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Political Thread: The Sequel

Social media has caused quite a bit of mental health issues along with a growing number of parents not PARENTING their kids. A small minority of individuals are probably born with mis-firing neurons that lead to issues.

This is a pretty tough song but a great message considering todays events. Digs on the government a good bit, not really targeting a specific group (excpet politicians as a whole). Also just a pretty good rock song.
“We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse,” they wrote in a Tuesday analysis.

5th largest bank in the US

Yeah too bad that didn't happen in his last term. It's pretty bad when you have people talking about immigration that we got to let everybody stay here just to have a good economy. Nothing but fear tactics and propaganda.
“We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse,” they wrote in a Tuesday analysis.

5th largest bank in the US

You mean The Goldman-Sachs that was bailed out by the Government in 2008, saved from collapse, would endorse a side that would bail them out again? Go figure....
Yeah too bad that didn't happen in his last term. It's pretty bad when you have people talking about immigration that we got to let everybody stay here just to have a good economy. Nothing but fear tactics and propaganda.
Yeah its because most of the things he claimed he would do in 2016 he didn't. He said he would take care of immigration...and didn't. That massive wall he talked about consisted mostly of replacements while also adding very little new. However, only about 500 miles of the 2000 mile border actually has a "wall". They even had both the house and senate and couldve done whatever they wanted for the most part and didn't.

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 4.14.07 PM.png
Trump Campaign Promises

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 4.14.46 PM.png
Biden Campaign Promises
What makes it an assault weapon?
Because it can fire many rounds down range quickly maybe? A semi-automatic pistol can do the same, so go ahead and throw those in the ban, too. You can go ahead and ban them all if you want to. It wouldn't have made a difference today or in any future mass shootings. They are already banned at school so technically that should have done the trick, right? The answer is not banning guns. The answer is placing well-trained, gun toting individuals in every place, without restrictions. The other option is to confiscate ALL guns, everywhere, from legal and illegal owners. Then the murderers will have to resort to other weapons to kill people (see Europe).
Because it can fire many rounds down range quickly maybe? A semi-automatic pistol can do the same, so go ahead and throw those in the ban, too. You can go ahead and ban them all if you want to. It wouldn't have made a difference today or in any future mass shootings. They are already banned at school so technically that should have done the trick, right? The answer is not banning guns. The answer is placing well-trained, gun toting individuals in every place, without restrictions. The other option is to confiscate ALL guns, everywhere, from legal and illegal owners. Then the murderers will have to resort to other weapons to kill people (see Europe).
Va Tech shooter killed 30+ with (2) 9mm handguns. That's how I would do it
The shooter in this latest school shooting was fourteen years old! If the person responsible for supplying or allowing this individual to have access to a firearm can be found, he should receive the same charges that the shooter faces.
I strongly disagree. If someone handed the 14 year old the gun and said I want you to go shoot up the school. If someone took out a hit on the school, then yes, but if it was just a parent with guns in the house that the 14 year took without permission, then no charges should be filed against the parents.

Parents shouldn't be criminalized if their children commit crimes. Look at it another way. If the 14 year old grabbed a 12" kitchen knife from the house instead of a gun and stabbed and killed four people, would you still be charging the parents for "allowing" a 14 year old to have access to a deadly instrument?