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Political Thread

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Naw Sanders isn't the answer no more than Trump was.....he is the Dems version of Trump, he is a knee jerk reaction to Trump like Trump was to Obama. What needs to happen in the middle moderates in both parties have to step up and take control and make everyone behave like adults.

you get it. This is 2016 again in reverse.
Everyone. The top 1% should take most of the burden. I don’t mind higher taxes if it means I don’t pay premiums and deductibles that cost me 15-20k per year.
It would never work out that way. Sounds good on paper but it just wouldn't. First of all you would have to trust the government to handle it and they can't even get my county right on my drivers license or keep people from committing food stamp fraud. You say you wouldn't mind paying more taxes until it's like 70 then 80 then 90 to make it work. It's not going to happen. People will have to plan and work and pay for their own schooling. What would drive anyone to go to school in the first place if they aren't going to make any money. Everyone being treated equally regardless..why not just get in the free line without having to go to school/get a job? Why even work?
I care if they're under the influence and on the roads around me. Last I checked, there's no easy way to tell intoxication levels and limits like with alcohol.

lol they already do it. And there are rapid tests to see if you have used recently.
It would never work out that way. Sounds good on paper but it just wouldn't. First of all you would have to trust the government to handle it and they can't even get my county right on my drivers license or keep people from committing food stamp fraud. You say you wouldn't mind paying more taxes until it's like 70 then 80 then 90 to make it work. It's not going to happen. People will have to plan and work and pay for their own schooling. What would drive anyone to go to school in the first place if they aren't going to make any money. Everyone being treated equally regardless..why not just get in the free line without having to go to school/get a job? Why even work?
Wow, what a leap. Somehow now nobody can make money? This is just crazy and there are no studies to back up this assertion.
Cut taxes but not spending equals huge debt....reduced regulations help in some areas hurt in others ( environment etc ) that will have a cost down the road, abortion is a social issue, securing the borders, military build up etc are fine as long as they are done smartly and they currently are not IMO, love Gorsuch he will be the best justice of the last 50-100 yrs....Kavanaugh is ok, better than a liberal judge but more a executive favoring guy and that's a bit worrisome.....I don't really have much of a issue with the fiscal side of the GOP platform(well other than its not doing enough to actually fix the budget ), its the social side and Trump that rub me the wrong way, there are tons of perfectly capable Republicans that can do all these things and do it without being Trump...
Unfortunately the Pres can't cut spending without congressional support, anytime he makes cuts he gets ridiculed for not doing enough or spending more. TDS is real, he can't do anything right in the eyes of some that's for sure. And I get sick of abortion being glazed over because it's a "social issue", like it shouldn't matter....its about human life. Watch an abortion and tell me its not.
Unfortunately the Pres can't cut spending without congressional support, anytime he makes cuts he gets ridiculed for not doing enough or spending more. TDS is real, he can't do anything right in the eyes of some that's for sure. And I get sick of abortion being glazed over because it's a "social issue", like it shouldn't matter....its about human life. Watch an abortion and tell me its not.

believe it or not Im prolife and a dem. We do exist.
"Already do it" Isn't an excuse for legalization. Might as well legalize all other crimes that hurt people such as murder and assault because it's just going to happen anyway.

DUI is DUI I’m not advocating for people to be allowed to smoke pot and drive.
DUI is DUI I’m not advocating for people to be allowed to smoke pot and drive.
Yes, but making it widespread just increases the odds of coming across a DUI driver higher. I get the whole "It has no impact over me if I'm not that person, let them do whatever" angle, but when it comes down to people I interact with either directly or indirectly, I'd rather not have another widespread drug and reason to continue the idea of smoking into the future as well.
Yes, but making it widespread just increases the odds of coming across a DUI driver higher. I get the whole "It has no impact over me if I'm not that person, let them do whatever" angle, but when it comes down to people I interact with either directly or indirectly, I'd rather not have another widespread drug and reason to continue the idea of smoking into the future as well.

fair enough. Are you ok with doctors prescribing?
I am not saying they didn't use religion as a basis for some of the Constitution only that folks like Jefferson and Franklin were not Christians....so the guy that wrote most of the document did not see god the way you do and did not base it solely on the bible, in fact he used a lot of Roman influences etc....

Jefferson would not be called a Christian by you or any other Christian in todays America and well John Adams was also someone who today would not be considered a Christian....both Jefferson and Adams did not believe in the divinity of Jesus or the Trinity. They considered Jesus a moral man who teachings were very important but that was the extent of that. They believed God was not involved in our lives and that's why you see so many terms like "natural law" and " creator" and other such language in those documents. So would you consider someone who did not believe Jesus was the son of god and in the Trinity a Christian or not?
"Used Judeo Christian Values" Those come from the Word Of God,, BIBLE.
I wasnt promoting or debating whether Jefferson or Adams had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. would or would not be considered a christian by todays or yesterdays standards.
I'll let this lye, but make no bones its long and overwhelming, indisputable that our constitution was written and framed directly with pure effort from the principals laid out in Gods word, the bible.
Say hello to president Sanders.

Same polls said Hillary should be our president right now... but she’s not.

Regarding the wealthy paying taxes, they already pay their fair share. Here’s a great illustration of what they pay. Btw if you tax the rich too much they will leave and go to other countries to pay less taxes, businesses will cut jobs and pay less to maintain profit margins and stay out of debt. Look at every country that has tried socialism and what the results were. Venezuela went from an extremely prosperous country to a corrupt, poor and food deprived country thanks to socialism and their leadership. Bernie Sanders also thinks bread lines are a good thing. Idk about you but I like being able to go to the grocery store and buy what I want instead of waiting in line for a government handout.
Ill never understand how murdering the most defenseless form of life, watching the absurbed profits that come from it be labeled just a social issue.

Because according to the law of the land and the Constitution its something a women has a legal right to decide to do....I don't agree with it, and I do support laws limiting abortion but at the end of the day I think that Roe vs Wade got it right from a Constitutional standpoint. That means that attempting to force a change in that law is done based on social views thus making it a social issue. Also I think the systems we have in place would not be able to handle 600-700k unwanted children every year....the entire issue is ugly and sad but at the end of the day the current system works better than any alternative.
Same polls said Hillary should be our president right now... but she’s not.

Regarding the wealthy paying taxes, they already pay their fair share. Here’s a great illustration of what they pay. Btw if you tax the rich too much they will leave and go to other countries to pay less taxes, businesses will cut jobs and pay less to maintain profit margins and stay out of debt. Look at every country that has tried socialism and what the results were. Venezuela went from an extremely prosperous country to a corrupt, poor and food deprived country thanks to socialism and their leadership. Bernie Sanders also thinks bread lines are a good thing. Idk about you but I like being able to go to the grocery store and buy what I want instead of waiting in line for a government handout.
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that is an average of polls. If you think all polls are useless then I can’t have a discussion with you.

socialism and communism are two different things. The right attack will be just what you posted.
And that pyramid is bunk. It doesn’t make sense or add up at all.
Wow, what a leap. Somehow now nobody can make money? This is just crazy and there are no studies to back up this assertion.
It's not rocket science. No studies needed. We already know the tax would be at least 50% or so and higher has been talked about. It will have to be higher. How much ya going to bring home? But let me guess..won't matter as long as you don't have to pay for anything. Going to work out great...The socialist/communist lovers will never see if this works out though. We the people will not stand for it. Our taxes have went down mostly and Trump is talking about more for the middle class. That's what people want not higher. I think Trump will win.

As far as school goes, the whole system needs be looked at. It is too much and crooked in a way. Colleges should make their on loans. Trade schools should be much more in a play again and Trump came in supporting that. Very smart. We need workers not worthless degrees, no job and debt. Parents should be guiding their children better with these decisions as well. Too many fall for the college thing for some reason. Clark Howard has been preaching against expensive universities, useless spending and the cost for years.
Prescribing is one thing and falls under medical. Then it's controlled and if science backs that it has a positive impact on the condition its being prescribed for it's fine to me.
And with the medical and scientific breakthroughs of extracting CBD oils and use of hemp plants, without THC (which causes the high) is making it even more difficult to argue for medical marijuana usage. We should be real close to maximizing all the benefits without the mind altering effects.
that is an average of polls. If you think all polls are useless then I can’t have a discussion with you.

socialism and communism are two different things. The right attack will be just what you posted.
And that pyramid is bunk. It doesn’t make sense or add up at all.

I said polls said Hillary should be president and she’s not. There are also certain polls which are considered to be more reliable while others not as much. Venezuela implemented socialist policies and you see how they turned out... it does not end well.

Here’s the pyramid explained, it makes perfect sense and you can verify the numbers on many different websites.
“As this data visualization clearly shows, the top 1% pay much more than taxpayers of any other income level.
  • It is almost double as much as the next bracket of top incomes: those earning the 2% to 5% of the highest wages in America pay 20.5% of all Federal Income Tax. Or in absolute terms: $281.51 billion.
  • It is also almost four times as much as those whose incomes range from the top 6% to 10%. They pay 10.9% of Federal Income Tax, or $149.97 billion.
  • Those who earn between the top 10% to 25% of wages in America are a much larger group; yet their collective input into the Federal Income Tax is only half as much again as the previous band: 15.9% (i.e. $281.55 billion).
  • Those with an income anywhere between the top 25% and 50% only pay 10.5% of all Federal Income Tax, no more than $143.95 billion.
  • The entire bottom half of wage earners pays only 2.8% of its income in taxes into the federal coffers. In actual money terms: $37.74 billion. That is more than 14 times less than the top 1%, even though this group is 50 times as numerous.”
I think abortion shouldn't be outlawed, but it should be limited to cases such as primarily medical reasons (like if you were to carry the baby to full term, it'd be a danger to your health and yeah, if you are in a potential medical camp like that, you should be more careful, incompatible with life birth defects to the baby, or rape cases).

I have a bit of a personal reason as to why I'm in this camp though. I've alluded to this before on here, but my mom became disabled due to medical malpractice by her doctor during her pregnancy (she had pre-eclampsia that turned into a stroke on the same day I was born and we've talked and she clearly described warning signs that were blown off by said doctor, and yes they filed a lawsuit that they won and that doctor was stripped of his ability to be an OB). My parents said they originally wanted more than 1 child, but my mom told me multiple times that if she got pregnant again after me she would have not had the baby. She felt blessed to have me, but after that experience she had, she felt it would have been too risky to do what she and my dad wanted to.

They succeeded in avoiding having to do it though.
Yes, but making it widespread just increases the odds of coming across a DUI driver higher. I get the whole "It has no impact over me if I'm not that person, let them do whatever" angle, but when it comes down to people I interact with either directly or indirectly, I'd rather not have another widespread drug and reason to continue the idea of smoking into the future as well.

And people drunk drive all the time. I want the ability to go into a store and buy a couple of grams of sativa or kush and take care of my chronic back and knee pain from two back surgeries (third pending) and eight knee surgeries (3 ACL reconstructions 1 left and 2 right).
Hell, I want the ability to light up and smoke a joint if I want to. It’s no ones business what I smoke. I put in my time with Uncle Sam and I don’t answer to anyone now. Legalize and allow it. Tax it. I don’t care. I want it and there are a lot of others that want it too. You bible thumpers need to back off the “weed is bad” argument. Most of y’all drink alcohol and weed isn’t any worse than that. Hypocrites.
what choice? If they vote and lose then they can deal with it or leave the country . What other choice is there?

So why doesn't Trump just tax the hell out of his fellow 1% ers, give you the free life you desire and become a hero to millions? Sounds simple to me. I mean if they dont like it they can just leave the country like you said right? So one more question. When they decide they dont want to pay for your free life scholarship who pays as a backup plan?
So why doesn't Trump just tax the hell out of his fellow 1% ers, give you the free life you desire and become a hero to millions? Sounds simple to me. I mean if they dont like it they can just leave the country like you said right? So one more question. When they decide they dont want to pay for your free life scholarship who pays as a backup plan?

yeah I’m done responding to you. The “free life” is just a ridiculous thing to say. I haven’t suggested that. I said federally legal marijuana, medicare for all who want it (keep your private plan) and free public college (keep your private school). You aren’t debating in good faith.
I said polls said Hillary should be president and she’s not. There are also certain polls which are considered to be more reliable while others not as much. Venezuela implemented socialist policies and you see how they turned out... it does not end well.

Here’s the pyramid explained, it makes perfect sense and you can verify the numbers on many different websites.
“As this data visualization clearly shows, the top 1% pay much more than taxpayers of any other income level.
  • It is almost double as much as the next bracket of top incomes: those earning the 2% to 5% of the highest wages in America pay 20.5% of all Federal Income Tax. Or in absolute terms: $281.51 billion.
  • It is also almost four times as much as those whose incomes range from the top 6% to 10%. They pay 10.9% of Federal Income Tax, or $149.97 billion.
  • Those who earn between the top 10% to 25% of wages in America are a much larger group; yet their collective input into the Federal Income Tax is only half as much again as the previous band: 15.9% (i.e. $281.55 billion).
  • Those with an income anywhere between the top 25% and 50% only pay 10.5% of all Federal Income Tax, no more than $143.95 billion.
  • The entire bottom half of wage earners pays only 2.8% of its income in taxes into the federal coffers. In actual money terms: $37.74 billion. That is more than 14 times less than the top 1%, even though this group is 50 times as numerous.”

people who make more pay more in taxes because whatever percent they pay equals a larger payment. The pyramid is misleading . The bottom 50% includes people who make minimum wage and the elderly who collect social security.
are these the same polls that said Hillary would win?

RCP average. There are lots of polls included. Click the link to see which ones.

Lol, you guys are screwed. The energy, change and maverick card is in our hand this year. Sanders is the Trump of the right. Our turnout has been incredible so far and also there are a TON of 1st time voters for us. Also trump is a known quantity and generally an ass. He’s turned off some of his previous supporters. Also Hillary was a terrible candidate, no energy, and no enthusiasm. This year is the opposite for us.
people who make more pay more in taxes because whatever percent they pay equals a larger payment. The pyramid is misleading . The bottom 50% includes people who make minimum wage and the elderly who collect social security.

Yes and the rich pay the highest percent of taxes and contribute the most. They don’t need to be taxed more, they already pay plenty.

“This slogan is simply dishonest; rich people do, in fact, pay taxes. Just under half (48 percent) of federal revenue comes from income taxes. If you define the rich as the top 1 percent — which is probably too narrow, depending on the region of the country — the rich pay a big chunk of that. In 2016, according to the Tax Foundation, the top 1 percent accounted for 37.3 percent of all income-tax revenue, a share that was greater than the bottom 90 percent of all payers of income tax combined. The top half of taxpayers paid 97 percent of income taxes.”

And furthermore Sanders plan for healthcare can’t be paid for even IF you taxed the top 1% at 100% taxes.

“According to the Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl, doubling the top tax brackets (from 35 and 37 percent to 70 and 74 percent) “would close just one-fifth of the long-term Social Security and Medicare shortfall. Even seizing all annual income earned over $500,000 would not come close.”

You could literally confiscate 100 percent of the wealth of the entire 1 percent and not come close to paying for Sanders’s version of Medicare for All (price tag: $32 trillion).

This points to my real problem with all of this “tax the rich” talk. It works from the assumption that the problems of ordinary Americans are the result of a tiny group of people selfishly refusing to do their part. Not only does this assume that the wealth of people who have paid considerable taxes still belongs to everyone, it’s also simple scapegoating. By my lights, it would be no less outrageous if the math added up. But it doesn’t, which makes it even more irresponsible.” Source
Yes and the rich pay the highest percent of taxes and contribute the most. They don’t need to be taxed more, they already pay plenty.

“This slogan is simply dishonest; rich people do, in fact, pay taxes. Just under half (48 percent) of federal revenue comes from income taxes. If you define the rich as the top 1 percent — which is probably too narrow, depending on the region of the country — the rich pay a big chunk of that. In 2016, according to the Tax Foundation, the top 1 percent accounted for 37.3 percent of all income-tax revenue, a share that was greater than the bottom 90 percent of all payers of income tax combined. The top half of taxpayers paid 97 percent of income taxes.”

And furthermore Sanders plan for healthcare can’t be paid for even IF you taxed the top 1% at 100% taxes.

“According to the Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl, doubling the top tax brackets (from 35 and 37 percent to 70 and 74 percent) “would close just one-fifth of the long-term Social Security and Medicare shortfall. Even seizing all annual income earned over $500,000 would not come close.”

You could literally confiscate 100 percent of the wealth of the entire 1 percent and not come close to paying for Sanders’s version of Medicare for All (price tag: $32 trillion).

This points to my real problem with all of this “tax the rich” talk. It works from the assumption that the problems of ordinary Americans are the result of a tiny group of people selfishly refusing to do their part. Not only does this assume that the wealth of people who have paid considerable taxes still belongs to everyone, it’s also simple scapegoating. By my lights, it would be no less outrageous if the math added up. But it doesn’t, which makes it even more irresponsible.” Source

everyone’s taxes would go up. But if I’m not paying for premiums, deductibles, etc then that’s fine with me. The top 10% should be paying the most in tax. They are making the most money. Look at it in percent of income paid in tax not the dollar amount. It’s dishonest to frame it that way.
Hell, I want the ability to light up and smoke a joint if I want to. It’s no ones business what I smoke. I put in my time with Uncle Sam and I don’t answer to anyone now. Legalize and allow it. Tax it. I don’t care. I want it and there are a lot of others that want it too. You bible thumpers need to back off the “weed is bad” argument. Most of y’all drink alcohol and weed isn’t any worse than that. Hypocrites.
Out of all my years of doing everything under the sun and being around others doing the same, pot is the least of our worries. I am more concerned about Dr's handing out anti depressants and pain meds like candy. Cell phone distraction and drinking worries me. The DUI thing with pot is not something I'm familiar with. That was never a thing back in the day. It never crosses my mind to be worried about people smokin pot or dangers from it.

Meth is what is deteriorating the young folks around here. Not just young folks. Good grown up folks with families. It's literally ruining people's lives. Pot is just not the same as alcohol and other drugs in my opinion. Not sure about legalizing it and making a big deal out of it though and making it so ok for the young people to get it. Medically, like in your situation, I would rather you do that than pharms. Of course we all know that the government would rather you take the pharm path since they have to have their nose in everything and it's all about money. Would be nice to go back to the days when some things just wasn't people's business and made such a big deal of. I know all kinds of people that smoke pot, poor, rich, smart, busy and productive and if people can walk into liquor stores and buy gallons of 80 proof alcohol, you should be able to grow something natural out or your ground and smoke it. Everybody being on Anti depressants is way scarier and concerning to me. I would have to think harder about what women I know that are not on head meds than who is. Most are...Just my 2 cents. Thank you for your service.
everyone’s taxes would go up. But if I’m not paying for premiums, deductibles, etc then that’s fine with me. The top 10% should be paying the most in tax. They are making the most money. Look at it in percent of income paid in tax not the dollar amount. It’s dishonest to frame it that way.
So I think with our current system, the wealthy are already paying more taxes than you or the average joe right?
everyone’s taxes would go up. But if I’m not paying for premiums, deductibles, etc then that’s fine with me. The top 10% should be paying the most in tax. They are making the most money. Look at it in percent of income paid in tax not the dollar amount. It’s dishonest to frame it that way.

They are already paying the most percentage wise too, it’s been fact checked.

“According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1% — those making over $783,300 ($2.4 million on average) — will pay about an average federal tax rate of 30.2% in 2019. That’s a higher rate than any other income category below it.

But those in the middle 20% of earners — with an expanded cash income of $50,001 to $87,300 — will pay an average federal tax rate of 12.4%, according to the Tax Policy Center analysis. That’s less than half the effective tax rate paid by the top 1%.”

Out of all my years of doing everything under the sun and being around others doing the same, pot is the least of our worries. I am more concerned about Dr's handing out anti depressants and pain meds like candy. Cell phone distraction and drinking worries me. The DUI thing with pot is not something I'm familiar with. That was never a thing back in the day. It never crosses my mind to be worried about people smokin pot or dangers from it.

Meth is what is deteriorating the young folks around here. Not just young folks. Good grown up folks with families. It's literally ruining people's lives. Pot is just not the same as alcohol and other drugs in my opinion. Not sure about legalizing it and making a big deal out of it though and making it so ok for the young people to get it. Medically, like in your situation, I would rather you do that than pharms. Of course we all know that the government would rather you take the pharm path since they have to have their nose in everything and it's all about money. Would be nice to go back to the days when some things just wasn't people's business and made such a big deal of. I know all kinds of people that smoke pot, poor, rich, smart, busy and productive and if people can walk into liquor stores and buy gallons of 80 proof alcohol, you should be able to grow something natural out or your ground and smoke it. Everybody being on Anti depressants is way scarier and concerning to me. I would have to think harder about what women I know that are not on head meds than who is. Most are...Just my 2 cents. Thank you for your service.

I never really got into alcohol but I recently discovered pot when I was in Vegas last year and I loved it I definitely wanna see it more widespread in the future
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