesday. I’m fed up with what has become of my party. Being a Blue Dog Democrat in this day and age is damn near impossible. Why can’t we have fiscally conservative, Pro-2A, socially liberal Democrats like Jim Hunt anymore?

I think those days are gone for your party. They are more interested in taxing your balls off so slack jaws can live the same life for being mediocre versus exceptional
So you're saying that while he's in the bathroom he's dealing with presidential business? Okay then...

Joking aside he isn't doing presidential business all the time.
Hes thinking about it. Look at the timestamp on all those tweets. That was the point I was trying to make. Trump is one of those people who just love doing business,deals etc. We work to live, hes one of those who live to work. Thats his personality/passion.
This is a joke right?
No joke. Dead series ,its a common gulp of disbeleif from his staff dating back to the last campaign till current time how hard he goes. Yes Im pro Trump etc. But it has been well advertised by those who have to work along side him,the guy never lets up, hardlysleeps etc.

This is just common fact and I get where it could be interputed as a run of the mill promotion/ campaign booster for my candidate of choice etc. Wasnt meant that way, just a true fact how tirelessly he presses.
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