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Political Thread: The Sequel

Naw, it was wrong and they need to be held accountable....what part of they do not get to bring photographers to that section do you not understand.
I understand your point perfectly. You seem to forget your side didn't even think it was important to show up at all and if they had shown up i will bet my brand new truck they would have their own photagraphers too and try to push the limits as well. So give it a rest your attempt at changing the narrative is old and tiresome. You are like Ike Clanton during the Erp vs Cowboys war. Constantly trying to change the narrative to some misguided version of the truth.
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I understand your point perfectly. You seem to forget your side didn't even think it was important to show up at all and if they had shown up i will bet my brand new truck they would have their own photagraphers too and try to push the limits as well. So give it a rest your attempt at changing the narrative is old and tiresome.

you are right Harris and them would not have shown up and tried to use dead soldiers in a cheap political ad.....
not sure why anyone would expect Harris to do anything involving military in spite of being invited.
When Biden had the gall to look at his watch as grieving loved ones received the bodies on that tarmac tells you exactly how they feel about military personnel. It took less than 6 months for Obama to show his true colors back in 2008 and we lost a lot of good people because of his arrogance
The unrealized gains only apply to those whose net worth exceeds $100 million. I know you know this because it’s been said a million times already. It applies to nobody here (if it does, lemme hold a dollar) and I’m not going to discuss hypotheticals.

The problem is the people take out loans using their assets as collateral and all they pay is a low interest rate instead of capital gains tax. You can use the loans to buy things, your assets increase in value, and you avoid the 20% capital gains tax. Technically anybody can do this but most banks won’t provide you the loans unless you have enough assets so all we’re stuck paying taxes while the ultra-wealthy consume at 5%. Is this fair?

Either way something needs to be done about this. I think taxing unrealized gains isn’t a good idea. I’ve heard suggestions about taxing loans secured by stocks instead.
EV aren't going to save the climate.

It's time for everyone to face the fact that this planet has too many human beings on it.

There needs to be a cleansing. Covid, sadly, wasn't enough.

Take a look at a CO2 map over North America during Winter vs Spring/Summer when everything is being over farmed and over fertilized.

Without so many humans, there wouldn't need to be so much plowing to release the CO2 from the ground.

Great , since we are so concerned with ensuring that the government does not give handouts, when will we stop giving handouts to the richest in society? Let’s do it, let’s shrink government and stop giving handouts to the rich! Great step by the Supreme Court, now when will we do the same to those who benefit the absolute most from government handouts?

EV aren't going to save the climate.

It's time for everyone to face the fact that this planet has too many human beings on it.

There needs to be a cleansing. Covid, sadly, wasn't enough.

Take a look at a CO2 map over North America during Winter vs Spring/Summer when everything is being over farmed and over fertilized.

Without so many humans, there wouldn't need to be so much plowing to release the CO2 from the ground.
I mentioned this before. This planet is living and vibrates like everything else. When a dog gets too many fleas on its back it roils in the dirt or drowns the fleas to cleans itself. Earth has too many fleas and at some point it's gonna shed them.