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Political Thread

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Well, what do you have to say for the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea, or the People's Republic of China then? Inserting the name doesn't mean their policy matches.
To me butchering millions of the most innocent form of life disguised with catchisims such as planned parent hood, [ choice lol ] verse exterminating 6 million jews is no different. That innocent life in the womb doesnt have any choice. The policy of abortion matches the name
Socialist just as well as the policy of exterminating jews matched the the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Yes the Dem's are fired up and they are getting out the vote in unprecedented numbers......here is some data from 2018 that show how and why this is happening...the electorate is changing and the GOP is doing everything it can to alienate these groups and are literally pushing them right into the Dems waiting hands....

Young adults ages 18 to 29—the age group that voted most strongly Democratic—saw a rise in their turnout rate by 16 percent from 20 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2018.

In 2018, both factors led to a marked rise in the share of non-white voters and white college graduate voters as well as a decline in the share for white voters without college degrees. In fact, for the first time in the CPS series, “noncollege whites”—a group that strongly favors Republicans—comprised less than two-fifths of the voter population.

These changes make the voter population look quite different than in 2006, when noncollege whites comprised fully half of it and nonwhite minorities comprised only one-fifth. Since then, the former’s share dropped to 39 percent and the latter rose to 27.2 percent. Changing demography has been a factor as younger generations of voting-age citizens, in particular, have become more racially diverse and better educated indoctrinated.

Yes the Dem's are fired up and they are getting out the vote in unprecedented numbers......here is some data from 2018 that show how and why this is happening...the electorate is changing and the GOP is doing everything it can to alienate these groups and are literally pushing them right into the Dems waiting hands....

Young adults ages 18 to 29—the age group that voted most strongly Democratic—saw a rise in their turnout rate by 16 percent from 20 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2018.

In 2018, both factors led to a marked rise in the share of non-white voters and white college graduate voters as well as a decline in the share for white voters without college degrees. In fact, for the first time in the CPS series, “noncollege whites”—a group that strongly favors Republicans—comprised less than two-fifths of the voter population.

These changes make the voter population look quite different than in 2006, when noncollege whites comprised fully half of it and nonwhite minorities comprised only one-fifth. Since then, the former’s share dropped to 39 percent and the latter rose to 27.2 percent. Changing demography has been a factor as younger generations of voting-age citizens, in particular, have become more racially diverse and better educated.
It was somewhat rhetorical and directed at his/her, can't wait for medical marijuana, Medicare for all and free college for all comment.... with that said, I doubt we see record Dem turnout in Nov for any of these clowns. I tell you what though, for a conservative you sure put up a heckuva fight for these socialists.
To me butchering millions of the most innocent form of life disguised with catchisims such as planned parent hood, [ choice lol ] verse exterminating 6 million jews is no different. That innocent life in the womb doesnt have any choice. The policy of abortion matches the name
Socialist just as well as the policy of exterminating jews matched the the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
We can't discuss social issues such as abortion, it makes us far right that have hijacked the Republican party ?
It was somewhat rhetorical and directed at his/her, can't wait for medical marijuana, Medicare for all and free college for all comment.... with that said, I doubt we see record Dem turnout in Nov for any of these clowns. I tell you what though, for a conservative you sure put up a heckuva fight for these socialists.

TDS in full effect.
Look... Sanders has sung praises of Castro. Trump has sung praises and buddied up with Kim Jong-un. Both have imprisoned, tortured, murdered people who sought freedom. Why do those on the Repub/Right condemn one but praise the other?
Are you being serious? Is Bernie the president and responsible for making peace and protect us in this instance? Way out of line. God help us.
I can sit here and fill up pages as far as the eye can see proving our founding fathers used judeo christian values as their sole platform and guide for framing the constitution. All I have to do is go back and quote em.
Its indisputable.
One small example, besides whats plastered on money, and countless other government anthems,buildings etc. " One nation under GOD"

"Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God ... What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be." John Adams, February 22, 1756

I am not saying they didn't use religion as a basis for some of the Constitution only that folks like Jefferson and Franklin were not Christians....so the guy that wrote most of the document did not see god the way you do and did not base it solely on the bible, in fact he used a lot of Roman influences etc....

Jefferson would not be called a Christian by you or any other Christian in todays America and well John Adams was also someone who today would not be considered a Christian....both Jefferson and Adams did not believe in the divinity of Jesus or the Trinity. They considered Jesus a moral man who teachings were very important but that was the extent of that. They believed God was not involved in our lives and that's why you see so many terms like "natural law" and " creator" and other such language in those documents. So would you consider someone who did not believe Jesus was the son of god and in the Trinity a Christian or not?
Are you serious?
Yes the Dem's are fired up and they are getting out the vote in unprecedented numbers......here is some data from 2018 that show how and why this is happening...the electorate is changing and the GOP is doing everything it can to alienate these groups and are literally pushing them right into the Dems waiting hands....

Young adults ages 18 to 29—the age group that voted most strongly Democratic—saw a rise in their turnout rate by 16 percent from 20 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2018.

In 2018, both factors led to a marked rise in the share of non-white voters and white college graduate voters as well as a decline in the share for white voters without college degrees. In fact, for the first time in the CPS series, “noncollege whites”—a group that strongly favors Republicans—comprised less than two-fifths of the voter population.

These changes make the voter population look quite different than in 2006, when noncollege whites comprised fully half of it and nonwhite minorities comprised only one-fifth. Since then, the former’s share dropped to 39 percent and the latter rose to 27.2 percent. Changing demography has been a factor as younger generations of voting-age citizens, in particular, have become more racially diverse and better educated.

yes, Trump is done. What’s wrong with medical marijuana, Medicare for all who want it, and free public higher education?
One thing I hope is no matter which side we're on everybody remembers we have a common love of the weather and let that be the foundation of this community.

Politics is always interesting and we can make it fun to a degree with various viewpoints let's just please not devolve to the gutter.

Back to the fun..
Who's going to pay for it is the first thing that comes to mind? You?

Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.
It was somewhat rhetorical and directed at his/her, can't wait for medical marijuana, Medicare for all and free college for all comment.... with that said, I doubt we see record Dem turnout in Nov for any of these clowns. I tell you what though, for a conservative you sure put up a heckuva fight for these socialists.

I fight for factual data.....its not my fault the GOP is crapping the bed, you guys think you are winning and maybe you do win a battle here and there but the actions of the GOP are losing the war....that's what that data shows.....I am more of a conservative than most people in this thread, there is tons of actual data that support a huge Dem turnout in Nov.....any attempt to pretend that is not the case is willful ignorance.
yes, Trump is done. What’s wrong with medical marijuana, Medicare for all who want it, and free public higher education?
And who pays for it? Don't tell me the 1% either, they can't put a dent in the trillions it would cost....so where does the funding come from? Plus I don't want any part of government run healthcare, Gov't should create an environment that supports economic growth and protect it's citizens, not run our lives.
Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.
Winder what's stopping those 1 percenters saying they should be taxed more from voluntarily giving money to the treasury?

Actions not words..
I fight for factual data.....its not my fault the GOP is crapping the bed, you guys think you are winning and maybe you do win a battle here and there but the actions of the GOP are losing the war....that's what that data shows.....I am more of a conservative than most people in this thread, there is tons of actual data that support a huge Dem turnout in Nov.....any attempt to pretend that is not the case is willful ignorance.
You must have a very different definition of conservatism, you've said that too many times to count but actions say otherwise
I totally disagree the Dem base is more fired up than EVER.....because of Trump. 2018 midterms were a good litmus test to what to expect in 2020 and the Dems out voted the GOP who they already have out numbered by a decent margin, if turnout in 2020 is the same as it was in 2018 the Dems win. The Bernie people wont sit it out either...in the end the desire to remove Trump "trumps" any hard feelings the Bernie folks have especially when Bernie is out there campaigning for whoever the nominee is.

The only real chance Trump has is for Bernie to win to the nomination.....this will push a lot of independent and moderates back to Trump.....give those people a option like Biden or Bloomberg and Trump is toast.

Say hello to Civil War against the govt and UN if Bloomberg is elected. He destroyed NYC and turned it into a sewer. Everyone thinks Trump is a dirty man. Biden will make Trump look like an angel!
yes, Trump is done. What’s wrong with medical marijuana, Medicare for all who want it, and free public higher education?
Medical is fine, recreational isn't. Medicare for all sounds good on paper, but are you fine with footing a large amount of your income for that? Free college I don't even agree with. I do think some costs are ridiculous and should be decreased, but not entirely wiped.
And who pays for it? Don't tell me the 1% either, they can't put a dent in the trillions it would cost....so where does the funding come from? Plus I don't want any part of government run healthcare, Gov't should create an environment that supports economic growth and protect it's citizens, not run our lives.

I answered above but let me expand. Insurance carriers and pharma are making huge profits off of all of us. Some things should not be for profit. I’m ok with private insurance still being allowed. if private is so greatand A government run plan will
Fail so badly you have nothing to worry about. It’s not the case though. Private is too expensive and every other great nation around the world finds a way to make it work and get it paid for.
yes, Trump is done. What’s wrong with medical marijuana, Medicare for all who want it, and free public higher education?

Why not throw in free housing, a free car,
Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.

And you think the 1% will actually pay for it? .......LOLOL
Medical is fine, recreational isn't. Medicare for all sounds good on paper, but are you fine with footing a large amount of your income for that? Free college I don't even agree with. I do think some costs are ridiculous and should be decreased, but not entirely wiped.

why would you care if someone else smokes weed?
Yes the Dem's are fired up and they are getting out the vote in unprecedented numbers......here is some data from 2018 that show how and why this is happening...the electorate is changing and the GOP is doing everything it can to alienate these groups and are literally pushing them right into the Dems waiting hands....

Young adults ages 18 to 29—the age group that voted most strongly Democratic—saw a rise in their turnout rate by 16 percent from 20 percent in 2014 to 36 percent in 2018.

In 2018, both factors led to a marked rise in the share of non-white voters and white college graduate voters as well as a decline in the share for white voters without college degrees. In fact, for the first time in the CPS series, “noncollege whites”—a group that strongly favors Republicans—comprised less than two-fifths of the voter population.

These changes make the voter population look quite different than in 2006, when noncollege whites comprised fully half of it and nonwhite minorities comprised only one-fifth. Since then, the former’s share dropped to 39 percent and the latter rose to 27.2 percent. Changing demography has been a factor as younger generations of voting-age citizens, in particular, have become more racially diverse and better educated.

The reason young adults are wanting socialism is because liberals figured it out. Flood the schools and colleges teaching them they deserve FREE. They believe a govt should take care of them. If a war broke out with another country. Our youth would wave white flag instantly. I am on military bases a lot. Ever heard of the stress cards now given in the military? They are real. The lovers of military will tell you we’re screwed.
You must have a very different definition of conservatism, you've said that too many times to count but actions say otherwise

What actions?....basically what your saying is if I cannot support this current version of the GOP I am not a conservative.....yet to me the current form of the GOP and the far right are not conservative at all....hell the GOP in general has not been conservative in anyway other than on social issues for the last 20 years now at least.....
Why not throw in free housing, a free car,

And you think the 1% will actually pay for it? .......LOLOL

strawman and I said take the biggest burden not all of it . And they wouldn’t have a choice, tax the crap out of the richest of the rich.
Medical is fine, recreational isn't. Medicare for all sounds good on paper, but are you fine with footing a large amount of your income for that? Free college I don't even agree with. I do think some costs are ridiculous and should be decreased, but not entirely wiped.
I know you're a college student or grad, I have 2 kids in college and I agree price is ridiculous. But it was a choice we made, I think we really need to encourage alternatives to college...
Dem voter turnout in the Nv primary was higher than 2008 when it was Obama vs Clinton. The republicans are in deep trouble. The excitement and non establishment candidate is on our side this year. Can’t wait for legal weed, medicare for all, and free public college for all who want it.
Hope waiting for a couple years for surgery is ok? Oh wait! Sure it’s ok! You will not have to be worrying about work because the govt. will be handing you a check for not working!
The reason young adults are wanting socialism is because liberals figured it out. Flood the schools and colleges teaching them they deserve FREE. They believe a govt should take care of them. If a war broke out with another country. Our youth would wave white flag instantly. I am on military bases a lot. Ever heard of the stress cards now given in the military? They are real. The lovers of military will tell you we’re screwed.

OK none of this changes the fact that the GOP does not appeal to many people that are minorities, young, educated etc.....these are all growing blocks of the electorate and the GOP mainstay of none college educated white folks is going down....the only way the GOP even still exist in 50 years is if they adapt and change. Instead you have gotten this kneejerk reaction in the exact opposite direction.....
What actions?....basically what your saying is if I cannot support this current version of the GOP I am not a conservative.....yet to me the current form of the GOP and the far right are not conservative at all....hell the GOP in general has not been conservative in anyway other than on social issues for the last 20 years now at least.....

well said man. I was a republican until the tea party and then trump took it over. The party is nothing like it used to be. Now I’m all for blowing it all up with a. Sanders nom. Love him or hate him he’s going to blow it all up. Exactly what is needed. Both the dem and rep establishment hate him. That tells me he’s the right guy.
The reason young adults are wanting socialism is because liberals figured it out. Flood the schools and colleges teaching them they deserve FREE. They believe a govt should take care of them. If a war broke out with another country. Our youth would wave white flag instantly. I am on military bases a lot. Ever heard of the stress cards now given in the military? They are real. The lovers of military will tell you we’re screwed.

Youth of today certainly dont drop their balls like my generation. Having just retired 2 years ago with my 20 in, I have become more concerned with our fighting force
Hope waiting for a couple years for surgery is ok? Oh wait! Sure it’s ok! You will not have to be worrying about work because the govt. will be handing you a check for not working!

see there it is. Your post is ridiculous and not what anyone is suggesting.
well said man. I was a republican until the tea party and then trump took it over. The party is nothing like it used to be. Now I’m all for blowing it all up with a. Sanders nom. Love him or hate him he’s going to blow it all up. Exactly what is needed. Both the dem and rep establishment hate him. That tells me he’s the right guy.

Naw Sanders isn't the answer no more than Trump was.....he is the Dems version of Trump, he is a knee jerk reaction to Trump like Trump was to Obama. What needs to happen in the middle moderates in both parties have to step up and take control and make everyone behave like adults.
Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.

No offense but you really need to shop around if you are paying 15 to 20k a year for premiums and deductables. I have a BCBS for myself an family and max pay is 3500 deductable,7500 in premiums. My employer pays 70% premium ,so I only shell around 2500 annually. So out of pocket can only be 6100 max worse case.
You would still pay 15,000 a year under health care for all, if not more in taxes, dont be fooled. The top 1% already pay in over half the taxes collected in this country.
What actions?....basically what your saying is if I cannot support this current version of the GOP I am not a conservative.....yet to me the current form of the GOP and the far right are not conservative at all....hell the GOP in general has not been conservative in anyway other than on social issues for the last 20 years now at least.....
No one has been fiscally conservative that's a fact but to keep saying the current GOP and far right are not conservative other than on social issues is wrong. Cutting taxes, reduced regulations, free market and yes protection of all human life (born and unborn), support 2nd amendment, build up the military, securing the borders, constitutionalist justices to the SCOTUS.....if this isnt conservative then I have no idea what is.
strawman and I said take the biggest burden not all of it . And they wouldn’t have a choice, tax the crap out of the richest of the rich.

Oh they have a choice. I can't believe you even said this. Hell i cant believe you even believe it.....
No it’s called socialized medicine. Free health care for all. Why so many in Canada come to America for surgeries. At 49 I have learned a few things.

then keep your private plan. And my comment was directed at your free check don’t work tirade that didn’t have anything to do with wel, anything.
No offense but you really need to shop around if you are paying 15 to 20k a year for premiums and deductables. I have a BCBS for myself an family and max pay is 3500 deductable,7500 in premiums. My employer pays 70% premium ,so I only shell around 2500 annually. So out of pocket can only be 6100 max worse case.

For me family plan that has 7500 in premiums plus 2000 deductible for each of us and a 6k out of pocket max. The high deductible plans are even worse. It what my employer offers. I don’t have a better option.
Oh they have a choice. I can't believe you even said this. Hell i cant believe you even believe it.....

what choice? If they vote and lose then they can deal with it or leave the country . What other choice is there?
No one has been fiscally conservative that's a fact but to keep saying the current GOP and far right are not conservative other than on social issues is wrong. Cutting taxes, reduced regulations, free market and yes protection of all human life (born and unborn), support 2nd amendment, build up the military, securing the borders, constitutionalist justices to the SCOTUS.....if this isnt conservative then I have no idea what is.

Cut taxes but not spending equals huge debt....reduced regulations help in some areas hurt in others ( environment etc ) that will have a cost down the road, abortion is a social issue, securing the borders, military build up etc are fine as long as they are done smartly and they currently are not IMO, love Gorsuch he will be the best justice of the last 50-100 yrs....Kavanaugh is ok, better than a liberal judge but more a executive favoring guy and that's a bit worrisome.....I don't really have much of a issue with the fiscal side of the GOP platform(well other than its not doing enough to actually fix the budget ), its the social side and Trump that rub me the wrong way, there are tons of perfectly capable Republicans that can do all these things and do it without being Trump...
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