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Political Thread

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Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.” Trump: “I didn’t know people died from the flu.”

My personal favorite :p
Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.” Trump: “I didn’t know people died from the flu.”

My personal favorite :p

This one though.....ouch now we know why he went bankrupt so many times

Donald J. Trump

Feb 24

The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!
For those saying let's not make Corona political... I give you POTUS in the last 24 hours.

"Sleepy Joe Biden was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!"

The Obama White House had to immediately issue an apology for Joe Biden’s remarks, and any alarm that he might have caused, an alarm about a Swine Flu outbreak that took 6 months for President Obama to declare a National Emergency, and that killed 12,000 Americans.”

For decades the
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

For those saying let's not make Corona political... I give you POTUS in the last 24 hours.

"Sleepy Joe Biden was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!"

The Obama White House had to immediately issue an apology for Joe Biden’s remarks, and any alarm that he might have caused, an alarm about a Swine Flu outbreak that took 6 months for President Obama to declare a National Emergency, and that killed 12,000 Americans.”

For decades the
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

The obsession continues...…..The Trump hating club should get together (after things calm down of course) have lunch, discuss all things Trump and then finish the day off waxing your balls....LOL

Last part was a joke fellas....
Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.” Trump: “I didn’t know people died from the flu.”

My personal favorite :p
Technically he is right, people who get the flu die from secondary infections initiated by the virus, like Pneumonia or pre existing health conditions which exacerbates them.
For those saying let's not make Corona political... I give you POTUS in the last 24 hours.

"Sleepy Joe Biden was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!"

The Obama White House had to immediately issue an apology for Joe Biden’s remarks, and any alarm that he might have caused, an alarm about a Swine Flu outbreak that took 6 months for President Obama to declare a National Emergency, and that killed 12,000 Americans.”

For decades the
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

What you don't seem to understand (which is hardly surprising), that his comments concern something that is NOT A CURRENT ONGOING crisis situation but a record of what has happened and how badly it was handled, which is fair game. This playing politics with a crisis is okay to look back on and judge results but WHILE the crisis is still developing, one should try to refrain from politicizing it. Can you dispute the history of what he is saying? This crisis needs to be solved first and then after the fact if you want to politicize it, fair enough.
Most of us military guys have been taught (threatened if you prefer) not to criticize our commanders while in the military ( without following the chain of command) but that once you are out of it (the military) it is your right and duty to criticize them if you feel they made errors that cost lives.
The obsession continues...…..The Trump hating club should get together (after things calm down of course) have lunch, discuss all things Trump and then finish the day off waxing your balls....LOL

Last part was a joke fellas....

Maybe the pro trumpers can have a club too. Instead of waxing yours yall can spend time trying to detach from trumps.

Last part was a joke fellas.....
The obsession continues...…..The Trump hating club should get together (after things calm down of course) have lunch, discuss all things Trump and then finish the day off waxing your balls....LOL

Last part was a joke fellas....

DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT disparage the mowing of the lawn!! It keeps the unsightly and unkempt forest from taking over the crotchular region. The smoothness is amazing and now my wife can actually see that I have an impressive package... for a toddler.
Most of us military guys have been taught (threatened if you prefer) not to criticize our commanders while in the military ( without following the chain of command) but that once you are out of it (the military) it is your right and duty to criticize them if you feel they made errors that cost lives.

I said this the other day to @Sandbar I may not like the man or his policies, but I put that behind me for the respect I have for the office itself.
Most of us military guys have been taught (threatened if you prefer) not to criticize our commanders while in the military ( without following the chain of command) but that once you are out of it (the military) it is your right and duty to criticize them if you feel they made errors that cost lives.
This is absolutely true but speaking for myself only, I don't criticize unless I am versed enough in the subject I am criticizing......I served under Jocko Willink in 2008 and that was his policy. You had best criticize anything he did and actively participate in keeping yourself safe BUT you had best have your affairs in order because like you said.....ERRORS COST LIVES
So what I take from the Corona thread, the politics thread and even the stock market thread is that those leaning right are trying to downplay the total clusterf*ck of a situation we find ourselves in with testing this nasty virus. Apparently, to me, they realize this will reflect terribly on their 'dear leader'. It's to a point where they are now saying it doesn't matter if we test cause it wouldn't change anything. Even though all doctors and scientists disagree. POTUS is trying to blame former administrations for their screw-ups even though they fired then entire medical task force Obama installed during the Ebola outbreak. They had no one to coordinate efforts until this was on US soil even with months of advance notice it would likely reach us. The list of missteps over the last couple months is loooong.

The last few days have shown how much can get done when you throw the entire federal weight behind a problem. In a matter for days we are now getting drive thru testing. But for over a month the administration sat on their hands and acted like this wasn't going to be a big deal because it's an election year and they didn't want to crash the stock market (the most referenced accomplishment of this presidency). It wasn't until the walls were absolutely collapsing all around them did Pence get appointed Czar and they even began to have some honest dialect with the country. The lies and misrepresentations regarding virus are all documented.

So what I take from the Corona thread, the politics thread and even the stock market thread is that those leaning right are trying to downplay the total clusterf*ck of a situation we find ourselves in with testing this nasty virus. Apparently, to me, they realize this will reflect terribly on their 'dear leader'. It's to a point where they are now saying it doesn't matter if we test cause it wouldn't change anything. Even though all doctors and scientists disagree. POTUS is trying to blame former administrations for their screw-ups even though they fired then entire medical task force Obama installed during the Ebola outbreak. They had no one to coordinate efforts until this was on US soil even with months of advance notice it would likely reach us. The list of missteps over the last couple months is loooong.

The last few days have shown how much can get done when you throw the entire federal weight behind a problem. In a matter for days we are now getting drive thru testing. But for over a month the administration sat on their hands and acted like this wasn't going to be a big deal because it's an election year and they didn't want to crash the stock market (the most referenced accomplishment of this presidency). It wasn't until the walls were absolutely collapsing all around them did Pence get appointed Czar and they even began to have some honest dialect with the country. The lies and misrepresentations regarding virus are all documented.

Here is what you can take from it and again speaking for myself. I can only control what I do. Im not going to spend one minute of precious time worrying over something I don't have a damn bit of control over. Being a negative complainer during something like this makes you look like an ass (just my opinion). Negativity solves NOTHING. I have my affairs in order. Do you? If you do then that's great. I will survive the virus, the stock market, the politics of all of it so I am going to support the President in his efforts because its the smart thing to do not the emotional things to do. Maybe that explains it?
Here is what you can take from it and again speaking for myself. I can only control what I do. Im not going to spend one minute of precious time worrying over something I don't have a damn bit of control over. Being a negative complainer during something like this makes you look like an ass (just my opinion). Negativity solves NOTHING. I have my affairs in order. Do you? If you do then that's great. I will survive the virus, the stock market, the politics of all of it so I am going to support the President in his efforts because its the smart thing to do not the emotional things to do. Maybe that explains it?
Totally agree. All I have seen is you Nerman post negative about Trumps handling of this virus. So you can get the rise let me say this. Yes Trump has totally screwed this up. The whole govt has screwed this up. Which is what I was saying a couple weeks ago on here. Would you trust the govt to take care of you? Also don’t forget your beloved Democrats also screwed up. Trying to pass a bill that had abortion money thrown in with the Coronavirus bill. So it’s both sides!!!!!
Technically he is right, people who get the flu die from secondary infections initiated by the virus, like Pneumonia or pre existing health conditions which exacerbates them.

What you don't seem to understand (which is hardly surprising), that his comments concern something that is NOT A CURRENT ONGOING crisis situation but a record of what has happened and how badly it was handled, which is fair game. This playing politics with a crisis is okay to look back on and judge results but WHILE the crisis is still developing, one should try to refrain from politicizing it. Can you dispute the history of what he is saying? This crisis needs to be solved first and then after the fact if you want to politicize it, fair enough.
Dems are politicizing too, it just doesn't get reported as much.... Biden and others still calling the travel bans xenophobic, attaching abortion funding to the coronavirus stimulus bill, it never ends.
We have a political divide in this country that makes it darn near impossible to get anything accomplished for "we the people" that they are supposed to be representing. Not sure how or even if the divide will be narrowed but reading threads like this gives me little hope it will ever get done. Putting your faith in humans is a losing proposition, so I will continue to trust God and figure it will all work out like He wills it. For those that think science has all the answers we need, this current crisis is a good example of the folly of that belief. Now science may develop a vaccine that alleviates this particular illness but they don't have the ability to anticipate things before they happen and be totally prepared.
Well my company just canceled our banquet. I had already canceled but this hurts the vendors that were coming to our vendor fair. I wonder if the ConAg show will cancel
What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?
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What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?

Unfortunately we're well past the point where any of that matters; TDS is real and he could walk on water and it wouldn't be good enough. There are enough back and forth's to last us a lifetime.

I hope this doesn't become a mass casualty event; we fix our supply chain and bring more things back to made in America, and common sense prevails in November and Trump is re-elected.
What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?

Gonna need more specifics than that. But I'll tell you I don't choke on anyone's ____. So if it was Obama screwing up race relations or calling ISIS the JV team while letting them spread throughout the middle east or Bush and Cheney leading us into needless wars on bad info I've called them out.

I don't see any reasons for the "But Obama" or "But Hillary" reactions. They made more than their fair share of mistakes but they are not in office now.
What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?

I'd hate it. I'm glad he's doing this today. I can't see how doing so isn't an excellent move.
I'll put this in here...

Unfortuantely this is not just a Trump thing, Obama blamed bush for the economy for 8 years. This happens with every administration, we all do it.

"Every generation, blames the one before,
When all of their frustrations, come beating on your door"

Mike and the Mechanics "In the Living Years"
I’m sick of the one sidedness in this thread. We have people acknowledging some facts then blatantly ignoring others. For example, don’t tell me to not politicize this pandemic and then ignore the fact that many of President Trump’s comments have been blaming this on the Democratic Party and former President Obama. I’m an independent, but B.S. needs to be called out when it’s appropriate, and the same goes for the Democratic side, not everything is Donald Trumps fault...
Honestly, I have been unable to follow anything in this address.
The beginning of his speech was very concerning with the amount of misinformation, he said the United State's handling of this was excellent compared to other countries, which statistically is far from the truth. I do sympathize with him, but he needs to face this straight on. There's no sugar coating this, it's a Pandemic. Period. Yes we fell short with the initial handling of this, but we have time to turn it around.
Indeed. I'd say he doesn't have the virus nor is suspected of having it because the doc and others are standing near him and speaking into the same microphone.

I don't think he has it (yet). No coughing at all. But he has been in close contact with at least a couple people who have recently tested positive.
Stock markets seem to be liking Trump's briefing though they didn't rise initially.
I don't think he has it (yet). No coughing at all. But he has been in close contact with at least a couple people who have recently tested positive.

Maybe he got tested and came back as negative. I'd think that the speakers, especially the doc, would otherwise be more cautious around him and the microphone. Also, I think he sounds better now.

Edit: No, he said he didn't need to be tested due to having no symptoms.
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Push by reporters on why he hasn't been tested for coronavirus after coming in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump said, "I didn't say I wasn't going to be tested."

He followed up that "most likely" he'll get tested but didn't say when.

More on this: Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday.

Trump was in close physical proximity with the Wajngarten Saturday night in Florida, two people familiar tell CNN. The Brazilian press secretary attended the dinner Trump hosted at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, took a photo with the President and later stood feet away from Trump as he spoke during Kimberly Guilfoyle's birthday, the sources said.
Typically i would agree. However an incredibly infectious virus coupled with multiple contacts with infected individuals imo gives him a higher chance of really being sick.

I agree, but the main thing that started this discussion here was that he didn't sound well at the start. I thought he sounded like normal later on when he was taking questions/ad libbing.

The issue about whether he got tested was confusing due to him giving mixed messages. He first said he didn't need to get tested because of having had no symptoms, which ignores the idea that one can be asymptomatic for at least a few days. Then later when pressed with a questioner, he seemed to give in and reluctantly say he will get tested after all. Hopefully he really doesn't have it!

Edit: I don't get why the doctor and others were not worried about using the same mic!! Isn't that setting a bad example by the doctor at least?
I had assumed that Trump must have been tested and came out negative. Then that would give comfort for the doc. But then Trump said he wasn't tested.
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I agree, but the main thing that started this discussion here was that he didn't sound well at the start. I thought he sounded like normal later on when he was taking questions/ad libbing.

The issue about whether he got tested was confusing due to him giving mixed messages. He first said he didn't need to get tested because of having had no symptoms, which ignores the idea that one can be asymptomatic for at least a few days. Then later when pressed with a questioner, he seemed to give in and reluctantly say he will get tested after all. Hopefully he really doesn't have it!

Edit: I don't get why the doctor and others were not worried about using the same mic!! Isn't that setting a bad example by the doctor at least?
I had assumed that Trump must have been tested and came out negative. Then that would give comfort for the doc. But then Trump said he wasn't tested.

I’m sure the whole White House staff got tested and will be tested multiple times. Trump just being Trump.

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