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Political Thread

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So that was Bushs fault? You forget about 9/11 and the real estate collapse? Not his fault.

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Bush is cool with me. Markets go through natural cycles. The real estate bubble was the big reason. I don’t blame bush. Actually I think presidents have very little impact on markets. Theylike to cling to them but in reality they don’t have control.
Rosie. If I may can I ask have you ever voted for a conservative/Republican? Have you always voted Democrat? I have voted for a Democrat before. I have always heard that some Democrats will vote for Satan himself if he said he was a Democrat. I am not meaning to sound rude at all. I just know most conservatives/Republicans will vote for a Democrat if they are solid.
I am an Independent and have been since the beginning, vote for who I feel will do the best.
obama was handed an economy that was tanking into the “Great Recession” from bush. He pulled us out of that mess and some. I could post a chart but I don’t need to. The economy was on the upswing when it was handed to Trumphole.

Every recession hits a bottom and Obama didnt pull us out of a damn thing. He oversaw the slowest recovery of a recession in history. Food stamps, high unemployment. The recovery belongs to the American business owner and consumer who brought us out despite his inability to do so. The explosion came in 2016 when Donald Trump put our country first, lowered taxes and got rid of burdensome regulations. Let Joe Biden run on the Obama economy......
Per news sources who poll who they want to. No one can say they don’t call the people they know will vote Democrat every single time. Most Democrats will never ever vote for a Republican as I stated earlier. It would be interesting to see a poll on how many Democrats have voted for a Republican and how many Republicans have voted for a Democrat.

I voted for GHWB in 1988. Voted for Clinton in 1992 and 1996. I voted for W in 2000 and 2004. McCain in 2008. Obama in 2012, Gary Johnson in 2016.
Anyone familiar with Biden's several decades as a US senator would realize his sentiment has been very middle of the road and that he would often work together with the GOP. He was one of the least partisan of either party! That's why he is one of the very few Dems I like politically. He can be the uniter this country can really use. Also, I like Joe as a person in general.

The stock market certainly isn't acting like he'd be a problem!

You asked. Hot off the press. Reason.com
But there is a problem with this view: Biden is a moderate compared to Sanders, but he is notably to the left of previous Democratic standard-bearers. To describe Biden as a moderate without this context is to ignore the specifics of his agenda and the leftward shift in Democratic Party politics it represents.

Consider Biden's health care plan. Although he has criticized Medicare for All, the fully government-run system favored by Sanders, Biden has proposed a significant expansion of the Affordable Care Act that his campaign estimates would cost $750 billion over a decade, nearly as much as the original bill signed by President Barack Obama. Although it would not nationalize the financing of health insurance, as the Sanders plan would, Biden's proposal would nevertheless set up a new, government-run insurance plan, expand eligibility for insurance subsidies well into the middle class, and make benefits available to people who can access coverage through their employer. If enacted, it would represent a major increase in government spending on health care and a substantial increase in the government's involvement in the health care system.

Beyond health care, Biden has proposed a $1.7 trillion climate plan that is similar in scope to many candidates on his left and a $750 billion education plan that would be used, among other things, to increase teacher salaries and provide expanded access to pre-kindergarten. He favors an assault weapons ban and other gun control measures, a national $15 minimum wage, and a raft of subsidies, loans, and other government-granted nudges designed to promote rural economies. Has proposed $3.4 trillion worth of tax hikes—more than double what former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed when she ran in 2016.

To some extent, this just makes Joe Biden a Democrat in 2020, a successor to President Obama whose approach to policy could be summed up as, "Obama, but more."

That alone puts him to the left of previous presidential nominees. As a recent article in Vox put it, over the course of his campaign, Biden has "outlined a suite of policies that, taken on their own terms, would be the most ambitious governing agenda of any modern Democrat." If he won, he would "be the most progressive Democratic nominee in history."

Biden, in other words, would be the leftmost presidential nominee in memory even while representing the party's center. And that tells us something important—not just about Biden, but about the Democratic party.

Biden, arguably more than any other contemporary American politician, has long embodied the Democratic establishment consensus, from its tough-on-crime days in the 1990s to its wrong-about-Iraq days in the early 2000s to its technocratic economic policy gambles under Obama, when Biden played pivotal roles in the stimulus, the auto bailout, and high-stakes congressional budget deals. Biden is an avatar of the party's self-conception, the closest thing capitol-D Democrats have to a mascot.

Biden's leftward drift is thus the party's leftward shift. He isn't a Sanders-style socialist, but he is, as I wrote last year, a big-government liberal, a candidate whose current incarnation was shaped and informed by progressive politics, if not wholly captured by them. That he looks moderate relative to Sanders is just another sign of how the party center has moved. If, as now seems plausible, he bests Sanders in the primary, the party's current moderates will have won—but true moderation will have lost.
May 17, 2019 at 3:00 AM EDT
“I was always labeled as one of the most liberal members of the United States Congress. If it makes you progressive to mean that you are for Medicare-for-all or it makes it progressive, then that wasn’t the standard of what constituted in the past what is progressive.”
Former vice president Joe Biden, in an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” April 29
Joe Biden since the 70s voting record has been tallied up and he ranks as 24th most liberal. So the only middle road he towes is the middle of the lefts road. The democrat party ditched the working class , coalminers etc for their globalist progressive agenda. Signing up with the Rhinos and Bill Clinton,outsourcing our mfg jobs through Nafta, china trade deals that has empowered them and cost us 1000's of middle class jobs. Yall can sign up for this all you want, but Ill take the MAGA platform that has made us the strongest country in the history of the world over the past 3 years. Never forget obama runing around apologizing for evil America greed yada yada yada and telling small town America, rust belt,coal country your jobs arent coming back,move along .
Biden is nothing more than a propped up puppet being used by the Dem establishment. They will be pulling his strings no doubt. Having just buried a parent with altheimers its painfull for me to watch him this past primary season. Yes hes always made ghaffes, but its very obvious seeing this pattern rapidly evolve that I sincerely wish the Democratic Party would get someone else,anyone to award their nomination.
Bernies mistake is he was just being open about his ideology,agenda etc.
He never used the golden rule of the Democrat playbook and that is you have to camaflouge your progressive/socialist ideology, espeacilly when campaigning. Then once you get elected you are free to govern by this progressive socialist agenda. Obama mastered this as others before him cause he understood the media would and always has run cover for the Democrat party progressive/globalist/ socialist agenda.

I want to be honest with you guys. Yes im a die in the wool conservative and ill debate issues all day long. But I say this with all sincerity and a heavy heart. The DNC,Joes wife,family really need to run inteferance here and not put him through whats getting ready to take place out in public. Im serious, Id make an exception for obama being eligible again , anything than to see this play out on live tv. I disagree with Biden on everything politically, but do not wish to see a person get exposed as they go through this.
They just played a clip slowed down,paused on TV with the incident that took place last night at Bidens rally, when some moonbat rushed the stage ( where the secret service or security was i have no idea). Anyway its a rear view, you can see joes eyes closed as his brave wife deflects the moonbat, then she turns around after tells him your ok ,your ok, she nudges spins him around and he gets back on script, telepropter. That look on his face when he opened his eyes and hearing her say that just struck a chord. That wasnt wife , suporter lingo action. That was caretaker 101.Ive seen that, been there in his wifes shoes, obviously different incidents.
I dont know man, you cant mask ,predict dementia or altheimers as it unfolds. Im not worried/talking about secret code to nuclear arms stuff. Im strictly talking about a person being humiliated cause they are losing their ability to think they way they normally have. He is being used and if he was out trying to knab any other job,there is no way anyone close to him would not stop him and talk him out of it, or really point blank stop it from happening.
No doubt Nancy , and Reagans cabinet had to really run cover for him at the end of his second term. It was in its genesis but coming on then, altheimers.
Biden is nothing more than a propped up puppet being used by the Dem establishment. They will be pulling his strings no doubt. Having just buried a parent with altheimers its painfull for me to watch him this past primary season. Yes hes always made ghaffes, but its very obvious seeing this pattern rapidly evolve that I sincerely wish the Democratic Party would get someone else,anyone to award their nomination.
Bernies mistake is he was just being open about his ideology,agenda etc.
He never used the golden rule of the Democrat playbook and that is you have to camaflouge your progressive/socialist ideology, espeacilly when campaigning. Then once you get elected you are free to govern by this progressive socialist agenda. Obama mastered this as others before him cause he understood the media would and always has run cover for the Democrat party progressive/globalist/ socialist agenda.

I want to be honest with you guys. Yes im a die in the wool conservative and ill debate issues all day long. But I say this with all sincerity and a heavy heart. The DNC,Joes wife,family really need to run inteferance here and not put him through whats getting ready to take place out in public. Im serious, Id make an exception for obama being eligible again , anything than to see this play out on live tv. I disagree with Biden on everything politically, but do not wish to see a person get exposed as they go through this.
They just played a clip slowed down,paused on TV with the incident that took place last night at Bidens rally, when some moonbat rushed the stage ( where the secret service or security was i have no idea). Anyway its a rear view, you can see joes eyes closed as his brave wife deflects the moonbat, then she turns around after tells him your ok ,your ok, she nudges spins him around and he gets back on script, telepropter. That look on his face when he opened his eyes and hearing her say that just struck a chord. That wasnt wife , suporter lingo action. That was caretaker 101.Ive seen that, been there in his wifes shoes, obviously different incidents.
I dont know man, you cant mask ,predict dementia or altheimers as it unfolds. Im not worried/talking about secret code to nuclear arms stuff. Im strictly talking about a person being humiliated cause they are losing their ability to think they way they normally have. He is being used and if he was out trying to knab any other job,there is no way anyone close to him would not stop him and talk him out of it, or really point blank stop it from happening.
No doubt Nancy , and Reagans cabinet had to really run cover for him at the end of his second term. It was in its genesis but coming on then, altheimers.

lol, you’re not a doctor qualified to make that kind of diagnosis. This post is terrible.
Biden is nothing more than a propped up puppet being used by the Dem establishment. They will be pulling his strings no doubt. Having just buried a parent with altheimers its painfull for me to watch him this past primary season. Yes hes always made ghaffes, but its very obvious seeing this pattern rapidly evolve that I sincerely wish the Democratic Party would get someone else,anyone to award their nomination.
Bernies mistake is he was just being open about his ideology,agenda etc.
He never used the golden rule of the Democrat playbook and that is you have to camaflouge your progressive/socialist ideology, espeacilly when campaigning. Then once you get elected you are free to govern by this progressive socialist agenda. Obama mastered this as others before him cause he understood the media would and always has run cover for the Democrat party progressive/globalist/ socialist agenda.

I want to be honest with you guys. Yes im a die in the wool conservative and ill debate issues all day long. But I say this with all sincerity and a heavy heart. The DNC,Joes wife,family really need to run inteferance here and not put him through whats getting ready to take place out in public. Im serious, Id make an exception for obama being eligible again , anything than to see this play out on live tv. I disagree with Biden on everything politically, but do not wish to see a person get exposed as they go through this.
They just played a clip slowed down,paused on TV with the incident that took place last night at Bidens rally, when some moonbat rushed the stage ( where the secret service or security was i have no idea). Anyway its a rear view, you can see joes eyes closed as his brave wife deflects the moonbat, then she turns around after tells him your ok ,your ok, she nudges spins him around and he gets back on script, telepropter. That look on his face when he opened his eyes and hearing her say that just struck a chord. That wasnt wife , suporter lingo action. That was caretaker 101.Ive seen that, been there in his wifes shoes, obviously different incidents.
I dont know man, you cant mask ,predict dementia or altheimers as it unfolds. Im not worried/talking about secret code to nuclear arms stuff. Im strictly talking about a person being humiliated cause they are losing their ability to think they way they normally have. He is being used and if he was out trying to knab any other job,there is no way anyone close to him would not stop him and talk him out of it, or really point blank stop it from happening.
No doubt Nancy , and Reagans cabinet had to really run cover for him at the end of his second term. It was in its genesis but coming on then, altheimers.

Lost my mother to dementia in January.
So joe has dementia like Clinton had that deadly cough? Trash republicans love to attack on health and appearance. It’s disgusting and your fearless leader Trump is the ringleader of this clown circus.
For all I know Biden might have dementia but you can't tell from TV. Heck I have a family member on my mom's side that we think can't tell hearing loss from dementia and she's with the lady in question everyday. It's in the family, so she will likely get it soon (within the next 5 years at most) but the family member in question has been saying she's slowly getting it for years while we're saying it's hearing loss.

Dementia/Alzheimer's is in my family on both sides which is scary but I probably don't have to start putting a bigger worry in it outside of emotionally for close to two more decades (and this would be with mom and dad).
lol, you’re not a doctor qualified to make that kind of diagnosis. This post is terrible.
Your 100% correct Im not a doctor and I am a Trump suporter. No way would I vote for Biden or any Democrat cause I have a polar opposite world view.

I fully stand 100% by what I said and it was sincere and honestly how I feel. I take 0 pleasure in calling attention to this subject espeacilly directing it toward a single individual. I also completely understand it not being interputted that way.
You seriously need to get some help for your TDS, it is unhealthy.

Meh Trump is a giant jackass and attacks people with childish tweets where he misspells words and uses ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF !!!!!!!!!...…..this guy is president of the USA he should act like it but lets be honest he is incapable of doing so. Instead we get rambling incoherent rants and lots of self praise.
lol, you’re not a doctor qualified to make that kind of diagnosis. This post is terrible.
So joe has dementia like Clinton had that deadly cough? Trash republicans love to attack on health and appearance. It’s disgusting and your fearless leader Trump is the ringleader of this clown circus.
While there certainly are those out there who will attack Biden on health/appearance issues (it happens every cycle, both sides) @NCSNOW comment was nowhere near an attack. It certainly seemed very sincere to me and yet you go on the offensive with "this post is terrible", I mean if you want to counter his comments, fine, do so without sounding so condescending.
While there certainly are those out there who will attack Biden on health/appearance issues (it happens every cycle, both sides) @NCSNOW comment was nowhere near an attack. It certainly seemed very sincere to me and yet you go on the offensive with "this post is terrible", I mean if you want to counter his comments, fine, do so without sounding so condescending.
I have to agree this is becoming less of a political thread and more of an "Attack the opposite party's people and members" thread. Everyone should back up a bit and try and come back to a more friendly civil discussion. All I see in this thread is "Trump is an idiot and so are the Republicans" and "Joe Biden has no memory". I get that's the easiest thing to say but there's been enough of that here.
I have to agree this is becoming less of a political thread and more of an "Attack the opposite party's people and members" thread. Everyone should back up a bit and try and come back to a more friendly civil discussion. All I see in this thread is "Trump is an idiot and so are the Republicans" and "Joe Biden has no memory". I get that's the easiest thing to say but there's been enough of that here.

I get that since he's a politician people are making fun of what appears to be memory issues, possibly connected with something like dementia... but we have to remember at the end of the day whether we disagree with his policies or not a person suffering from health issues is not something to be made fun of (regardless of if Trump or anyone else does it). I lost a grandmother to Alzheimer's and the process of her losing her memory was really hard on all the family.


In this case, the chart is created by a single person who has their own personal biases. Vanessa Otero states on her FAQ page that “I consider myself to be moderately liberal."

I get that since he's a politician people are making fun of what appears to be memory issues, possibly connected with something like dementia... but we have to remember at the end of the day whether we disagree with his policies or not a person suffering from health issues is not something to be made fun of (regardless of if Trump or anyone else does it). I lost a grandmother to Alzheimer's and the process of her losing her memory was really hard on all the family.

Yea Im as guilty as anyone when we are throwing shade at the opposite side. Its in good faith, pointing out flaws and praising/defending our viewpoints.
I fully understand that post being interputed that way coming from me. So its all fine an understandable. That was a heavy comment.
I dont want to see anyone get exposed publicly going through that part of their life. Its personal and I know alot on here have seen it up close. Joe always does those ghaffs off the cusp and he overcame a big speech impediment when he was younger. I disagree with him on an overwhelming majority of issues. I just hope the estblishment folks think this through before hes set up there as a pawn and gets unwarrented humiliated from it. They have time to steer the wagon away from this. What is happening to JB is no fault of his whatsoever.
Meh Trump is a giant jackass and attacks people with childish tweets where he misspells words and uses ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF !!!!!!!!!...…..this guy is president of the USA he should act like it but lets be honest he is incapable of doing so. Instead we get rambling incoherent rants and lots of self praise.
First off, he (Trump) is not a politician and is a businessman. I wish he would lay off twitter and be more circumspect but having owned several businesses I can tell you a lot of people in high positions in business are very blunt and even abusive to others. Secondly, I was a Democrat for years and years but am now an Independent because the Democrat party left me with their radical policies, I didn't leave them. For those talking about Biden being moderate, anyone remember who all raised their hands on the debate stage about whether we should provide free health care to all illegal immigrants? Yep, they all did, including Biden and that that is about the most liberal radical position any American politician should take. Also "nice" Joe said he would like to take the President of the US out behind the gym and beat his ass. The selective memory here of some absolutely astounds me.
Dow down a cool thou earlier. Maybe can rebound into the close again. Lots of time left on the clock.
First off, he (Trump) is not a politician and is a businessman. I wish he would lay off twitter and be more circumspect but having owned several businesses I can tell you a lot of people in high positions in business are very blunt and even abusive to others. Secondly, I was a Democrat for years and years but am now an Independent because the Democrat party left me with their radical policies, I didn't leave them. For those talking about Biden being moderate, anyone remember who all raised their hands on the debate stage about whether we should provide free health care to all illegal immigrants? Yep, they all did, including Biden and that that is about the most liberal radical position any American politician should take. Also "nice" Joe said he would like to take the President of the US out behind the gym and beat his ass. The selective memory here of some absolutely astounds me.
Seem to have forgotten all those trump statements and his name calling.
First off, he (Trump) is not a politician and is a businessman. I wish he would lay off twitter and be more circumspect but having owned several businesses I can tell you a lot of people in high positions in business are very blunt and even abusive to others. Secondly, I was a Democrat for years and years but am now an Independent because the Democrat party left me with their radical policies, I didn't leave them. For those talking about Biden being moderate, anyone remember who all raised their hands on the debate stage about whether we should provide free health care to all illegal immigrants? Yep, they all did, including Biden and that that is about the most liberal radical position any American politician should take. Also "nice" Joe said he would like to take the President of the US out behind the gym and beat his ass. The selective memory here of some absolutely astounds me.

Well I wont be voting for Biden in Nov.....though I did vote for him in the primary as I do not want to risk the chance of having President Bernie.
Seem to have forgotten all those trump statements and his name calling.
From the first sentence in my post "I wish he would lay off twitter and be more circumspect" so no I don't approve of all he says but I did explain why he may be that way. Hypocrisy is the property of the major news and cable outlets we see today where they report anything bad about Trump or Conservatives of any stripe but refuse to cover stuff the left does, that is as bad or much worse. The Antifa gang, project Veritas recordings, universities denying access to Conservative speakers on campus and many more egregious examples. Read the book 1984 with an open mind and you will realize it is more akin to the policies advocated by the left today, than the right. Winston Churchill once said " if you are not a liberal at age 20 you have no heart, if you are not conservative at age 40, you have no brain".
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