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Political Thread

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Regarding the President: I really can't understand how ya'll think he is not busy doing work. I don't know if it's MSM or you just feel like he goofs off. I don't get it...I really don't.

Regarding Biden: He called Chris Wallace Chuck. Chris was pressing him on his mental capacity and gaffes. Biden said Trump doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know how to run the country, making us unsafe etc etc and then called Chris Chuck. He looks like he has aged a lot lately. Weird.
Regarding the President: I really can't understand how ya'll think he is not busy doing work. I don't know if it's MSM or you just feel like he goofs off. I don't get it...I really don't.

Regarding Biden: He called Chris Wallace Chuck. Chris was pressing him on his mental capacity and gaffes. Biden said Trump doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know how to run the country, making us unsafe etc etc and then called Chris Chuck. He looks like he has aged a lot lately. Weird.
Literally every president ever was busy doing work at some point. However to say Trump is busier than all other presidents is laughable. He's likely doing less work than some other presidents have in the past have had to do.
Literally every president ever was busy doing work at some point. However to say Trump is busier than all other presidents is laughable. He's likely doing less work than some other presidents have in the past have had to do.
I have never said he's busier than other Presidents per say, he's just busier than the average person in general. Always has been. Just the kind of person he is. I love it. I like people that are not lazy and get stuff done and there is a lot more great things he will achieve.
I have never said he's busier than other Presidents per say, he's just busier than the average person in general. Always has been. Just the kind of person he is. I love it. I like people that are not lazy and get stuff done and there is a lot more great things he will achieve.
Busy golfing.
Buttigieg pulled out of the democratic race and so many libs are in shambles. Several prominent wxtwitter figures basically stan'd him and one of them (Lillo) deleted his twitter account just now. I'm running out of popcorn ?
Buttigieg pulled out of the democratic race and so many libs are in shambles. Several prominent wxtwitter figures basically stan'd him and one of them (Lillo) deleted his twitter account just now. I'm running out of popcorn ?

Buttigieg pulled out! Thats what he said....

Sorry had to do it
I kinda wonder if we're going to end up with a brokered convention this summer from what I've seen. Biden's going to win a lot of southern states but he hasn't even been campaigning in some Super Tuesday states?

I think we end up seeing no clear winner.
Buttigieg pulled out of the democratic race and so many libs are in shambles. Several prominent wxtwitter figures basically stan'd him and one of them (Lillo) deleted his twitter account just now. I'm running out of popcorn ?

pete was almost a non factor. I’m not giving him any tears. Lol if you think this does much of anything. Post all of these libs in shambles. It’s been Sanders and Biden since the get go. If you think any differently you don’t need to be commenting on this race.
I kinda wonder if we're going to end up with a brokered convention this summer from what I've seen. Biden's going to win a lot of southern states but he hasn't even been campaigning in some Super Tuesday states?

I think we end up seeing no clear winner.

If it’s not very close in terms of delegates then whoever has the most will get the nom. If the democrats try and steal it from Biden or sanders they would be screwed for a decade or more. There would be an all moot revolt in the party.
To vote for who? The man with dementia or the socialists bum who has accomplished little to nothing in his life? You must have very little faith in the intelligence of your fellow citizens. Ill admit i dont either when it comes to politics and voting, I just cant see millions of people flocking to the polls to vote for any of the Democrat hopefuls. You are gonna fail on this prediction just like you did on that impeachment hammer falling.

Find one post where I said anything other than Trump would be saved by the GOP in the Senate.....I said Trump would be impeached and he was....I said the GOP in the Senate would save him and they did....not sure where I failed on any prediction.

I cant help it of your not paying attention to the Dem's and voter turnout....make no mistake the Dem turnout in Nov will be at or higher than EVER before....go look at the results in 2018 the evidence is there....you can "believe" whatever you want but the data does not support your belief's at all.

For South Carolina, there was another milestone: a near-record primary turnout. That total would appear to put the state on track to nearly match — or perhaps surpass — the turnout record set during Barack Obama’s first presidential race in 2008

As Nevada political expert and Nevada Independent editor Jon Ralston noted, turnout for the caucuses could surpass the 2008 record of 118,000 caucus-goers, and was certainly greater than in 2016.

Democrats flooded New Hampshire’s polling places. By Tuesday night, it was clear that turnout would surpass the 254,780 votes cast in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary. And on Wednesday, the record 288,672 votes cast in 2008 fell.
Find one post where I said anything other than Trump would be saved by the GOP in the Senate.....I said Trump would be impeached and he was....I said the GOP in the Senate would save him and they did....not sure where I failed on any prediction.

I cant help it of your not paying attention to the Dem's and voter turnout....make no mistake the Dem turnout in Nov will be at or higher than EVER before....go look at the results in 2018 the evidence is there....you can "believe" whatever you want but the data does not support you belief's at all.

For South Carolina, there was another milestone: a near-record primary turnout. That total would appear to put the state on track to nearly match — or perhaps surpass — the turnout record set during Barack Obama’s first presidential race in 2008

As Nevada political expert and Nevada Independent editor Jon Ralston noted, turnout for the caucuses could surpass the 2008 record of 118,000 caucus-goers, and was certainly greater than in 2016.

Democrats flooded New Hampshire’s polling places. By Tuesday night, it was clear that turnout would surpass the 254,780 votes cast in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary. And on Wednesday, the record 288,672 votes cast in 2008 fell.

Those votes in primaries are split between many candidates. Normally I would agree that those folks would support whomever the nominee ends up on the platform. I dont think that will be the case this year for 2 reasons. If Bernie is the guy the democrat party is in big trouble. If Bernie isnt the guy its not as bad but still wont be what you are predicting regarding the popular vote. The dems have never been more split andin disarray than they are now
Not sure whether this thread or the Virus thread contains more anxiety, hypertension and sometimes antagonism ... it's worse than a Wake snow model run ... Folks ... Please calm down ... we're all in all of this together, even though and if we are individuals who, of course, have to watch out for ourselves ... but anxiety and bubbling bitterness solves nothing ... ;)
Mike Bloomberg has purchased three minutes of prime-time TV Sunday to air a taped address on the coronavirus outbreak <just what we need... more of Bloomberg :rolleyes: let me guess, Orange Man bad?

you know all this money he's spending(primetime TV ain't cheap) could be going to something worthy...

I'm sure he's taken a pretty good whack in the market this past week, too...Funds going the wrong way right now!!
This is a joke right?

sortof a joke but right now Biden's probably the biggest joke out there; he's starting to slur words like Pelosi and forget where he is; I'd be scared of a person like that with their finger on the button; Trump may talk too much and be out of line sometimes but he's not an idiot.
TDS is real. Facts and truths matter. S
Waste of time.
Rosie, with all due respect, there are people that are actually stressed and fearful of the times we are in. Fearful of the future with the currant President. People are always afraid of what is going to happen under a president's time in office. If intelligent people are going to fuel peoples fear then no it's NOT A WASTE OF TIME! It is irresponsible to fuel fear with lies, day dreamed misinfo just because it feels good or just because one feels hate. There is too much at stake and only a certain amount of time allotted to us on this earth. Facts matter. Equal justice for all matters. This is not a game.

I am more convinced right this minute more than ever that the Dem party is over.

So disappointed,
Find one post where I said anything other than Trump would be saved by the GOP in the Senate.....I said Trump would be impeached and he was....I said the GOP in the Senate would save him and they did....not sure where I failed on any prediction.

Trump was acquitted; not saved. Get over it. Read what Jonathan Turley has said about the latest court ruling and what he's been saying all along.

There were no impeachable offenses'; it was a political witch hunt that started even before the last election when it looked like Trump actually had a chance.
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