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Political Thread: The Sequel

You hear anything from your contacts about what's happening? They think this too? Scary times and praying every day for America.
I haven't but there are a lot of moving pieces here which is important to watch. The world is a powder keg right now and the elites are pushing all the buttons at the same time. I'm gonna go full blown spiritual esoteric on you and say it's a globe of negative energy right now. Something big is going to happen. It's going to be painful to start but in the end a new age will arise from it that changes humanity for the positive. This technology explosion we are experiencing right now is advancing so rapidly that we are at the tipping point of self destruction or a golden age of prosperity. You should be scared. It's a real threat but THINK POSITIVE! It's the only choice
The real question is are you prepared. Not just for the election but to meet the maker you believe in?
Oh yes sir on the maker part. Longing for the day.
On another serious note,Im thrilled election day is almost here. I made a commitment to do what I can to promote the candidate best suited to promote GOD, Family,Country. And praise the Lord its almost here, behind us. Regardless of who wins this election, God has been, is and will always be in control. His ways arent my ways and his thoughts arent my thoughts. He Knows whats best and all things work out so that his will,not mine are.
accomplished. Thats what matters at the end of the day as far as Im concerned. HIS WILL Be done is my prayer everyday.
My comment to you was just to have fun,tongue an cheek. Im an old fashioned guy shaggy who remembers them ole Mayberry days and got to live em and beleive it or not raise kids up out in the middle of nowhere and see them taste it. I just hate to see the American dream, values, fundamentals go out the window. Its what made us who we are,got us where we became the greatest nation on earth.
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This is so unbelievably stupid and fake. The notion that everyone in Washington isn’t doing blow of a hookers anus is just laughable. We vote for whatever puppet will provide the best economic and foreign policies, period, full stop, end of discussion.