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Political Thread: The Sequel

Right still burning down.....after Trump loses by 6 pts and 12 million popular votes in 2024 and the Dems get the House and Senate maybe just maybe you guys will catch on that the country does not want what the maga far right is selling, but I suspect that is giving yall to much credit and it will be all cause of election fraud again. I am going to stick with 5 more years so maga can lose again in 2028 to President Harris with DeSantis or whichever Trump clone they run. Then maybe just maybe the party will right itself or reform as a more moderate middle party.
Maybe Kamala can beat Joe Biden's record of 81,000,000 votes, go for 20,000,000 more then Obama? This is certainly possible after being the least popular vice president in history, and garnering 1% of the primary vote in 2020. Hell, she is so popular they didn't need the voters to vote for her this year. I tell ya, that party of democracy is so damn democratic, they make the GOP look like communists with all their voting and such.
Right still burning down.....after Trump loses by 6 pts and 12 million popular votes in 2024 and the Dems get the House and Senate maybe just maybe you guys will catch on that the country does not want what the maga far right is selling, but I suspect that is giving yall to much credit and it will be all cause of election fraud again. I am going to stick with 5 more years so maga can lose again in 2028 to President Harris with DeSantis or whichever Trump clone they run. Then maybe just maybe the party will right itself or reform as a more moderate middle party.

I shall enjoy thy tax money.
So the media some of you lefty's like to quote so often had to put out a retraction today. Kristen Welker on Meet the Press claimed Kamala Lama Ding dong was at the transfer of the 13 Service Members killed in the Afganistan withdrawl and met with the families. Sorry to say she was not there WOAT was and he was checking his watch. Anyway, MTP had to publish a retraction. However, the message is out there and sheepole will believe what she said even though it is not true.
Because he did it solely to create a ad for his campaign there is no way he shows up if there is no cameras and he doesn't make an ad out of it. You think him parading around there like he owns the place not following decorum and making political hay out of it is respectful......really?
Once again the communication system is broken down. The families asked him to come, and they asked him to take video and photos.

And honestly, you should be far more upset with Harris and Biden who seem to not give a damn about these people at all. But TDS is too strong of a force, apparently.
Once again the communication system is broken down. The families asked him to come, and they asked him to take video and photos.

And honestly, you should be far more upset with Harris and Biden who seem to not give a damn about these people at all. But TDS is too strong of a force, apparently.
Doesn't matter what the family wanted and it would have even been a problem if they never used it in campaign ads but they did and that's only on them
Doesn't matter what the family wanted and it would have even been a problem if they never used it in campaign ads but they did and that's only on them
"And honestly, you should be far more upset with Harris and Biden who seem to not give a damn about these people at all. But TDS is too strong of a force, apparently."
Once again the communication system is broken down. The families asked him to come, and they asked him to take video and photos.

And honestly, you should be far more upset with Harris and Biden who seem to not give a damn about these people at all. But TDS is too strong of a force, apparently.

Trump was told no campaign staff, no cameras and Trump shows up with campaign staff and cameras.....they literally tried to stop him from turning it into a circus and were shoved aside. There is no communication breakdown, the family cannot give Trump permission to shoot a campaign ad in Section 60....you do understand that right? The only breakdown was when the official who works for the cemetery told Trump he could not film that area and they shoved her aside and did it anyway. They cant feign ignorance or try to blame it on the family ( which he did) they were told before they got there what the rules were, they got reminded on scene what the rules were and they BROKE THEM ANYWAYS...so you can polish this turd till it shines like no other but most people see it for what it was, the rest of you just dont care because Trump has yall twisted to beleive he can do no wrong.

LOL at thinking Trump actually gives a damn about these people remove the cameras and the photo op and there is ZERO chance he shows.....
Some more facts abut Trump "caring" for service members etc.....this tweet covers it well...especially that he has not once visited a grave of any of the 65 members of the armed forces that died under his watch...not a single one.

All this sounds like it's nothing but a liberal hissy fit. Thinking they found their gotcha moment, one of hundreds by now.

Its not a gotcha moment its indicative of Trump's actions when it comes to ignoring laws and thinking he is "bigger" than them. It also clearly shows how blinded the maga folks are.....if we switched this story up and made it Biden or Harris doing this instead of Trump you guys would be clambering for their heads. Can you at least agree that Trump broke the rules...that seems like a simple thing we can agree on since the Army and Arlington officials have literally said he did.
All this sounds like it's nothing but a liberal hissy fit. Thinking they found their gotcha moment, one of hundreds by now.
And says nothing about:

"And honestly, you should be far more upset with Harris and Biden who seem to not give a damn about these people at all. But TDS is too strong of a force, apparently."

Just Trump Trump Trump.
Its not a gotcha moment its indicative of Trump's actions when it comes to ignoring laws and thinking he is "bigger" than them. It also clearly shows how blinded the maga folks are.....if we switched this story up and made it Biden or Harris doing this instead of Trump you guys would be clambering for their heads. Can you at least agree that Trump broke the rules...that seems like a simple thing we can agree on since the Army and Arlington officials have literally said he did.
I have learned not to believe anything that you guys say. Every time something happens you post it on here. Your track record has not been pretty good.
I have learned not to believe anything that you guys say. Every time something happens you post it on here. Your track record has not been pretty good.
Your ignoring the truth doesn't make our track record wrong. Heck we still waiting for trump to stay in power from 2020 like you said he was going to