This constant obsession with giving credence and evidentiary authority to negligently written news article is laughable to me.
A lot of "reputable" news sources lazily copy articles that are provided by press related associations, and utilize those reports without verifying the original source of the article. For example, the false content within the Covington Catholic story was syndicated throughout the Associated Press, and multiple news sources like the NYTimes, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, and MSNBC falsely reported the story without doing any type of due diligence. A day after the story, I had already saw the video contradicting the false information and narrative of the "reputable" news sources. Many refused to retract their false statements, and consequently, CNN was forced to settle a libel suit with the teenager cause the judge determine that the claims were valid enough for the discovery phase of the litigation.
Also, many of these of these "reputable" news sources utilize hearsay evidence from un-named sources in support of their anti-Trump stories, and these sources often depend on difficult-to-verify conjecture to support their statements. These stories are syndicated throughout the media despite none of them verifying the legitimacy of the source. This once a very limited practice among the media, but it has now become a daily standard since Trump was elected.
Making matters worse, the so-called "reputable" sources often ignore actual physical evidence that is reported online by right-wing, international and "alternative" sources that contradict their narrative. For instance, Earlier this year, I posted verified documents from Ukrainian and Latvian news and official record sources evidencing the Biden abusive a power scandal that detail the connection between Hunter Biden as well as Biden political and business associates, and the business relationship between the oil company in Ukraine. I have an e-mail and official statement showing company representatives using Biden political influences to help them out with the prosecution in Ukraine, and admission that they put out false stories int he press to attack the attorney general of Ukraine. The "reputable" media continues to report that there is no evidence that Biden abused his power by having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help out his son, even though these documents have been translated in english for everyone to view. They simply ignore it. It's completely negligent.
I'd agree with you if there weren't hundreds of times over the last four years that I hadn't found credible physical evidence contradicting media reports. I stopped trusting the media after they lied us into Iraq. As someone that has worked in law for 6 years, I've learned that media sources are often the worst kind of evidence, and have read numerous articles about cases that provide false information (many times multiple false statements) about a particular litigation that is easily rebutted by ACTUALLY REPUTABLE, official court documents. 100% of the time they leave out important information disputing the claims of the side the author prefers. It's systematic negligence.