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Political Thread

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yes sir. I left the Republican Party in 2011 when the tea party took over and pushed the party to the right.
I was for Biden and still think he is ok. But I want things to be blown apart. The establishment on the right and left both disgust me. Love him or hate him Bernie will blow it all up. We need a reset.
I agree on the reset but Bernie will bring this country to civil war. We are already on the cusp of it. I mean a civil war against the govt. The people to the military to the police force are tired of the corrupt govt. My fear we get an open boarders, take guns politicians in power and they will be calling the UN troops in to enforce. Seems both parties are lost.
I agree on the reset but Bernie will bring this country to civil war. We are already on the cusp of it. I mean a civil war against the govt. The people to the military to the police force are tired of the corrupt govt. My fear we get an open boarders, take guns politicians in power and they will be calling the UN troops in to enforce. Seems both parties are lost.

god help anyone who thinks that they can seize guns in the south. Me and a lot of others would have quite a bit to say about that.
I agree on the reset but Bernie will bring this country to civil war. We are already on the cusp of it. I mean a civil war against the govt. The people to the military to the police force are tired of the corrupt govt. My fear we get an open boarders, take guns politicians in power and they will be calling the UN troops in to enforce. Seems both parties are lost.
I think we have a totally corrupt government now, all trump did was change swamp dwellers.
yes sir. I left the Republican Party in 2011 when the tea party took over and pushed the party to the right.
I was for Biden and still think he is ok. But I want things to be blown apart. The establishment on the right and left both disgust me. Love him or hate him Bernie will blow it all up. We need a reset.

Remind me again how long Bernie Sanders has been in Congress? Lets look at his accomplishments in life. It wont take you very long because it doesnt amount to much. I want Doc Brown on stage with Trump. It will be must see TV to watch a billionaire who has made congress look like fools against a welfare bum. The only thing he is gonna blow up is the toilet.....
I think we have a totally corrupt government now, all trump did was change swamp dwellers.

But the Trumpers will just continue to ignore this and therefore remain the hypocrites that they are. It is tribalism, folks. It happens on both sides and is what I hate most about politics.

Remember when Trump complained about Obama playing way too much golf? Many of these same folks were in total agreement. Now that the shoe is on the other foot? Case closed.

Edit: This isn't about me being an Obama fan because I never have been. This is about hypcorisy. I've for a long time felt that the lefties were the worst offenders and they may still be. But this time is different.
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But the Trumpers will just continue to ignore this and therefore remain the hypocrites that they are. It is tribalism, folks. It happens on both sides and is what I hate most about politics.

Remember when Trump complained about Obama playing way too much golf? Many of these same folks were in total agreement. Now that the shoe is on the other foot? Case closed.

Edit: This isn't about me being an Obama fan because I never have been. This is about hypcorisy. I've for along time felt that the lefties were the worst offenders and they may still be. But this time is different.
I voted for Trump. Because I did does not make me a hypocrite. Do I agree with his style always no but what politician do we ever agree with their style? I voted the less of 2 evils. As for upcoming election I will vote for Trump. Why again lesser of 2 evils. Sanders a socialist. Bloomberg communist. Biden is another Polosi. The economy has been the best in a long time. I don’t see countries messing with us. Military loves him. I know because my job deals with military. Should he shut his mouth more yes but I choose freedom and hard work. Also tax returns are better last 3 years. My brother owns a cpa firm and showed me why. We can agree to disagree. I respect everyone’s right to choose. I may not understand their choice just like they may not understand mine but I’m not calling someone a hypocrite because they voted for a certain person. That’s what is wrong with world.
I voted for Trump. Because I did does not make me a hypocrite. Do I agree with his style always no but what politician do we ever agree with their style? I voted the less of 2 evils. As for upcoming election I will vote for Trump. Why again lesser of 2 evils. Sanders a socialist. Bloomberg communist. Biden is another Polosi. The economy has been the best in a long time. I don’t see countries messing with us. Military loves him. I know because my job deals with military. Should he shut his mouth more yes but I choose freedom and hard work. Also tax returns are better last 3 years. My brother owns a cpa firm and showed me why. We can agree to disagree. I respect everyone’s right to choose. I may not understand their choice just like they may not understand mine but I’m not calling someone a hypocrite because they voted for a certain person. That’s what is wrong with world.

1. I'm calling those who wanted Trump to drain the swamp but then give Trump a break on this because they like his policies, hypocrites. Same as the golf issue, overall jackass behavior, etc. My comment has nothing to do with policies as I actually agree with many of Trump's policies.

2. Bloomberg is a Communist and not a capitalist? Based on what? The drink size in NYC??
1. I'm calling those who wanted Trump to drain the swamp but then give Trump a break on this because they like his policies, hypocrites. Same as the golf issue, overall jackass behavior, etc. My comment has nothing to do with policies as I actually agree with many of Trump's policies.

2. Bloomberg is a Communist and not a capitalist? Based on what? The drink size in NYC??
I apologize for misunderstanding on hypocrite statement.??
Bloomberg is clear he wants the guns. Plus we have neighbors from NY. Said he has ruined the state. Laws and tax the people.
If I had a penny for every coronavirus victim in the US.... I would have 24 cents.

If I had a penny for every baby aborted in the US alone since 1973, I’d have more than 61,000,000!

If I had a penny for every coronavirus victim in the US.... I would have 24 cents.

If I had a penny for every baby aborted in the US alone since 1973, I’d have more than 61,000,000!

Amen! But it's just a social issue
1. I'm calling those who wanted Trump to drain the swamp but then give Trump a break on this because they like his policies, hypocrites. Same as the golf issue, overall jackass behavior, etc. My comment has nothing to do with policies as I actually agree with many of Trump's policies.

2. Bloomberg is a Communist and not a capitalist? Based on what? The drink size in NYC??

How many FBI goons have been exposed since Trump took office? Thats the swamp buddy. He has exposed many in congress, exposed the corrupt media, exposed corruptionbin other countries. His reward for all of it? Being labeled as "a divider". If you want these people gone STOP VOTING THEM IN! Donald Trump cant do that for you because he isnt actually King Trump. Were you happy being screwed on trade by other countries? Were you happy with sluggish growth? Unemployment? He has made this country stronger and their is no denying this. You just cant get past him being an asshole to enjoy the prosperity he has ignited
Ive never seen a president log more hours working, and I mean working while serving as POTUS than Trump has. One of his biggest assets is hes constantly after it 24/7, 365.
Ive never seen a president log more hours working, and I mean working while serving as POTUS than Trump has. One of his biggest assets is hes constantly after it 24/7, 365.
So you're saying that while he's in the bathroom he's dealing with presidential business? Okay then...

Joking aside he isn't doing presidential business all the time.
Ive never seen a president log more hours working, and I mean working while serving as POTUS than Trump has. One of his biggest assets is hes constantly after it 24/7, 365.
It is unbelievable how much he does. He works rings around people half his age. He doesn't sleep much. He didn't sleep for 24 hours in India. Staff kept trying to get him to but he kept saying he would soon just a few more things to do. All anybody has to do is follow day to day and there is no physical way possible he can play much golf or whatever people thinks he's doing. Work horse and I love people that work!
It is unbelievable how much he does. He works rings around people half his age. He doesn't sleep much. He didn't sleep for 24 hours in India. Staff kept trying to get him to but he kept saying he would soon just a few more things to do. All anybody has to do is follow day to day and there is no physical way possible he can play much golf or whatever people thinks he's doing. Work horse and I love people that work!

It is unbelievable how much he does. He works rings around people half his age. He doesn't sleep much. He didn't sleep for 24 hours in India. Staff kept trying to get him to but he kept saying he would soon just a few more things to do. All anybody has to do is follow day to day and there is no physical way possible he can play much golf or whatever people thinks he's doing. Work horse and I love people that work!
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