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Political Thread

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Only scary to the left and propaganda machine. It's a pretty good network. I do believe there will be another option coming soon as well.
So you're saying a website that circulates false stories is good? I don't like bias in my news and that site is definitely smellier than ones like CNN.
So when is Pelosi gonna send this to the Senate? I have been waiting patiently for "The Hammer to Fall" yet all I see is hold up after hold up after hold up because she is scared stiff of this going to the Senate. She knows it's gonna die in the Senate because the Democrat party is a sham and their argument is a sham. They will be exposed as the frauds they have been for decades. The hammer will indeed fall but it wont be on Trump's head I can assure you.......Bunch of cowards
To Moscow Mitch who swears allegiance to trump?
If Trump is guilty of quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, having ugly hair, what have you, one would think Pelosi would have shut the door on this open and shut case weeks ago. But.........she obviously hasn't because she is scared. Can't say as I blame her because "The Hammer" is gonna fall!
To Moscow Mitch who swears allegiance to trump?
The house had it's turn to do whatever they wanted and that they did. Call whoever they wanted and did. They did nothing on the up and up either. Now they don't get do overs. This is what the dems wanted so now they get to play real ball...The Senate is the jury to hear what the house has. Chips will fall where they may. You love to call Mitch names. Nutty Nancy and Nadler can't stop this sham train now. Typical tactics of the left...Underhanded but the right must play by the book, conform, be sweet, play nice...yada yada yada. The day they started their mafia tactics to take him down is the day their tactics started turning against them.
Only scary to the left and propaganda machine. It's a pretty good network. I do believe there will be another option coming soon as well.

They are a propaganda machine with numerous examples of clearly false and misleading articles.

I take anyone who uses them as a source a lot less seriously because it's not hard to see what they are. To do so is simply cognitive dissonance.
The house had it's turn to do whatever they wanted and that they did. Call whoever they wanted and did. They did nothing on the up and up either. Now they don't get do overs. This is what the dems wanted so now they get to play real ball...The Senate is the jury to hear what the house has. Chips will fall where they may. You love to call Mitch names. Nutty Nancy and Nadler can't stop this sham train now. Typical tactics of the left...Underhanded but the right must play by the book, conform, be sweet, play nice...yada yada yada. The day they started their mafia tactics to take him down is the day their tactics started turning against them.

Why won't Mitch bring up witnesses that can clear trumps name?
If Trump is guilty of quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, having ugly hair, what have you, one would think Pelosi would have shut the door on this open and shut case weeks ago. But.........she obviously hasn't because she is scared. Can't say as I blame her because "The Hammer" is gonna fall!
If Nancy could stop this train she would. She has messed up royally and she knows it. She's trapped with no way out at this point. She had a chance to turn from the extreme left but lost control. The "hammer" is going to fall. The "hammer" is much bigger and deeper than the public knows yet. Mind blowing.
The house had it's turn to do whatever they wanted and that they did. Call whoever they wanted and did. They did nothing on the up and up either. Now they don't get do overs. This is what the dems wanted so now they get to play real ball...The Senate is the jury to hear what the house has. Chips will fall where they may. You love to call Mitch names. Nutty Nancy and Nadler can't stop this sham train now. Typical tactics of the left...Underhanded but the right must play by the book, conform, be sweet, play nice...yada yada yada. The day they started their mafia tactics to take him down is the day their tactics started turning against them.
The Senate is not a jury, they all love trump so what’s the point? Mitch stated he would do nothing.
They are a propaganda machine with numerous examples of clearly false and misleading articles.

I take anyone who uses them as a source a lot less seriously because it's not hard to see what they are. To do so is simply cognitive dissonance.
That is your opinion of them now and you're entitled. It's a pretty good network. World news, not just Trump talk. I take anyone who assumes they know what sources are the truth so quickly a lot less seriously as well. Declass of the FISA docs are coming next...Check all sources from here on out. We all should...Indictments are on the horizon. There will be no denying this is a sordid mess.
If Nancy could stop this train she would. She has messed up royally and she knows it. She's trapped with no way out at this point. She had a chance to turn from the extreme left but lost control. The "hammer" is going to fall. The "hammer" is much bigger and deeper than the public knows yet. Mind blowing.

Which hammer and when? All heard was "wait till this gets to the senate and the GOP calls all their witnesses" now its gonna be crickets from the GOP. Most of us know why. You cant defend the indefensible.
That is your opinion of them now and you're entitled. It's a pretty good network. World news, not just Trump talk. I take anyone who assumes they know what sources are the truth so quickly a lot less seriously as well. Declass of the FISA docs are coming next...Check all sources from here on out. We all should...Indictments are on the horizon. There will be no denying this is a sordid mess.

It's not my opinion its fact. They posted articles saying Moore had won, they posted articles saying Syria didnt gas their own people all of these are known lies. It's not my opinion its FACT.
The Senate is not a jury, they all love trump so what’s the point? Mitch stated he would do nothing.
At the end of the day we should take this entire mess as a message that nobody is immune to corruption and letting an outsider in makes them part of the package as well. We all know the senate will do nothing and that's probably why nancy wants to stall it. Not just because it's a political move, but because she knows like everyone else it'll be dead on arrival unless some convincing is done, which is unlikely.
That is your opinion of them now and you're entitled. It's a pretty good network. World news, not just Trump talk. I take anyone who assumes they know what sources are the truth so quickly a lot less seriously as well. Declass of the FISA docs are coming next...Check all sources from here on out. We all should...Indictments are on the horizon. There will be no denying this is a sordid mess.
No offense, but this is probably why you got called a conspiracy theorist elsewhere. You take radical right news as fact without question. This is no better than people on the extreme left, which aren't that many.

Also as a side note, the likely reason Trump told his base he was "Being targeted from day one by the "radical left"" is because it's partially political and manipulative to divide the nation, but also so he could get loyalty for breaking the law and spreading lies to his undying worshipers. He knew what he was doing from the start. He knew that making his base believe he was right on little things that he knew would fall though would make him invincible to then come his exposure. Of course on the flipside corruption already existed in DC and it's become a war of parties to take each other down. There is no playing nice. We know the left's few radical members want to drive the party and steal the spotlight and that's what they're doing, and the right has a few members pushing back in bizzare ways like comparing trump to jesus as seen yesterday.
At the end of the day we should take this entire mess as a message that nobody is immune to corruption and letting an outsider in makes them part of the package as well. We all know the senate will do nothing and that's probably why nancy wants to stall it. Not just because it's a political move, but because she knows like everyone else it'll be dead on arrival unless some convincing is done, which is unlikely.

No offense, but this is probably why you got called a conspiracy theorist elsewhere. You take radical right news as fact without question. This is no better than people on the extreme left, which aren't that many.

Also as a side note, the likely reason Trump told his base he was "Being targeted from day one by the "radical left"" is because it's partially political and manipulative to divide the nation, but also so he could get loyalty for breaking the law and spreading lies to his undying worshipers. He knew what he was doing from the start. He knew that making his base believe he was right on little things that he knew would fall though would make him invincible to then come his exposure. Of course on the flipside corruption already existed in DC and it's become a war of parties to take each other down. There is no playing nice. We know the left's few radical members want to drive the party and steal the spotlight and that's what they're doing, and the right has a few members pushing back in bizzare ways like comparing trump to jesus as seen yesterday.

I'd like this post a thousand times if possible.
Why won't Mitch bring up witnesses that can clear trumps name?


One reason is because they are winning at the polls right now and their method is paying off.

Secondly, it would not clear his name if every witness testified that Trump was an angel. The Democrats are just like the republicans. When someone brings up something they don’t like they explain it away. If all the witnesses agreed with Trump, the headlines would say he pressured them or paid them off.

Thirdly, it would give his opposition more testimony to find something else. Oh no, Trump bought the Turkish President a Quarter Pounder, it’s collusion and bribing.

I say this as someone who generally feels Trump did have some sort of Quid Pro Quo. That said the angle of “he won’t let them prove his innocence, so he must be guilty” is stupid and is akin to the statement “if you are not doing anything wrong, it’s ok if the Government spies in you. “
At the end of the day we should take this entire mess as a message that nobody is immune to corruption and letting an outsider in makes them part of the package as well. We all know the senate will do nothing and that's probably why nancy wants to stall it. Not just because it's a political move, but because she knows like everyone else it'll be dead on arrival unless some convincing is done, which is unlikely.

No offense, but this is probably why you got called a conspiracy theorist elsewhere. You take radical right news as fact without question. This is no better than people on the extreme left, which aren't that many.

Also as a side note, the likely reason Trump told his base he was "Being targeted from day one by the "radical left"" is because it's partially political and manipulative to divide the nation, but also so he could get loyalty for breaking the law and spreading lies to his undying worshipers. He knew what he was doing from the start. He knew that making his base believe he was right on little things that he knew would fall though would make him invincible to then come his exposure. Of course on the flipside corruption already existed in DC and it's become a war of parties to take each other down. There is no playing nice. We know the left's few radical members want to drive the party and steal the spotlight and that's what they're doing, and the right has a few members pushing back in bizzare ways like comparing trump to jesus as seen yesterday.
Okay..so your saying that declass is not coming? Nobody is looking into how the FISA was handled? Horrowitz report will not bring about more qestions?..Your theory on Trump sounds a little out there too. What is he trying to accomplish? What is his end game? Something he needs and wants that he could not get outside of putting himself, family and America through hell? Which side's conspiracy theories will prove to be facts?...And no offense taken. Epstein and Lolita Island was said to be conspiracy theory too...Also Prince Andrew. I knew about it years ago and thought of course it had to be because it's so sick. It's talked about everyday like it's no big deal now. Just sayin..I would not be so quick to judge and dig deep...Hell, if we were to tell our kids 50 years from now what is going on presently they would think IT"S a conspiracy theory it's so unbelievable. LOL
I am going to take great joy in watching this die in the Senate so our nation can witness what the moonbats on the left will drub up next. I'm sure they will dream up something huge only to lose again and again and again all the way to November when they get zombie stomped at the polls my Trump! The shear emotional meltdowns he stirs up in people is worth every second!
I am going to take great joy in watching this die in the Senate so our nation can witness what the moonbats on the left will drub up next. I'm sure they will dream up something huge only to lose again and again and again all the way to November when they get zombie stomped at the polls my Trump! The shear emotional meltdowns he stirs up in people is worth every second!

So watching people have a "meltdown" over this unethical behavior is more important than holding the president to his oath of office?
So watching people have a "meltdown" over this unethical behavior is more important than holding the president to his oath of office?

Absolutely because its the biggest joke I have see since re-joining the ranks of the civilian world. You can't even imagine the laughs I have had watching grown adults have their emotional fabric destroyed over a damn phone call they could really give 2 poops about.....LOL
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