I’m in favor of a wall and deportation of anyone here illegally.
Hey we agree on something.

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I’m in favor of a wall and deportation of anyone here illegally.
Especially seeing how more government always means less freedom, more taxes, diminished quality of life, Gov't ruins everything it touches but hey bring on more
I agree.I think he was being sarcastic.... seemed that way to me.
It's also unconstitutional, government forcing its citizens to buy it.... can't figure out how it lasted so long. Oh yeah that's right Roberts dropped the ball on that one
He flat out said he will and always has stood by defending pre existing conditions. Said on the town hall you where posting clips from tonight.
But more govt means more protection via the police, firefighters, and the military.
meh, it’s a done deal. It was ruled unconstitutional. What more is there to discuss?
It's not accurate to say "everyone", so many make these kind of broad brush statements and I never said no Gov't, I said less of it. Gov't should protect it's citizens (military, first responders) not run their lives.Also, do folks want more or less of a budget for things like the NWS and roads? The point of these posts is that most everyone who wants less govt still wants as much or more of it for certain things. It isn’t black and white. I’d be willing to bet heavily that most here want more spent on the NWS.
But more govt means more protection via the police, firefighters, and the military.
As guaranteed by the constitution. Your protection......
Of course Chucky once again shows the sheer class of the D's
Can't make this stuff up, it's like a horror movie and what used to be wrong is now right and what used to be right is now wrong.
Lord help us if those kinds of people get total control, they'll make Obamacare look like childs play.
Our fearless leader folks....View attachment 36892
I'll take a real person picking their booger's over this any time..
View attachment 36893]
Tearing up scrap paper.
Oh my god. This is real life
Oh my god. This is real life
Well I remember Obama referencing himself 100s of times how good he was. When he did nothing. Bottom line is results speak. Economy is booming. Unemployment is low. Countries don’t bully us anymore. So bash him all you want and call us Trumpers. He’s the president at this time. You have to put up with him like some of us had to put up with Obama for his miserable 8 years.
I did not vote for or support Obama at all, he was egotistical though he isn't even in the same universe as Trump in that regard. Obama did a lot as president most of it I didn't support especially ACA.....the only thing other countries don't do anymore is respect us or our leader they literally laugh about him behind his back. When the GOP didn't have the spine to replace Trump when they had the chance I knew I was going to have another election where I would be unable to vote for a main party candidate because for some reason American's cant seem to nominate smart capable people to be president.
If only everybody else was as smart as you right?
Trump must have fired Mulvaney as he announces Mark Meadows as his new chief of staff.....oh and Meadows is Trumps 4th Chief of staff ironic huh....
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 10 Jan 2012
3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why@BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.
12:07 PM - 10 Jan 2012
Trump must have fired Mulvaney as he announces Mark Meadows as his new chief of staff.....oh and Meadows is Trumps 4th Chief of staff ironic huh....
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 10 Jan 2012
3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why@BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.
12:07 PM - 10 Jan 2012
there is a tweet for everything
Or maybe he just plays one on TV... I wonder sometimes if this is just hist shtick to stir things up. I mean like him or not, if he truly was an inept buffoon, after 3 years in office don't you think we'd be in endless unnecessary wars, economy tanking, most of us out of work, mass chaos in the streets, etc. Last time I checked people from all over the world still dying to come here, still the greatest nation in the world and some reason I just don't think we would be if the POTUS was an actual buffoon.
What would be really interesting is for all those who don't like Trump the man or Trump the President to outline what policy or policies of his you disagree with; take away the man, his mouth, his demeanor. What policy has he implemented you disagree with?
Don't like life; then he's not your man.
Don't like a strong military, then he's not your man.
Don't like a safe and secure border, then he's not your man.
Don't like religious freedom, then he's not your man.
Don't like American first, then he's not your man.
Men and women are vessels; imperfect for sure however I believe there's a purpose.
What would be really interesting is for all those who don't like Trump the man or Trump the President to outline what policy or policies of his you disagree with; take away the man, his mouth, his demeanor. What policy has he implemented you disagree with?
Don't like life; then he's not your man.
Don't like a strong military, then he's not your man.
Don't like a safe and secure border, then he's not your man.
Don't like religious freedom, then he's not your man.
Don't like American first, then he's not your man.
Men and women are vessels; imperfect for sure however I believe there's a purpose.
Dangerous precedents is an awesome and generic statement without specifics..He is setting dangerous precedence that will bite us in the arse. Just like I'm sure many Democrats feel about Reids nuclear option.
It's not just about policy.