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Political Thread

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I never really got into alcohol but I recently discovered pot when I was in Vegas last year and I loved it I definitely wanna see it more widespread in the future
To each his own. Vegas..The last time I was there I got lost from my people and ended up riding around in a taxi trying to find my way with a bunch of dudes from Scotland wearing kilts....Good ol' alcohol. That probably wouldn't have happend with pot. LOL LOL!!!
Also this is being ignored by the MSM for obvious reasons.

Its was going to go to the SCOTUS one way or the other regardless of who "won" this round....its not surprising that this was the decision given the judges on the panel.....I think ultimately the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court either 5-4 or 6-3, this will set the precedent limiting executive privilege which is the right call.....however luckily for Trump it wont be till after Nov probably at this point before the SCOTUS can take it up.
yeah I’m done responding to you. The “free life” is just a ridiculous thing to say. I haven’t suggested that. I said federally legal marijuana, medicare for all who want it (keep your private plan) and free public college (keep your private school). You aren’t debating in good faith.

That makes ZERO SENSE. You want free college and free insurance but I am more than welcome to pay for mine so long as I pay for yours too? Thats pretty much what you just said....Unbelievable
Just sonething to watch, out of 2900+ cases in SK, according to BNO news only 7 are listed in serious condition. They are reporting 17 dead but all I've seen so far is older people with pre-existing health conditions.
I am one of those over 65 who wants action from trump.
My first thought is do we really know for sure what went on over there? Maybe something else going on all together. The fact that we have been forced to panic about something so mysterious is feeling odd. I don't know, I think it's all about crashing the economy in the end but that's just me...
So the Dems are crashing the world economy to get rid of Trump? They can't count votes in Iowa but they can rig the whole world to benefit them?
So the Dems are crashing the world economy to get rid of Trump? They can't count votes in Iowa but they can rig the whole world to benefit them?
I say you actually have a point there, that might be giving the Dems too much credit.... but the very left leaning media knows that it won't hurt them any to pump the hype and panic.
Its was going to go to the SCOTUS one way or the other regardless of who "won" this round....its not surprising that this was the decision given the judges on the panel.....I think ultimately the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court either 5-4 or 6-3, this will set the precedent limiting executive privilege which is the right call.....however luckily for Trump it wont be till after Nov probably at this point before the SCOTUS can take it up.

I think the point Turley is making is that the ruling indicates the Trump admin had a valid constitutional argument as ruled here regarding the obstruction of justice charge. The Supreme Court may indeed decide differently but Turley’s point is essentially that this ruling shows the obstruction of justice charges were premature at this stage in the game.
Because according to the law of the land and the Constitution its something a women has a legal right to decide to do....I don't agree with it, and I do support laws limiting abortion but at the end of the day I think that Roe vs Wade got it right from a Constitutional standpoint. That means that attempting to force a change in that law is done based on social views thus making it a social issue. Also I think the systems we have in place would not be able to handle 600-700k unwanted children every year....the entire issue is ugly and sad but at the end of the day the current system works better than any alternative.
Exterminating jews was the law of the land in Germany at one time.
Owning slaves was the law of the land in the US at one time.

Every life is as valuable as yours ,mine, a fathers, or a mothers. Abortion is plain out murder. Dress it up however you like.
Because according to the law of the land and the Constitution its something a women has a legal right to decide to do....I don't agree with it, and I do support laws limiting abortion but at the end of the day I think that Roe vs Wade got it right from a Constitutional standpoint. That means that attempting to force a change in that law is done based on social views thus making it a social issue. Also I think the systems we have in place would not be able to handle 600-700k unwanted children every year....the entire issue is ugly and sad but at the end of the day the current system works better than any alternative.
I always here about less government regulation unless it's a woman's right to choose
So the Dems are crashing the world economy to get rid of Trump? They can't count votes in Iowa but they can rig the whole world to benefit them?
Well you have point there but it's deeper than that. George Soros, deep state and MSM. And to your point, that is why GS is able to be their puppet master in the first place. He is really really a bad character and a scary SOB. Has his nose and money in everything!! Follow the money and connect the dots. He's got to go!! Other countries have banned him etc. and I do believe this is some of what is going on with the whole draining the swamp thing too. Not just the players we see on the surface in DC.
Nothing like getting an email putting your 6 month contract to Afghanistan ON HOLD. Unfortunately for me ON HOLD means we can arrange another contract pulling security in another hot spot not of your choosing. I have spent 4 months doing nothing of substance and I was actually looking forward to the cold and dust storms in a 3rd world country.....Im about to pull my @#$%! hair out!
I always here about less government regulation unless it's a woman's right to choose
I have a question about this whole thing. It seems like for years abortion was no big deal. A few groups opposed but mostly it was not anything anybody really paid attention to. Not such a hot topic. Then here comes this more radical late term abortion by the dems. Why did this blow up and the dems introduce this late term business? Why such a radical move? Celebrating so outwardly? I think they brought the late term and even after birth into the department like say murder, and things like that the government naturally has their nose in. Right to choose went to whole different level. It may have to do with the business side of it and the parts market.? Planned Parenthood is a huge money making business and way more disgusting than just the right to choose with night after or first couple of weeks thing...All interesting.
Nothing like getting an email putting your 6 month contract to Afghanistan ON HOLD. Unfortunately for me ON HOLD means we can arrange another contract pulling security in another hot spot not of your choosing. I have spent 4 months doing nothing of substance and I was actually looking forward to the cold and dust storms in a 3rd world country.....Im about to pull my @#$%! hair out!

Do you remember the term, “Hurry up and wait”? I know you do. LMAO. Relax frogman. You’ll get your chance to poop behind a sand dune soon enough.
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