No vote is a vote. Everyone has to make a choice. When you dont vote, youve made one.Listen Im as conservative as they come. Im also as anti establishment as youll find. It gnaws me how a lot of the republican party members are the kasich,Romney,McCain types. They dont hold true to pure conservative principals. Sway with the wind. You will also be suprised to learn, Im not a fan of Trump the person. However I am a fan of Trumps agenda and how he has governed to implement it. If I could pick one thing about Trump that I appreciate its his intestinal fortitude to stand up to the mainstream media and Washington establishment. Call em out and not back down. Do I wish our president could be more statesman, not name call twitter etc. Absoloutely.
I get so tired of the media and leftist infiltrated academia painting folks like myself as a greedy ole white man bible thumper who wants to starve old people and children, wreck the enviroment, and enslave everyone whos not of the same beleif or skin color as me. Thats sounds like an opiionated , unfounded rant. Reality is ,its not. Usually the Republican party just rolls over and plays dead for the past several decades and lets liberal media, academia,Democrats define them this way. But in 2016 along comes a guy who has an ego as wide as the grand canyon, who finally stands up to them . And isnt afraid to expose the other side for who they are. Its funny how folks want to throw out how concerened they are with the constitution being perserved etc as a reason Trump has to be impeached, when he hasnt done one thing to violate it. These same folks will then stand ideally by in November at the risk of allowing a Democrat Candidate to get elected and really turn the constitution on its head in order to give birth to the Democrat platform/agenda, turning America into a Socialist Country.