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Political Thread

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Yes and for something so obvious as 1+1=2 some of yall dont understand it or just flat out dont care.
Its unfortunate that you think people don't care (which is horse sh*t) but at some point you have to face the reality that we CANT continue to ignore people's livelihood. Your family is working, my family is doing fine but I have small business friends who are in danger of losing everything. Let that sink in. You don't wave a magic wand and poof everything is peaches and cream. I am fully in favor of a stepped approach but it needs to get going and NOW
Probably not the best idea to give a $69 million contract based on a tweet:

An engineer who received a $69.1 million contract from New York state, after replying to one of President Trump’s tweets, never provided the ventilators, BuzzFeed News reported Wednesday.
New York state signed a contract with electrical engineer Yaron Oren-Pines in late March for 1,450 ventilators at a price of $47,656 per ventilator, which is about triple the standard retail price of high-end versions, a state official told BuzzFeed News. But none of the ventilators ever showed up.
The state official told BuzzFeed News that the state entered the contract with Oren-Pines because the White House coronavirus task force recommended him. The contract has since been terminated, and New York is scrambling to retrieve its money.

“The guy was recommended to us by the White House coronavirus task force because they were doing business with him, as well,” the official said. “I think everyone was genuinely trying to help each other out and get supplies.”
The payment to Oren-Pines was the largest single payment made by the state’s health department under Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) executive order to speed up retrieving medical equipment, according to BuzzFeed News. Officials declined to say how much of the payment the state was able to get back.
They can all recover from this crisis. Dead people cant.
And how many were older and had medical conditions that the flu might have caused their death. That’s a pretty big assumption they can all recover from the crisis?
You keep acting like everything is a grand conspiracy to get Trump. Get over it because it isn't. The action with the virus is about making sure we don't screw up everything and kill millions because we failed to control it. If you want to get back living let us take our time and be patient. We'll get there but if you and people like you keep pushing to open everything with no social distancing it'll only be longer.
Don't tell me to get over it man. There are people who actually want to see Trump fail at all cost. Its not a conspiracy its a fact. People "like me" have supported the social distancing buts its time to get moving and people back to work. Are you in danger of losing your house? A business? Do you have kids to take care of? This can turn ugly if the economy continues to weaken. What are you going to lose if it does? Anything?
Yes and for something so obvious as 1+1=2 some of yall dont understand it or just flat out dont care.
That's the thing, it's not 1+1 = 2. The shut-downs were suppose to "flatten the curve", so that hospitals wouldn't be over-run. They aren't being over-run and have plenty of capacity. Also, we've learned that the virus is widely distributed in the population now and it is unlikely that we will or would have ever, experienced demand that would cause healthcare rationing. We also have found some treatments that work if you catch it early. Why stay shut-down now? There is no need and you're only increasing the pain down the road. There will be an uptick in suicides, deaths from untreated diseases and an increase in all kinds of abuse. These consequences will be far-reaching and long-lasting, plaguing the "survivors" of the pandemic long after it has subsided.
Its unfortunate that you think people don't care (which is horse sh*t) but at some point you have to face the reality that we CANT continue to ignore people's livelihood. Your family is working, my family is doing fine but I have small business friends who are in danger of losing everything. Let that sink in. You don't wave a magic wand and poof everything is peaches and cream. I am fully in favor of a stepped approach but it needs to get going and NOW

Sure a stepped approach is the way to go. It seems that most of the trump supporters want to open the flood gates to save their kings chances
I fully support a general strike. There is no reason people like Jeff Bezos who have more wealth than can possibly spent in several life times can't do better for their workers. I honestly think billionaires shouldn't be able to exist as such. We praise these essential workers, yet many are trying to get by on starvation wages and are at high risk for contracting COVID-19. Of course if they do get sick, they don't get paid leave and likely can't afford the healthcare needed. One uninsured individual hospitalized with COVID-19 ended up with a $40,000 medical bill. Sometimes I think the description of the US as a third world country wearing a Gucci belt isn't far off.
Now we see those that want America to collapse. They will be the ones crying when the govt. can not take care of them. Apparently Cuba, Venezuela and other countries they ignored.
That's the thing, it's not 1+1 = 2. The shut-downs were suppose to "flatten the curve", so that hospitals wouldn't be over-run. They aren't being over-run and have plenty of capacity. Also, we've learned that the virus is widely distributed in the population now and it is unlikely that we will or would have ever, experienced demand that would cause healthcare rationing. We also have found some treatments that work if you catch it early. Why stay shut-down now? There is no need and you're only increasing the pain down the road. There will be an uptick in suicides, deaths from untreated diseases and an increase in all kinds of abuse. These consequences will be far-reaching and long-lasting, plaguing the "survivors" of the pandemic long after it has subsided.

First off there is NO approved treatment if you catch it early thats a LIE from the LIE flavored koolaid aid yall keep drinking.

Secondly if you had read any of the 3 articles i linked explaining the complexity of antibody testing and its ability to provide large false positives you would be hesitant to claim we have widespread public transmission.
Don't tell me to get over it man. There are people who actually want to see Trump fail at all cost. Its not a conspiracy its a fact. People "like me" have supported the social distancing buts its time to get moving and people back to work. Are you in danger of losing your house? A business? Do you have kids to take care of? This can turn ugly if the economy continues to weaken. What are you going to lose if it does? Anything?
He might lose his life. A military draft would be a real possibility if the U.S. is dragged into a world war due to the global economic collapse. He's a young man ready to die for his country, no doubt!
Now we see those that want America to collapse. They will be the ones crying when the govt. can not take care of them. Apparently Cuba, Venezuela a d other countries they ignored.
LOL out comes Venezuela. You do realize sanctions are a major factor and intentional destablization right? We have been meddling in Latin American affairs for decades, often propping up brutal right wing regimes that murdered thousands.
First off there is NO approved treatment if you catch it early thats a LIE from the LIE flavored koolaid aid yall keep drinking.

Secondly if you had read any of the 3 articles i linked explaining the complexity of antibody testing and its ability to provide large false positives you would be hesitant to claim we have widespread public transmission.
The Covid-19 testing has large false negatives, too.
Sure a stepped approach is the way to go. It seems that most of the trump supporters want to open the flood gates to save their kings chances
Says the one that goes to Lowe’s and store and work. You should not be going out at all. Your wife could be carrying it since she is a nurse and could have given it to you.
Sure a stepped approach is the way to go. It seems that most of the trump supporters want to open the flood gates to save their kings chances
Dude, if you could give me a trade - open everything up now and save the economy and lively-hoods of millions, but we have to have Biden as the next president, I'd take that trade at this point!
That's not what he is saying, but yeah, it's true, older people die in higher percentages than the younger. We can advise the vulnerable to take precautions and let the young and healthy get back to work, or anyone that is ok with the risks associated with living.
They can’t see that without money the younger generation can not take care of the older generation. Especially their parents. Let’s just remember they will all recover as Shaggy said they would.
Says the one that goes to Lowe’s and store and work. You should not be going out at all. Your wife could be carrying it since she is a nurse and could have given it to you.

None of my travels have been unnecessary. My wife doesnt contact covid patients so try again.

I'm almost too tired to do this today. This is y 6th straight 12 hour shift. First 3 were night these last 3 day shift. Making mad bank right now.
They can’t see that without money the younger generation can not take care of the older generation. Especially their parents. Let’s just remember they will all recover as Shaggy said they would.

You cant see without an older generation to take care of why does the younger generation need to work so much?
Maybe you guys have gone over this in one of the many pages of dead horse beating but when you guys say open up do you actually mean let's just revert back to the way things were and everyone is just to take their chances?
Omg. This seriously is the end of capitalism and America as we know it. Even Pelosi is saying time for a basic universal income. Yet many will love this idea not thinking the other cost will be hyperinflation and high taxes.
Sure a stepped approach is the way to go. It seems that most of the trump supporters want to open the flood gates to save their kings chances
There are folks on here that think this extensive sheltering isn't about getting Trump at all. That I am crazy for thinking such a thing! I think its time that many on here just admit there is at least a smidge of political motivation here. I have many reasons for wanting to get this economy back on track and Trump's re-election is one of them. Sorry but I am a realist and there is no way in hell you will convince me that you or your brother aren't cheering for his failure on this.
Maybe you guys have gone over this in one of the many pages of dead horse beating but when you guys say open up do you actually mean let's just revert back to the way things were and everyone is just to take their chances?
Great question. I do not at all. Keep social distancing and respecting others. Restaurants can start with half occupancy. Many will go under I’m sure but open to full capacity in another month. Either way we have to face this virus and eventually let everyone be exposed to it. We can’t keep movies and sports arenas shut down. Colleges and schools also. It sucks either road we take.
There are folks on here that think this extensive sheltering isn't about getting Trump at all. That I am crazy for thinking such a thing! I think its time that many on here just admit there is at least a smidge of political motivation here. I have many reasons for wanting to get this economy back on track and Trump's re-election is one of them. Sorry but I am a realist and there is no way in hell you will convince me that you or your brother aren't cheering for his failure on this.

You would be incorrect. Trump failing means people die as we have seen happening because of his previous failure to take this seriously.
Maybe you guys have gone over this in one of the many pages of dead horse beating but when you guys say open up do you actually mean let's just revert back to the way things were and everyone is just to take their chances?
I think a SLOW relaxation of the restrictions is the way to go....if you go full bore, like it was before, I'm afraid we may revert right back to where we were. If the lockdowns continue much more, though, I believe most of the nation will revolt and ignore whatever restrictions are place on them. I'll be curious to see what Californians do this weekend.
A phased in approach will help relieve the pressure and anxiety for many people and help the economy, which is greatly needed. Severe precautions need to be taken for the most vulnerable (elderly, people with underlying health issues) until a viable vaccine or medicine is widely available.
You would be incorrect. Trump failing means people die as we have seen happening because of his previous failure to take this seriously.
I know Trump gets a lot of blame but there is A LOT of blame to go around. I think you can also call out many others(Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Cuomo). Yes, he's the president and ultimately the buck falls with him. I'm thinking 50% of the people in the US fault Trump and 50% think he has handled this fine. In fact, 50% of people in the country would somehow fault Trump if he cured breast cancer since he didn't cure prostrate cancer at the same time....just sayin
I know Trump gets a lot of blame but there is A LOT of blame to go around. I think you can also call out many others(Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Cuomo). Yes, he's the president and ultimately the buck falls with him. I'm thinking 50% of the people in the US fault Trump and 50% think he has handled this fine. In fact, 50% of people in the country would somehow fault Trump if he cured breast cancer since he didn't cure prostrate cancer at the same time....just sayin

Trump solely owns the failed testing and blowing off of the seriousness of this early on. If Burr and the Georgia politician knew after their first and only briefings to sell their stocks then trump was being briefed on its seriousness as well.
Maybe you guys have gone over this in one of the many pages of dead horse beating but when you guys say open up do you actually mean let's just revert back to the way things were and everyone is just to take their chances?
Speaking for myself....We need to slowly open things back up but when we do it we need to do it. People are going to be cautious and so will many businesses. Not all will but at some point we have to trust people will keep in mind that we need to remain vigilant. Its not going to disappear but we cant keep closing up because of graphs all and models. They have shown me their certainly arent fail proof
Speaking for myself....We need to slowly open things back up but when we do it we need to do it. People are going to be cautious and so will many businesses. Not all will but at some point we have to trust people will keep in mind that we need to remain vigilant. Its not going to disappear but we cant keep closing up because of graphs all and models. They have shown me their certainly arent fail proof

The biggest piece of the puzzle and the one that I think will fail will be people being responsible enough to stay home when sick. Businesses need to not force people to work sick through BS absentee policies.
To think this economic mess is just starting. I can’t imagine the numbers of lawsuits that are going to come forth. From people getting it at work places to who knows where else will sue I’m sure. Bankruptcies in court will be countless from individuals to businesses. Medical bankruptcies will be countless. The division in America will be greater Im afraid because of people fearful and if get to close to them they will freak out. I’m sure parents won’t let some kids go to school because of fear. Schools will be liable to lawsuits if a kid gets it there. Even child care places. Added with the flu good grief. Even opening up will never be the same. I’d almost guaranteed a lot of businesses will hire less to avoid close contact and will have to sign a waiver can not sue that place of employment. Lawyers are going to be busy. Would not surprise me if many businesses just shut down for good to avoid any issues or drama. The red tape will be to costly. Most plants will look to go full AI to avoid people not working and less cost.
To think this economic mess is just starting. I can’t imagine the numbers of lawsuits that are going to come forth. From people getting it at work places to who knows where else will sue I’m sure. Bankruptcies in court will be countless from individuals to businesses. Medical bankruptcies will be countless. The division in America will be greater Im afraid because of people fearful and if get to close to them they will freak out. I’m sure parents won’t let some kids go to school because of fear. Schools will be liable to lawsuits if a kid gets it there. Even child care places. Added with the flu good grief. Even opening up will never be the same. I’d almost guaranteed a lot of businesses will hire less to avoid close contact and will have to sign a waiver can not sue that place of employment. Lawyers are going to be busy. Would not surprise me if many businesses just shut down for good to avoid any issues or drama. The red tape will be to costly. Most plants will look to go full AI to avoid people not working and less cost.

Take some stimulus money buy some stank weed and smoke it.
Trump solely owns the failed testing and blowing off of the seriousness of this early on. If Burr and the Georgia politician knew after their first and only briefings to sell their stocks then trump was being briefed on its seriousness as well.
Well we have been over the "he blew it off crap". So did Fauci if you really want to be specific. There is one thing to blow off the seriousness of something even with the intelligence you "did have". Its completely different to OVERTHINK on it and panic especially when you are in charge of the well being of 300 million people (healthwise and economically). Our "country" was behind on the testing and that was due to many factors. But of course Trump is easy to target on that one...….
If the all the people wasting their time complaining about our current situation put their time into helping the community they live in things would improve. I'm growing as much produce as possible to donate to the local food bank. My wife is coordinating deliveries of food to the elderly and my kids are helping with farm. If you don't have the land to grow food but are financially secure donate to the needy. Little things from individuals adds up.
Social distancing, reduced store capacity and testing testing testing. That's how we need to structure the reopen
And how often do we test? Who do we test? Who pays for all these test? What if a fake positive and you quarantine someone and others wrongfully? They lose their job or house. Can they sue? How long reduced store capacity? Stores cant survive on half capacity forever.
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