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Political Thread

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My disapproval of a spoiled millionaire, disrespecting all the men & women who sacrificed so he has the right to concoct a so called protest, isn't even comparable to the everybody gets a trophy let me run to my safe space crowd crying you mentioned. That's funny
That’s fair, and I personally detest him since he made light of Fidel Castro (I’m Cuban and my family fled from his regime), but I still buy Nike and watch the NFL because literally who cares

People who boycott Nike or the NFL over that man have... some personal problems to sort out
That’s fair, and I personally detest him since he made light of Fidel Castro (I’m Cuban and my family fled from his regime), but I still buy Nike and watch the NFL because literally who cares

People who boycott Nike or the NFL over that man have... some personal problems to sort out
I still watch the NFL as well but he boycotted standing for the national anthem, if someone wants to boycott Nike or the NFL because of it, it's their right. It doesn't mean they have personal problems.
I still watch the NFL as well but he boycotted standing for the national anthem, if someone wants to boycott Nike or the NFL because of it, it's their right. It doesn't mean they have personal problems.
I remember when the Dixie Chicks bashed GWB at a concert, they were booed and record sales plummeted. The Dixie Chicks complained about how they were treated and disappointed people stopped buying their albums. A reporter asked Bush about it and he stated they had a right to say what they did about him but "the Dixie Chicks have to realize, freedom of speech is a two way street." He wasn't wrong
I still watch the NFL as well but he boycotted standing for the national anthem, if someone wants to boycott Nike or the NFL because of it, it's their right. It doesn't mean they have personal problems.
If they boycott the NFL over THAT. Over everything else the NFL has been guilty of doing. Yeah, they have some personal stuff to work out.

Colin was well within his right to kneel. It’s his first amendment right to do so. You may misinterpret it as disrespect, but his statement was against police brutality and the system that protects it. Men and women sacrificed themselves for his right to kneel, not to force him to stand. True heroism doesn’t demand praise, it doesn’t demand anything at all. Would I kneel? No, and I have my personal reasons not to. But I fully support those that do, because I get it. To love your country is to know it’s flaws, not just be blind to them.

So to those that think Colin was protesting “the wrong way” and would be willing to sit out a sport just because of a dude trying to make a statement, yeah... there’s something wrong lol
That’s fair, and I personally detest him since he made light of Fidel Castro (I’m Cuban and my family fled from his regime), but I still buy Nike and watch the NFL because literally who cares

People who boycott Nike or the NFL over that man have... some personal problems to sort out
I still buy them but no personal problems here. I think Colin is pure garbage. I can think of many other ways to protest. Of course all the police brutality was during Obama era. Seems to sure have been a lot less since he left office.
Just look at the way the "deep-state" and the blue-media have treated him..... can you blame him for being skeptical of Dems?.... No.
Do forget to mention those other boogeymen the far right is so afraid of... George Soros, Freemasons, the Bilderberg Group, and the New World Order. Did I miss anyone?
Trump has been LOCK STEP with Dr. Fauci from Day 1 yet Dr. Fauci is a rock star and Trump didnt act quick enough. Its amazing that people just cant admit that the entire team including Trump has done a great job. Im not comparing fruit here. Im simply pointing out great leadership. I dont know a thing about weather and not much about viruses but I know a hell of a lot about LEADERSHIP having served under and learned from some of the best. We all have our strengths here. This is one of mine
If they boycott the NFL over THAT. Over everything else the NFL has been guilty of doing. Yeah, they have some personal stuff to work out.

Colin was well within his right to kneel. It’s his first amendment right to do so. You may misinterpret it as disrespect, but his statement was against police brutality and the system that protects it. Men and women sacrificed themselves for his right to kneel, not to force him to stand. True heroism doesn’t demand praise, it doesn’t demand anything at all. Would I kneel? No, and I have my personal reasons not to. But I fully support those that do, because I get it. To love your country is to know it’s flaws, not just be blind to them.

So to those that think Colin was protesting “the wrong way” and would be willing to sit out a sport just because of a dude trying to make a statement, yeah... there’s something wrong lol
Its well within his right to kneel. As a man, a soldier who would die for that flag I chose to turn the TV off. I watch the superbowl and that's it. Of course that's all I got to watch while I was overseas too so don't really miss the NFL. As far as heroism goes? You are correct it doesn't demand praise but taking a knee during a game in the United States of America to make a statement about oppression? I think he got the wrong country and the wrong flag.
Dr Fauci downplayed the virus in late January along with the CDC saying it was if minimal risk to Americans. Sseeing as how he is the top advisor on this, was the man who has been in this position for a very long time an idiot? It doesnt really need a caption or a link just a simple yay or nay?
Apparently you're not going to get an answer to this....
If they boycott the NFL over THAT. Over everything else the NFL has been guilty of doing. Yeah, they have some personal stuff to work out.

Colin was well within his right to kneel. It’s his first amendment right to do so. You may misinterpret it as disrespect, but his statement was against police brutality and the system that protects it. Men and women sacrificed themselves for his right to kneel, not to force him to stand. True heroism doesn’t demand praise, it doesn’t demand anything at all. Would I kneel? No, and I have my personal reasons not to. But I fully support those that do, because I get it. To love your country is to know it’s flaws, not just be blind to them.

So to those that think Colin was protesting “the wrong way” and would be willing to sit out a sport just because of a dude trying to make a statement, yeah... there’s something wrong lol

Sometimes there are actually consequences to actions; he's not willingly without a team..
Apparently you're not going to get an answer to this....

Dr Fauci said we needed to take it seriously and prepare for it even though at the time it was low risk...something Trump chose to not do, instead Trump downplayed it A LOT.....wasted a entire month and a half.....

"It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously," Fauci added to host John Catsimatidis, per The Hill.

A NIAID vaccine for the coronavirus would be about three months away from being ready to test on humans, according to Fauci.

"We've just got to make sure that we are totally prepared," Fauci said, per the report. "Infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species. And we've got to be essentially perpetually prepared."
Apparently you're not going to get an answer to this....
Of course not because the TDS crew knows the truth. Its no disrespect to Dr. Fauci at all, it just goes to show that this was a difficult thing to nail down and that Trump was as prepared as the people advising us on such things. I mean this isn't Dr. Fauci's first rodeo. He has praised Trump's response the entire time which isn't that difficult to do unless they have an ego bigger than the man they accuse of having an ego......
Of course not because the TDS crew knows the truth. Its no disrespect to Dr. Fauci at all, it just goes to show that this was a difficult thing to nail down and that Trump was as prepared as the people advising us on such things. I mean this isn't Dr. Fauci's first rodeo. He has praised Trump's response the entire time which isn't that difficult to do unless they have an ego bigger than the man they accuse of having an ego......

You guys can polish this turd all you want, Trump will own that month and a half of downplaying statements and delays in doing what needed to be done, it wont be Dr Fauci who is the scapegoat.....this will fall on the exact person it should and that is Trump.....
Dr Fauci said we needed to take it seriously and prepare for it even though at the time it was low risk...something Trump chose to not do, instead Trump downplayed it A LOT.....wasted a entire month and a half.....

"It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously," Fauci added to host John Catsimatidis, per The Hill.

A NIAID vaccine for the coronavirus would be about three months away from being ready to test on humans, according to Fauci.

"We've just got to make sure that we are totally prepared," Fauci said, per the report. "Infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species. And we've got to be essentially perpetually prepared."
Except we actually did prepare for it which is why Dr. Fauci has praised the presidents response the entire time

“The president has listened to what I have said and to what the other people on the task force have said, when I have made recommendations he has taken them, he’s never countered or overridden me, the idea of just pitting one against the other is just not helpful,” Fauci stated. “I wish that would stop and we’d look ahead at the challenge we have to pull together to get over this thing.”
You guys can polish this turd all you want, Trump will own that month and a half of downplaying statements and delays in doing what needed to be done, it wont be Dr Fauci who is the scapegoat.....this will fall on the exact person it should and that is Trump.....
The only thing that is going to fall on trump is praise for doing a hell of a job! And you know it you just cant admit it
Of course not because the TDS crew knows the truth. Its no disrespect to Dr. Fauci at all, it just goes to show that this was a difficult thing to nail down and that Trump was as prepared as the people advising us on such things. I mean this isn't Dr. Fauci's first rodeo. He has praised Trump's response the entire time which isn't that difficult to do unless they have an ego bigger than the man they accuse of having an ego......
You know Trump Derangement Syndrome can go both ways. 1 is the way you speak of which is attacking him no matter what, but the other is kissing the man's shoes no matter what and defending him for some things that shouldn't be defended. Of course TDS is just an extension of the overall political divide in America and being part of either side is what's going to kill our country sooner than later. Yes I know a lot of the media hates Trump and you don't have to tell me that.

On the page of the virus, if Trump was listening to Fauci, okay, but I'm sure with his intelligence from China he would have known more than Fauci would have and been able to play off that and prepare in the background as a just in case at least. A scenario B if Scenario A of it staying in China came true. As soon as the virus hit the US, Trump should have thought more about prepping and getting the country ready for a pandemic versus saying it would disappear and doing little. Now you're probably thinking I'm just bashing Trump and Trump alone, but that's where you're wrong. Each governor that failed to take early action in the virus failed, including our governor in GA. The CDC dropped the ball as well with the faulty testing kite early on as well. EVERYONE FAILED, so don't praise your favorite party because they failed too. I can only give Trump credit for the points where he woke up and decided to do something. Late, but better than never.
Lol, I'm not sure what's a bigger joke, this post or Trump's initial response to the coronavirus.

This made me LOL for real.....the kool aid is good to those who chug it and some on here would say Trump did the right thing if he dropped trou and crapped on a baby's head while holding a burning America flag all while singing the Russia anthem.....

Bottom line Trump is 100% responsible for the statements he CHOSE to make about how little of a threat this was.....there is plenty of evidence the US was aware of the potential here and that recommendations to build up and prepare were made and largely ignored by Trump. Hell just the fact the HHS tried to buy 2 billion worth of PPE for the national stockpile in early Feb shows they knew they needed supplies and Trump cut it 75%.....

There is no way Trump did not know the chances this thing was going to go off the rails was pretty high as early as late Jan and early Feb.....those senators on the Intelligence Committee knew late Jan when they started ditching all their stocks.....

Dr Fauci said we needed to take it seriously and prepare for it even though at the time it was low risk...something Trump chose to not do, instead Trump downplayed it A LOT.....wasted a entire month and a half.....

"It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously," Fauci added to host John Catsimatidis, per The Hill.

A NIAID vaccine for the coronavirus would be about three months away from being ready to test on humans, according to Fauci.

"We've just got to make sure that we are totally prepared," Fauci said, per the report. "Infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species. And we've got to be essentially perpetually prepared."

When Fauci said "very very low risk to the United States" and then that it needs to be taken seriously by public health officials, that's downplaying it. Within the context of his speech he was saying he didn't see this as a threat for the US but just in case it does come here the public health officials need to be aware of this virus and prepared for it.

Here's a clip of various outlets during the same time Trump was "downplaying" this and who criticized his early actions. If we are going to hold Trump responsible for "downplaying" this we should also hold the media responsible for doing the exact same thing and creating a narrative that was similar to Trump's. After all if the media and Trump were saying the exact same thing, is Trump only to blame? People listen to the news to find out what's going on and if many news stations are saying no big deal (both conservative and liberal) then how do you think people will respond?

Was his response perfect? Nope, absolutely not and hopefully he has learned from it. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy for us to look back on this and see what should have been done differently. Also, Trump wasn't sitting on his hands for 1.5 months hoping this would go away, the entire time he was doing things in the background and working with agencies to address it. For example the critical month seems to be February when the testing needed to be rolled out. There are various issues there but one of the big ones was how the CDC and existing red tape were a big reason why there was such a delay. Here is a very fair summary of this below.

"Most critical for this second phase, it was clear early on that any effective response was going to depend on rapidly scaling our testing capacity. The virus genome was publicly available in mid-January, and the first tests were developed shortly thereafter. The World Health Organization (WHO) sent hundreds of thousands of tests to dozens of laboratories around the world by early February. But the administration and CDC decided to rely exclusively on domestically developed tests, apparently in keeping with past practice. The CDC developed its own test in early February, which was then distributed to labs. But, as became clear roughly a week later, one of the reagents in its kits proved to be faulty, which meant that most labs were unable to proceed using CDC-provided test kits.

Nevertheless, for at least two weeks after the problem became clear, alternative paths to testing were either neglected or stymied by existing regulations. Indeed, although the Emergency Use Authorizations required by the declaration of a public health emergency were meant to facilitate rapid testing, it soon became clear that their required procedures were actually significantly retarding the development of effective testing at scale. CDC was reassuring state and local officials that testing capacity was adequate in late February, although it was reported that fewer than 500 tests had been conducted at that point. (CDC’s own count, which includes its own tests plus those of U.S. public health labs, puts the total number of tests at the end of February at around 4,000.) Perversely, the failure to test at scale kept the publicly recognized number of cases low, which served as a justification for insisting that the existing testing regime was adequate." Source

I don't blame Trump at all for going with the past practice of using domestically developed tests. The faulty reagent in the kit was not his fault AND on top of this there is evidence the CDC actually LIED to Trump. Furthermore, Dr. Fauci has publicly stated that Trump has followed his and other officials advice and recommendations throughout the process. There are definitely areas that the response could have been better for sure but it wasn't like Trump was sitting around for 1.5 months waiting for this to go away either. There were steps taken in February to prepare testing but due to red tape and the issue with the CDC initial tests this dramatically slowed things down. Once that became clear Trump turned to the private sector and things really began to ramp up after that. I think if he knew this in advance, that the CDC would have such issues, he would have turned to the private sector first.
I’ve only really liked two presidents. Clinton and GWB. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush I were really before I got interested in politics. I thought Clinton did an amazing job with the economy and I think GWB did an amazing job with the country after 9/11. I was meh with Obama and I’m not a fan of Trump.
This made me LOL for real.....the kool aid is good to those who chug it and some on here would say Trump did the right thing if he dropped trou and crapped on a baby's head while holding a burning America flag all while singing the Russia anthem.....

Bottom line Trump is 100% responsible for the statements he CHOSE to make about how little of a threat this was.....there is plenty of evidence the US was aware of the potential here and that recommendations to build up and prepare were made and largely ignored by Trump. Hell just the fact the HHS tried to buy 2 billion worth of PPE for the national stockpile in early Feb shows they knew they needed supplies and Trump cut it 75%.....

There is no way Trump did not know the chances this thing was going to go off the rails was pretty high as early as late Jan and early Feb.....those senators on the Intelligence Committee knew late Jan when they started ditching all their stocks.....

Trump's statements about how little of a threat this was are no different than what Dr. Fauci said "It's a very, very low risk to the United States", the news media said (see above post for examples), or leadership in NYC (the current hotspot) setting the stage for explosive growth by telling people to go about their daily lives as noted in this article.
When Fauci said "very very low risk to the United States" and then that it needs to be taken seriously by public health officials, that's downplaying it. Within the context of his speech he was saying he didn't see this as a threat for the US but just in case it does come here the public health officials need to be aware of this virus and prepared for it.

Here's a clip of various outlets during the same time Trump was "downplaying" this and who criticized his early actions. If we are going to hold Trump responsible for "downplaying" this we should also hold the media responsible for doing the exact same thing and creating a narrative that was similar to Trump's. After all if the media and Trump were saying the exact same thing, is Trump only to blame? People listen to the news to find out what's going on and if many news stations are saying no big deal (both conservative and liberal) then how do you think people will respond?
View attachment 38457

Was his response perfect? Nope, absolutely not and hopefully he has learned from it. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy for us to look back on this and see what should have been done differently. Also, Trump wasn't sitting on his hands for 1.5 months hoping this would go away, the entire time he was doing things in the background and working with agencies to address it. For example the critical month seems to be February when the testing needed to be rolled out. There are various issues there but one of the big ones was how the CDC and existing red tape were a big reason why there was such a delay. Here is a very fair summary of this below.

"Most critical for this second phase, it was clear early on that any effective response was going to depend on rapidly scaling our testing capacity. The virus genome was publicly available in mid-January, and the first tests were developed shortly thereafter. The World Health Organization (WHO) sent hundreds of thousands of tests to dozens of laboratories around the world by early February. But the administration and CDC decided to rely exclusively on domestically developed tests, apparently in keeping with past practice. The CDC developed its own test in early February, which was then distributed to labs. But, as became clear roughly a week later, one of the reagents in its kits proved to be faulty, which meant that most labs were unable to proceed using CDC-provided test kits.

Nevertheless, for at least two weeks after the problem became clear, alternative paths to testing were either neglected or stymied by existing regulations. Indeed, although the Emergency Use Authorizations required by the declaration of a public health emergency were meant to facilitate rapid testing, it soon became clear that their required procedures were actually significantly retarding the development of effective testing at scale. CDC was reassuring state and local officials that testing capacity was adequate in late February, although it was reported that fewer than 500 tests had been conducted at that point. (CDC’s own count, which includes its own tests plus those of U.S. public health labs, puts the total number of tests at the end of February at around 4,000.) Perversely, the failure to test at scale kept the publicly recognized number of cases low, which served as a justification for insisting that the existing testing regime was adequate." Source

I don't blame Trump at all for going with the past practice of using domestically developed tests. The faulty reagent in the kit was not his fault AND on top of this there is evidence the CDC actually LIED to Trump. Furthermore, Dr. Fauci has publicly stated that Trump has followed his and other officials advice and recommendations throughout the process. There are definitely areas that the response could have been better for sure but it wasn't like Trump was sitting around for 1.5 months waiting for this to go away either. There were steps taken in February to prepare testing but due to red tape and the issue with the CDC initial tests this dramatically slowed things down. Once that became clear Trump turned to the private sector and things really began to ramp up after that. I think if he knew this in advance, that the CDC would have such issues, he would have turned to the private sector first.

Trump's statements about how little of a threat this was are no different than what Dr. Fauci said "It's a very, very low risk to the United States", the news media said (see above post for examples), or leadership in NYC (the current hotspot) setting the stage for explosive growth by telling people to go about their daily lives as noted in this article.

Both of these posts are pretty big loads of crap and full of conservative drivel, trying to compare Dr Fauci's statements to Trump's is very much apples-oranges and they don't belong in the same setting.

Did it ever occur to you that Dr Fauci made that statement in late January (26th) & Trump was continually publicly downplaying the virus well into March? I guess you conveniently forgot to mention that part (surprise!). There's a pretty big difference between saying the threat is very, very low in January and saying a month later when it was far more obvious that the situation would be serious & worse that "one day it's like a miracle, it will disappear", "We're going very substantially down, not up", etc, etc.
This made me LOL for real.....the kool aid is good to those who chug it and some on here would say Trump did the right thing if he dropped trou and crapped on a baby's head while holding a burning America flag all while singing the Russia anthem.....

Bottom line Trump is 100% responsible for the statements he CHOSE to make about how little of a threat this was.....there is plenty of evidence the US was aware of the potential here and that recommendations to build up and prepare were made and largely ignored by Trump. Hell just the fact the HHS tried to buy 2 billion worth of PPE for the national stockpile in early Feb shows they knew they needed supplies and Trump cut it 75%.....

There is no way Trump did not know the chances this thing was going to go off the rails was pretty high as early as late Jan and early Feb.....those senators on the Intelligence Committee knew late Jan when they started ditching all their stocks.....

Trump was doing what good leaders do......don't create unnecessary panic. Recognizing leadership in a stressed event of this magnitude isn't something you have first hand knowledge of? Its pretty obvious to me
The cult leader censored Dr. Fauci in his most briefing. Cant wait to hear why this is fine or even great from some of our posters.
Both of these posts are pretty big loads of crap and full of conservative drivel, trying to compare Dr Fauci's statements to Trump's is very much apples-oranges and they don't belong in the same setting.

Did it ever occur to you that Dr Fauci made that statement in late January (26th) & Trump was continually publicly downplaying the virus well into March? I guess you conveniently forgot to mention that part (surprise!). There's a pretty big difference between saying the threat is very, very low in January and saying a month later when it was far more obvious that the situation would be serious & worse that "one day it's like a miracle, it will disappear", "We're going very substantially down, not up", etc, etc.

That is the crux of the issue, that is why Trump owns this.....we literally have statement after statement of Trump downplaying this right up to the first week of March.....
Both of these posts are pretty big loads of crap and full of conservative drivel, trying to compare Dr Fauci's statements to Trump's is very much apples-oranges and they don't belong in the same setting.

Did it ever occur to you that Dr Fauci made that statement in late January (26th) & Trump was continually publicly downplaying the virus well into March? I guess you conveniently forgot to mention that part (surprise!). There's a pretty big difference between saying the threat is very, very low in January and saying a month later when it was far more obvious that the situation would be serious & worse that "one day it's like a miracle, it will disappear", "We're going very substantially down, not up", etc, etc.

Wait, I thought awhile back you put me on ignore? Why are you still responding to things I post if that was the case?


Yeah Dr. Fauci made that statement in January, the news media was still downplaying this well into February and March 10th we still had De Blasio still telling New Yorkers to congregate like normal. The point is we have multiple sources outside of Trump downplaying this from January well into March.

“For the vast majority of New Yorkers, life is going on pretty normally right now; we want to encourage that,” De Blasio told MSBNBC. “We have to look out for people here, especially those who are over 50 years old and have pre-existing conditions, like lung disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. These are the folks we really, really need to be careful for. But if you’re under 50 and you’re healthy, which is most New Yorkers, there’s very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy. I think there has been a misperception that Coronavirus hangs in the air, waiting to catch you. No. It takes direct person-to-person contact, direct transmission of fluids.” Source
Trump was doing what good leaders do......don't create unnecessary panic. Recognizing leadership in a stressed event of this magnitude isn't something you have first hand knowledge of? Its pretty obvious to me

I love how hard core far righties like yourself that are willing to defend the president at any cost spin Trump's egregious statements in late February & March as "not creating unnecessary panic" but the moment Fauci says anything that remotely quells the extent of the threat back in January (when the CoV-19 wasn't a big deal in the US), he's definitely downplaying it!
Bush had been in business AND politics. He knew how to blend the two when he built his cabinet. Trump came in with no political experience. This is why the turnover has been so high in my opinion. He has been the boss his entire life. He has put some great people in his cabinet, some bad. Thats the way it goes. You dont do your job your out. He is cut throat no doubt but results matter.
Being the boss your entire life isn't a good thing. You can't learn to lead if you don't know how to follow.
Its well within his right to kneel. As a man, a soldier who would die for that flag I chose to turn the TV off. I watch the superbowl and that's it. Of course that's all I got to watch while I was overseas too so don't really miss the NFL. As far as heroism goes? You are correct it doesn't demand praise but taking a knee during a game in the United States of America to make a statement about oppression? I think he got the wrong country and the wrong flag.
A Marine I proudly watched him and others kneel in protest. They don't have the wrong country or flag any more than you do.
Trump was doing what good leaders do......don't create unnecessary panic. Recognizing leadership in a stressed event of this magnitude isn't something you have first hand knowledge of? Its pretty obvious to me

There are ways to do both, Trump being a crappy leader did neither really, he didn't prepare the country nor did he stop a panic...he could have tried to negate panic while getting the things in line needed to face this pandemic but he didn't cause Trump is the farthest thing from a good leader there is on this planet, he is terrible businessman, a terrible person and a terrible president.....the fact you think he is a good leader is remarkable. Also you can save the sanctimonious crap about recognizing leadership blah blah blah I think I got a good handle on it.....
Wait, I thought awhile back you put me on ignore? Why are you still responding to things I post if that was the case?

View attachment 38462

Yeah Dr. Fauci made that statement in January, the news media was still downplaying this well into February and March 10th we still had De Blasio still telling New Yorkers to congregate like normal.

“For the vast majority of New Yorkers, life is going on pretty normally right now; we want to encourage that,” De Blasio told MSBNBC. “We have to look out for people here, especially those who are over 50 years old and have pre-existing conditions, like lung disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. These are the folks we really, really need to be careful for. But if you’re under 50 and you’re healthy, which is most New Yorkers, there’s very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy. I think there has been a misperception that Coronavirus hangs in the air, waiting to catch you. No. It takes direct person-to-person contact, direct transmission of fluids.” Source

Placing you on ignore has what exactly to do w/ Trump & Fauci's statements on COVID-19?!

Wait, that's right... absolutely nothing. But hey kid, I give you mad props for the horrendously put together straw man.

Also, last time I checked, weren't we specifically talking about Trump vs Fauci's statements on COVID-19? Nice job deflecting.
Placing you on ignore has what exactly to do w/ Trump & Fauci's statements on COVID-19?!

Wait, that's right... absolutely nothing. But hey kid, I give you mad props for the horrendously put together straw man.

Also, last time I checked, weren't we specifically talking about Trump vs Fauci's statements on COVID-19? Nice job deflecting.

Because you said you were going to block/ignore me so if that's the case you shouldn't be seeing any of my posts... yet here you are responding to them so you obviously didn't block/ignore me like you said you would ;)

Back to the point, I said not only did Fauci downplay this but ALSO the MSM did well into February. We also have good ole De Blasio downplaying this on March 10th telling people "For the vast majority of New Yorkers, life is going on pretty normally right now; we want to encourage that.” The point remains that there were plenty of people downplaying this from the start (Fauci) all the way into March (De Blasio) with plenty in between, Trump wasn't the only one.
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