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Political Thread

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You’re thinking too black and white in putting moderates in the same bucket as progressives and socialists. Also, there are actually some conservatives who don’t like Trump because of his character and behavior, which includes being highly disrespectful to so many people. As far as I’m concerned, it isn’t an ideological problem as I agree with many of his policies. I consider myself a right of center independent (a conservative moderate if you will) who has voted mainly GOP for several decades including by far the greatest POTUS of my lifetime, Reagan. One reason I’m right of center rather than far right is because I believe in the two sides communicating and compromising with each other. That’s because if we’re going to become one nation again, neither side can have everything their way. I’d prefer the conservative view over the liberal view in most cases, but I’m fine with some compromise, too, especially if that would bring us together somewhat as one nation instead of the red vs blue tribalism nonsense that is so dominant.

This is me though I didn't get the honor of voting for Reagan as I turned 18 in 1990....the far right is as loathsome to me as the far left... I don't fit neatly in a box, moderate conservative is as good a label as any for me I guess. We should start a new party the Moderates of America party or something and kick these extremist to the curb.....
If Bernie doesn't get taken out by the dems and somehow miraculously wins, we are quitting our jobs. What's the point my husband said. My daughter will quit school too. I think a lot of people will quit. That's going to be the attitude of many people and that's going to be a huge problem and bye bye USA as we ever knew it. Many working people that have been aiding the people who already quit and play the system, will join that group. Going to be a little problem there. The rich that have worked to be rich will fall too. Doesn't just apply to Bernie but any socialist/communist.

Don’t forget that even if Bernie (whose policies I largely strongly disagree with) were to somehow win, it wouldn’t be the end of capitalism. For one, he’d only be POTUS and not King. He still has to get most things through the two houses of Congress. The vast majority of US citizens are not socialist as far as I know. So, I never see the country voting in a Congress that is socialist. Secondly, he’d be in only 4 years before being up for re-election, when he easily can be defeated if the majority of the people are not happy with him. Remember “it’s the economy, stupid.”
This is me though I didn't get the honor of voting for Reagan as I turned 18 in 1990....the far right is as loathsome to me as the far left... I don't fit neatly in a box, moderate conservative is as good a label as any for me I guess. We should start a new party the Moderates of America party or something and kick these extremist to the curb.....
I'd be considered far right by many and what's bothersome to me are the words used towards us.... loathsome. It's disappointing but expected to be hated so much.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you feel the same about the far left?
Hatred? Nope.... there is a false understanding that because an individual has different beliefs they must hate someone. I'll not go into it here because I'm sure it will deemed the wrong thread but I'll leave it at this. Hate the sin not the sinner isn't just a cliche, for some of us, we do hate what other's do or their actions but there isn't any hatred towards the person.

I've never wished death on anyone...
It's ok to be far left or right. It's just not ok to be closed minded towards other views
Another false statement that get's generalized and broad brushed... just because I don't agree with someone or something doesn't in anyway shape or form mean I'm close minded. I'll never understand why having my own opinions and beliefs makes me a close minded individual.
Hatred? Nope.... there is a false understanding that because an individual has different beliefs they must hate someone. I'll not go into it here because I'm sure it will deemed the wrong thread but I'll leave it at this. Hate the sin not the sinner isn't just a cliche, for some of us, we do hate what other's do or their actions but there isn't any hatred towards the person.
I didn't say you hate them but you do seem to think they are loathsome.
Another false statement that get's generalized and broad brushed... just because I don't agree with someone or something doesn't in anyway shape or form mean I'm close minded. I'll never understand why having my own opinions and beliefs makes me a close minded individual.
I wasn't referring to you just a general statement. Without compromise nothing will get done. There will never be a time where one side gets everything they want.
Don’t forget that even if Bernie (whose policies I largely strongly disagree with) were to somehow win, it wouldn’t be the end of capitalism. For one, he’d only be POTUS and not King. He still has to get most things through the two houses of Congress. The vast majority of US citizens are not socialist as far as I know. So, I never see the country voting in a Congress that is socialist. Secondly, he’d be in only 4 years before being up for re-election, when he easily can be defeated if the majority of the people are not happy with him. Remember “it’s the economy, stupid.”
Which is why I don't understand the left's panic about Trump too. Elect someone else when the time comes but don't dedicate every second to being negative, lies and being downright unprofessional when so many people are behind him. People can still have hope and find something good about the worst president and as far getting things done, one doesn't have to look far. We went through it with Hussein Obama. I can guarantee that if there had never been illegal spying and impeachment talk, hoax's from the get go, Trump wouldn't act the way he does (other than his normal NY ways). They deserve every bit of his arrows. He doesn't treat the people harshly just the people involved in corruption and lies. The media is dangerous.

I think if Bernie got elected the radicals would take over. Look at how the House hearings went. Unlawful, unfair, changed rules as they went and no one did anything about it. I agree, this country will not vote for a socialist. It's so much a waste of time even going down these roads but that's politics and I hate it. Such a game and we are just the pawns. Which is the reason why I love Trump in the first place. Screw our corrupt mafia government. Sun is the best disinfectant. Bring on the exposure and let's heal and move on.
the dems are responsible for market losses according to my and our president. Their debates are scary not the virus. Please share this with everyone church school children to vote R in all races now
posting this from the coronavirus thread since it's political:

Some of you need to go study up on the Stock Market, what is happening isn’t new and happens a lot. Market corrections are needed to cleanse the market. Yes it sucks if you are planning on retiring soon but it’s needed. Doesn’t matter if a Republican is President or a Democratic is. We are overdue and it’s completely normal.

The fact is that IF a Dem is elected (be it Warren, Sanders or anyone else) they(and their policies in general) will absolutely be blamed even though a correction is absolutely overdue as you write. If Trump is re-elected, Dems will continue to be blamed for trying to besmirch Trump's good name.

All of this is so incredibly tiresome. But forward we must go...
posting this from the coronavirus thread since it's political:

The fact is that IF a Dem is elected (be it Warren, Sanders or anyone else) they(and their policies in general) will absolutely be blamed even though a correction is absolutely overdue as you write. If Trump is re-elected, Dems will continue to be blamed for trying to besmirch Trump's good name.

All of this is so incredibly tiresome. But forward we must go...
If the MSM and deep state dems would stop for a little bit and not push the negative and say "Hey, not everybody always agrees with every president but let's remember we are all in this together, respect the office, look for the good and another election will roll around", it wouldn't be so tiresome. THEY are what drives the hate and disdain more than anything. Trump retaliates. Circle. But the corruption that is being exposed is going to become clear as to why this circle started in the first place. It's outrageous but nothing is going to stop what is coming. We, on both sides are why nothing is going to stop it because we all want to move on and want truths and clean government (less government).
Bernie isn't Castro and Che coming over in a rickety boat to invade Cuba.. all those doomsday predictions are silly. M4A is NOT an anti-capitalist notion, nor are any of his other social reforms.
All those doomsday predictions...... funny the left has predicted nothing but doomsday since Trump became president. Heck they even want him tried as a traitor (punishable by death mind you), let's not forget the world will end in 12 yrs, etc...
Can we for a minute acknowledge how pitifully childish it was for Donald Trump to put Pence in charge of the crisis? He’s done this so when Pence inevitably fails this assignment, it won’t reflect on him because he knows he can’t do any better. The handling of the virus by this administration is truly like the scene pictured below...


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Trump may have dug his own grave to some extent in constantly emphasizing the great gains of the stock markets under his watch and taking 100% credit for it when we all know there is a mix of factors, including his own policies. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, does he downplay the drops as totally not his fault, the fault of the Dems, the fault of the virus, etc.? I fully expect either that or for him to stop referring to the stock markets. Sorry, but he can’t have it both ways. Life doesn’t work that way. You reap what you sow.
Trump may have dug his own grave to some extent in constantly emphasizing the great gains of the stock markets under his watch and taking 100% credit for it when we all know there is a mix of factors, including his own policies. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, does he downplay the drops as totally not his fault, the fault of the Dems, the fault of the virus, etc.? I fully expect either that or for him to stop referring to the stock markets. Sorry, but he can’t have it both ways. Life doesn’t work that way. You reap what you sow.

Yeap the virus will make him look bad. He’s done son.

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Can we for a minute acknowledge how pitifully childish it was for Donald Trump to put Pence in charge of the crisis? He’s done this so when Pence inevitably fails this assignment, it won’t reflect on him because he knows he can’t do any better. The handling of the virus by this administration is truly like the scene pictured below...

Is it safe to say that you felt the same in 2014.?..... (btw.. Czar LOL. We're not an oligarch)

Yeap the virus will make him look bad. He’s done son.

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If he blames anyone it will probably be the MSM (and rightly so) and Federal Reserve. ?
If America votes in Socialism over a market correction that was going to happen anyways (and being hastened by the corona virus outbreak), I can't wait to leave. I can do without being around those types of people.
I think I’m going to stick with the majority this year and not vote. Saves time and gas.
I think I’m going to stick with the majority this year and not vote. Saves time and gas.

And that thinking right there is what will do democrats in, this coming General Election. For Democrats to take the election, they need record turn out. I don't see it happening, tbh. All the Bernie supporters will stay home if he gets it yanked from him again, and Joe will say just enough to mess up his run and make Trump seem like the less of the two evils, again.

Think about it. If the DNC gives Joe the nod, and support, over Bernie. Trump can run on how they screwed Bernie again, and continue to get the support who are ticked off at the DNC as a statement. If Bernie does get it, Trump can go at him from a socialist standpoint, and again, get enough turnout to not allow it.

It's a win win for Trump. Play bernie bro, or play anti socialist. Whichever way is good for him.
"it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage."
This post is really a huge load of bs. How exactly does preparing the American public for a virus that's spreading like wildfire in many parts of the globe and killing thousands of people w/ an infection ratio above 2 going to cause unnecessary damage. Not doing anything and it actually happening is infinitely worse. This is akin to being within the 5 day NHC cone of uncertainty with a major hurricane bearing down on you, and you telling everyone not to prepare because that would cause "unneeded harm" if you did so.

When basically very expert at the CDC says is likely if not nearly certain to become widespread in the US, then you should prepare instead of trying to blow off the virus, saying we have it completely under control when you've done absolutely nothing to prepare for it (other than elect inept people to high ranking positions) and make drastic cuts to important departments in the government that are intended to respond to crises like this and then blame the stock market crash on a democratic debate that happened after stocks tanked on Tue. This really shows how inept & ill-prepared the president and his administration are for CoV-19.

Hopefully you & other rhinos pull your head out of the sand sooner rather than later.

Easy padre! No one said anything about blowing the virus off and no one said anything about this being the "Virus X" thats been discussed over past several years. No one said its not going to become widespread.
And LOL no one has blamed stock market crash on a democrat debate. If they have , its new on me. Your the 1st Ive ever heard that refernced. Stock Market crash is solely tied to the coronovirus and its disruption of supply chain from China along with the unknown still how serious this is with the exception its highly contagious and will no doubt spread throughout the world. My head was out of the sand monitoring this long before yours as well. So stay on point .
Can we for a minute acknowledge how pitifully childish it was for Donald Trump to put Pence in charge of the crisis? He’s done this so when Pence inevitably fails this assignment, it won’t reflect on him because he knows he can’t do any better. The handling of the virus by this administration is truly like the scene pictured below...
He put Pence in charge because Pence totally transformed the Indiana Health System for the better when he was governor. Your statement is childish not knowing the why.
If America votes in Socialism over a market correction that was going to happen anyways (and being hastened by the corona virus outbreak), I can't wait to leave. I can do without being around those types of people.

You sound like the “snowflakes” and Hollywood folks that threatened to leave the US if Trump were elected. Don’t fall to their level. Bernie would not be King, regardless. And then they’d need you and others to work to get him out in 2024 if he were to somehow win in 2020. You leaving the country over this would make you look weak.
Easy padre! No one said anything about blowing the virus off and no one said anything about this being the "Virus X" thats been discussed over past several years. No one said its not going to become widespread.
And LOL no one has blamed stock market crash on a democrat debate. If they have , its new on me. Your the 1st Ive ever heard that refernced. Stock Market crash is solely tied to the coronovirus and its disruption of supply chain from China along with the unknown still how serious this is with the exception its highly contagious and will no doubt spread throughout the world. My head was out of the sand monitoring this long before yours as well. So stay on point .

"No one said anything about blowing the virus off"

Lol what? You literally just blew the virus off in your previous comment in this very thread
"it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage."

As for blaming the democratic debate for the market crash, you're pretty out of touch in that department, which isn't surprising.

Trump literally said this on Feb 26th at 0:15 seconds in this press conference.

"No one said anything about blowing the virus off"

Lol what? You literally just blew the virus off in your previous comment in this very thread
"it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage."

As for blaming the democratic debate for the market crash, you're pretty out of touch in that department, which isn't surprising.

Trump literally said this on Feb 26th at 0:15 seconds in this press conference.

You are right about this one Webber. He did throw that in there. It was quick and not made a big deal of though. He's probably right to a point. I'm sure that outrageous debate has some bearing in away and Chuck and Nancy's behavior too. Mostly MSM I think though.
His nasty son blames the Dems.
Well they do do a lot of blaming and hype but don't have any plans or ideas. And...the MSM pushes it non stop no matter if what they say is factual.
You are right about this one Webber. He did throw that in there. It was quick and not made a big deal of though. He's probably right to a point. I'm sure that outrageous debate has some bearing in away and Chuck and Nancy's behavior too. Mostly MSM I think though.

Even with as much crap as I've given Trump in the Coronavirus thread, I still yet to see any reason to vote for anyone in the democratic party over him in the upcoming election, that debate was an utter ? show. I personally thought Bernie would make me reconsider or at least think about it, but his comments on dictatorships and especially Fidel Castro are a huge turn off
Even with as much crap as I've given Trump in the Coronavirus thread, I still yet to see any reason to vote for anyone in the democratic party over him in the upcoming election, that debate was an utter ? show. I personally thought Bernie would make me reconsider or at least think about it, but his comments on dictatorships and especially Fidel Castro are a huge turn off
You got that right. Weird times actually. Even if I liked anything about socialist/communist ideas, I think now after the last few days, it wouldn't be him I would put at the helm. Lawd.
Even with as much crap as I've given Trump in the Coronavirus thread, I still yet to see any reason to vote for anyone in the democratic party over him in the upcoming election, that debate was an utter ? show. I personally thought Bernie would make me reconsider or at least think about it, but his comments on dictatorships and especially Fidel Castro are a huge turn off
What about Trumps Putin love?
What about Trumps Putin love?
Fake news. It's China with the deep state players that is a bigger story. Surely your not still holding on to the Russia thing. The whole reason the Russia hoax was created was to cover up the horrible treasonous crimes (China, Australia, Ukraine, Uk, Italy) of illegal spying on Trump and American Citizens at the acknowledgment/direction of Obama, Clapper, Brennan and Comey (others too). The cover up is what's going to get them. Remember the IG report? It's still there. So is Durham. I can't say it plain enough. Illegal Spying/unmasking has been going on since 2012 even before Trump. Our government is crooked with very rotten apples. FBI, CIA, NSA, FISA JUDGES. It's the truth. We need to clean house for real and look at what really needs to be looked at for our own good.
Can we for a minute acknowledge how pitifully childish it was for Donald Trump to put Pence in charge of the crisis? He’s done this so when Pence inevitably fails this assignment, it won’t reflect on him because he knows he can’t do any better. The handling of the virus by this administration is truly like the scene pictured below...
He's already got supposedly an MD in his cabinet... Dr. Ben Carson. Wouldn't it have made more sense to make him the Corona Czar instead of Pence?
Fake news. It's China with the deep state players that is a bigger story. Surely your not still holding on to the Russia thing. The whole reason the Russia hoax was created was to cover up the horrible treasonous crimes (China, Australia, Ukraine, Uk, Italy) of illegal spying on Trump and American Citizens at the acknowledgment/direction of Obama, Clapper, Brennan and Comey (others too). The cover up is what's going to get them. Remember the IG report? It's still there. So is Durham. I can't say it plain enough. Illegal Spying/unmasking has been going on since 2012 even before Trump. Our government is crooked with very rotten apples. FBI, CIA, NSA, FISA JUDGES. It's the truth. We need to clean house for real and look at what really needs to be looked at for our own good.
Anything trump does not like is fake news.
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