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Political Thread: The Sequel

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Technology. Can't run it into the ocean for 1000s of miles, does nothing to stop the train from the source, desperation isn't going to be stopped by a wall. Can't man thousands of miles with enough people to be effective at those with methods over or through. Look for the next car bomb to blow a hole in it. None have happened yet because there's ways in without it now. Just wait for the desperation of thousands who will turn more criminal by forcing their way in.

Then what will you do about those who turn to these gangs for support? They'll get them into the US and exploit them while making our problem larger. I'm sure these gangs will grow in size and power too.

So open border it is. Thank you for your time.
Why waste all the resources on a population who has a lower crime rate than US citizens. Even if you say they committed a crime coming, every time you speed you’re committing a crime and nothing happens. Plus the majority are coming to work and find their own American dream. The cost of deportations, warrants, etc. would be trillions and trillions for nothing and slow the judicial system even more. And like @ForsythSnow said nothing like that would help. The US would do better working with their source countries to help better their situation so they don’t feel the need to come
Those countries are controlled by the most corrupt organizations in the world. Their only interest in working with us is to send us the worst of their problems because we have stupid people running our country. This was a deliberate invasion of our sovereignty by an American president with an agenda. They will end up costing us billions of dollars because you don't want Trump to build a wall. It's as simple as that
So open border it is. Thank you for your time.
I don't understand how no wall means open borders exclusively in your book. I'm not for open borders but am not for ineffective solutions as political stunts. There are better solutions that don't take our hard earned money and apply it to the equivalent of caution tape in front of a kid.
I don't understand how no wall means open borders exclusively in your book. I'm not for open borders but am not for ineffective solutions as political stunts. There are better solutions that don't take our hard earned money and apply it to the equivalent of caution tape in front of a kid.
Wasn't this what Kamala was supposed to be doing? How are the results, what has been addressed?
To kind of deport them?
Too much money. Republicans say dems spend too much but this would blow through our debt ceiling very quickly
Please just admit to wanting an open boarder and be done with it already.

I disagree but let’s not pretend.
No I wouldn’t but I believe we make it hard to be a citizen. If you have a truly bad situation you’re escaping from which most do you should be fast tracked to citizenship. Since that’s not a thing I have a lot of sympathy for people trying to have a better life for their families and don’t believe extreme repercussions for those already here
You can't make people understand who are hell bent on not trying to understand on purpose
Different opinions and ideas. Just means both aisles of the arguments for one solution isn't effective.
Wasn't this what Kamala was supposed to be doing? How are the results, what has been addressed?
I have no idea what she wished to accomplish or not accomplish. The state of the nations which these migrants are coming from as well as the lack of focus on anything border related from her realistically isn't even in line with attempting to fix the issue. Neither side has a good solution between blatant ignorance and a solution that isn't future-proof by even a year.
I don't understand how no wall means open borders exclusively in your book. I'm not for open borders but am not for ineffective solutions as political stunts. There are better solutions that don't take our hard earned money and apply it to the equivalent of caution tape in front of a kid.
If you go ask the people in charge of securing the border what they think of a wall the large majority of them will tell you the exact same thing I have been telling you. Why you folks refuse to listen is frustrating as hell. Do you think you are wiser on border security than those folks?
You can't make people understand who are hell bent on not trying to understand on purpose
I believe it’s just differing opinions. We both told our sides and neither agreed on anything eachother said so I guess we both apply to this. I have a degree in political science so I try to hear out everyone and have an open mind and consider both sides, but not everyone has to agree on everything. Just apart of politics
If you go ask the people in charge of securing the border what they think of a wall the large majority of them will tell you the exact same thing I have been telling you. Why you folks refuse to listen is frustrating as hell. Do you think you are wiser on border security than those folks?
I'm sure they would benefit more from increased staffing and patrolling. A majority of migrants can be stopped if it's better monitored and patrolled but I'm sure you can tell me they're not staffed enough to handle even a walled border. It takes all but a few minutes for them to cut a hole, blast a hole, use something to get through and it won't be secured enough. How will a handful of agents stop hundreds of migrants at once? The dangerous ones will just bypass it all and find a way that isn't that part of the border.
I believe it’s just differing opinions. We both told our sides and neither agreed on anything eachother said so I guess we both apply to this. I have a degree in political science so I try to hear out everyone and have an open mind and consider both sides, but not everyone has to agree on everything.
I have a degree in stopping people from penetrating a perimeter. An advanced degree at that. I'm trying to help you understand through the eyes of the people who risk their lives down there but you refuse time and again to listen to a word I say. I respect your opinion but I am offering you mine based on years of experience. Some of you get so dug in on some of these things it blinds you. No offense......
I don't understand how no wall means open borders exclusively in your book. I'm not for open borders but am not for ineffective solutions as political stunts. There are better solutions that don't take our hard earned money and apply it to the equivalent of caution tape in front of a kid.

It’s not the wall, it’s the argument you are making that defies logic. You first said if we deport them it may make them more violent, now if we build a wall it will make them more violent and dependent on gangs. If both are true, how is backhanding the countries they live in to force them to stay not also gonna make the more gang dependent or violent?

Simple truth is if this is our argument then open borders it is. The only other argument is to have our military treat you as a terrorist and shoot you if you are in one of these gangs.
Too much money. Republicans say dems spend too much but this would blow through our debt ceiling very quickly

No I wouldn’t but I believe we make it hard to be a citizen. If you have a truly bad situation you’re escaping from which most do you should be fast tracked to citizenship. Since that’s not a thing I have a lot of sympathy for people trying to have a better life for their families and don’t believe extreme repercussions for those already here

How much money how? How much are we supplying with aid vs deporting then.

I don’t necessarily disagree with the rest as there are valid arguments there. But that isn’t the point of this discussion.
I'm sure they would benefit more from increased staffing and patrolling. A majority of migrants can be stopped if it's better monitored and patrolled but I'm sure you can tell me they're not staffed enough to handle even a walled border. It takes all but a few minutes for them to cut a hole, blast a hole, use something to get through and it won't be secured enough. How will a handful of agents stop hundreds of migrants at once? The dangerous ones will just bypass it all and find a way that isn't that part of the border.
You aren't going to catch all of them but that isn't the point of the wall. Walls/ barriers of this magnitude are meant to control flow. There are lots of additional things we could do to enhance that even further but it starts with that wall first and anybody who has spent time securing an area of this magnitude will tell you the same things I'm telling you. We know why you don't like it but you will never admit it in 1000 years
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