I blame a lot of the paranoia on the internet. More than likely, the Coronavirus is once again creating more panic than is warranted and we’ll later look back and realize how overblown the threat was. However, we don’t know that for sure yet.
I wonder how open borders and the virus works out in peoples heads. You would think that people for open borders would have been nuts about the talk of disease awhile back with illegals. Nobody seemed to be worried except the right with good sense reasoning. Didn't help the narrative though. I guess they didn't talk about those threats on the MSM although it was a real, still is and especially now with the C virus for Gods Sakes! These games get so old.
What comes down must come up. I can see record high stock gains when Trump is elected again. Combine that with Mike Pence wanting office down the road I think the American economy is gonna BOoM Boom BOOM
Leave your "trump is a god" bubble for a few minutes and view this as the big picture. It's a different world when you take those blinders off and step out into the real world.
Coronavirus will wipe out corporate profit growth in 2020 and may trigger recession: Goldman Sachs
Let the profit downgrades on Wall Street at the hands of the coronavirus commence.www.yahoo.com
This isn't about Donald Trump. The world doesn't revolve around him and him being in the presidency isn't going to mean the market will keep growing. That isn't the economic cycle. Before he was even elected, I had learned about it and had a general idea of when it was going to happen due to history. If Hillary was elected, we'd be in a recession right now. However, you can't prevent the inevitable. The market downturn is coming whether Trump is ready or not. He's getting re-elected and I'm more worried of if congress and him will be smart enough not to try accelerating the economic processes as we pass the peak.Let me guess. "The hammer is gonna fall"? Kinda like all that horse dung peddled by a few of you during impeachment? We are going to survive and thrive until something else comes along that you folks pray takes hold "just enough" to damage Donald Trump.
This isn't about Donald Trump. The world doesn't revolve around him and him being in the presidency isn't going to mean the market will keep growing. That isn't the economic cycle. Before he was even elected, I had learned about it and had a general idea of when it was going to happen due to history. If Hillary was elected, we'd be in a recession right now. However, you can't prevent the inevitable. The market downturn is coming whether Trump is ready or not. He's getting re-elected and I'm more worried of if congress and him will be smart enough not to try accelerating the economic processes as we pass the peak.
Logical thinking.This virus will find it's way into the country a million times more through airlines than boogeymen sneaking cross the border.
Trump is a Captialist, America First , believer in Democracy who governs by whats best for America. Who beleives Government needs to get out of the way of entrepreneur minded american citizens.I assume you realize that this also describes Trump very well.
Kind of like how some run to the government when they want to refuse service to someone due to their sexual orientation?and think government is the solution to any and all problems
Huh? Can you explain this more please? I don't get it.Kind of like how some run to the government when they want to refuse service to someone due to their sexual orientation?
I love the open,cordial discussion on here. Even the posters who have a polar opposite world view from mine. What makes reading posting over here enjoyable. Hats off to everyone in all seriousness.
So Im asking a question out of curiosity. Obviously some of you are not voting for the Trumpster. You despise his character etc. Points are well made.
So who are you behind? Why dont you spend time really defending , speaking up for what you beleive in? Your candidate of choice? Its fine to hurl your view of Trump, no problem and thats part of the political forum, free speach at its finest.
But I never read a post from you guys promoting who you will vote for come November. It has to be Bernie,Biden,the mayor,Warren,Minnesota Gal,The Billionaire.
Why should a God,Family,Country guy like myself, embrace the left ideology and kick out of office a president who not only talks,but actually does what he says hes gonna do?
?Mistake number 1 is thinking that it's either trump or the Democrats. Its neither for me.
You writing in Brick Tamland, Shettley,Mack??Mistake number 1 is thinking that it's either trump or the Democrats. Its neither for me.
You writing in Brick Tamland, Shettley,Mack??
Who would you be thinking about is what I was thinking.Pretty clear answer I gave no sure what the question mark is for?
Who would you be thinking about is what I was thinking.
What he said. The most important thing no matter if we are fearful, frustrated, mad etc., is that we are having the conversation. Ups, downs or whatever, we are all Americans and without communication we would get nowhere.tractor girl you should never hesitate regret posting in this thread. Kudos to you for speaking your point of view. Of course some will agree with you, others like me want. Thanks for stating your opinion. We all try to up each other, make an attempt to jab , be funny at times. Its all in good faith.
That's an important distinction. M4A that isn't properly funded would absolutely be fools gold as you put it. Put enough funds in the system and it will work as well as most other public-funded healthcare systems in the world. It's when people sabotage systems due to greed or financial gain that they tend to not work very well.Something to think about , when the left says medicare for all. My parents had / have that, Dad 81 and mom recently succumbed to altheimers. But both also had to get supplemental insurance. Hit doughnut hole with meds etc. So that medicare for all, is fools gold, we would all still need additional insurance, just wouldnt cover enough unless your in great health etc. Just my opinion, observation.
Would we even be able to get supplemental ins. at that point or would those companies be brought down?Something to think about , when the left says medicare for all. My parents had / have that, Dad 81 and mom recently succumbed to altheimers. But both also had to get supplemental insurance. Hit doughnut hole with meds etc. So that medicare for all, is fools gold, we would all still need additional insurance, just wouldnt cover enough unless your in great health etc. Just my opinion, observation.
Private ins would still be available. But since the vast majority of folks would be under M4A, the market would be signifigantly smaller - so not as much need, a lot of those ins companies would probably go out of business (just like the carraige manufacturers did)Would we even be able to get supplemental ins. at that point or would those companies be brought down?
Believing it's one or the other is mental slavery IMO.
I dont support the liberal fiscal policies but support their social policies in many cases. I could vote for a liberal just not one of the current lot running. I'm not trying to convince you to vote D because i dont plan on doing it myself.
That doesnt mean I have to like or support such a corrupt, inept, and unqualified Republican like trump.
Sounds better on paper I suppose. I like the idea of how we were all raised basically. Goals. Strive to get a job that offers benefits and good insurance. Some did and some didn't but everybody had the choice. Right now especially with Trump, there's jobs and opportunities more so than ever. So nobody really has the excuse that there are not jobs etc. like in the past. So many hiring signs and new plants being built all around here. I guess I like the idea of managing our money, getting things back on track for the people before I would like to pay all my money to help people that don't help themselves and go to that sort of system. People do need opportunities though and the healthcare system is ridiculous (partly because of Obamacare). Needs to get better for sure.Private ins would still be available. But since the vast majority of folks would be under M4A, the market would be signifigantly smaller - so not as much need, a lot of those ins companies would probably go out of business (just like the carraige manufacturers did)
You and I are on nearly the same train. I wrote in Kasich in 16. Maybe him again in 20 idk. Hopeful the Dems don't nominate Sanders or Warren because I can't go that liberal. Trump is the most corrupt Pres since LBJ and trashes the Constitution repeatedly. Weld is the only Repub with the guts to stand up to him... the rest are like his female dogs in heat.Believing it's one or the other is mental slavery IMO.
I dont support the liberal fiscal policies but support their social policies in many cases. I could vote for a liberal just not one of the current lot running. I'm not trying to convince you to vote D because i dont plan on doing it myself.
That doesnt mean I have to like or support such a corrupt, inept, and unqualified Republican like trump.
I still cant fathom how we as a nation ended up thinking HIllary and Trump were the two best options for President....it truly amazes me that in a nation as great as this those two idiots were the most viable options voters had......
Trump is a Captialist, America First , believer in Democracy who governs by whats best for America. Who beleives Government needs to get out of the way of entrepreneur minded american citizens.
Democrats/Moderates/Socialist/progressives etc who are globalist and think government is the solution to any and all problems. They want everyone to depend on them ,government solely.
Thats the difference in Trump verse the Moderate,DNC,Socialist,Globalist. In 6 months everyone can vote and decide if you want a president who will tickle your ear, speak politically correct, and claim he/she feels your pain or you can elect to a second term a president who puts America interest first, AND GETS RESULTS FOR ALL AMERICANS.