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Political Thread: The Sequel

Spend trillions on a piece of infrastructure that does not add to our economy at all, stops less than 10% of the problem realistically, and waste time and resources dragging people back to their home country only for them to be at your doorstep 2 months later. We can and should do better to secure our nation. We have larger problems we should put that money towards instead and use cheaper, more effective solutions.

Just say let them all in already. Let’s stop the beating around the bush.
What's the solution? sit on our hands and have our country taken over by gangs? no thanks
I think you've been ignoring what I've been saying. We need to work with our neighbor nations and their governments to address why they're coming here, hold those nations accountable, and ensure there is a clear immigration system for those who want to come here for a better life, not criminals. Your suggestions will lead to only gangs coming across the border through even more unseen methods.

We can start with Mexico. They're basically a bridge. Maybe we can work with them and offer them support in cleaning the cartel out, or even those Central American nations with those issues. That'll reduce it by more substantial numbers at a lower cost than a wall and its maintenance will.
How do you suppose they do so? Put cameras everywhere in public and use facial identification to keep track of everyone and every move they make. Moves like that put you closer to how the CCP tracks people in China. It’s not just a simple answer of “let’s track all of them”

Are you kidding or are you really serious?
I think you've been ignoring what I've been saying. We need to work with our neighbor nations and their governments to address why they're coming here, hold those nations accountable, and ensure there is a clear immigration system for those who want to come here for a better life, not criminals. Your suggestions will lead to only gangs coming across the border through even more unseen methods.

We can start with Mexico. They're basically a bridge. Maybe we can work with them and offer them support in cleaning the cartel out, or even those Central American nations with those issues. That'll reduce it by more substantial numbers at a lower cost than a wall and its maintenance will.
They are coming here because the governments are emptying their jails and mental places and dumping them here and not working with us on data so there goes that plan of "working with the governments".
I think you've been ignoring what I've been saying. We need to work with our neighbor nations and their governments to address why they're coming here, hold those nations accountable, and ensure there is a clear immigration system for those who want to come here for a better life, not criminals. Your suggestions will lead to only gangs coming across the border through even more unseen methods.

We can start with Mexico. They're basically a bridge. Maybe we can work with them and offer them support in cleaning the cartel out, or even those Central American nations with those issues. That'll reduce it by more substantial numbers at a lower cost than a wall and its maintenance will.
Absolutely. Nuke Mexico and have them walk through a radioactive wasteland.

They are coming her because the USA is a superior place to live and I don’t blame them because I would too. The only way to do what you propose would be to essentially take over all of the Central American and spend untold trillions on aid to build these nations.
that should be happening but it's not.
Again but how. It is not a simple answer, That violates privacy laws, 4th amendment, etc.
Are you kidding or are you really serious?
You too. What do you think they should do? They are limited by laws and the constitution as far as tracking people goes.
Again but how. It is not a simple answer, That violates privacy laws, 4th amendment, etc.

You too. What do you think they should do? They are limited by laws and the constitution as far as tracking people goes.
You don't have a bill of rights if you come here illegally. now you want the constitution to cover illegals. 🤡
Again but how. It is not a simple answer, That violates privacy laws, 4th amendment, etc.

You too. What do you think they should do? They are limited by laws and the constitution as far as tracking people goes.
They already track us anyways. If they are giving them cell phones they are trackable. If they are really giving them aid, then they know where the people are swiping the cards. It not that difficult.
You don't have a bill of rights if you come here illegally. now you want the constitution to cover illegals. 🤡
I thought yall lived by the constitution. All are protected under the constitution citizen and non citizens.

“The brief answer is “Yes.” When it comes to key constitutional provisions like due process and equal treatment under the law, the U.S. Constitution applies to all persons – which includes both documented and undocumented immigrants – and not just U.S. citizens.” Penn State Law

Well I guess the California way of not prosecuting for petty offenses is the right course of action
That's getting off course. Cali is a nightmare that will take beyond your lifetime to even hope to fix barring a major disaster that makes everyone rethink how the state should exist. The west coast is very experimental in the wrong way.

The issue is failure to identify the problem. If you want to take cali, they are too expensive, so crime soared as did homelessness. Instead of decriminalization, they should have focused on making parts of their state affordable instead of gentrified universally. The wealth disparity is very real and the SE will look like Cali if the same policies get applied in 40 years. Development of cities needs to include the ability for everyone that takes it to run and be supported to be incorporated, not only allow the 6 and 7 figure earners to live there. Nobody wants to commute 40 minutes for a job that pays their gas money to go home. That's California today.
They already track us anyways. If they are giving them cell phones they are trackable. If they are really giving them aid, then they know where the people are swiping the cards. It not that difficult.
Wire taps are unconstitutional Katz V. US 1967. So no. And privacy laws also do not allow transactions to be tracked without a justified warrant.
It doesn’t even matter. If there’s even 1 illegal immigrant who commits a crime that’s way too many.
Every crime is one too many, but being realistic, are you going to replace your windshield after one tiny chip when your whole car is slowly wearing down and taking some slight form of damage? Yes, we should mitigate all crime as much as possible, but hyperfixation on one type under one group that causes it distracts from the crime that happened. Focus on the actual crime and penalize for it justly.
Every crime is one too many, but being realistic, are you going to replace your windshield after one tiny chip when your whole car is slowly wearing down and taking some slight form of damage? Yes, we should mitigate all crime as much as possible, but hyperfixation on one type under one group that causes it distracts from the crime that happened. Focus on the actual crime and penalize for it justly.
I have a few friends that are in India. Their compound is run by gangs and they even have water gangs. you have to pay them everything. That's not a world I want be niece living in.
That's getting off course. Cali is a nightmare that will take beyond your lifetime to even hope to fix barring a major disaster that makes everyone rethink how the state should exist. The west coast is very experimental in the wrong way.

The issue is failure to identify the problem. If you want to take cali, they are too expensive, so crime soared as did homelessness. Instead of decriminalization, they should have focused on making parts of their state affordable instead of gentrified universally. The wealth disparity is very real and the SE will look like Cali if the same policies get applied in 40 years. Development of cities needs to include the ability for everyone that takes it to run and be supported to be incorporated, not only allow the 6 and 7 figure earners to live there. Nobody wants to commute 40 minutes for a job that pays their gas money to go home. That's California today.

While true that wasn’t the point. If we don’t deport just because they will come back or become more violent, then prosecuting petty crime is the same because they will just keep getting rearrested committing petty crime.
Absolutely. Nuke Mexico and have them walk through a radioactive wasteland.

They are coming her because the USA is a superior place to live and I don’t blame them because I would too. The only way to do what you propose would be to essentially take over all of the Central American and spend untold trillions on aid to build these nations.
I think turning Mexico into glass is about the most ridiculous idea you could come up with. Work with them not nuke them. The modern US cannot do well without them either so you seem to be taking the idea of send us to the toilet.

Negotiating with nations and diplomacy is also much better than taking them over. Negotiation doesn't mean getting screwed by them either since we would be heading them as the most powerful nation in the west.