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Political Thread

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TDS in full view; thankfully they haven't corrupted their children yet; but they will..

"Geoffrey Michael Fraiche, 41, Laura Ann Webb-Fraiche, 38, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief, trespassing, larceny and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Fraiche and Webb-Fraiche are accused of stealing the man’s flag on April 7, according to a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Ring surveillance video shows the two driving up to the man’s house on a golf cart with at least two children with them, according to deputies. The report says Fraiche and Webb-Fraiche used a ladder to take down the man’s Trump campaign flag.

The man said their actions caused about $500 in damage to the base of the flagpole and the flag itself cost $200. He wished to pursue charges.

Fraiche’s arrest report says he is a gynecologist with at Sacred Heart Hospital. Webb-Fraiche’s arrest report says she is a gynecologist at West Florida Hospital.'"

I made a post in the religous thread Phillioans 4:19

But all of us, SELF included can gleam from this today. Some of us probably have a struggle or two. But lets all remind self how blessed we really are.
“If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of the world. If you have money in your bank, your wallet, and some spare change, you are among 8 percent of the world’s wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture or the horrible pangs of starvation, you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. If you can read this message, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.”
This is absolutely sickening. The loan program for small businesses is now out of funding. What does Pelosi do? Brags about blocking the clean bill because she wants to add other things to it and brags about her fridge stocked with ice cream. For those out of work and small businesses that need the loans, this is inexcusable and sickening.

I see a lot of Trump supporters celebrating the $1200 yet they are supposed to be against socialism. Anyway the protests to re-open are absolutely ridiculous. In Lansing they blocked an ambulance in doing so. Additionally, someone was waving a confederate flag in MI? I can only guess it has to do with the racist nature of the symbol. I expect you will see a spike in cases there. The lunacy and stupidity of many in Trump's world never ceases to amaze me. I do have a question for those that support him thought? Do you actually believe he cares about you and not just himself? If you do I have a bridge to sell you.
This is absolutely sickening. The loan program for small businesses is now out of funding. What does Pelosi do? Brags about blocking the clean bill because she wants to add other things to it and brags about her fridge stocked with ice cream. For those out of work and small businesses that need the loans, this is inexcusable and sickening.

Funny how that works. I am sure billionaires and major corporations will have no problem getting their bailout though.
This is absolutely sickening. The loan program for small businesses is now out of funding. What does Pelosi do? Brags about blocking the clean bill because she wants to add other things to it and brags about her fridge stocked with ice cream. For those out of work and small businesses that need the loans, this is inexcusable and sickening.

She wants socialism. Wants everyone to live off govt. Her and others want a nation of filthy rich and poverty.
I see a lot of Trump supporters celebrating the $1200 yet they are supposed to be against socialism. Anyway the protests to re-open are absolutely ridiculous. In Lansing they blocked an ambulance in doing so. Additionally, someone was waving a confederate flag in MI? I can only guess it has to do with the racist nature of the symbol. I expect you will see a spike in cases there. The lunacy and stupidity of many in Trump's world never ceases to amaze me. I do have a question for those that support him thought? Do you actually believe he cares about you and not just himself? If you do I have a bridge to sell you.
I don’t think he cares nor any of the govt. Both parties don’t care about Americans. Anyone that thinks they do are blind. Look at them giving themselves raises and having their own health care plans and the perks of paid always for a few votes on the Hill. Pure garbage on both sides. I support Trump because he at least wants America to take care of itself and not allow open borders. Is he the best heck no but he was easily better than the murderer Hillary and right now better than Biden who won’t make it 2 years and his vp who will most likely be a socialist. In other words it’s not going to get any better. Gotta sale your soul to devil to get elected.
Funny how that works. I am sure billionaires and major corporations will have no problem getting their bailout though.

The smart corporations like that don’t need the bailout. Apple for example isn’t asking for money, nor is amazon or other large businesses. It’s the small ones that are the heart and soul of America that grind by with tight margins that are hurt by the shutdown and need this money. The entire point of the article is the small business loan program has been a big success with the funds exhausted and instead of adding more to help them Pelosi wants to hold it up to add pork to the bill.
“Major News Conference tonight, the White House at 6:00 P.M. (Eastern), to explain Guidelines for OPENING UP AMERICA AGAIN!”

From Trump’s FB page, sounds like things will start to open up soon.
I hope Henry McMaster makes a decision on South Carolina schools today in his press conference

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I’m gonna run for president so that I’m a politician

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“Major News Conference tonight, the White House at 6:00 P.M. (Eastern), to explain Guidelines for OPENING UP AMERICA AGAIN!”

From Trump’s FB page, sounds like things will start to open up soon.
Lets Roll. Hopefully we can eventually get things on a 180 degree heading from the direction they are going in.
22 million plus on unemployment will turn into a catastrophe of mind boggling epic porportions if not reversed. The bridge holding us up out of the pool of total irreversable collapse starts runing out early May. All these Malls and stores with leases due, inventory ,resteraunts,hotels, etc. Dominoes will start to fall and cant be stopped once that starts. We bought ourselves 6 to 8 weeks, avoided the ICU surge. Thats all we can do. Gonna have to play the game of chance here on out till a vaccine is developed. Not the best hand to play but only one we have.
Lets Roll. Hopefully we can eventually get things on a 180 degree heading from the direction they are going in.
22 million plus on unemployment will turn into a catastrophe of mind boggling epic porportions if not reversed. The bridge holding us up out of the pool of total irreversable collapse starts runing out early May. All these Malls and stores with leases due, inventory ,resteraunts,hotels, etc. Dominoes will start to fall and cant be stopped once that starts. We bought ourselves 6 to 8 weeks, avoided the ICU surge. Thats all we can do. Gonna have to play the game of chance here on out till a vaccine is developed. Not the best hand to play but only one we have.
Trump Train Rolling!!!!!!
A poll found over 90% of rural America did not know about the disease associated with COVID19.
Is it just me or did this thread disappear from the Everything Else forum? I’m not sure what’s going on.
Lets Roll. Hopefully we can eventually get things on a 180 degree heading from the direction they are going in.
22 million plus on unemployment will turn into a catastrophe of mind boggling epic porportions if not reversed. The bridge holding us up out of the pool of total irreversable collapse starts runing out early May. All these Malls and stores with leases due, inventory ,resteraunts,hotels, etc. Dominoes will start to fall and cant be stopped once that starts. We bought ourselves 6 to 8 weeks, avoided the ICU surge. Thats all we can do. Gonna have to play the game of chance here on out till a vaccine is developed. Not the best hand to play but only one we have.
Welcome to the mentally insane side. ?
The longer Cooper stalls on reopening the better chance we will have a new governor! I hope we remain closed and the hate continues to mound to new levels.
The longer Cooper stalls on reopening the better chance we will have a new governor! I hope we remain closed and the hate continues to mound to new levels.
Cooper seems to be non existent other than the virus plans. Just havent heard of him doing anything in his term. Am I wrong? I'm only in Charlotte part-time so I don't hear all the news I'm sure.
Cooper seems to be non existent other than the virus plans. Just havent heard of him doing anything in his term. Am I wrong? I'm only in Charlotte part-time so I don't hear all the news I'm sure.
He’s been found doing illegal things in regards to oil pipeline drama I hear. But yea, like Bev Purdue, not much in his term to show for. I’m ready for a new leader.
He’s been found doing illegal things in regards to oil pipeline drama I hear. But yea, like Bev Purdue, not much in his term to show for. I’m ready for a new leader.
Hes also been neutered of power by the NC house and Senate. Prob why I never hear of him doing anything
Definitely does not hurt to always be prepared

Lol it's just the flu man. We are ready to reopen.....well except now our leaders are going into hiding.
You would think they would have done this well before now.??‍♂️

Yes isnt it quite interesting they do this AFTER trying to convince everyone it's safe to go back to life as normal.

It's sort of like asking a friend to open a booby trapped door after convincing him it's fine and as you stand around the corner for protection.
I am hoping Kemp gets a clue and rescinds the cower-in-place orders next week. The hospitals should be able to handle the new patients now. Certainly we've flattened the curve enough. We've got to get people back to their jobs! The mental and physical health of multiple millions of people is at stake!
I am hoping Kemp gets a clue and rescinds the cower-in-place orders next week. The hospitals should be able to handle the new patients now. Certainly we've flattened the curve enough. We've got to get people back to their jobs! The mental and physical health of multiple millions of people is at stake!

As much as I'd love to start moving on, if you read the print of the planned phases and recognize what we have in the state hospital wise (we've just now begun testing a lot more in the last few weeks through coordination of the major state hospitals), we're not anywhere near being able to start partaking in phase 1. Maybe if we're lucky, we might be able to start two weeks from today as it does look like the curve might be flattening some, but sometime around May 13th-15th might be a lot more realistic (the 13th is the last day of the state of emergency right now). The cases can't just be flattening, they also have to be in a downtrend.

I don't see Kemp not following along with those guidelines either...he hasn't looked smart in any way with this but I think the theory that he was waiting for the stimulus to be passed before shutting down shortly after actually holds some weight.
Capitalism is a system built on exploitation and cruelty. It is amazing to see how many are blind to this fact. This crisis casts a bright light on that without question. I definitely don't want a return to the old normal. Trump already failed in this crisis by downplaying it for too long and now he wants to re-open? There will most certainly be a major spike in cases and deaths. If you want to sacrifice yourself on the altar of capitalism go ahead, the ruling classes need you to do so. Count me out!
I am hoping Kemp gets a clue and rescinds the cower-in-place orders next week. The hospitals should be able to handle the new patients now. Certainly we've flattened the curve enough. We've got to get people back to their jobs! The mental and physical health of multiple millions of people is at stake!
Are you forgetting we already are crippled since Grady had that water leak and hospitals were stressed to start? Kemp would be an idiot to reopen this soon. Also if you want to complain about the shelter in place, know that without it, it would be far worse.
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