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Political Thread: The Sequel

Here’s the thing we wouldn’t be having this discussion had the Border Czar done her job.
Oop they tried. This bill wouldve been bigger than anything passed for years.

"But congressional Republicans walked away from it early this year at the urging of GOP presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump, who was not supportive of the bill because he is centering his reelection campaign on immigration."

This not passing made it much harder for Biden to do too much more. Instead its now being used by trump as a campaigning point.
Where did he get the gun? Sounds like a good case for red flag laws if you ask me
Had to be dads, best guess. When FBI visited home when he was 13, saw them say his dad said his guns where secure and kid couldnt get to . And of course kid denied all accusations at that time.
Seems he really had a disasterous home life. Mom very strung out 24/7 addict. His aunt, several family members saying it was beyond a train wreck for multiple reasons.
Im not making excuses ,defending this kid at all. Just passing along info i saw first hand. Hindsight is always 20/20. Unfortunately 4 folks lost their lives ,several wounded and countless left emotionally scarred.
I have 3 educators from my household alone. I can tell you, most folks would be shell shocked at the volume of kids suffering big time social,mental, disorders. Also what they deal with at home.
Biggest culprit is breakdown of Family. If folks really knew the scale of whats going on in their communities,theyd be horrified. Just heartbreaking all around. Its easy to miss, cause we all stay in our circle of life, and that insulates us from seeing the reality all around us. None of us do it purposely. Its just a by product of circumstance. It only gets our attn, when it makes headlines like this incident.
The Venezuelan Gang /Auroa is real unfortunately. Same Gang is making trouble in Dallas and Chicago.
Bet if you look hard enough you will find plenty of Putins money swimming around maga influencer and it's obvious Gabbard and Greene and a host of others are on the payroll in some capacity....

The Venezuelan Gang /Auroa is real unfortunately. Same Gang is making trouble in Dallas and Chicago.
Same response here as my response to Downeastnc earlier, We would not be having these types of discussions had the Border Czar and Woat done there jobs and secured the border. No matter if its a republican or democrat town.
Same response here as my response to Downeastnc earlier, We would not be having these types of discussions had the Border Czar and Woat done there jobs and secured the border. No matter if its a republican or democrat town.
I'd object because Venezuela as a nation is so unstable that even if we had a waste of a wall we would still see them here. The right's answer to security ignores reality as does the left's. Kill the tree at the roots not at the leaves.
As a immigrant, I favor mass deportations.
A waste of time and resources and only makes the problem worse. It's just putting the snail back a few inches. It will return and keep coming back. Those more aggressive ones will come back more violent knowing how to get around getting caught each time they're removed. Working with the governments of some of the nations where possible, and working with MX and not against them may help too.
A waste of time and resources and only makes the problem worse. It's just putting the snail back a few inches. It will return and keep coming back. Those more aggressive ones will come back more violent knowing how to get around getting caught each time they're removed. Working with the governments of some of the nations where possible, and working with MX and not against them may help too.
If they are out, they are out like evicting a squatter.