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Political Thread: The Sequel

Robinson has said things that can be considered transphobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and even racist per the below linked Fayetteville Observer article.

More specifically, here are some comments from him in that article referring to trans/gay as “filth”. I fully understand not wanting to talk to children about LGBT stuff. Why do they need to know about that stuff at such young ages? Let them be kids. I never heard anything about it when I was a kid and am glad. I was a naive, ignorant kid in this regard. What’s wrong with that? But the problem I have is his referring to it as “filth”. Why did he use that word?

“‘There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,’ Robinson said a Baptist church in Seagrove in June of 2021. ‘And yes, I called it filth. And if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me, and I’ll explain it to you.’

‘Filth’ is a violent slur. Objectively hateful.”
@severestorm Since you are a gay man, what are your thoughts about his calling your sexual preference “filth”?

Are there any people here who object to his using the word “filth” in this way? Anyone? Am I one of the only ones? Thus is clearly hateful.

That's not even the worst. Yea i'm voting for Roy this year

“God sent women out when they had to do their thing, but when they had to do their thing, but when it was time to face down Goliath, [He] sent David. Not Davita, David.” God also sent Moses, “not Momma Moses. Daddy Moses,” he added.

“I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said. “Do you know why? Because in those days, we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”

“There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,” Robinson said. “And yes, I called it filth, and if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me and I’ll explain it to you.”

LGBTQ relationships to having less validity than “what the cows leave behind.”

Robinson said, transgender women should “find a corner outside somewhere to go.”

In 2019, Robinson claimed that mass shootings were ”karma” for Americans’ support for abortion rights. “When you spill that innocent blood, that blood is going to come back as a stain on you and it’s going to come home to roost,” he said in an interview with conservative commentator John Age.

A fierce anti-gun control advocate, Robinson repeatedly attacked the teenage survivors of the 2018 Parkland mass shooting, calling them “spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN”; spoiled little bastards”; and “media prosti-tots” in various social media posts.
Do you know how to throw down some bbq? Are you going to host a cookout at your place for southern wx? @Bham 99 will buy all the food
Shoot yeah!! Some of the best parties I ever been to was pigs in a pit in the ground. Holy mackerel!! Now I just resort to slapping a butt that I got on sale in the crockpot. Slap some Spice Supreme BBQ spice on it with pepper. LMAO. But if ya'll down with that come on. 🤣
That's not even the worst. Yea i'm voting for Roy this year

“God sent women out when they had to do their thing, but when they had to do their thing, but when it was time to face down Goliath, [He] sent David. Not Davita, David.” God also sent Moses, “not Momma Moses. Daddy Moses,” he added.

“I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,” Robinson said. “Do you know why? Because in those days, we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”

“There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth,” Robinson said. “And yes, I called it filth, and if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me and I’ll explain it to you.”

LGBTQ relationships to having less validity than “what the cows leave behind.”

Robinson said, transgender women should “find a corner outside somewhere to go.”

In 2019, Robinson claimed that mass shootings were ”karma” for Americans’ support for abortion rights. “When you spill that innocent blood, that blood is going to come back as a stain on you and it’s going to come home to roost,” he said in an interview with conservative commentator John Age.

A fierce anti-gun control advocate, Robinson repeatedly attacked the teenage survivors of the 2018 Parkland mass shooting, calling them “spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN”; spoiled little bastards”; and “media prosti-tots” in various social media posts.
This is why Cooper probably turned down the VP spot.
Shoot yeah!! Some of the best parties I ever been to was pigs in a pit in the ground. Holy mackerel!! Now I just resort to slapping a butt that I got on sale in the crockpot. Slap some Spice Supreme BBQ spice on it with pepper. LMAO. But if ya'll down with that come on. 🤣
Not to derail the topic, but how is that meadery in Canon?
There's a lot to unpack here.

Do you remember how bad the supply chain sucked for most of 20 and 21 it's still not right today.

Did they see an increase in profits strictly due to price increases or was there additional volume? Remember you couldn't eat in a restaurant for what a year? Also who saw it increase by 100s of percents? I'm genuinely curious.

When oil tanked to what $20 a barrel in mid 2020 did people really not think big oil wasn't going to come back and get those lost profits? Not saying it's right but you had to see that coming.
Saw a report where the big grocery suppliers had seen a profit increase of nearly 700%. I'll have to do some source verification to make sure I read that right.

Songs prices have gone up have we consumed more products at the higher prices? I know when we go shopping we aren't buying extra stuff they we don't really need so I'm at least skeptical of the theory that volume increased significantly when prices surged. Would love to see some type of data saying it did.
Some of you guys have a very poor understanding of economics. If a company makes 3% profit and you consider that a problem, then you obviously don't understand anything about business. I guess a business should try to earn a 0% profit. Wonder how much competition there would be if that was the mandate. 🙄
My department alone is running at 30% profit so far this year. That doesn't even include the profit built into our hourly charges. There are other departments in my company running below profitability. If not for my profitable department and others my company would fail. The balancing act inside the accounting departments of companies is important. At 3% profit every other part of that company better be profitable or it will falter. Companies capitalizing on hot sectors while propping up lagging ones is a core premise to business structure in this country and the world. Without it we would have no reason for ingenuity and no ability to bring those ideas to life. There were a ton of non profitable AI sectors of Companies just a few years ago and now they are paying dividends.
In Birmingham Publix has put everybody out of business other than Winn-Dixie and Walmart. Everywhere you go in Birmingham there's a Publix.
To be fair Western and others were already on their way out when Publix showed up. The Pig has done a good job of hanging on in spots around town. Aldi has been expanding into some of those holes left by other supermarkets.
@SD Heres a forbes article thats a bit dated about profit inflation being way up and at its highest point in decades. Its a bit of a read and i know you have some decent knowmledge on supply chain so im interested on your take.

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Wow lots of economic discussions last night debating profits etc. Yet I think there was only one comment around the dollar and it’s worth. At present we have a dollar that is not commodity backed. When WOAT Kommiela allowed the Saudi deal to expire without negotiation the dollar essentially became worthless. It no longer is backed by a commodity. In this case oil. So you guys can debate all you want about profits and how big companies are gouging people. Fact is countries are gonna start dumping the worthless dollar. Japan almost crashed recently and had to dump t bills. It is believed that China either has crashed or is about to crash. If that happens they will begin to dump their dollars. Next the UK, they will begin to dump us as their economy begins to crash. Ultimately it reaches our shores and we will be screwed. Thing is neither candidate is really addressing this.
Wow lots of economic discussions last night debating profits etc. Yet I think there was only one comment around the dollar and it’s worth. At present we have a dollar that is not commodity backed. When WOAT Kommiela allowed the Saudi deal to expire without negotiation the dollar essentially became worthless. It no longer is backed by a commodity. In this case oil. So you guys can debate all you want about profits and how big companies are gouging people. Fact is countries are gonna start dumping the worthless dollar. Japan almost crashed recently and had to dump t bills. It is believed that China either has crashed or is about to crash. If that happens they will begin to dump their dollars. Next the UK, they will begin to dump us as their economy begins to crash. Ultimately it reaches our shores and we will be screwed. Thing is neither candidate is really addressing this.
You wonder why it's a bad idea to back your economy on something we burn constantly in your words then? In your words we are backing our economy on the middle east not ourselves and have been for decades and so much almost no modern politician had a hand in its inception. I doubt many currencies today are backed by something legitimate honestly.
80% of Israelis possess second passports. Not surprising given they come from all the world and are not indigenous. Of course, whenever there is war there is an uptick in the numbers of them going back home to London, New York, Poland and elsewhere. Love to see it

To be fair Western and others were already on their way out when Publix showed up. The Pig has done a good job of hanging on in spots around town. Aldi has been expanding into some of those holes left by other supermarkets.
I forget about the pig! Western was too expensive for sure in my opinion.
You wonder why it's a bad idea to back your economy on something we burn constantly in your words then? In your words we are backing our economy on the middle east not ourselves and have been for decades and so much almost no modern politician had a hand in its inception. I doubt many currencies today are backed by something legitimate honestly.
Yes and No. You know we went of the gold standard decades ago. You also know that Harris and Trump were not in the picture when the original deal with the Saudis was negotiated. Fact is that deal made the dollar a powerful commodity backed method of conducting trade for many decades. If you are paying attention you would also know that the BRICS nations have been stockpiling gold and their plan is for the BRICS currency to be backed in the commodity of gold. That leaves the USA as the odd man, woman or non-binary person out. The US dollar has no commodity to back its value at present making it essentially worthless. All I am saying is that has to be addressed or when the dollar begins to get dumped en mass we are screwed and neither Harris or Trump are addressing this critical issue.