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Political Thread

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I have a question about this whole thing. It seems like for years abortion was no big deal. A few groups opposed but mostly it was not anything anybody really paid attention to. Not such a hot topic. Then here comes this more radical late term abortion by the dems. Why did this blow up and the dems introduce this late term business? Why such a radical move? Celebrating so outwardly? I think they brought the late term and even after birth into the department like say murder, and things like that the government naturally has their nose in. Right to choose went to whole different level. It may have to do with the business side of it and the parts market. Planned Parenthood is a huge money making business and way more disgusting than just the right to choose with night after or first couple of weeks thing...All interesting.

Planned Parenthood was initially instituted as a way of controlling the “less desirable” part of The population; read, blacks. The dirty side of PP that my SJW brethren in the DNC don’t want anyone to remember.
Do you remember the term, “Hurry up and wait”? I know you do. LMAO. Relax frogman. You’ll get your chance to poop behind a sand dune soon enough.

LOL.....Its beyond aggravating because I have to make months of provisions months ahead of time. I have other opportunities I passed on. I did get warned by a few former team members that this was likely to happen so guess I shouldnt be in total shock but 2 weeks out is not cool. Family is happy though so there is that
Yep, one of the most successful technological enhancements for our abilities to extract energy and actually make us an exporter should immediately cease.

To heck with relatively cheap natural gas prices and to heck with all the direct and indirect jobs and associated livelihoods.

To heck with the increased tax revenues.

To heck with the people, just dictate everything.

That's not something I ever want to see nor my children or grandchildren, but you let these people have power and life as we know it will be drastically worse.

Well you have point there but it's deeper than that. George Soros, deep state and MSM. And to your point, that is why GS is able to be their puppet master in the first place. He is really really a bad character and a scary SOB. Has his nose and money in everything!! Follow the money and connect the dots. He's got to go!! Other countries have banned him etc. and I do believe this is some of what is going on with the whole draining the swamp thing too. Not just the players we see on the surface in DC.

Soros is a slimeball….I call him Jabba the Hutt
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Yep, one of the most successful technological enhancements for our abilities to extract energy and actually make us an exporter should immediately cease.

To heck with relatively cheap natural gas prices and to heck with all the direct and indirect jobs and associated livelihoods.

To heck with the increased tax revenues.

To heck with the people, just dictate everything.

That's not something I ever want to see nor my children or grandchildren, but you let these people have power and life as we know it will be drastically worse.


With Biden's strong win in SC, maybe this will mean enough of a change in momentum to knock back Sanders and that Dems will have the sense to not nominate a socialist. We'll see in 3 days if there's any Biden mo.

Pre primary polls averaged ~40% for Biden vs 24% for Sanders. Let's see how Biden does in comparison. Right now it is Biden 53% and Sanders 17% but with only 14% of the precincts counted.

Edit: Now 51% to 18% with 16% of precincts counted.

PS/aside: I thought Trump did much better with his Coronavirus news conference today vs the prior one.
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With Biden's strong win in SC, maybe this will mean enough of a change in momentum to knock back Sanders and that Dems will have the sense to not nominate a socialist. We'll see in 3 days if there's any Biden mo.

Pre primary polls averaged ~40% for Biden vs 24% for Sanders. Let's see how Biden does in comparison. Right now it is Biden 53% and Sanders 17% but with only 13% of the precincts counted.

Biden needs a big surge coming out of this....he crushed everyone in SC and should repeat that in a lot of the south, but it might not be enough to stop the Bernie train at this point.
The polls listed below show how much better Biden has done vs Sanders vs all of these polls: now at a whopping 50% Biden vs only 19% Sanders with over half the precincts counted or a very impressive 31% margin vs the average poll margin of only 15%. So, assuming this largely holds, I’ll be looking to see if Biden gets good mo in the upcoming weeks. I admit I’m biased because I don’t want a socialist (Sanders) to be the next POTUS:

RCP Average2/23 - 2/2739.724.311.711. +15.4

2/26 - 2/2741251111562Biden +16
Trafalgar2/26 - 2/2744231110662Biden +21
DFP (D)2/23 - 2/2734251313753Biden +9
The polls listed below show how much better Biden has done vs Sanders vs all of these polls: now at a whopping 50% Biden vs only 19% Sanders with over half the precincts counted or a very impressive 31% margin vs the average poll margin of only 15%. So, assuming this largely holds, I’ll be looking to see if Biden gets good mo in the upcoming weeks. I admit I’m biased because I don’t want a socialist (Sanders) to be the next POTUS:

RCP Average2/23 - 2/2739.724.311.711. +15.4

2/26 - 2/2741251111562Biden +16
Trafalgar2/26 - 2/2744231110662Biden +21
DFP (D)2/23 - 2/2734251313753Biden +9

Don’t worry. He isn’t!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
LOL.....Its beyond aggravating because I have to make months of provisions months ahead of time. I have other opportunities I passed on. I did get warned by a few former team members that this was likely to happen so guess I shouldnt be in total shock but 2 weeks out is not cool. Family is happy though so there is that

If momma ain’t happy, no ones happy.
Yep, one of the most successful technological enhancements for our abilities to extract energy and actually make us an exporter should immediately cease.

To heck with relatively cheap natural gas prices and to heck with all the direct and indirect jobs and associated livelihoods.

To heck with the increased tax revenues.

To heck with the people, just dictate everything.

That's not something I ever want to see nor my children or grandchildren, but you let these people have power and life as we know it will be drastically worse.


They’re both idiots. And I’m a registered Democrat.
The polls listed below show how much better Biden has done vs Sanders vs all of these polls: now at a whopping 50% Biden vs only 19% Sanders with over half the precincts counted or a very impressive 31% margin vs the average poll margin of only 15%. So, assuming this largely holds, I’ll be looking to see if Biden gets good mo in the upcoming weeks. I admit I’m biased because I don’t want a socialist (Sanders) to be the next POTUS:

RCP Average2/23 - 2/2739.724.311.711. +15.4

2/26 - 2/2741251111562Biden +16
Trafalgar2/26 - 2/2744231110662Biden +21
DFP (D)2/23 - 2/2734251313753Biden +9

According to CNN, Tom Steyer has dropped out of the race. Not too surprising, SC was crucial for him just it was for Biden. This victory in SC is a mixed blessing. It was a bigger blowout than polls suggest (although polls were kinda all over the place). However, the timing is bad. He only has two days to capitalize on this win and if it's true that Biden hasn't done much campaigning or set up much grassroots operations in Super Tuesday states, this win may not be enough to stop Sanders' momentum. I'm just gonna say it, California is a lost cause for Biden, he may end up completely shut out there because they are already early voting there and Sanders has a 17pt lead there (34%). Warren is the only person who comes close in second with 17% support. Speaking of Warren, her poor performance in SC might help Sanders in CA even more (maybe in MA too). Sanders also has a good lead in Texas, he's leading by 9pts there. That will probably narrow some because of Biden's win, we'll see. Lastly, I haven't even talked about the monkey wrench, Bloomberg we don't know how well or poor he'll perform on Super Tuesday. He's Biden's thorn in his side if he overperforms he's going to hurt Biden's support.
I've seen lots of ads for Tom Steyer on TV in Alabama the last 2 weeks. I guess we're done with those now
According to CNN, Tom Steyer has dropped out of the race. Not too surprising, SC was crucial for him just it was for Biden. This victory in SC is a mixed blessing. It was a bigger blowout than polls suggest (although polls were kinda all over the place). However, the timing is bad. He only has two days to capitalize on this win and if it's true that Biden hasn't done much campaigning or set up much grassroots operations in Super Tuesday states, this win may not be enough to stop Sanders' momentum. I'm just gonna say it, California is a lost cause for Biden, he may end up completely shut out there because they are already early voting there and Sanders has a 17pt lead there (34%). Warren is the only person who comes close in second with 17% support. Speaking of Warren, her poor performance in SC might help Sanders in CA even more (maybe in MA too). Sanders also has a good lead in Texas, he's leading by 9pts there. That will probably narrow some because of Biden's win, we'll see. Lastly, I haven't even talked about the monkey wrench, Bloomberg we don't know how well or poor he'll perform on Super Tuesday. He's Biden's thorn in his side if he overperforms he's going to hurt Biden's support.

The Democratic establishment doesn’t want Sanders as the nominee. He’s an independent and only caucuses with the DNC because they’re aligned closer to his beliefs than the GOP. They don’t want him because he’s an admitted socialist and the mainstream Dems don’t want him or the far left like AOC to take control of the party because if that happens, they will never again win the White House. Once again, this if what I, a registered Democrat think and believe.
The Democratic establishment doesn’t want Sanders as the nominee. He’s an independent and only caucuses with the DNC because they’re aligned closer to his beliefs than the GOP. They don’t want him because he’s an admitted socialist and the mainstream Dems don’t want him or the far left like AOC to take control of the party because if that happens, they will never again win the White House. Once again, this if what I, a registered Democrat think and believe.

As a registered Democrat also, I do agree with this. DNC/Democratic establishment has made it VERY clear they are going to stop Sanders by any means necessary if he comes into the convention this summer with only the plurality and not the majority of needed delegates. Only thing I disagree with is the last part. I don't buy into that narrative. It's never going to happen, but we need to abolish superdelegates. Imo, it's undemocratic that a small group of people can swoop in and put their thumb down and say we are going to overturn the will of the people who voted for the candidate they wanted. It should give Democrats pause that the Republican party doesn't rely on superdelegates in a primary election, why should we be doing the same? I stand by the opinion that whoever accumulates the most delegates should be the nominee period.

EDIT: I meant to say I do agree with most of what you said.
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As a registered Democrat also, I do agree with this. DNC/Democratic establishment has made it VERY clear they are going to stop Sanders by any means necessary if he comes into the convention this summer with only the plurality and not the majority of needed delegates. Only thing I disagree with is the last part. I don't buy into that narrative. It's never going to happen, but we need to abolish superdelegates. Imo, it's undemocratic that a small group of people can swoop in and put their thumb down and say we are going to overturn the will of the people who voted for the candidate they wanted. It should give Democrats pause that the Republican party doesn't rely on superdelegates in a primary election, why should we be doing the same? I stand by the opinion that whoever accumulates the most delegates should be the nominee period.

EDIT: I meant to say I do agree with most of what you said.

Superdelegates who can change their vote on a whim are what rules the DNC. It’s a shame. I’m what my old man calls a Blue Dog Democrat. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
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