I've seen lots of ads for Tom Steyer on TV in Alabama the last 2 weeks. I guess we're done with those now
The polls listed below show how much better Biden has done vs Sanders vs all of these polls: now at a whopping 50% Biden vs only 19% Sanders with over half the precincts counted or a very impressive 31% margin vs the average poll margin of only 15%. So, assuming this largely holds, I’ll be looking to see if Biden gets good mo in the upcoming weeks. I admit I’m biased because I don’t want a socialist (Sanders) to be the next POTUS:
sanders way over performed in NV. Sanders is going to accumulate an insurmountable lead on Tuesday. Just watch. It’s all over already.
I agree. Bloomberg is competing in all super Tuesday states, that will dilute the Biden vote.sanders way over performed in NV. Sanders is going to accumulate an insurmountable lead on Tuesday. Just watch. It’s all over already.
Warren, Klobuchar, and Buttigieg need to drop out. They got obliterated in back to back states. It’s over for them. I predict Klobuchar and Buttigieg drop out after Super Tuesday. Warren (Pocahonkey) is a stubborn loser who stay in because her ego is too much.
K and Pete dropping out should also help Biden more than Sanders. Hopefully, Warren stays in as that also should hurt Sanders.
Even though Biden will almost certainly lose a good bit of ground to Sanders on Tuesday, the key will be for him to do better than expected and thus keep Sanders’ margin within the sight of Biden. The weeks after will include a good number of states that Biden will have an excellent chance to win. Game on!
He thinks throwing his name in everyone's face is going to work, when it isn't. I can't even count the times I've seen a political ad and it's been his. I think the number is at 100% of all ads I see are him as of right now because it's on every video you watch, every TV ad session. Every ad I see makes me want him to get out of the race sooner and sooner just so I don't have to see the ads.Mike Bloomberg has purchased three minutes of prime-time TV Sunday to air a taped address on the coronavirus outbreak <just what we need... more of Bloomberglet me guess, Orange Man bad?
you know all this money he's spending(primetime TV ain't cheap) could be going to something worthy...
How embarrassing would it be if Warren actually loses her home senate state to Sanders? If that’s not enough to drop out with the little bit of dignity you have left I don’t know what is. Same situation in MN with Klobauchar, but she actually has a slight lead there right now.Warren, Klobuchar, and Buttigieg need to drop out. They got obliterated in back to back states. It’s over for them. I predict Klobuchar and Buttigieg drop out after Super Tuesday. Warren (Pocahonkey) is a stubborn loser who stay in because her ego is too much.
I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is bleeding votes from Bernie Sanders as much as you think she is. When the race first started yes, but since she’s gone more “moderate” in her campaign she’s sharing more votes with Biden and Pete. If she had of kept running the progressive campaign she started off doing we might have been talking about a front runner Warren instead of a front runner Sanders so if anything she’s likely helping Sanders than she’s hurting him. At this point it doesn’t matter if you’re not Sanders and Biden the race is over. Everyone else is just noise and irrelevant. Bloomberg is hilariously being a spoiler for Biden especially if he performs as well or better than expected. We’ll see in 2 days.K and Pete dropping out should also help Biden more than Sanders. Hopefully, Warren stays in as that also should hurt Sanders.
Even though Biden will almost certainly lose a good bit of ground to Sanders on Tuesday, the key will be for him to do better than expected and thus keep Sanders’ margin within the sight of Biden. The weeks after will include a good number of states that Biden will have an excellent chance to win. Game on!
That wasn't the case in Nevada, he beat everyone in votes from independents, was neck and neck with Biden for moderates, and beat everyone else with liberals.Meh Hillary did the same thing last election and we see how that worked out.....the problem Sanders has is the independents and moderates in the middle will not support him....once he gets in the debates it will be a bloodbath most middle class working Americans dont want to hear the poop Sanders is going to be saying. Sanders platform is going to be raising taxes and free stuff, and the GOP will crush him with it.....fact is Sanders plan cost to much and there is no way to pay for it.....he can go after the 1% all he wants but America knows who really pays for this stuff time and time again when it is tried and that is the middle class.
Meh Hillary did the same thing last election and we see how that worked out.....the problem Sanders has is the independents and moderates in the middle will not support him....once he gets in the debates it will be a bloodbath most middle class working Americans dont want to hear the poop Sanders is going to be saying. Sanders platform is going to be raising taxes and free stuff, and the GOP will crush him with it.....fact is Sanders plan cost to much and there is no way to pay for it.....he can go after the 1% all he wants but America knows who really pays for this stuff time and time again when it is tried and that is the middle class.
ok, so you think all of the polls are wrong again? I just don’t buy it. The moderates/independents aren’t going to support trump the way they did in 2016. You’re also not factoring in the #bluenomatterwho contingent and the fact Trump is now a know quantity. lastly Clinton was a pathetic candidate. She didn’t have an energized base. sanders has one hell of a strong base.
ok, so you think all of the polls are wrong again? I just don’t buy it. The moderates/independents aren’t going to support trump the way they did in 2016. You’re also not factoring in the #bluenomatterwho contingent and the fact Trump is now a know quantity. lastly Clinton was a pathetic candidate. She didn’t have an energized base. sanders has one hell of a strong base.
I think that if you give the moderates and independents someone like Biden they go for it, I think if you run Sanders then Trump wins the EC again but probably loses the popular vote, it will be closer than 2016....something like this...so places like PA where Sanders is +3 are vulnerable especially when people get a good look at his platform....
View attachment 36610
not a bad map but PA goes to Sanders along with the win. I could also see MI going to Trump but I also see OH going to sanders. But that’s still a sanders win. It’s going to be close.
I sure do hope he destroys trump.Also if it’s Biden that map is going to be way different. I see Biden destroying Trump. He would take OH, PA, FL. Biden would even put GA in play and make TX close.
Also if it’s Biden that map is going to be way different. I see Biden destroying Trump. He would take OH, PA, FL. Biden would even put GA in play and make TX close.
not a bad map but PA goes to Sanders along with the win. I could also see MI going to Trump but I also see OH going to sanders. But that’s still a sanders win. It’s going to be close.
Sanders has a smaller lead in PA, right now Sanders is +3 vs Trump in PA.....so is Biden, they are both around +5 over Trump in MI, the difference is as the campaign goes on Sanders will see his support drop among independents and moderates unless he runs way to the middle which he wont. Sanders is going to have to stand up their in every debate and say how he is going to raise taxes on everyone, and have how impossible it will be to pay for his programs exposed. Class warfare does not work in American the middle class knows who ends up footing the bill for these programs Sanders wants....so like in 2016 the Dems will win the popular vote by probably more this time around 5 million votes or so since turnout will be high but with Sanders I think they lose barely...with Biden they have a chance at winning NC, OH, FL etc with Sanders they dont.
You just wrote an entire paragraph on how Sanders will lose support among moderates and independents who will reject his policies and you think the Democrats will win the popular vote by even more? That dont make a lot of sense.....
Why the Dems are going to turnout huge.....but those extra votes in states they already won wont matter to the EC....basically those extra hundred's of thousand's votes in places like CA, NY, and New England etc wont help win the election but will push the popular vote higher....not sure why that does not make sense.
Also if it’s Biden that map is going to be way different. I see Biden destroying Trump. He would take OH, PA, FL. Biden would even put GA in play and make TX close.
I'm kind of surprised you're not for Biden over Sanders. I know you used to be pretty conservative and I thought you were still pretty moderate. Weren't you for Biden earlier?
Sanders has a smaller lead in PA, right now Sanders is +3 vs Trump in PA.....so is Biden, they are both around +5 over Trump in MI, the difference is as the campaign goes on Sanders will see his support drop among independents and moderates unless he runs way to the middle which he wont. Sanders is going to have to stand up their in every debate and say how he is going to raise taxes on everyone, and have how impossible it will be to pay for his programs exposed. Class warfare does not work in American the middle class knows who ends up footing the bill for these programs Sanders wants....so like in 2016 the Dems will win the popular vote by probably more this time around 5 million votes or so since turnout will be high but with Sanders I think they lose barely...with Biden they have a chance at winning NC, OH, FL etc with Sanders they dont.
VA may go red thanks to their gov trying to mess with the guns.I think that if you give the moderates and independents someone like Biden they go for it, I think if you run Sanders then Trump wins the EC again but probably loses the popular vote, it will be closer than 2016....something like this...so places like PA where Sanders is +3 are vulnerable especially when people get a good look at his platform....
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