It's way more than fair to put in question the economy vs staying locked down for a long time to avoid a major health crisis. The problem is you have to find a balance. Definitely fair to question where the balance is going to be, but it's not out of the question.
Take New York as an example, they likely will be forced to go that far, but they might need to stay locked down until late July-August. As it is, already, some NYC small businesses may already be bankrupt without the possibility of returning. Deaths are a bad thing, but this is also a bad thing as well.
Now I'm not saying to just open up, but we need to work towards doing it sooner rather than much later. If we stay locked down, you're going to see tons of small businesses bankrupt, domestic violence cases increase, and a hoist of other issues. Figuring out that balance is admittedly going to be very difficult. I'm not sure where it is.