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Political Thread

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I'm definitely going to be in the minority in this thread, ironically and literally lol. Young, black guy who supported and voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton back in 2016, then when Hillary got the nomination, I begrudgingly voted for her over Trump. It was a lesser or two evils vote for me. I was 23 during that election so it was only my second time voting in a presidential election and the hardest decision I have had to make on a vote because I really didn't want to vote for either. The way the democratic field is right now, I'm feeling Bernie or Bust. I'm not voting for any other democratic candidate because they're either deep into the establishment, trying to buy their way into the nomination, or completely fake and manufactured like Pipsqueak Pete. There was a time when Elizabeth Warren would have been my second choice (first choice if Bernie wasn't running), but I have lost so much respect for her throughout this primary season. I've been seeing shades of Hillary 2.0 especially against her "so called friend" Bernie, that's really been turning me off.
Jimmy Carter was NORMAL and a horrible President. Love him or hate him but Trump loves America, he puts our country first and our prosperity as a nation hasnt been this high in decades. The fact that unemployment is low across the board is why Trump will win in a landslide. He is already doing better with the black and hispanic communities because those demographics are growing their salaries and wealth
The glee from the left that we possibly have a pandemic to wreak the economy, weakem Trump is undeniable.

I posted a day or so ago. The left never waste a crisis. Some posters in coronovirus thread can barely contain themselves. The thoughts of Trump being weakened, so their socialist candidate can win, is sending a tingling feeling up their leg.
The glee from the left that we possibly have a pandemic to wreak the economy, weakem Trump is undeniable.

I posted a day or so ago. The left never waste a crisis. Some posters in coronovirus thread can barely contain themselves. The thoughts of Trump being weakened, so their socialist candidate can win, is sending a tingling feeling up their leg.

Well for 3 years all we heard about was Russia Russia Russia and that failed

Then the impeachment failed and to me Trump is stronger than ever

I'm not even convinced about Coronavirus honestly but I bet in a few months we'll be onto the next crisis
Well for 3 years all we heard about was Russia Russia Russia and that failed

Then the impeachment failed and to me Trump is stronger than ever

I'm not even convinced about Coronavirus honestly but I bet in a few months we'll be onto the next crisis

Remember when Ebola was a pandemic....This too shall pass
Jimmy Carter was NORMAL and a horrible President. Love him or hate him but Trump loves America, he puts our country first and our prosperity as a nation hasnt been this high in decades. The fact that unemployment is low across the board is why Trump will win in a landslide. He is already doing better with the black and hispanic communities because those demographics are growing their salaries and wealth
We will see how long unemployment numbers stay low, the market is on its way back to earth. If the economy isn't booming Trump is in trouble
Remember when Ebola was a pandemic....This too shall pass
I hope you are right, i don't remember ebola closing china. I'm sure this is just a made up crisis to get Trump out. He was so stable and strong with his speech last night I'm sure the markets will respond.
Remember when Ebola was a pandemic....This too shall pass
Ebola was never at pandemic levels and had a different transmission method than Coronavirus. It will pass and won't be world ending, but people won't calm down until it get widespread over the US and a majority of people don't need extreme medical treatment. The people who should worry about it are those who are in poor health and at risk of being transmitted to.

We will see how long unemployment numbers stay low, the market is on its way back to earth. If the economy isn't booming Trump is in trouble
I don't get why people forget the economic cycle. It's either they never learned it or forgot. We aren't going to roll great forever. The clock is ticking down, and if people don't adjust going into a recession they'll be in trouble. I've been saying this for awhile, that the recession is on its way. I advise people to actually take a look at more than just the stock market and study some history and time before the last recessions.
The glee from the left that we possibly have a pandemic to wreak the economy, weakem Trump is undeniable.

I posted a day or so ago. The left never waste a crisis. Some posters in coronovirus thread can barely contain themselves. The thoughts of Trump being weakened, so their socialist candidate can win, is sending a tingling feeling up their leg.

Very sad...But that's how a lot of them think...Twisted and warped!! o_O
We will see how long unemployment numbers stay low, the market is on its way back to earth. If the economy isn't booming Trump is in trouble
No trump will be re-elected because nobody wants the freeloading socialist democrat party. Sanders is a freaking moron just to stand up their and say free college, free healthcare.. really? some of our young dumb stupid society actually believes the ?he is selling!! As a former business owner you start hurting billionaires that employee’s the middle class with raising the minimum wage to 15 per hour what the hell do you think these employers are gonna do.. your not got to hurt them they will just start getting rid of people and taking their ?over seas or Mexico for cheaper labor and when that happens and guess what happens to the unemployment rate it will sky rocket up and the stock market will go in the toilet that’s why socialism doesn’t work look no further than Venezuela by the way socialized healthcare yeah look no further how Canada socialist healthcare where people are coming here to get hip replacements because the wait is 2 years just to get it done you got to get in line in Canada. Do I think our healthcare could be better yes but single payer system is just plain stupid! Treat healthcare like buying a car or house you don’t walk up to a house and buy without looking what’s inside you shop around for what you want and the best deal you privatize it and they compete to get your business hence you get a good deal with what you want. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out?‍♂️. I wish people would not stay stupid. Some colleges are brainwashing these kids and making them lazy and wanting a handout instead of working for it! Kids have turned into a you owe me society and having young 20 year old kids I told them nobody owes you ?you got to work for it!! Alright that’s my rant for the day!! Government is not your baby daddy!!!?‍♂️
Did we not see something coming to change the narrative? Do we not know how this works yet? Election year, exposure of all the corrupt players (3 letter agencies), IG report, Durham, Huber, Human trafficking exposure, Pedo exposures, federal reserve, too many eggs in China basket and* the big one (illegal spying and treason with help from deep state players in *China*, Australia, Ukraine, Uk, Itally.....). So many aspects here to consider. Chuck and Nancy are so transparent. Don't forget about George Soros's role in everything as well. Lot's of things involved in critical thinking. Also too this just put out - Rod Rosenstein's sister Dr. Nancy Messonnier is the CDC official that went against the WH and pushed panic/despair in her call Media that result in a 1000 point drop in the market...Also too her husband (not sure what his position is yet) is said to be doing research on pandemics and how the stock market is effected. There's always dots to connect and research to be done in this crazy show. ♟️♟️♟️?
Ebola was never at pandemic levels and had a different transmission method than Coronavirus. It will pass and won't be world ending, but people won't calm down until it get widespread over the US and a majority of people don't need extreme medical treatment. The people who should worry about it are those who are in poor health and at risk of being transmitted to.

I don't get why people forget the economic cycle. It's either they never learned it or forgot. We aren't going to roll great forever.
The clock is ticking down, and if people don't adjust going into a recession they'll be in trouble. I've been saying this for awhile, that the recession is on its way. I advise people to actually take a look at more than just the stock market and study some history and time before the last recessions.

It's one of the points i was trying to make when all the trump supporters were ignoring his behavior and say "my 401k is doing great". It was never going to last forever but his horrible precedents he has set can. Stupid tradeoff IMO.
It's one of the points i was trying to make when all the trump supporters were ignoring his behavior and say "my 401k is doing great". It was never going to last forever but his horrible precedents he has set can. Stupid tradeoff IMO.

And the other option is? Thats correct there is no better option than Trump for our economy. The proof is in the pudding
And the other option is? Thats correct there is no better option than Trump for our economy. The proof is in the pudding
I think his point is you can benefit from his amazing economy and still hold him accountable for his behavior. If the market tanks what does Trump have to run on? I know his amazing way with the best words!
And this corona virus? The liberal media needs to STFU. They are praying for this to negatively affect Trump. More people will die from the flu and nobody bats an eye. You take precautions as you should. It will mainly affect those most prone to flu like viruses. The panic over this is ridiculous just like that Ebola nonsense a few years back
I think his point is you can benefit from his amazing economy and still hold him accountable for his behavior. If the market tanks what does Trump have to run on? I know his amazing way with the best words!

Im going to hold him accountable for his behavior. Im voting for him in November but no Christmas card for being a mean old poopie face
And this corona virus? The liberal media needs to STFU. They are praying for this to negatively affect Trump. More people will die from the flu and nobody bats an eye. You take precautions as you should. It will mainly affect those most prone to flu like viruses. The panic over this is ridiculous just like that Ebola nonsense a few years back
The liberal media shut down China? They got schools closed in Japan?
And this corona virus? The liberal media needs to STFU. They are praying for this to negatively affect Trump. More people will die from the flu and nobody bats an eye. You take precautions as you should. It will mainly affect those most prone to flu like viruses. The panic over this is ridiculous just like that Ebola nonsense a few years back

Stop looking at it like its only a sickness and look at the protocols put in place around the world. If we follow those trends and start shutting schools, businesses, and entire cities then the economic and social disruptions will be hard and far reaching.

We deal with about 50-60 truck drivers a day coming from all over the country where I work. Lets say one of them brings it to my place of work and we have 10-15 warehouse workers get sick and the company shuts down per previous protocols around the world. Think bigger picture here to grasp the full threat this virus poses.
You keep telling yourself that, I'm sure the economy will keep booming forever. This is just a flu Nancy is using to bring down Trump!

I definitely don't think the economy will boom forever, but it will as long Trump's in office!! All kidding aside, everybody knows that EVERYTHING moves in cycles including weather and business...
Funny thing is I think they've gone from under to overreacting about this virus and as I've alluded to I don't have a conservative view (in fact, I'd likely call myself a moderate lean, and I know from lurking here that someone has said in here that there's no gray area to politics).
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You keep telling yourself that, I'm sure the economy will keep booming forever. This is just a flu Nancy is using to bring down Trump!

The economy will reset just like every economy does. Eventually the world will have to face the music on the debt and printing money it has done for so long. It does not matter who is in the WH Senate or House. All are corrupt. There will be a war against the govt one day. Maybe sooner than later if a liberal communist socialist gets control. Bloomberg thinking he will get guns. Bernie thinking he can support everyone with free money. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t classify myself as R or D. I am a believer in freedom guns and supporting my family with hard work. Not lazy live off system people or snowflakes.
What I don’t get if someone wants To live off the government have a communist socialist government. There is plenty of countries to move to.
Look at the past century or so, the US uses a blend of capitalism and socialism. Today less of that money goes to the poor and more of it flows up to the rich. We still have socialism, but who benefits is what's changed since the days of FDR.
I don't think the economy is going to crash. The fed will lower rates again, trade resets and more good things to come. No matter how bad the dems/media/deep state wants the virus to crash everything and bring down the president, it's not going to happen. We should all just be happy about things while they are good. Things will change one day, it always does. But why rush it and ruin the present.
Look at the past century or so, the US uses a blend of capitalism and socialism. Today less of that money goes to the poor and more of it flows up to the rich. We still have socialism, but who benefits is what's changed since the days of FDR.

What do you recommend? Flat tax? More taxes? Higher taxes on the rich? Does poor pay any taxes? Free health care? I agree health care sucks. It bankrupts people but if we go to socialized medicine. Then you will never see a doc. For surgery.
I don't think the economy is going to crash. The fed will lower rates again, trade resets and more good things to come. No matter how bad the dems/media/deep state wants the virus to crash everything and bring down the president, it's not going to happen. We should all just be happy about things while they are good. Things will change one day, it always does. But why rush it and ruin the present.

Leave your "trump is a god" bubble for a few minutes and view this as the big picture. It's a different world when you take those blinders off and step out into the real world.

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