Sweet!! We keep knocking 'em out!!
And just imagine after three long years of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA and then they nominate a COMMUNIST....??What's truly unbelievable is here we are in the USA on the verge of nominating a Socialist.... a Socialist as one of the main parties presidential nominee.
This post is coronavirus related but since it is more political I make it in here and it will be a very unpopular comment but hey, that's me...
If the POTUS comes out and addresses the nation about how serious the Coronavirus is, that we are taking necessary precautions, etc then you can pretty much kiss this economy good-bye. And if the economy crashes and burns, then I present you the President of the United Socialist of American, Mr. Bernie Sanders.
Man I tend to agree with you, but if the economy crashes and comrade Sanders having the liberal media on his side, it certainly could make it closer then it should be.I'm gonna have to disagree slightly with that. "IF" Bernie gets the nomination there is nothing that can derail Trump from winning re-election not even a global economic crash (and it will be global). In fact I will go as far as saying the GOP will sweep the white house, house or reps and the senate if Bernie is the nomineee
I'm not too sure about that. The economic crash is coming anyway, and at this rate, the virus will be the thing that'll cause it no matter what Trump says. China being plagued by the virus will hurt the world economy and already is. China plays too large of a role in the world economy to not influence everything. I think it'll make the race close, but I still expect Trump to win. I'd say it'll crash soonest after the election. We have 8 months until then so anything can happen. I think the best thing for Trump to do is double down on his great economy and start channeling money into American companies that do what is currently outsourced to China before they get crippled from the virus so much their economy comes down. They can keep the people in the cities but if it keep spreading out and around they'll have to fight the virus on 2 fronts.This post is coronavirus related but since it is more political I make it in here and it will be a very unpopular comment but hey, that's me...
If the POTUS comes out and addresses the nation about how serious the Coronavirus is, that we are taking necessary precautions, etc then you can pretty much kiss this economy good-bye. And if the economy crashes and burns, then I present you the President of the United Socialist of American, Mr. Bernie Sanders.
Why dear lord did I click on this thread
I'm not too sure about that. The economic crash is coming anyway, and at this rate, the virus will be the thing that'll cause it no matter what Trump says. China being plagued by the virus will hurt the world economy and already is. China plays too large of a role in the world economy to not influence everything. I think it'll make the race close, but I still expect Trump to win. I'd say it'll crash soonest after the election. We have 8 months until then so anything can happen. I think the best thing for Trump to do is double down on his great economy and start channeling money into American companies that do what is currently outsourced to China before they get crippled from the virus so much their economy comes down. They can keep the people in the cities but if it keep spreading out and around they'll have to fight the virus on 2 fronts.
Remember, government spending hasn't stopped to decline. We should've stopped spending so much years ago after we recovered. You can't keep accelerating before hitting a brick wall. People are acting like debt is of little worry and that everything will be fine if we accumulate more and more because we'll make more from this great economy, but there's the economic cycle. The economic cycle doesn't care how you feel or how great your economy is now. It will dip, and if measures aren't taken beforehand to soften the blow, it'll be a crash.Crash is a harsh word and one I disagree with. Correction? Perhaps, but crash? Thats a very bold statement. If we do have a correction it will be brief in my humble opinion and we have a business first administration in place to right the ship if/ when it strays off course
Remember, government spending hasn't stopped to decline. We should've stopped spending so much years ago after we recovered. You can't keep accelerating before hitting a brick wall. People are acting like debt is of little worry and that everything will be fine if we accumulate more and more because we'll make more from this great economy, but there's the economic cycle. The economic cycle doesn't care how you feel or how great your economy is now. It will dip, and if measures aren't taken beforehand to soften the blow, it'll be a crash.
Man I tend to agree with you, but if the economy crashes and comrade Sanders having the liberal media on his side, it certainly could make it closer then it should be.
I had to rewind that a couple of times. He doesn't fail to deliver huh? WTH?? Guess it's just strait up lies these days. Guess that's all he has though. Oh and Bloomberg referred to all of them as contestants. I did think the whole thing looked more like an exciting game show. LMAO. No American flags either..
I had to rewind that a couple of times. He doesn't fail to deliver huh? WTH?? Guess it's just strait up lies these days. Guess that's all he has though. Oh and Bloomberg referred to all of them as contestants. I did think the whole thing looked more like an exciting game show. LMAO. No American flags either..
Yeah I was a little worried about Bernie a couple of times. Looked like he was going to bust a vein and your right about the drool. Maybe even foaming at the mouth. Lawd.Last night's debate was glorious.
Bernie finally got challenged on his positive views of dictatorship. Even the inexperienced Buttigeg was able to crush him. He was turning red and shaking, showing how easy he is to knock off center. It looked like he wanted to drool at points!
This is some of the best reality television I have seen in a while, and it only gets better from here on out!
Imagine how amazing this is going to be to watch when Biden gets enough delegates in SC to be competitive to Bernie leading into Super Tuesday! The mud is going to absolutely fly!
And if Bernie can get this... I can't wait to see what Trump will do. Look at the shenanigans he did against his own party, especially Lindsay Graham, who now worships him. Bahaha!
Yeah I was a little worried about Bernie a couple of times. Looked like he was going to bust a vein and your right about the drool. Maybe even foaming at the mouth. Lawd.
I did see that! It was like he was grasping at what to say and boom "some of what that government does is a good thing" or "they have done some good things too". Beautiful Bernie Beautiful!!! Good save!Did you notice how almost, shunned he started to look.. and wished he could crawl under a rock when the cuban discussion came up? He was literally hunching his shoulders over and trying to tuck his head like a turtle. THEN some freakin' way he doubles down and says something along the lines of "some of what that government does is a good thing". Like. What. Hitler you know, saved germany from poverty.. but we see what happened there. Rofl.
I did see that! It was like he was grasping at what to say and boom "some of what that government does is a good thing" or "they have done some good things too". Beautiful Bernie Beautiful!!! Good save!
Awwwww that's brutal!!! ?
Gonna need more popcorn
CHARLESTON, S.C. — A top adviser said Bernie Sanders would reject an offer from Mike Bloomberg to spend heavily on his behalf in the general election if Sanders wins the Democratic presidential nomination.
Because Bloom said he would keep on pumping money in no matter if he gets it or not. For whomever. Just to get rid of Trump.Why would a capitalist like Bloomberg support a communist like Sanders? I understand him not supporting Trump, but supporting a communist?
At first I though Bernie was maybe an old person that really just wanted everybody to be happy no matter if it could be done in reality. After the last few days and that debate, I don't think I like him. I think he's ornery, hard headed, stubborn and would go rouge. Not to mention a lover of socialism and communism. I mean why go ahead and turn down money from anyone. Lil unhingey..Cranky
Well yeah..I felt a little sorry for him after what Hillary did to him but he is dangerous and certainly too rich to be hating on rich people. Somebody was saying if he won, to be sure the squad would be put in important positions. Disaster for this country. Wouldn't surprise me if he has a heart attack either or.....gets run over by a bus or suicide....What a show.I will be honest I tried to like him but he comes off as a really angry old man, everytime I see him red faced and yelling on stage pointing his finger(which seems to be his only mood) I keep waiting for him to have another heart attack(which btw I wouldn't be surprised at all if it happens before the election)
At first I though Bernie was maybe an old person that really just wanted everybody to be happy no matter if it could be done in reality. After the last few days and that debate, I don't think I like him. I think he's ornery, hard headed, stubborn and would go rouge. Not to mention a lover of socialism and communism. I mean why go ahead and turn down money from anyone. Lil unhingey..Cranky
A rogue capitalist I could live with, a rogue communist leaves millions dead. I'd rather take my chances with Trump than Bernie.I assume you realize that this also describes Trump very well.
A rogue capitalist I could live with, a rogue communist leaves millions dead. I'd rather take my chances with Trump than Bernie.
LOL. Nope not to me. I would say savvy, NYC kind of tough and sense of humor, fighter and nobody our enemies want as the President. But that's just me. LOL again.I assume you realize that this also describes Trump very well.