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Political Thread

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Naw Sanders isn't the answer no more than Trump was.....he is the Dems version of Trump, he is a knee jerk reaction to Trump like Trump was to Obama. What needs to happen in the middle moderates in both parties have to step up and take control and make everyone behave like adults.

you get it. This is 2016 again in reverse.
Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.
It would never work out that way. Sounds good on paper but it just wouldn't. First of all you would have to trust the government to handle it and they can't even get my county right on my drivers license or keep people from committing food stamp fraud. You say you wouldn't mind paying more taxes until it's like 70 then 80 then 90 to make it work. It's not going to happen. People will have to plan and work and pay for their own schooling. What would drive anyone to go to school in the first place if they aren't going to make any money. Everyone being treated equally regardless..why not just get in the free line without having to go to school/get a job? Why even work?
I care if they're under the influence and on the roads around me. Last I checked, there's no easy way to tell intoxication levels and limits like with alcohol.

lol they already do it. And there are rapid tests to see if you have used recently.
It would never work out that way. Sounds good on paper but it just wouldn't. First of all you would have to trust the government to handle it and they can't even get my county right on my drivers license or keep people from committing food stamp fraud. You say you wouldn't mind paying more taxes until it's like 70 then 80 then 90 to make it work. It's not going to happen. People will have to plan and work and pay for their own schooling. What would drive anyone to go to school in the first place if they aren't going to make any money. Everyone being treated equally regardless..why not just get in the free line without having to go to school/get a job? Why even work?
Wow, what a leap. Somehow now nobody can make money? This is just crazy and there are no studies to back up this assertion.
Cut taxes but not spending equals huge debt....reduced regulations help in some areas hurt in others ( environment etc ) that will have a cost down the road, abortion is a social issue, securing the borders, military build up etc are fine as long as they are done smartly and they currently are not IMO, love Gorsuch he will be the best justice of the last 50-100 yrs....Kavanaugh is ok, better than a liberal judge but more a executive favoring guy and that's a bit worrisome.....I don't really have much of a issue with the fiscal side of the GOP platform(well other than its not doing enough to actually fix the budget ), its the social side and Trump that rub me the wrong way, there are tons of perfectly capable Republicans that can do all these things and do it without being Trump...
Unfortunately the Pres can't cut spending without congressional support, anytime he makes cuts he gets ridiculed for not doing enough or spending more. TDS is real, he can't do anything right in the eyes of some that's for sure. And I get sick of abortion being glazed over because it's a "social issue", like it shouldn't matter....its about human life. Watch an abortion and tell me its not.
Unfortunately the Pres can't cut spending without congressional support, anytime he makes cuts he gets ridiculed for not doing enough or spending more. TDS is real, he can't do anything right in the eyes of some that's for sure. And I get sick of abortion being glazed over because it's a "social issue", like it shouldn't matter....its about human life. Watch an abortion and tell me its not.

believe it or not Im prolife and a dem. We do exist.
"Already do it" Isn't an excuse for legalization. Might as well legalize all other crimes that hurt people such as murder and assault because it's just going to happen anyway.

DUI is DUI I’m not advocating for people to be allowed to smoke pot and drive.
DUI is DUI I’m not advocating for people to be allowed to smoke pot and drive.
Yes, but making it widespread just increases the odds of coming across a DUI driver higher. I get the whole "It has no impact over me if I'm not that person, let them do whatever" angle, but when it comes down to people I interact with either directly or indirectly, I'd rather not have another widespread drug and reason to continue the idea of smoking into the future as well.
Yes, but making it widespread just increases the odds of coming across a DUI driver higher. I get the whole "It has no impact over me if I'm not that person, let them do whatever" angle, but when it comes down to people I interact with either directly or indirectly, I'd rather not have another widespread drug and reason to continue the idea of smoking into the future as well.

fair enough. Are you ok with doctors prescribing?
I am not saying they didn't use religion as a basis for some of the Constitution only that folks like Jefferson and Franklin were not Christians....so the guy that wrote most of the document did not see god the way you do and did not base it solely on the bible, in fact he used a lot of Roman influences etc....

Jefferson would not be called a Christian by you or any other Christian in todays America and well John Adams was also someone who today would not be considered a Christian....both Jefferson and Adams did not believe in the divinity of Jesus or the Trinity. They considered Jesus a moral man who teachings were very important but that was the extent of that. They believed God was not involved in our lives and that's why you see so many terms like "natural law" and " creator" and other such language in those documents. So would you consider someone who did not believe Jesus was the son of god and in the Trinity a Christian or not?
"Used Judeo Christian Values" Those come from the Word Of God,, BIBLE.
I wasnt promoting or debating whether Jefferson or Adams had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. would or would not be considered a christian by todays or yesterdays standards.
I'll let this lye, but make no bones its long and overwhelming, indisputable that our constitution was written and framed directly with pure effort from the principals laid out in Gods word, the bible.
Say hello to president Sanders.

Same polls said Hillary should be our president right now... but she’s not.

Regarding the wealthy paying taxes, they already pay their fair share. Here’s a great illustration of what they pay. Btw if you tax the rich too much they will leave and go to other countries to pay less taxes, businesses will cut jobs and pay less to maintain profit margins and stay out of debt. Look at every country that has tried socialism and what the results were. Venezuela went from an extremely prosperous country to a corrupt, poor and food deprived country thanks to socialism and their leadership. Bernie Sanders also thinks bread lines are a good thing. Idk about you but I like being able to go to the grocery store and buy what I want instead of waiting in line for a government handout.
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