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Political Thread

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Please explain how your experience in a combat zone makes your input on what is or is not "disrespect" or "desecration" of the flag or the anthem more valuable?
I wasn't referring to my combat experience in any shape or form regarding disrespect of the flag. I was referring to leadership in war and my aknowledgement of it when it comes to Trump's handling of this virus. I have said "my piece" on that POS Colin Kaepernick.
Please explain how your experience in a combat zone makes your input on what is or is not "disrespect" or "desecration" of the flag or the anthem more valuable?
Anyone who has fought for this country and sacrificed for our freedoms in my book can say what they feel is respect or disrespect towards the flag. They know first hand what the flag means! Colin never fought for this country. He’s a disgrace. Someone wants to protest police brutality. Then make ads. Don’t use the flag. The flag stands for America not a movement! If he’s so concerned then he should become a police officer. Because he sucks at football anyway.
Why Colin Kaepernick thought kneeling was a good idea is beyond me. Ive stood at a baseball game, college football games......I stood on the ice at a canes hockey game 2 years ago and couldnt hold back tears as my country was honored for 2 minutes (thinking about friends I lost). I will be damned if somebody who has never "risked" anything is going to preach to me about the history of the flag and anthem as I stand saluting her. Its a time to honor our countries sacrifice.
The reason we are seeing a plateau versus a peak is the lockdowns are working, if we quit now then you see the actual peak....I knew certain people would see the results of the steps taken to reduce the deaths as proof that "it wasn't going to be that bad" and that all the actions were overdone etc...

As for gathering data hell it took months to get barely sufficient testing in place....there is no scheme to hide this, there is good RNA data on the virus and we know a lot about how the virus made inroads into the US......for every person we knew about in early to mid Jan there were 10 we didn't and after spending all of Feb with no real testing capabilities and while Trump was telling everyone it was no big deal it spread exponentially, so a virus with a long incubation period and asymptomatic spreading easily account for the widespread nature of the virus......
So what is the timeline from China about when they said "Houston we have a problem"? You don't believe they suppressed this information? And you're telling me that before this time, people weren't traveling to every international airport in the U.S. with this virus? That doesn't seem realistic to me. The virus didn't just wait until The communist party in China announced that it was spreading. So we had community spread well before the first known cases and well before the shut downs. Why didn't it load up the hospitals? maybe because the first contact was with mostly the young...flight attendants, baggage handlers, gate workers, and then on to their children who went off to school to spread it to more kids. Those kids spread it to their parents, who, by far, are mostly young, relatively speaking, hence not getting into the older, vulnerable, population. That didn't start happening until January/February. I would say that social distancing and virus awareness has helped mitigate the cases in the vulnerable, for sure. I would argue that it was too late to justify shutting down large sections of the economy, though. The good news here is that the infection curve apex precedes the death apex so that, if this theory is correct, we are quickly approaching herd immunity in many areas and new "bad" infections (i.e. cases) will start to level off and decrease rapidly in the next week or so. The deaths will still be steady for awhile as there are many vulnerable still at risk. But in the end, it won't look much different than a typical bad flu year and would certainly not have garnered as much political attention, if we had the data to prove it!

Now if my theory is wrong and it really only started showing up in the U.S. in mid to late January, why did it take so long to get here with no mitigation efforts in place at all? If it is hard to spread without any social distancing, why are we socially distancing now? This could be wrong if China didn't delay at all in their reporting the first initial human to human contact. But most agree that China and the WHO lied.

I wonder if we could run tests on the blood donations from November through December and see if the virus shows up. Maybe not if they do generic screens for pathogens and discard positives.
So what is the timeline from China about when they said "Houston we have a problem"? You don't believe they suppressed this information? And you're telling me that before this time, people weren't traveling to every international airport in the U.S. with this virus? That doesn't seem realistic to me. The virus didn't just wait until The communist party in China announced that it was spreading. So we had community spread well before the first known cases and well before the shut downs. Why didn't it load up the hospitals? maybe because the first contact was with mostly the young...flight attendants, baggage handlers, gate workers, and then on to their children who went off to school to spread it to more kids. Those kids spread it to their parents, who, by far, are mostly young, relatively speaking, hence not getting into the older, vulnerable, population. That didn't start happening until January/February. I would say that social distancing and virus awareness has helped mitigate the cases in the vulnerable, for sure. I would argue that it was too late to justify shutting down large sections of the economy, though. The good news here is that the infection curve apex precedes the death apex so that, if this theory is correct, we are quickly approaching herd immunity in many areas and new "bad" infections (i.e. cases) will start to level off and decrease rapidly in the next week or so. The deaths will still be steady for awhile as there are many vulnerable still at risk. But in the end, it won't look much different than a typical bad flu year and would certainly not have garnered as much political attention, if we had the data to prove it!

Now if my theory is wrong and it really only started showing up in the U.S. in mid to late January, why did it take so long to get here with no mitigation efforts in place at all? If it is hard to spread without any social distancing, why are we socially distancing now? This could be wrong if China didn't delay at all in their reporting the first initial human to human contact. But most agree that China and the WHO lied.

I wonder if we could run tests on the blood donations from November through December and see if the virus shows up. Maybe not if they do generic screens for pathogens and discard positives.

They have good data on the strains of Covid-19.......the data does paint a pretty clear picture of how and when the virus came out of China.....certainly there are more and some earlier cases but it is highly unlikely that there were many infected people outside of China before Jan 1st....the science says the first person infected probably by eating a undercooked bat was in China sometime in late Nov early Dec......

"Instead, the genome data suggested that someone had acquired it from a single infected animal around early December — and it had been spreading from person to person ever since."

Here is a excellent site that can run down the history and path of the samples they have based on the genetic data...they can actually match people and transmissions based on what genome strain the virus has, they also track the mutation that occur with each strain about twice a month......they know a lot more than people think about the when where and how this all got started.....

Prisoners being released. Unemployment rising. Poverty rising. Homelessness rising. Food lines growing. End of April open the businesses back up. Maybe it will be soon enough to help the economy turn around quickly instead of taking a lot longer time.
I really think Trump will benefit from this politically. He will talk about how his actions saved millions of lives. I believe hes a lock to win in November.
Not only the early lockdowns from China,then Europe. Now hes getting praise from a Detroit Democrat lawmaker for promoting the Hydrochloric , Zpack combo. Despite the sour grape chorus, he kept with the promotions daily and its what "saved my life". Next up is the post coronovirus Economic Respsonse team. Heckuva a job by the entire WH coronovirus response team and 1000s of Americans who have bought into stay at home isolation orders.
The media is now getting very ticked off and unhappy that things are rapidly starting to turn the corner and look much better.

Totally goes against their narrative and objectives.

They will now be moving on to another hoax.

The media is now getting very ticked off and unhappy that things are rapidly starting to turn the corner and look much better.

Totally goes against their narrative and objectives.

They will now be moving on to another hoax.

These twisted F-Sticks are more than willing to allow the American people to fall on a sword to get what they want......Donald Trump. They want to get back to the glory days of asking a liberal president what their favorite color of crayon is.
With SK having more cases and deaths it just goes to show this virus is here to stay. If baseball decides to play then let them. Everyone is grown adults and knows the risks. If a player does not want to play then they don’t have to. SK started up their pro basketball league. The economy needs the injection of money into it for it to get going. The ones that want to stay home can. No one is forcing them to go out. I’d bet many already have been exposed. Like Lowe’s. No one is forcing them to work. Those adults choose to work themselves. Just as I choose to work. I was at a shop yesterday. Those techs are already wondering how they are going to pay bills. The media has scared everyone. The operations director even said yeah I’ve heard the money is more important than lives comment. Seems America has gotten a hold on this virus. Stay path till end of April then let’s get moving. Hotspots can stay closed longer. NY definitely did not need that 40k ventilators. That helped fuel panic. Remember 98-99% recover and are fine. Make America Great Again!
@ryan1234 not meaning any disrespect to you by not commenting in virus thread. Opposite views are silenced in that thread. I am not allowed to comment. I do understand your concerns but we are all adults. If someone is scared of getting it then they can wait till the risks have lowered. Some say it causes it to spread more. Well that is true but the positive to that is quicker herd immunity.
With SK having more cases and deaths it just goes to show this virus is here to stay. If baseball decides to play then let them. Everyone is grown adults and knows the risks. If a player does not want to play then they don’t have to. SK started up their pro basketball league. The economy needs the injection of money into it for it to get going. The ones that want to stay home can. No one is forcing them to go out. I’d bet many already have been exposed. Like Lowe’s. No one is forcing them to work. Those adults choose to work themselves. Just as I choose to work. I was at a shop yesterday. Those techs are already wondering how they are going to pay bills. The media has scared everyone. The operations director even said yeah I’ve heard the money is more important than lives comment. Seems America has gotten a hold on this virus. Stay path till end of April then let’s get moving. Hotspots can stay closed longer. NY definitely did not need that 40k ventilators. That helped fuel panic. Remember 98-99% recover and are fine. Make America Great Again!
The media has brainwashed people into thinking that it's a death sentence, when in reality you have a very small chance of dying if you catch the virus.
Not only the early lockdowns from China,then Europe. Now hes getting praise from a Detroit Democrat lawmaker for promoting the Hydrochloric , Zpack combo. Despite the sour grape chorus, he kept with the promotions daily and its what "saved my life". Next up is the post coronovirus Economic Respsonse team. Heckuva a job by the entire WH coronovirus response team and 1000s of Americans who have bought into stay at home isolation orders.

430k people flew from China to the USA since his highly bogus claim he stopped people from coming in from China.

Yall sure love yall some trump propaganda.
430k people flew from China to the USA since his highly bogus claim he stopped people from coming in from China.

Yall sure love yall some trump propaganda.

I think he certainly tried to stop people coming from Florida. Although some people I guess came anyway

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430k people flew from China to the USA since his highly bogus claim he stopped people from coming in from China.

Yall sure love yall some trump propaganda.
279 flights have come in since the "restriction" began. That 430,000 number you got from your daily I hate Trump newsfeed is just a wee bit off (It was since December). But you fell for it of course......
279 flights have come in since the "restriction" began. That 430,000 number you got from your daily I hate Trump newsfeed is just a wee bit off (It was from December). But you fell for it of course......

Maybe it was those super duper extra special wide bodies with seats crammed on each other then the cargo holds were also full with smuggled people?

430,000/279 = 1,541 people per flight..
Lord ... Does bashing ... anybody ... on a weather BB make things any better?
Facts and analysis ... vs ... raw editorial comment ...
Likely this thought will not gain me favor with anyone ... and if so or not, so be it ...
Paywalled; 40,000 Americans and other authorized travelers AFTER the restrictions..

"There were 1,300 direct flights to 17 cities before President Trump’s travel restrictions. Since then, nearly 40,000 Americans and other authorized travelers have made the trip, some this past week and many with spotty screening."

And of course "spotty screening" is a very subjective statement because consider the source..

Lord ... Does bashing ... anybody ... on a weather BB make things any better?
Facts and analysis ... vs ... raw editorial comment ...
Likely this thought will not gain me favor with anyone ... and if so or not, so be it ...
Maybe not initiating but nothing wrong with a well worded rebuttal
People really need to get a grip. Quit worrying about others business. A lot of this neighborhood met today. We all said if you are so scared of catching it then stay inside and mind your own business. Thank goodness TN has not been infiltrated by sheeple yet.
While several focus on each case and death here is the other side of the scale. Suicides increasing. All over media making people scared and fearful. Yes we lost a lot to the virus today. We also lost people to suicides. Today was most likely last day some had any money. A job. A home. So it’s not just people dying from virus. It’s lives ruined also.
The media has brainwashed people into thinking that it's a death sentence, when in reality you have a very small chance of dying if you catch the virus.
As of this evening there have been a little over 400,000 cases in the U.S. Out of those 400,000, 34,528 have been resolved. Of the 34,528 that have been resolved... 21,674 have recovered and 12,854 have died. That is a 37% mortality rate for the resolved cases. 365,884 are still ongoing and unresolved. How can you say there is a very small chance of dying?
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As of this evening there have been a little over 400,000 cases in the U.S. Out of those 400,000, 34,528 have been resolved. Of the 34,528 that have been resolved... 21,674 have recovered and 12,854 have died. That is a 37% mortality rate for the resolved cases. 365,884 are still ongoing and unresolved. How can you say there is a very small chance of dying?
The recovered number is very uncertain for one. For example, in Georgia, our health department explains why it is almost impossible to know the true number of recovered. Some people get better and never report back. Some doctor's offices don't report details due to HIPA, etc. A case is anyone that tests positive and is recorded. That is not the same as total infections because many people contract the disease and are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms and don't get tested. Also testing hasn't been very accurate and up to 30% of people are walking away thinking they are negative but are really carrying the virus. Looking at Germany's numbers, it appears that they have more accurate testing and a better data reporting mechanism and they are reporting a 6% mortality rate when compared to resolved cases. Their overall CFR is very low at this point as well.
More posotive Results: Despite every roadblock the left and Rhinos tried to throw in its way. The beat goes on.

Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott on Monday announced that 151 miles of border wall have been completed since the dawn of the Trump administration, along with nearly 200 miles under construction, and 400 miles in the “pre-construction” phase. The update revealed that construction is taking place at a rather rapid pace.

Scott’s last update — which was posted on March 30 — revealed that 147 miles of southern border wall had been completed. The numbers indicate that roughly four miles of border wall have been built in just a week’s time.
I'd like to share an interesting opinion on the trade off the world is making with the forced shut-downs. Food for thought...

I'd be cautious about using such a source. From a site that looks like that, I'd wager it's full of fake statements and twisted forms of reality. To me I see that as fake news.
@GeorgiaGirl THANK YOU! Exactly right! We can not keep shut down till June. Some so focused on the deaths of this virus. Which is Tragic and sad but the other side of the scale will be just as bad. That is what I have been saying. We are approaching the week when another 25% has no money and broke. 50% of Americans then broke. Do we really want to see what happens when we hit that mark? Think about being a dad or mom and not having money to buy your kids food or yourself. Or losing your home. As a dad I’d rather catch virus and die than see my kids suffer that way. Yes people die from this virus but imagine those that will have to live in homelessness and poverty for a long time. Yes pain with deaths but that pain lessens over time. Living in poverty and homelessness does not lessen the pain so easily.
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