To still be worrying about the p comment is interesting. For one thing, it's so minuscule in the big picture. It's the past and nobody cares. They don't care because of logical thinking. I hear old women say things worse (not even kidding..nasty mouths) and it's not like he continues to say such things. Not good and immoral but people are very immoral these days. The left "anything goes free speechers" actually work hard to allow one more curse word to be added to what can be said on TV. If it's not allowed to say GD in certain time slots, then by God they want it to be said. Nutty when ya think about it for fighting for such a thing. The outrage of some of these people by the p word is so hypocritical. Just like it's so hypocritical about gun control regarding Hollywood. Here's where the logical thinking comes in to play.... In Trump's life before politics, he's a billionaire in a fantasy superstar life...those women would pay HIM to grabem'. The whole thing was blown up by the media and it worked..The same media is still working lock step to shut him down from fear. Some people are still talking about it..SMH. Maybe your church friends are smart, forgiving and Christian like to not dwell on the past. They may also have the ability to weigh the good of a country as a whole to one "man talk" comment by Donald Trump of all people. Critical thinking and soooo not anything of importance compared to what is really happening and his purpose for being in this position. Also too, anybody who says they are Christian or follows God, nobody should keep hammering someones past transgressions in their face. How would that ever make anyone want to be in church etc?? We would not do that to each other so we should not do it to him if he does not continue to say things like that.