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Political Thread: The Sequel

I mentioned this before. This planet is living and vibrates like everything else. When a dog gets too many fleas on its back it roils in the dirt or drowns the fleas to cleans itself. Earth has too many fleas and at some point it's gonna shed them.
When will the reptiles be outed though? I’ve been hearing about the reptilians since I was a child, when will we finally learn of them?
Milton Freedman the economist said you cannot have a welfare state and open borders. The system will collapse on itself. Wake up folks that is what we have or will for sure have with Kommiela. We will have a deliberate and planned out collapse of our economy.
Why would Kommiela plan that?
Remember the guy she used to work for literally had his babysitters pull him off stage the other week because of how horrible he was doing

I can no longer tell if you are serious or being a smartass!
Bit of both to be quite frank. I indeed do find it silly, however, I do want to hear where your thoughts are coming from. I won't ---- on you for sharing it if you do. It's a bizarre belief that I would like to hear rationalized. It ain't the most bizarre thing people believe.
Bit of both to be quite frank. I indeed do find it silly, however, I do want to hear where your thoughts are coming from. I won't ---- on you for sharing it if you do. It's a bizarre belief that I would like to hear rationalized. It ain't the most bizarre thing people believe.
Well I 100% know we are not alone and off planet beings have been coming here for thousands of years if not longer. Too many ancient text that long precede the bible tell us our history is not what we have been taught. The Zulus and Dogon tribes are 2 of several that have stated for centuries that they were seeded here by draconians. They knew about the star Sirius B before it was ever discovered because that's where they state that they came from. Aboriginal tribes have said they came from the pleadian star system hundred of thousands of years ago. I don't think they just made this up. If you research our ancient history with a clear and open mind you will see it plain as day.

Now do reptilians look like lizard people? Are they shape shifters? I don't know but I don't discount anything anymore no matter how far fetched it may seem. We have been lied to for so long by evil forces that truth of our human existence has had plenty of time to brainwash us into believing exactly what they want us to believe. I never questioned this stuff until I had me eyes opened and when I did it became clear as day