Much more civil here ... but still gotta be careful ... 'cause if the thunder don't getcha then the lightnin' will ...I’m guessing he’s partially referring to that other wx BB’s political forum, where there are a good number of mainly far lefties who always act as if they’re mad at the world, cussing up a storm, etc. I really wonder if a lot of their apparent anger is kayfabe/an act because I don’t understand how one could stay so mad all of the time. It seems surreal to me. RC knows exactly what I’m talking about. He tries to be civil there and yet he’s treated as if he’s a monster. Simeon gets similar nasty treatment. This anger has been nonstop since that forum started years ago meaning it will never end. In contrast, political discussions here have been quite civil so far. Crossing my fingers lol.
The incident I think Simeon is referring to is that Trump was asked his opinion about busing from a few decades ago, which he thought was merely referring to a mode of transportation to school instead of a way to integrate schools related to civil rights:
I can understand thinking this is funny but why get so angry about it?