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Political Thread

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15 per hour isn’t even a livable wage. If someone works 40 hours a week they should be able to support themselves. And if you’re wondering I’m financially stable and would likely take a huge tax increase under sanders.

Various jobs that pay $15 or less an hour were never intended to be career jobs or ones to live off of, that’s the problem. Oftentimes these jobs are extremely low skill jobs and that’s why they pay this rate. Forcing the min wage to rise puts small businesses in a tough place, especially small restaurants. If a person doesn’t like what their paid there is nothing stopping them from working hard to either move up or find a better paying job.
$15 is plenty to live off of if you live in rural western NC. I make $15.98 and live comfortably with smart buying. Milk $1.50/gal. If I lived in rural Alaska where milk is over $10.00/gal then I would agree $15/hr sucks.
No flipping hamburgers is meant for teenage workers back when adults had more ambition to try everything possible to move up the ladder.

Yes! This is what socialism does. It tells the 50 year old hamburger flipper its ok to be mediocre. No need to sacrifice to improve yourself. Like i said before, if our grandparents had accepted this line of thinking this country wouldn't have been built
If a person doesn’t like what their paid there is nothing stopping them from working hard to either move up or find a better paying job.
Innocent (and those not) people with a record would disagree. Burger flipping jobs provide much more than teenage jobs. Mc Donald’s is very felony friendly. You can even win a court case and still be stopped from getting many careers.
Various jobs that pay $15 or less an hour were never intended to be career jobs or ones to live off of, that’s the problem. Oftentimes these jobs are extremely low skill jobs and that’s why they pay this rate. Forcing the min wage to rise puts small businesses in a tough place, especially small restaurants. If a person doesn’t like what their paid there is nothing stopping them from working hard to either move up or find a better paying job.

I also think $15 a hr is to much but at the same time the federal min wage has not increased since 2009 and something around $10 a hr is fair. Prices of goods have not gone down over the last decade they have gone up, and a person making min wage now working 8 hrs a day makes a whopping $58 a day. Lots of lower skilled people have to work 2 of these jobs to make ends meet and that leaves little time for self improvement etc. It easy to say there is nothing stopping them from working harder and moving up but where I work we have hundreds of "temps" that pack out our product and its a crap job and many of them are also going to school or working other jobs etc, and most of them are hard workers but they are low educated or have records etc and have trouble finding higher paying work. Adjusting min wage to the cost of living is the way to go and $10 a hr is about where it needs to be IMO,
If a person doesn’t like what their paid there is nothing stopping them from working hard to either move up or find a better paying job.
This has been debunked so many times it's not even valid anymore. Only way to move up is leave and find a new company or know people. So many starter jobs prevent people from making careers despite saying they do by taking an internal person and shuffling them around. Plus the economy hurts the ability to find a better job when its hurting. Now would be a good time but not next time it goes down. I wish hard work meant more money but that's not true. It never was.
This has been debunked so many times it's not even valid anymore. Only way to move up is leave and find a new company or know people. So many starter jobs prevent people from making careers despite saying they do by taking an internal person and shuffling them around. Plus the economy hurts the ability to find a better job when its hurting. Now would be a good time but not next time it goes down. I wish hard work meant more money but that's not true. It never was.
One of the problems is people don't have their first job till they're 23 24 years old, therefore they have no experience in the workforce. I had my first job at 15.. that doesn't happen anymore
A lot. nobody is saying hand out free money. It’s about being able to access affordable healthcare, childcare, and education. I don’t get why some of you go there with the lazy stuff.
I’m sorry but giving free college to people now is handing out free money especially when everyone 18 and up have paid millions upon millions for the same education .. big slap in the face to all of those hard working people who made it work grew through the experience and continue to try and climb out of the debt .. giving health care to everyone is also giving out free money .. and the same notion applies that everyone has had to work and pay for the health care that they like and giving it away like the democratic socialists have talked about would be damaging the quality of coverage those people are seeing
I’m sorry but giving free college to people now is handing out free money especially when everyone 18 and up have paid millions upon millions for the same education .. big slap in the face to all of those hard working people who made it work grew through the experience and continue to try and climb out of the debt .. giving health care to everyone is also giving out free money .. and the same notion applies that everyone has had to work and pay for the health care that they like and giving it away like the democratic socialists have talked about would be damaging the quality of coverage those people are seeing
That's right when I was a business owner I went without health insurance for five years.. now that was very stupid looking back that I did that but I had no other choice but I made it work.
The fact of the matter is there is no such thing as a utopian society it doesn’t exist some people will be let down and some people will hurt at all times and no matter what policies are in place .. the only thing we can do is try to make things more affordable for a larger portion and maybe help out people who haven’t been given the opportunity some have in regards to education and health care due to bad policies put in place in the past ... we need to give relief for a brief period to those who are most effected by the lazy policy’s of the past and then work to get everyone on a similar page in regards to work ethic and how to improve your life from that point on up
One of the problems is people don't have their first job till they're 23 24 years old, therefore they have no experience in the workforce. I had my first job at 15.. that doesn't happen anymore
Those are the people who don't work in college. The phenomena I was referring to I've seen happen to people who worked from 18 or so onward.
I didn't work in high school or college (so far). I regret it some, but my dad had gone by the policy of "your job is school".

Of course I'm also in the camp that completed something in college that should have gotten me work, yet I've had what feels like 100 interviews (not that many but it's been a lot), kind of got screwed over in internships before then, and if I can I'm going to just go back in the fall to do an LPN program. Because I have no choice. I think my name is too familiar to people in the area for what I was applying for.

My dad has long had everything paid off and both parents are long retired due to personal reasons, but he's said he can comfortably pay for a lot of necessities on a year with just 30k.
I’m sorry but giving free college to people now is handing out free money especially when everyone 18 and up have paid millions upon millions for the same education .. big slap in the face to all of those hard working people who made it work grew through the experience and continue to try and climb out of the debt .. giving health care to everyone is also giving out free money .. and the same notion applies that everyone has had to work and pay for the health care that they like and giving it away like the democratic socialists have talked about would be damaging the quality of coverage those people are seeing

Now versus then are totally different though....kids have few choices if their parents cant pay their way through......usually it means going into tons of debt. Its not so much about giving away stuff for free its about controlling cost both in education and healthcare.....the prices for both have gotten fricken insanely ridiculous...I love all the older folks talking about paying their own way through college working summer and part time job's back in the 70-80's when a semester at any state school was $500-800 tops .....now that same semester cost 7-10k....

Both the education and healthcare systems need overhauls, I dont know what they are but the current system is broken as hell....

The link below is a prime example of a system that so far works....socialized free education in the bright red state of Tennessee, in a program developed by Republicans no less....turns out giving people a few years of free community college increases your skilled labor base attracting new business creating a gainfully employed tax base and decreases you welfare numbers....so think of it as a investment that returns dividends....read this and tell me why we shouldn't do something like this everywhere.

I also think $15 a hr is to much but at the same time the federal min wage has not increased since 2009 and something around $10 a hr is fair. Prices of goods have not gone down over the last decade they have gone up, and a person making min wage now working 8 hrs a day makes a whopping $58 a day. Lots of lower skilled people have to work 2 of these jobs to make ends meet and that leaves little time for self improvement etc. It easy to say there is nothing stopping them from working harder and moving up but where I work we have hundreds of "temps" that pack out our product and its a crap job and many of them are also going to school or working other jobs etc, and most of them are hard workers but they are low educated or have records etc and have trouble finding higher paying work. Adjusting min wage to the cost of living is the way to go and $10 a hr is about where it needs to be IMO,

I agree it does need to be raised some, here in NC it’s $7.25 an hour and 9-10 would be a much better base range for pay with inflation over the years. But $15 is too much for a base job that requires low skill, at least here in NC. I can see why in CA people would need a higher min wage with the cost of living out there.
This has been debunked so many times it's not even valid anymore. Only way to move up is leave and find a new company or know people. So many starter jobs prevent people from making careers despite saying they do by taking an internal person and shuffling them around. Plus the economy hurts the ability to find a better job when its hurting. Now would be a good time but not next time it goes down. I wish hard work meant more money but that's not true. It never was.

I’d have to disagree based on my own experience and what I’ve observed. In high school I worked and started my own lawn care business. In college I worked on campus and at a retail store and worked my way up quickly in that environment. Then later I changed jobs and worked up in that one.

At my retail job I saw people who oftentimes were totally content to be working 40 hours a week, giving it 20% effort to collect a paycheck and never having ambition to move up and they didn’t. I also saw people who had ambition, drive and worked hard to move up. We had one guy come in and go from seasonal to assistant manager in 1 year he was that good and driven. Why? He worked hard and had ambition. Most people don’t have that today and would rather make excuses than to go out and make something happen. It also depends on how a person was raised too from what I’ve noticed.
I’d have to disagree based on my own experience and what I’ve observed. In high school I worked and started my own lawn care business. In college I worked on campus and at a retail store and worked my way up quickly in that environment. Then later I changed jobs and worked up in that one.

At my retail job I saw people who oftentimes were totally content to be working 40 hours a week, giving it 20% effort to collect a paycheck and never having ambition to move up and they didn’t. I also saw people who had ambition, drive and worked hard to move up. We had one guy come in and go from seasonal to assistant manager in 1 year he was that good and driven. Why? He worked hard and had ambition. Most people don’t have that today and would rather make excuses than to go out and make something happen. It also depends on how a person was raised too from what I’ve noticed.
We are all dealt different deck of cards, but we all are uniquely qualified to figure out how to win in our life. We all have pros and cons and our life is what we make of it.
I agree it does need to be raised some, here in NC it’s $7.25 an hour and 9-10 would be a much better base range for pay with inflation over the years. But $15 is too much for a base job that requires low skill, at least here in NC. I can see why in CA people would need a higher min wage with the cost of living out there.

Yeah and look at where $15 an hour has become reality

Automation is taking over fast

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UNC tuition cost per semester 1988/1989 year (the year I would have started) was $504/semester, $1,008/yr.

1988/1989 minimum wage was $3.35/hr.

UNC tuition cost per semester 2019/2020 year (this school year) is $4.490/semester, $8,980/yr.

2019/2020 minimum wage is $7.25/hr.

The annual inflation rate over the past 20 years has been about 2.53%. To put that into actual numbers:

$3.35/hr would be $8.10/hr. College tuition if risen at the same inflation rate would be $1,122.31/semester or $2,244.62/year. Instead, the tuition rate has risen a staggering 1,163%. Does that make any sense to anyone? Not me.
Or trump really is the inept buffoon we all thought he was.
Or maybe he just plays one on TV... I wonder sometimes if this is just hist shtick to stir things up. I mean like him or not, if he truly was an inept buffoon, after 3 years in office don't you think we'd be in endless unnecessary wars, economy tanking, most of us out of work, mass chaos in the streets, etc. Last time I checked people from all over the world still dying to come here, still the greatest nation in the world and some reason I just don't think we would be if the POTUS was an actual buffoon.
you still have to earn the degree. I’mnot suggesting we hand them out on demand . I’m saying public colleges should be free so even the poor can access without going into debt.
Colleges and Universities now are not the education institutions they once were. They are more about indoctrination and once it is fully funded by the Gov't, there will be no limit to the political influence they will foster upon young impressionable minds. Democrats want open borders and free healthcare to illegals, they also don't want voter id, doesn't take a lawyer to figure out these individuals will be a vote for the Dems to remain in power. They also want full control of all learning institutions and curriculum (which they pretty much have now), to sway the minds of the youth, bought and paid for (free free free), again more votes for the Dems to remain in power. Keep individuals down, don't provide an environment conducive to job growth, instead regulate and tax cooperations and businesses right out of business to increase the unemployment rate..... the unemployed will need the gov't to survive. Thank you Dems and those too will cast votes to help them remain in power.

Yeah yeah it's cliche but it's dang fact.... Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. Dems don't want individuals to realize they can take care of and think for themselves, they don't want them to realize they don't need the Gov't to survive.
Lol Chris Matthews is done. 100% guarantee you it was about the disgusting comments he made about Sanders.

last episode of hardball tonight. He got ousted lol pooping lol

he quit. Walked out of the building. Looks like nobody knew he was going to do it.

Long overdue....He's another Slimeball
One of the problems is people don't have their first job till they're 23 24 years old, therefore they have no experience in the workforce. I had my first job at 15.. that doesn't happen anymore
BINGO...If you have kids between the ages of 16-18, make them get a part time job after school doing something...Doesn't matter what....Just get them used to working and making their own money....It will teach them the value of a dollar bill....It feels good when you make your own money, even to teenagers....They will be better off as adults if you do this
The betting site linked below has a huge shift toward Biden nationally the last 48 hours with Biden at 0.51 vs Sanders at 0.39. Just 24 hours earlier it was tied at 0.45 and just 2 days ago Sanders was up by 0.25 (0.56 Sanders vs 0.31 Biden)! Looking at individual states, Biden is much improved in states like TX, NY, and MI amongst other states. Biden’s got the big mo now with almost no doubt about that going into Super Tuesday. The dropping out of Steyer, Klobuchar, and the Mayor as well as the much better than expected SC result are no doubt helping a lot.

I do think that the very strong stock market yesterday and it so far holding up fairly well this morning (only small drop as of latest futures) is not just due to the virus not getting too out of hand and the expected interest rate cut. I think it is also due to these markets pricing in a lower chance than previously thought of Sanders not winning the nomination. This is consistent with the idea that a portion of last week’s market losses was due to it pricing in a then increased chance for Sanders to win the nomination.

Here’s the betting site link:

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BINGO...If you have kids between the ages of 16-18, make them get a part time job after school doing something...Doesn't matter what....Just get them used to working and making their own money....It will teach them the value of a dollar bill....It feels good when you make your own money, even to teenagers....They will be better off as adults if you do this

Yeah that's what my parents did for me, a lot of it really is how kids are raised. Most of them these days are raised with an "entitled" sense so when they enter the workforce they expect to get more pay and benefits handed over to them even if they do a terrible job. I started out cutting grass and people can be VERY particular about how their yard is cut so you have to do a good job there or you won't be cutting grass for long. My parents taught me the value of not only hard work but doing everything to the very best of my ability and I went from 1 yard at first to the entire neighborhood wanting to sign a contract for my services. I ended up not going that route since I was about to go off for college but it goes to show how hard work pays off.
Colleges and Universities now are not the education institutions they once were. They are more about indoctrination and once it is fully funded by the Gov't, there will be no limit to the political influence they will foster upon young impressionable minds. Democrats want open borders and free healthcare to illegals, they also don't want voter id, doesn't take a lawyer to figure out these individuals will be a vote for the Dems to remain in power. They also want full control of all learning institutions and curriculum (which they pretty much have now), to sway the minds of the youth, bought and paid for (free free free), again more votes for the Dems to remain in power. Keep individuals down, don't provide an environment conducive to job growth, instead regulate and tax cooperations and businesses right out of business to increase the unemployment rate..... the unemployed will need the gov't to survive. Thank you Dems and those too will cast votes to help them remain in power.

Yeah yeah it's cliche but it's dang fact.... Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. Dems don't want individuals to realize they can take care of and think for themselves, they don't want them to realize they don't need the Gov't to survive.

So am I supposed to ask for a fish or learn to fish? I really don’t like to eat fish unless it’s flounder, Mahi Mahi, or cod. Sashimi fish such as yellowfin, salmon, or ahi are great raw on rice balls with soy sauce and wasabi.

Wait... what?
College is expensive, thankfully I qualified for HOPE so it helped, I also worked overnight at the Monroe Walmart waxing floors to help pay. I lived off campus to save money. I drove a motorcycle to save gas. You have to do what you need too. It’s hard but it pays off in the end. Hard work does pay off unlike what some others have said.
* My parents didn’t help 1 cent even though They could have. I’m glad they didn’t and now see why they didn’t.

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So am I supposed to ask for a fish or learn to fish? I really don’t like to eat fish unless it’s flounder, Mahi Mahi, or cod. Sashimi fish such as yellowfin, salmon, or ahi are great raw on rice balls with soy sauce and wasabi.

Wait... what?
My thoughts exactly
I don’t recall buying a gun over the internet and having it shipped to my house. Every gun I’ve purchased online had to be shipped to a FFL and a 4473 completed. This is why this a-hole needs to be shut down. Disinformation. He has people believing that you can buy a gun in the internet and have it shipped directly to your house, no problem.

Colleges and Universities now are not the education institutions they once were. They are more about indoctrination and once it is fully funded by the Gov't, there will be no limit to the political influence they will foster upon young impressionable minds.
Top part I've got to disagree with. Not every college is like this. I will say college has done the opposite for me. It's allowed me to open my mind and look at both sides instead of just the left or right. It feels nice not having to take a side and be forced to stick to it because it's what the party believes. For the record, I don't believe in Bernie, but I don't like Trump either. Really nobody on the field I see as fit to be a great president in the years ahead. They maybe decent or bad, but I doubt any of them will decimate our country due to checks and balances.

Now the part about government controlling colleges I would agree with. At that point nothing stops them from polarizing further then. For any party, control of education is not something that should happen. Left or right. Right would paint themselves as gods and left would do the same. Universities should not be state run no matter what because of this.
College is expensive, thankfully I qualified for HOPE so it helped, I also worked overnight at the Monroe Walmart waxing floors to help pay. I lived off campus to save money. I drove a motorcycle to save gas. You have to do what you need too. It’s hard but it pays off in the end. Hard work does pay off unlike what some others have said.
* My parents didn’t help 1 cent even though They could have. I’m glad they didn’t and now see why they didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll never forget in college we had students who would complain about the cost of tuition, they didn't have enough to pay that months bill, etc. Meanwhile, these same students wouldn't eat the food they paid for in their tuition. Instead they went out each day and bought Zaxby's, Chickfila, Bojangles, etc for lunch & supper instead of eating the food that they were paying for in their tuition. Some of them were spending $300+ a month on lunch and supper meals rather than eating the food their tuition provided lol. It was insane to see and these were the same people who didn't have a hard work ethic but rather an entitled/wasteful mentality of things. Had they worked hard like you describe and took advantage of opportunities to save money and make sacrifices they wouldn't have been in such a tough financial position.
UNC tuition cost per semester 1988/1989 year (the year I would have started) was $504/semester, $1,008/yr.

1988/1989 minimum wage was $3.35/hr.

UNC tuition cost per semester 2019/2020 year (this school year) is $4.490/semester, $8,980/yr.

2019/2020 minimum wage is $7.25/hr.

The annual inflation rate over the past 20 years has been about 2.53%. To put that into actual numbers:

$3.35/hr would be $8.10/hr. College tuition if risen at the same inflation rate would be $1,122.31/semester or $2,244.62/year. Instead, the tuition rate has risen a staggering 1,163%. Does that make any sense to anyone? Not me.

Too many people going who shouldn’t, I was one of them told to follow my dream and go to college when I should have been told other wise.
The betting site linked below has a huge shift toward Biden nationally the last 48 hours with Biden at 0.51 vs Sanders at 0.39. Just 24 hours earlier it was tied at 0.45 and just 2 days ago Sanders was up by 0.25! Looking at individual states, Biden is much improved in states like TX, NY, and MI amongst other states. Biden’s got the big mo now with almost no doubt about that going into Super Tuesday. The dropping out of Steyer, Klobuchar, and the Mayor as well as the much better than expected SC result are no doubt helping a lot.

I do think that the very strong stock market yesterday and it so far holding up fairly well this morning (only small drop as of latest futures) is not just due to the virus not getting too out of hand and the expected interest rate cut. I think it is also due to these markets pricing in a lower chance than previously thought of Sanders not winning the nomination. This is consistent with the idea that a portion of last week’s market losses was due to it pricing in a then increased chance for Sanders to win the nomination.

Here’s the betting site link:

Something worth watching, if Sanders only gains about 500 delegates tonight, he had a bad night and Biden likely had a better night than expected. If Sanders gets around 650 had an ok night, if gets north of 800 he had a great night and it re-establishes the narrative that Sanders is the clear front runner in this race. Also again we don’t know how well or how bad Bloomberg may do tonight because this will be his first real test. It also doesn’t help that Biden doesn’t have the best ground game compared to other candidates including the ones that dropped out the past few days. I don’t pretend to act like I know for sure how everything will play out tonight, but it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens tonight. Was SC/his rivals’ endorsements enough time to swing the primaries in a direction? Or did his rivals miscalculate and endorse too late to make a big difference? I would argue Pete and Amy should have dropped out after Nevada and endorsed Biden going into SC where it would have had a bigger boomerang effect because at least 99.9% knew Biden was gonna win SC it was a question of how much. As much as I don’t like the guy, they probably should have coalesced behind Pete after NH. He (annoying) made the best case for being the anti-Bernie moderate. Of course his biggest problem is exactly why he’s not in the race now his lackluster support of non-white voters so I guess the moderate wing of democrats would have been screwed either way. ?
I really, really REALLY hope that Sanders outperforms. That will make for a really interesting convention. You got a front runner with clear dementia against a socialist, duking it out, neither likely to beat Trump, IMO. They will have to bring someone in at the convention.

Hill.... :D
A minimum wage raise to 10-12 dollars I can get behind. If you take a Dave Ramsey course and learn how to manage that new found fortune we wouldn't have to have these conversation about how people can't live on this wage. Well you can if you understand how to actually rein in your budget so you can progress up the ladder. I have seen single moms (my sister) who paid off a brick home and put her kids through college. She has a nest egg built up to retire on because she read a Dave Ramsey book and changed her life.

I have also knows millionaires who don't have a pot to piss in. There is a big difference between having money and spending it wisely
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