This was not about investigating Ukraine it was about investigating the Biden's who according the the Ukrainians didnt do anything to even be investigated for. Trump and Rudy got played by Firtash/Shokin/Lutsenko etc....they were fed a bunch of promises that they could make Ukraine seem like the bad guy in 2016, Trump knows the score on Russian influence heck he welcomes it and he knows they are helping him again and he is desperate to make it seem like the whole Russian meddling thing was a Dem lie etc.
Whether you like it or not, whether you face the truth of the issue or not, Trump is and was using his office as President of the USA to force/extort/bribe a foreign government to go after his political rivals and DIRECTLY interfere with the US presidential election....that is what actually happened......its not conjecture, its not wishful thinking on the Dems part, it is exactly what Trump did, now you can not give a crap that's fine and there are tons of Trumpers out there that dont care he did it, hell they applaud it, but every one of those people are also applauding taking a big fat dump on the Constitution.
I wasn't referring to investigating Ukraine the country per se, more the corruption going on there which reaches far and wide. The President (Trump as of 2019) has every right to investigate corruption involving members of congress whether YOU like it or not and if this didn't involve somebody that hurts your feelings (Trump) you wouldn't give a damn about this phone call.