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Political Thread

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Even with as much crap as I've given Trump in the Coronavirus thread, I still yet to see any reason to vote for anyone in the democratic party over him in the upcoming election, that debate was an utter ? show. I personally thought Bernie would make me reconsider or at least think about it, but his comments on dictatorships and especially Fidel Castro are a huge turn off

What is it about his comments on castro that rub you the wrong way? You do realize that the education program he ran was successful- that’s just a fact. Obama also on the record saying the same things Bernie has. Sanders very explicitly rejected the authoritarian way of ruling Castro enabled. By this logic, no one should ever compliment any good thing the US has done because of our years and years of slavery and letting off fire hoses on black people. Let’s get a grip.
He's already got supposedly an MD in his cabinet... Dr. Ben Carson. Wouldn't it have made more sense to make him the Corona Czar instead of Pence?
I don't understand the big deal about this. I've heard Pence did some great medical stuff in his state and others were happy including the Health man (can't think of his name right off nor his title LOL, he was at the conference). What's the angle? Ben is great but has his hands full too I'm sure..Does it really matter. Before, he was not doing anything, now it's not right.?
What is it about his comments on castro that rub you the wrong way? You do realize that the education program he ran was successful- that’s just a fact. Obama also on the record saying the same things Bernie has. Sanders very explicitly rejected the authoritarian way of ruling Castro enabled. By this logic, no one should ever compliment any good thing the US has done because of our years and years of slavery and letting off fire hoses on black people. Let’s get a grip.

By your logic, Adolf Hitler's actions arguably left several-tens millions of innocent people dead in/around Europe, but he dramatically improved the economy of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, therefore he automatically deserves even a morsel of our praises. Get out of here with this crap.
By your logic, Adolf Hitler's actions arguably left several-tens millions of innocent people dead in/around Europe, but he dramatically improved the economy of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, therefore he automatically deserves even a morsel of our praises. Get out of here with this crap.

Ok so tell obama to get out of here w this crap bc he said nothing different than what sanders said. We’re pretty bad with selective outrage here in America. Praising a system that made 99% of its people literate is a good cause to give credit to. And again, he rejected authoritarian rule. Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did? Be honest with yourself.
By your logic, Adolf Hitler's actions arguably left several-tens millions of innocent people dead in/around Europe, but he dramatically improved the economy of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, therefore he automatically deserves even a morsel of our praises. Get out of here with this crap.
Ok so tell obama to get out of here w this crap bc he said nothing different than what sanders said. We’re pretty bad with selective outrage here in America. Praising a system that made 99% of its people literate is a good cause to give credit to. And again, he rejected authoritarian rule. Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did? Be honest with yourself.

Here’s a good video explaining the non controversy this Sanders/Cuba thing is:

Ok so tell obama to get out of here w this crap bc he said nothing different than what sanders said. We’re pretty bad with selective outrage here in America. Praising a system that made 99% of its people literate is a good cause to give credit to. And again, he rejected authoritarian rule. Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did? Be honest with yourself.

Castro implements a program teaching kids to read (what an awesome guy). The reward is IF you make it to America on the flotilla of tires and old tin roofs stitched together you will be able to grab a newspaper and read the want ads when/if here in the capitalist land of freedom! That's the height of Castro's success in oppressing his citizens but hell lets give him a standing ovation. Its more than Bernie Sanders has ever done in his life
Here’s a good video explaining the non controversy this Sanders/Cuba thing is:

The intercept isn't exactly a reliable source of information and is heavily biased towards sensational stories, purposely going against the grain on basically everything and is progressive left leaning. Yawn
Ok so tell obama to get out of here w this crap bc he said nothing different than what sanders said. We’re pretty bad with selective outrage here in America. Praising a system that made 99% of its people literate is a good cause to give credit to. And again, he rejected authoritarian rule. Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did? Be honest with yourself.

Uhh no, Sanders is on an entirely different planet when it comes to praising dictatorships vs Obama & Sanders has been doing this for decades, so don't even try it.

"Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did?"

The Civil Rights Movement in America and what Fidel Castro did in Cuba are two entirely different matters, your feeble attempt to put the two in the same relative context here is a complete joke. Fidel Castro silenced ALL political, social, AND economic freedoms in Cuba for basically EVERYONE not just a subset of the population. But ohhhh wait Castro instituted a system to make most people in his country literate. WOW! That alone automatically means we should sing his praises til the cows come home and give him a massive round of applause. Give me a break.
The intercept isn't exactly a reliable source of information and is heavily biased towards sensational stories, purposely going against the grain on basically everything and is progressive left leaning. Yawn

Regardless of your opinion on the medium, everything stated in that video is factually sound.
Ok so tell obama to get out of here w this crap bc he said nothing different than what sanders said. We’re pretty bad with selective outrage here in America. Praising a system that made 99% of its people literate is a good cause to give credit to. And again, he rejected authoritarian rule. Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did? Be honest with yourself.


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Uhh no, Sanders is on an entirely different planet when it comes to praising dictatorships vs Obama & Sanders has been doing this for decades, so don't even try it.

"Would you be upset if someone kept bringing up the civil rights movement and the unfair treatment of African Americans when praising something good Jfk did?"

The Civil Rights Movement in America and what Fidel Castro did in Cuba are two entirely different matters, your feeble attempt to put the two in the same relative context here is a complete joke. Fidel Castro silenced ALL political, social, AND economic freedoms in Cuba for basically EVERYONE not just a subset of the population. But ohhhh wait Castro instituted a system to make most people in his country literate. WOW! That alone automatically means we should sing his praises til the cows come home and give him a massive round of applause. Give me a break.

If they’re on an entirely different planet when it comes to this matter I challenge you to show me where.

And no actually, you can most definitely attribute the same rhetoric when it comes to oppression. The point is, no one is praising Castro to the extent you believe. And if not being friends with dictators or praising things they’ve done/said is the line we refuse to cross, we’ve already crossed it.
If they’re on an entirely different planet when it comes to this matter I challenge you to show me where.

And no actually, you can most definitely attribute the same rhetoric when it comes to oppression. The point is, no one is praising Castro to the extent you believe. And if not being friends with dictators or praising things they’ve done/said is the line we refuse to cross, we’ve already crossed it.

Bernie has praised Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua (1990s)), Hugo Chavez, the Soviet Union, kind of funny how all of these are dictatorships or communist regimes, surely that wouldn't be a coincidence.

Praising Castro at all is really just lol and an attempt by Bernie to draw attention to himself.
Ok point out what’s false lol

At least you don't deny it's biased. Uhhh it's called spin. Try again

Spin: "a particular bias, interpretation, or point of view, intended to create a favorable (or sometimes, unfavorable) impression when presented to the public."
Look... Sanders has sung praises of Castro. Trump has sung praises and buddied up with Kim Jong-un. Both have imprisoned, tortured, murdered people who sought freedom. Why do those on the Repub/Right condemn one but praise the other?
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Look... Sanders has sung praises of Castro. Trump has sung praises and buddied up with Kim Jong-un. Both have imprisoned, tortured, murdered people who sought freedom. Why does those on the Repub/Right condemn one but praise the other?

Now that it is put this way (and I'm no lefty and would never vote for Sanders), I think ghost1 has a valid point worthy of discussion. Hypocrisy is my biggest pet peeve. That's what I abhor about political discussions. Everything is about the tribe a lot of folks are members of (this excludes those who are open-minded). Hypocrisy be damned. Is Castro any worse than Kim in this regard? I'm, sure there will be excuses to allow for the hypocrisy. We're probably wasting our time.
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The intercept isn't exactly a reliable source of information and is heavily biased towards sensational stories, purposely going against the grain on basically everything and is progressive left leaning. Yawn

Cant stand The Intercept. Matthew Cole poking his nose in SEAL business where it dont belong.....
Yep; literacy is awesome.

Of course Sanders and folks trying to justify his words won't talk about the entire program; just hey; people can read, the country is literate.

But what are they actually reading or even able to read??

View attachment 36530
Words of wisdom from out POTUS

surprised pelosi, nadler, and schiff haven't tried this way since their 1st attempt was an abject failure. At least there's a shred of proof for this one..

Oh, but wait. Being a blowhard and talking too much/making dumb statements isn't an impeachable offense; otherwise if by some horrible accident one of the democratic candidates became president they'd be immediately impeached..!
Bernie Sanders thinks breadlines are a good thing.

“Right after Sen. Sanders' announcement, an old interview he gave in 1985 surfaced on social media. In the video, Sanders, then-mayor of Burlington, Vermont, was asked about the long breadlines in Nicaragua. He gave this answer:

"It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries, people don’t line up for food. The rich get the food and the poor starve to death.” https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/ber...communist-china-and-i-can-tell-you-theyre-not

Also here’s a good summary from another site.
“We know this because the countries he most admires have always been those with full-blown communism. From his honeymoon in the former Soviet Union to his defense of truly horrific, murderous tyrants like Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Bernie flits along touting the wonder of bread lines and the atrocity-justifying joy of literacy programs.

He is utterly blind to the violence, oppression, and widespread slaughter that rendered once free people either dead or living in utter fear of their own government. When people are willing to launch small vessels, dinghies, even doors into the ocean and try to paddle themselves and their family to the land of the free, Bernie is puzzled. Why would they do that? They have literacy programs! And “free” stuff!

His literacy program.

And finally this.
“Sanders is regurgitating Communist propaganda. Cuba already had the highest literacy rate in Latin America before the revolution, and it basically kept trending in the same direction as every other nation in the region. When Castro triumphantly entered Havana in 1958, he didn’t bring truckloads of books; he ordered thousands of arrests and summary executions. When Castro “came into office,” he canceled elections, terminated the free press, and turned Cuba into the island prison that still exists today.

Cubans haven’t been able to freely read about their own oppression since Castro took power. (Cuba, though, has nearly eradicated the scourge of “inequality,” with most people making around 20 bucks a month.) And the only possible reason any American would feel the need to defend that dictator’s programs — Sanders once said Castro “educated the children, gave them health care” — is because they’re sympathetic to the cause.”
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Bernie Sanders things breadlines are a good thing.

“Right after Sen. Sanders' announcement, an old interview he gave in 1985 surfaced on social media. In the video, Sanders, then-mayor of Burlington, Vermont, was asked about the long breadlines in Nicaragua. He gave this answer:

"It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is because people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries, people don’t line up for food. The rich get the food and the poor starve to death.” https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/ber...communist-china-and-i-can-tell-you-theyre-not

Also here’s a good summary from another site.
“We know this because the countries he most admires have always been those with full-blown communism. From his honeymoon in the former Soviet Union to his defense of truly horrific, murderous tyrants like Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Bernie flits along touting the wonder of bread lines and the atrocity-justifying joy of literacy programs.

He is utterly blind to the violence, oppression, and widespread slaughter that rendered once free people either dead or living in utter fear of their own government. When people are willing to launch small vessels, dinghies, even doors into the ocean and try to paddle themselves and their family to the land of the free, Bernie is puzzled. Why would they do that? They have literacy programs! And “free” stuff!

His literacy program.

And finally this.
“Sanders is regurgitating Communist propaganda. Cuba already had the highest literacy rate in Latin America before the revolution, and it basically kept trending in the same direction as every other nation in the region. When Castro triumphantly entered Havana in 1958, he didn’t bring truckloads of books; he ordered thousands of arrests and summary executions. When Castro “came into office,” he canceled elections, terminated the free press, and turned Cuba into the island prison that still exists today.

Cubans haven’t been able to freely read about their own oppression since Castro took power. (Cuba, though, has nearly eradicated the scourge of “inequality,” with most people making around 20 bucks a month.) And the only possible reason any American would feel the need to defend that dictator’s programs — Sanders once said Castro “educated the children, gave them health care” — is because they’re sympathetic to the cause.”

All Bernie Sanders has to say is free healthcare. The man has accomplished nothing of significance in his life other than helping Bernie Sanders.
And that thinking right there is what will do democrats in, this coming General Election. For Democrats to take the election, they need record turn out. I don't see it happening, tbh. All the Bernie supporters will stay home if he gets it yanked from him again, and Joe will say just enough to mess up his run and make Trump seem like the less of the two evils, again.

Think about it. If the DNC gives Joe the nod, and support, over Bernie. Trump can run on how they screwed Bernie again, and continue to get the support who are ticked off at the DNC as a statement. If Bernie does get it, Trump can go at him from a socialist standpoint, and again, get enough turnout to not allow it.

It's a win win for Trump. Play bernie bro, or play anti socialist. Whichever way is good for him.

I totally disagree the Dem base is more fired up than EVER.....because of Trump. 2018 midterms were a good litmus test to what to expect in 2020 and the Dems out voted the GOP who they already have out numbered by a decent margin, if turnout in 2020 is the same as it was in 2018 the Dems win. The Bernie people wont sit it out either...in the end the desire to remove Trump "trumps" any hard feelings the Bernie folks have especially when Bernie is out there campaigning for whoever the nominee is.

The only real chance Trump has is for Bernie to win to the nomination.....this will push a lot of independent and moderates back to Trump.....give those people a option like Biden or Bloomberg and Trump is toast.
View attachment 36530
Words of wisdom from out POTUS

I was ninja'd :(
For the record this is probably fake....the sad part is that given Trumps tweet history something like this is totally believable....

This is another one that circulated that was fake but sadly it is very believable....especially since there are all caps and misspellings which again sadly are trademark Trump tweet norms.....

I'd be considered far right by many and what's bothersome to me are the words used towards us.... loathsome. It's disappointing but expected to be hated so much.
You hit the nail on the head. Im what the mainstream ,DNC absoloutely despise. All I do is put God first and family second,country third. Beleive the bible as absoloute truth and love how our founding fathers modeled our constitution off of these judeo christian values. Its really that simple. I feel for people in this world who suffer from socialism[Hitler,Natzi Germany] and Communism [North Kore,China,USSR]. I just beleive free markets,capitilism,democracy afford citizens the only window of opportunity to be all they can be and manage/control their destination.
You hit the nail on the head. Im what the mainstream ,DNC absoloutely despise. All I do is put God first and family second,country third. Beleive the bible as absoloute truth and love how our founding fathers modeled our constitution off of these judeo christian values. Its really that simple. I feel for people in this world who suffer from socialism[Hitler,Natzi Germany] and Communism [North Kore,China,USSR]. I just beleive free markets,capitilism,democracy afford citizens the only window of opportunity to be all they can be and manage/control their destination.
For the record, Hitler was a Fascist, which is extreme far right. Socialism is a tier below communism.
I totally disagree the Dem base is more fired up than EVER.....because of Trump. 2018 midterms were a good litmus test to what to expect in 2020 and the Dems out voted the GOP who they already have out numbered by a decent margin, if turnout in 2020 is the same as it was in 2018 the Dems win. The Bernie people wont sit it out either...in the end the desire to remove Trump "trumps" any hard feelings the Bernie folks have especially when Bernie is out there campaigning for whoever the nominee is.

The only real chance Trump has is for Bernie to win to the nomination.....this will push a lot of independent and moderates back to Trump.....give those people a option like Biden or Bloomberg and Trump is toast.

Nope! You must be living in a bubble. Low unemployment means more to poeple than personality. Yrump will not only win in a landslide, the GOP will take the Senate and the house. Why? Because articles of impeachment dont put food on the table and the best the Democrats can offer up is a socialist who has done absolutely NOTHING to help America in his decades long career
You hit the nail on the head. Im what the mainstream ,DNC absoloutely despise. All I do is put God first and family second,country third. Beleive the bible as absoloute truth and love how our founding fathers modeled our constitution off of these judeo christian values. Its really that simple. I feel for people in this world who suffer from socialism[Hitler,Natzi Germany] and Communism [North Kore,China,USSR]. I just beleive free markets,capitilism,democracy afford citizens the only window of opportunity to be all they can be and manage/control their destination.
Damn I need to read up thread more Forsyth is ninjaing the hell out of me tonight...…

That's really not the case though....most of the main framers were deist/theist and would not be considered Christians at all today....especially Jefferson, Franklin etc they were not Christians. Hitler was not a socialist at all, he and the Nazi party were fascist which is not even close to socialism....in fact Nazism is a prime example of alt right nationalism and if anything is a far right movement.....

I agree that free markets and capitalism are the best systems we have and I am a neo con and think the US should lead the way spreading our form of government but only by providing the example of why its the best system.
Dem voter turnout in the Nv primary was higher than 2008 when it was Obama vs Clinton. The republicans are in deep trouble. The excitement and non establishment candidate is on our side this year. Can’t wait for legal weed, medicare for all, and free public college for all who want it.
I totally disagree the Dem base is more fired up than EVER.....because of Trump. 2018 midterms were a good litmus test to what to expect in 2020 and the Dems out voted the GOP who they already have out numbered by a decent margin, if turnout in 2020 is the same as it was in 2018 the Dems win. The Bernie people wont sit it out either...in the end the desire to remove Trump "trumps" any hard feelings the Bernie folks have especially when Bernie is out there campaigning for whoever the nominee is.

The only real chance Trump has is for Bernie to win to the nomination.....this will push a lot of independent and moderates back to Trump.....give those people a option like Biden or Bloomberg and Trump is toast.
I totally disagree with your assesment. The best thing Trump being POTUS has done is cause everyone whos been hiding behind a mask to be expossed for what they truly beleive in an stand for. No more disguise by the left labeling themselves behind labels such as progressives. They beleive in a socialist,liberal platform. There really isnt much difference in Biden or Bernie. Bernie just unabashedly touts what / who he is.
Go down the list of issues such as late tem/post birth abortion,open borders,one tier health care system, free fill in the blank, outlawing fracking,coal, increased taxes on fossil fuel, increased payroll,inheritance taxes. The DNC platform ,Biden platform is in lock step with Bernies. Julio
They sale it as Equality, make everyone equal. Some folks dont realize we will all be equal. Problem is we wil all be equal at the lowest common denominator economically. Id rather take my chances in a country that has wide open opportunities. Its up to me to make what I can out of it.
Voters clearly see the choice they have and Im glad to say, atleast for this election cycle 2020 , theres more voters who still beleive in God,Family,Country than there are socialist.
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The full name of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party, the political movement that brought him to power and supplied the infrastructure of the fascist dictatorship over which he would preside, was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Dem voter turnout in the Nv primary was higher than 2008 when it was Obama vs Clinton. The republicans are in deep trouble. The excitement and non establishment candidate is on our side this year. Can’t wait for legal weed, medicare for all, and free public college for all who want it.

Who pays the doctors and professors?
The full name of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party, the political movement that brought him to power and supplied the infrastructure of the fascist dictatorship over which he would preside, was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Well, what do you have to say for the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea, or the People's Republic of China then? Inserting the name doesn't mean their policy matches.
Dem voter turnout in the Nv primary was higher than 2008 when it was Obama vs Clinton. The republicans are in deep trouble. The excitement and non establishment candidate is on our side this year. Can’t wait for legal weed, medicare for all, and free public college for all who want it.
Are you serious?
I can sit here and fill up pages as far as the eye can see proving our founding fathers used judeo christian values as their sole platform and guide for framing the constitution. All I have to do is go back and quote em.
Its indisputable.
One small example, besides whats plastered on money, and countless other government anthems,buildings etc. " One nation under GOD"

"Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God ... What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be." John Adams, February 22, 1756
Are you serious?

Yes the Dem's are fired up and they are getting out the vote in unprecedented numbers......here is some data from 2018 that show how and why this is happening...the electorate is changing and the GOP is doing everything it can to alienate these groups and are literally pushing them right into the Dems waiting hands....

Young adults ages 18 to 29—the age group that voted most strongly Democratic—saw a rise in their turnout rate by 16 percent from 20 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2018.

In 2018, both factors led to a marked rise in the share of non-white voters and white college graduate voters as well as a decline in the share for white voters without college degrees. In fact, for the first time in the CPS series, “noncollege whites”—a group that strongly favors Republicans—comprised less than two-fifths of the voter population.

These changes make the voter population look quite different than in 2006, when noncollege whites comprised fully half of it and nonwhite minorities comprised only one-fifth. Since then, the former’s share dropped to 39 percent and the latter rose to 27.2 percent. Changing demography has been a factor as younger generations of voting-age citizens, in particular, have become more racially diverse and better educated.
surprised pelosi, nadler, and schiff haven't tried this way since their 1st attempt was an abject failure. At least there's a shred of proof for this one..

Oh, but wait. Being a blowhard and talking too much/making dumb statements isn't an impeachable offense; otherwise if by some horrible accident one of the democratic candidates became president they'd be immediately impeached..!

lol at everybody now seeing the tweet was fake; hence the "shred of proof"; even if it was made up. It's too easy sometimes..
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